• MESO: Mesoscale Discussion 2264

    From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Dec 13 01:25:56 2024
    ACUS11 KWNS 130125
    SPC MCD 130125=20

    Mesoscale Discussion 2264
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0725 PM CST Thu Dec 12 2024

    Areas affected...coastal Lake Ontario into Tug Hill vicinity of
    north central New York state

    Concerning...Heavy snow=20

    Valid 130125Z - 130530Z

    SUMMARY...An ongoing band of snow is forecast to shift or redevelop
    northward across portions of the Tug Hill, toward the Watertown
    vicinity, during the next few hours. As this occurs, it appears
    that peak snow rates will intensify, perhaps locally as high as 3-4
    inches per hour by 10 PM to Midnight EST.

    DISCUSSION...Although heights are now rising, as stronger height
    falls begin to shift northeast of the Canadian Maritimes, deep
    mid-level troughing lingers across the Great Lakes region through
    much of the Northeast. In response to the progression of
    smaller-scale perturbations within this regime, including one
    notable impulse digging east-southeast of the upper Great Lakes,
    low/mid-level wind fields are in the process of backing across the
    lower Great Lakes region. Gradually, it appears this will include
    the eastern Lake Ontario into Tug Hill vicinity, where mean winds in
    the lowest 2-3 km AGL are forecast to transition from
    west-southwesterly to a more prominent southwesterly component
    through 03-05Z.

    It appears that this will coincide with strengthening large-scale
    ascent aided by at least a subtly moistening upslope component
    across the Tug Hill vicinity, near/southeast of Watertown. In the
    presence of subfreezing and saturating lower/mid-tropospheric
    thermodynamic profiles, forecast soundings indicate that this lift
    may become maximized for several hours within a layer near/above 850
    mb, where temperatures are around -15 C and the environment is most
    conducive to dendritic ice crystal growth. Based on various model
    output, it appears that this will promote heavy snow rates in excess
    of 1 inch per, with guidance from the Rapid Refresh suggesting
    localized peak rates as high as 3-4 inches per hour.

    ..Kerr.. 12/13/2024

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.spc.noaa.gov__;!!DZ3fj= g!_BGLt0XpNfG3b5PK71MEqELwXlS0NahYVzRiTdG0_RRdHtI_VLroYUXxxPfu-Ak3-F-XxNrmt= 4OEA0ifr8auZryXenc$ for graphic product...


    LAT...LON 43987612 44007559 43807540 43727581 43767603 43847621

    =3D =3D =3D
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