• MESO: Mesoscale Discussion 0097

    From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Feb 15 17:51:40 2025
    ACUS11 KWNS 151750
    SPC MCD 151750=20

    Mesoscale Discussion 0097
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    1150 AM CST Sat Feb 15 2025

    Areas affected...parts of southern Pennsylvania and northwest

    Concerning...Freezing rain=20

    Valid 151750Z - 152145Z

    SUMMARY...Freezing rain is expected with ice accretion of 0.05" to
    0.1" is possible this afternoon across parts of south-central
    Pennsylvania and adjacent areas of Maryland.

    DISCUSSION...A broad area of low-level warm advection across the
    mid-Atlantic states is providing the lift for widespread
    precipitation occurring across the region. The transition zone from
    snow across the northern parts of the region to rain across the
    southern parts is currently across southwestern Pennsylvania into
    northeastern West Virginia, which should generally lift
    northeastward with time. The advance of the warmer mid-level air is
    apparent on KCCX radar with lowered correlation coefficient
    indicating melting of hydrometeors. However, the surface cold air
    has been slow to erode, with parts of south-central Pennsylvania and
    adjacent areas of Maryland remaining below freezing at the surface.
    A couple surface sites across south-central Pennsylvania and
    adjacent areas of West Virginia and Maryland are reporting unknown
    precip with temperatures below freezing, likely indicating a
    transition to freezing rain has begin.=20

    NAM forecast profiles this afternoon across parts of the region show
    classic freezing rain conditions, with a shallow layer of
    below-freezing air with a large warm nose aloft. One potential
    mitigating factor for ice accretion is that surface wet-bulb
    temperatures generally hover in the 30-32 F range, which is marginal
    for significant ice accretion. With time, expect the low-level cold
    air to erode and transition to all rain later this afternoon as the precipitation ends from west to east.

    ..Supinie.. 02/15/2025

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.spc.noaa.gov__;!!DZ3fj= g!96uLBsgH2S27o4AvrCxBUoakjR_7fkP04otiIzUnD5ftUca7G1nq-UXL6vhZDGu0_7YhqQiSB= Ps6TzDEj3Z334-yrVo$ for graphic product...


    LAT...LON 39907979 40427946 40617901 40827861 40917805 40837758
    40607696 40177676 39837700 39677752 39617790 39597834
    39587885 39607951 39727974 39907979=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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