Hi Carlos,
On 2023-03-18 13:51:56, you wrote to Oli:
FMail has the option to remove those, but it's disabled by default. I think that it only works for importing to the messagebase.
Actually this is applied to messages from the 'scan' function, so when they are exported from the messagebases. (When these options are turned on)
The documentation says this about the options:
Remove soft cr
Remove lf
Line feeds and soft carriage returns are unnecessary in
echo mail messages. In order to save some disk space, you
may want to remove them. It will, however, slow the
program down a bit.
So this is from a time when disk space, processor cycles and band with were much more limited then now... ;-)
Bye, Wilfred.
--- FMail-lnx64
* Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)