• external editors - native programs

    From MRO@1:103/705 to Amessyroom on Tue Nov 26 15:46:00 2024
    Re: external editors - native programs
    By: Amessyroom to All on Tue Nov 26 2024 11:06 am

    I recently started getting an error when I try
    to use an external editor, that is a native
    program on my linux server.

    This worked a few months back.

    I now get error:
    ERROR: MFS: couldn't find root path /media/CDROM

    In the past both nano and vim worked (with restricted

    okay that's pretty weird, i've had a linux synchronet bbs up and never ran into that. could you try just using a javascript editor and see what happens?
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Amessyroom@1:103/705 to All on Tue Nov 26 11:06:58 2024
    I recently started getting an error when I try
    to use an external editor, that is a native
    program on my linux server.

    This worked a few months back.

    I now get error:
    ERROR: MFS: couldn't find root path /media/CDROM

    In the past both nano and vim worked (with restricted

    ...Facts cannot prevail against faith, or adamant folly.
    toolazy.synchro.net:2323 (telnet)

    þ Synchronet þ Too Lazy BBS - toolazy.synchro.net:2323
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Dan Clough@1:135/115 to Amessyroom on Tue Nov 26 15:23:16 2024
    Amessyroom wrote to All <=-

    I recently started getting an error when I try
    to use an external editor, that is a native
    program on my linux server.

    This worked a few months back.

    I now get error:
    ERROR: MFS: couldn't find root path /media/CDROM

    What is "MFS"? A program? Is it an editor that you have told
    Synchronet can be found on the path /media/CDROM ? That seems like a
    very strange place to find an editor.

    In the past both nano and vim worked (with restricted

    Well, is this new (un-named) editor configured the same as those were?

    You'd likely get much better help/answers if you learned to ask better questions and gave some useful information/context about the problem...

    ... He does the work of 3 Men...Moe, Larry & Curly
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.22-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:135/115)
  • From Errol Casey@1:3634/58 to Dan Clough on Tue Nov 26 18:27:02 2024
    Re: Re: external editors - native programs
    By: Dan Clough to Amessyroom on Tue Nov 26 2024 03:23 pm

    ERROR: MFS: couldn't find root path /media/CDROM

    What is "MFS"? A program? Is it an editor that you have told Synchronet can be found on the path /media/CDROM ? That seems like a very strange place to find an editor.

    In the past both nano and vim worked (with restricted options).

    Well, is this new (un-named) editor configured the same as those were?

    You'd likely get much better help/answers if you learned to ask better questions and gave some useful information/context about the problem...

    MFS has something to do with DOS based programs, which the two editors that worked previoiusly are not. They are linux programs.

    I guess maybe I didn't give enough details; so I'll collect more and post.

    I guess the question , was more if those that update synchronet new of anything that changed; with calling of external programs.

    The java script based editors are working fine. These two externally called editors stopped; working at some point. Not sure when.

    Thanks for the responses (Dan and MRO).
    toolazy.synchro.net:2323 (telnet)
    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: Too Lazy BBS - toolazy.synchro.net:2323 (1:3634/58)
  • From Ragnarok@1:103/705 to All on Tue Nov 26 20:19:32 2024
    El 26/11/24 a las 13:06, Amessyroom escribió:
    I recently started getting an error when I try
    to use an external editor, that is a native
    program on my linux server.

    This worked a few months back.

    I now get error:
    ERROR: MFS: couldn't find root path /media/CDROM

    In the past both nano and vim worked (with restricted

    this is a dosemu error,

    do you update dosemu ?
    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ Dock Sud BBS TLD 24 HS - bbs.docksud.com.ar
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Digital Man@1:103/705 to Errol Casey on Tue Nov 26 20:12:38 2024
    Re: Re: external editors - native programs
    By: Errol Casey to Dan Clough on Tue Nov 26 2024 06:27 pm

    Re: Re: external editors - native programs
    By: Dan Clough to Amessyroom on Tue Nov 26 2024 03:23 pm

    ERROR: MFS: couldn't find root path /media/CDROM

    What is "MFS"? A program? Is it an editor that you have told Synchronet can be found on the path /media/CDROM ? That seems like a very strange place to find an editor.

    In the past both nano and vim worked (with restricted options).

    Well, is this new (un-named) editor configured the same as those were?

    You'd likely get much better help/answers if you learned to ask better questions and gave some useful information/context about the problem...

    MFS has something to do with DOS based programs, which the two editors that worked previoiusly are not. They are linux programs.

    That tells me that the editors are not configured as "native programs" in SCFG. Can you double check that?
    digital man (rob)

    Steven Wright quote #23:
    My mechanic told me, I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder Norco, CA WX: 58.9øF, 87.0% humidity, 2 mph NW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From kk4qbn@1:103/705 to Amessyroom on Tue Nov 26 21:02:18 2024
    Re: external editors - native programs
    By: Amessyroom to All on Tue Nov 26 2024 11:06:59

    I now get error:
    ERROR: MFS: couldn't find root path /media/CDROM

    What are you trying to use? nano, vim, something else?

    are you using a script to launch it? does this script try to mount a cdrom somwehere because thats what this error is, this has been thrown at me from dosemu when running dos doors so it sounds like maybe you have your settings wrong, sounds like it's trying to load a non native program instead of a native program.

    In the past both nano and vim worked (with restricted options).

    I would say double back over those settings.
    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Digital Man@1:103/705 to Amessyroom on Tue Nov 26 20:07:40 2024
    Re: external editors - native programs
    By: Amessyroom to All on Tue Nov 26 2024 11:06 am

    I now get error:
    ERROR: MFS: couldn't find root path /media/CDROM

    In the past both nano and vim worked (with restricted

    You get the sae error message with both? That is not a Synchronet error, so I'm not clear *where* you see this error. Can you elaborate?
    digital man (rob)

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #14:
    CGA = Color Graphics Adapter (IBM)
    Norco, CA WX: 58.9øF, 87.0% humidity, 2 mph NW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Amessyroom@1:103/705 to Ragnarok on Wed Nov 27 00:04:50 2024
    Re: Re: external editors - native programs
    By: Ragnarok to All on Tue Nov 26 2024 08:19 pm

    El 26/11/24 a las 13:06, Amessyroom escribi¢:
    I recently started getting an error when I try to use an external editor,
    that is a native program on my linux server.

    This worked a few months back.

    I now get error:
    ERROR: MFS: couldn't find root path /media/CDROM

    In the past both nano and vim worked (with restricted options).

    this is a dosemu error,

    do you update dosemu ?
    þ Synchronet þ Dock Sud BBS TLD 24 HS - bbs.docksud.com.ar
    þ Synchronet þ Dock Sud BBS TLD 24 HS - bbs.docksud.com.ar

    No i don't use dosemu; actually only have dosemu2 as I'm using rocky linux; and could not find dosemu.

    But this points to my problem; I think I have lost something that is making it default to run as DOS not native.

    I found notes from Tim , where I had it working. Seems like I changed term type to pc3 form ansi-bbs.

    I think in Oct; I lost some ini files and evidently lost the config for these external programs.

    I've tried to add them back and get "Aborted" when I try and run nano as documented in the synchronet wiki; and get a black screen when I try and call vim as an native program.

    I've learned of a death of a friend this evening; so I'm not in the best mindset for debugging. I'll try to pick this up later this week.

    I'll post with more details as to what I have configured, and how things are not working. Both of these should be calling linux native programs directly. I've added the names to native program list; and added external program definitions for each program using standard I/O as listed for nano in the synchronet wiki.

    Thanks for helping me see; it was trying to use DOSEMU and not calling it
    as a native program.
    toolazy.synchro.net:2323 (telnet)

    þ Synchronet þ Too Lazy BBS - toolazy.synchro.net:2323
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Amessyroom@1:103/705 to Digital Man on Wed Nov 27 13:51:46 2024
    Re: Re: external editors - native programs
    By: Digital Man to Errol Casey on Tue Nov 26 2024 08:12 pm

    Re: Re: external editors - native programs By: Errol Casey to Dan Clough on Tue Nov 26 2024 06:27 pm

    Re: Re: external editors - native programs By: Dan Clough to Amessyroom on
    Tue Nov 26 2024 03:23 pm

    ERROR: MFS: couldn't find root path /media/CDROM

    What is "MFS"? A program? Is it an editor that you have told
    Synchronet can be found on the path /media/CDROM ? That seems like a
    very strange place to find an editor.

    In the past both nano and vim worked (with restricted options).

    Well, is this new (un-named) editor configured the same as those were?

    You'd likely get much better help/answers if you learned to ask better
    questions and gave some useful information/context about the

    MFS has something to do with DOS based programs, which the two editors that
    worked previoiusly are not. They are linux programs.

    That tells me that the editors are not configured as "native programs" in SCFG. Can you double check that? --
    digital man (rob)

    Correct. I had this working, and I think I blew away something; when I had that build fiasco. I've added them back as native apps. I've tried to follow the nano config in the wiki (which I think I used before).

    But now I get "aborted" from synchronet I believe, when I try it.

    Vim, just hangs (black screen when it tries to start it).

    Tim (kk????) had helped in the past with changing sbbs.ini setting; found that email. I may have to go back further and see if I can find more details; of how I got it to work in the echo.

    I didn't realize my fiasco had lost these settings. I have a better backup practice in place now, LOL! Learn from our mistakes.
    toolazy.synchro.net:2323 (telnet)

    þ Synchronet þ Too Lazy BBS - toolazy.synchro.net:2323
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Amessyroom@1:103/705 to Digital Man on Fri Nov 29 08:05:34 2024
    Re: Re: external editors - native programs
    By: Amessyroom to Digital Man on Wed Nov 27 2024 01:51 pm

    Re: Re: external editors - native programs By: Digital Man to Errol Casey on Tue Nov 26 2024 08:12 pm

    Re: Re: external editors - native programs By: Errol Casey to Dan Clough
    on Tue Nov 26 2024 06:27 pm

    Re: Re: external editors - native programs By: Dan Clough to Amessyroom on
    Tue Nov 26 2024 03:23 pm

    ERROR: MFS: couldn't find root path /media/CDROM

    What is "MFS"? A program? Is it an editor that you have told
    Synchronet can be found on the path /media/CDROM ? That seems like a
    very strange place to find an editor.

    In the past both nano and vim worked (with restricted options).

    Well, is this new (un-named) editor configured the same as those

    You'd likely get much better help/answers if you learned to ask
    better questions and gave some useful information/context about the

    MFS has something to do with DOS based programs, which the two editors
    that worked previoiusly are not. They are linux programs.

    That tells me that the editors are not configured as "native programs" in
    SCFG. Can you double check that? --
    digital man (rob)

    Correct. I had this working, and I think I blew away something; when I had that build fiasco. I've added them back as native apps. I've tried to follow the nano config in the wiki (which I think I used before).

    But now I get "aborted" from synchronet I believe, when I try it.

    Vim, just hangs (black screen when it tries to start it).

    Tim (kk????) had helped in the past with changing sbbs.ini setting; found that email. I may have to go back further and see if I can find more details; of how I got it to work in the echo.

    I didn't realize my fiasco had lost these settings. I have a better backup practice in place now, LOL! Learn from our mistakes.

    I've added vim and nano as native programs.

    I've added them as external programs with name/internal code using the same name as native programs.

    Here are the settings for nano
    Internal CodeNANO
    Command Linenano -R -S -c -i -r 75 %f
    Multiple CUYes
    I/O MethodSocket
    Native E/SYes

    I selected Nano as default external editor. When it tries to use it.
    I get an "Aborted." followed by "Hit any Key"

    I tried to use the settings from wiki.

    I had both nano/vim working in July of this year; but lost some config
    when I did a rebuild of source, and it overwrote files.
    toolazy.synchro.net:2323 (telnet)

    þ Synchronet þ Too Lazy BBS - toolazy.synchro.net:2323
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Amessyroom@1:103/705 to Digital Man on Fri Nov 29 08:23:16 2024
    Re: Re: external editors - native programs
    By: Amessyroom to Digital Man on Fri Nov 29 2024 08:05 am

    Got editors to work.

    Confused external programs and Message
    Editor definitions in scfg.

    Seems I had defined an ARS of UNIX;
    which I cannot find a definition for
    on my system. So remove that.

    Changed I/O from FOSSIL or UART to

    Is there an method to get a text
    capture of SCFG screens; in text vs
    screen capture (graphic file) ?

    toolazy.synchro.net:2323 (telnet)

    þ Synchronet þ Too Lazy BBS - toolazy.synchro.net:2323
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Digital Man@1:103/705 to Amessyroom on Fri Nov 29 23:15:58 2024
    Re: Re: external editors - native programs
    By: Amessyroom to Digital Man on Fri Nov 29 2024 08:23 am

    Is there an method to get a text
    capture of SCFG screens; in text vs
    screen capture (graphic file) ?

    Yes, highlight the rectangle with the mouse (click and drag). The rectangle is copied to the clipboard, like this:

    º Configure º
    º ³Nodes º
    º ³System º
    º ³Servers º
    º ³Networks º
    º ³File Areas º
    º ³File Options º
    º ³Chat Features º
    º ³Message Areas º
    º ³Message Options º
    º ³Command Shells º
    º ³External Programs º
    º ³Text File Sections º
    digital man (rob)

    Rush quote #79:
    His mind is not for rent to any god or government always hopeful yet discontent Norco, CA WX: 57.8øF, 26.0% humidity, 0 mph SE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)