• MESO: Mesoscale Discussion 2239

    From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Nov 21 15:27:02 2024
    ACUS11 KWNS 211526
    SPC MCD 211526=20

    Mesoscale Discussion 2239
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0926 AM CST Thu Nov 21 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast IL into extreme northwest IN

    Concerning...Heavy snow=20

    Valid 211526Z - 211830Z

    SUMMARY...Snow rates of around 1 inch per hour are possible through
    the morning, along with increasingly gusty winds and reductions in

    DISCUSSION...Moderate to locally heavy snow is ongoing this morning
    across southeast WI and far northeast IL, immediately in advance of
    a midlevel vorticity maximum and compact surface low moving
    south-southwestward over Lake Michigan. This area of snow will
    continue to move southward across parts of northeast IL and adjacent
    parts of northwest IN through the remainder of the morning, in
    conjunction with stronger ascent attendant to the midlevel vorticity maximum.=20

    With initially cold temperatures through a relatively deep column
    (with 700 mb temps of -10 to -15 C), sufficient ascent through the
    dendritic growth zone will continue to support heavier snow rates,
    and 1 inch per hour rates are possible at times through late morning
    into the early afternoon. In addition, as stronger low-level flow
    along the western periphery of the compact cyclone over Lake
    Michigan moves southward, wind gusts in excess of 30 mph will
    further support reductions in visibility.

    ..Dean.. 11/21/2024

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.spc.noaa.gov__;!!DZ3fj= g!4byn_R_hss9gJVu0lKxbdAuCrjFitL9aoB0MZ13i3VZrpNwX_RiFQipoCJUMvY533E-QICl1S= p2BdCJIzehyd0F_gSI$ for graphic product...


    LAT...LON 42478835 42488784 42298770 41678732 41278724 41038759
    41178802 41518841 41958862 42298866 42418857 42478835=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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