Good morning all. I just noticed that when a file is downloaded via BBS webv4 that its total is not reflected in the download statistics. I am not sure if the ftp has same problem. Just thought I would mention this. Only files being downloaded via telnet are being tracked. I have a lot of web users on my board and wondered why the download count seemed skimpy
Have a good weekend everyone.
Good morning all. I just noticed that when a file is downloaded via BBS webv4 that its total is not reflected in the download statistics. I am not sure if the ftp has same problem. Just thought I would mention this. Only files being downloaded via telnet are being tracked. I have a lot of web users on my board and wondered why the download count seemed skimpy Have a good weekend everyone.
Good morning all. I just noticed that when a file is downloaded via BBS webv4 that its total is not reflected in the download statistics. I am not
sure if the ftp has same problem. Just thought I would mention this. Only
files being downloaded via telnet are being tracked. I have a lot of web users on my board and wondered why the download count seemed skimpy Have a
Tried to visit your website to see what possibly set yours off from mine to allow you to have so many users (most all visits i get are bots and web scrapers) and it timed out.
Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Rixter to All on Sat Sep 07 2024 12:51 pm
Which statistics are you referring to - the file's download count/last-downloaded-time, system stats, user stats?
I am referring to the download stats that show in the system info section of the web interface. I will check it again. Maybe there is a delay in the updates between calls?
Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Rixter to All on Sat Sep 07 2024 12:51:59
Tried to visit your website to see what possibly set yours off from mine to allow you to have so many users (most all visits i get are bots and web scrapers) and it timed out.
Tim (kk4qbn)
� Synchronet � KK4QBN BBS - - Chatsworth, GA USA
It’s on port 8080 and working great. Thanks for looking out for me.
Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Rixter to All on Sat Sep 07 2024 12:51:59
Tried to visit your website to see what possibly set yours off from mine to allow you to have so many users (most all visits i get are bots and web scrapers) and it timed out.
Tim (kk4qbn)
� Synchronet � KK4QBN BBS - - Chatsworth, GA USA
Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Rixter to All on Sat Sep 07 2024 12:51 pm
Which statistics are you referring to - the file's download count/last-downloaded-time, system stats, user stats?
ecWebv4 is supposed to count downloads in all those stats and it does that by calling user.downloaded_file() in files.ssjs.
No, the FTP server doesn't have this issue. Neither does the webfileindex.ssjs method of downloading via HTTP (e.g. That said, we'd prefer to fix ecWeb if it has an issue.
digital man (rob)
Breaking Bad quote #15:
Cheer up Gomey, your people still got J. Lo. - Hank Schrader
Norco, CA WX: 99.6�F, 29.0% humidity, 4 mph WNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
� Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs]
Tried to visit your website to see what possibly set yours off from mine
to allow you to have so many users (most all visits i get are bots and
web scrapers) and it timed out.
Timed out because it's under such heavy load and couldn't service your request.
I am not sure what happened over then maybe you needed port 8080 for my web page. Thanks for trying.
Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Rixter to kk4qbn on Sat Sep 07 2024 20:12:41
Yep, Didnt know that though because it is'nt in your tagline, so I would automatically go to the default port of 80.
Tim (kk4qbn)
� Synchronet � KK4QBN BBS - - Chatsworth, GA USA
I use the web page echicken designed to reply to most messages and I do not see where to insert my personal tag line. I will go back and read the
I use the web page echicken designed to reply to most messages and I do not see where to insert my personal tag line. I will go back and read the docs again. On my bbs telnet I do not see a tagging option either. I appreciate all the help. I do not see the web page being so active others cannot connect. I am not sure what is going on with it kk4qbn. You are the only one to mention an issue, and those of us here in my local area that use it have no problem so far. I am going to let it roll and hope for the best. I appreciate all your time and input. My family and neighbors have sure enjoyed the bbs that rob and echicken have made over the years.
Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Rixter to kk4qbn on Sun Sep 08 2024 06:02:50
It should just insert your signature into the textarea when you start composing a message, with a blank line above, if you have a signature configured. (You would have to set up your signature on the BBS via telnet/SSH first.)
Otherwise you could just type/paste in whatever sig you want.
Your tagline on the network, which you wouldn't see locally, is currently:
� Synchronet � Ricks BBS - RICKSBBS.SYNCHRO.NET
(With some colors that didn't survive copy/paste.)
electronic chicken bbs -
� Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs -
No issues now that I know it's on port 8080 :-)
Tim (kk4qbn)
� Synchronet � KK4QBN BBS - - Chatsworth, GA USA
Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Rixter to All on Sat Sep 07 2024 12:51:59
Pretty sure it should be, but it's also very unlikely that I actually tested this.
Unlikely to be the same problem with FTP. Easy to test for yourself and find out.
Logged-in users, or unauthenticated / guest visitors? (I can't remember if downloads by guest are handled differently in the stats, but maybe.)
electronic chicken bbs -
� Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs -
Guests on my bbs are not allowed to download. Only authenticated users can.
reflected in the d/l totals for that day. The files downloaded while using the web interface were not counted in the total. It's not a big deal, just
Is the same user downloading the same file multiple times? I don't know if this gets counted.
Nightfox wrote to Rixter <=-
Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Rixter to echicken on Tue Sep 10 2024 12:41 pm
Guests on my bbs are not allowed to download. Only authenticated users can.
If you want people to be able to freely download files from your BBS
via a web link without having an account on your BBS, you'd need to
allow the guest account to download files. Sometimes it's useful to be able to share files with people that way. For instance, other BBS
sysops might be interested in downloading BBS-related files from your
BBS, and they might not have a user account on your BBS.
Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Rixter to echicken on Tue Sep 10 2024 12:41:53
Next question is how you know these files were downloaded, and by whom, if it's not reflected in the stats. Are you notified on the BBS that "[user] downloaded [file]", are you observing this in your web server log, or are you doing the downloading using different accounts?
Is the same user downloading the same file multiple times? I don't know if this gets counted.
Is there an error message in your log at the time of these downloads? The thing that *should* be adjusting the stats may not be happening if the script fails before it's called.
electronic chicken bbs -
� Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs -
The telnet downloads have their download totals updated, the web downloads do not. I have a neighbor and a friend and one cousin download various files using their unique accounts. They try port 8080 and telnet. I read the log file, telnet shows file downloaded so does the web log for sending file. Only the telnet download appears to be counted in total. ie. 8 files sent 4 on telnet 4 via web page only 4 downloads counted in the total showing under D/L today on the web home page. I hope I am being helpful. I was curious, why would someone have more than one account? For testing? Thank you, this trouble shooting is exciting to me. I appreciate helping out and feeling needed.
file. Only the telnet download appears to be counted in total. ie. 8 files
sent 4 on telnet 4 via web page only 4 downloads counted in the total
was curious, why would someone have more than one account? For testing?
Personally I'd have to disagree with that policy. I don't even offer a web interface, but web/telnet would be the same for me - as in : If you want a file from my BBS, create a user account and get it. Otherwise...
Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Rixter to echicken on Tue Sep 10 2024 20:59:54
It's a mystery then. From what I can see, webv4 is doing what it should to tell the system that a given file was downloaded, but for whatever reason that's not causing your system-wide "files_downloaded_today" to be updated.
You might want a regular user account to test with so you know how things look to a normal user. Some problems might not be apparent to you because your sysop account is unrestricted. Useful in some situations like testing your own scripts.
You might also want to know what it looks like when two different users interact on your BBS, eg. sending and receiving messages, chat, etc.
electronic chicken bbs -
� Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs -
echicken wrote to Gamgee <=-
Re: Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Gamgee to Nightfox on Tue Sep 10 2024 19:31:00
Personally I'd have to disagree with that policy. I don't even offer a web interface, but web/telnet would be the same for me - as in : If you want a file from my BBS, create a user account and get it. Otherwise...
Why though? Are you concerned about your upload bandwidth? Are you validating users manually to make sure they're not FBI agents? Do you think you're gaining repeat visitors by forcing sign-ups?
I'm sure there are valid reasons why you might want to restrict certain downloads to members, but it doesn't make sense as a blanket policy.
For the most part it seems like PTSD from the modem days or the early broadband age.
Maybe I'm posting on some other forum on the web and I want to share a direct download link to a file on my system, and I want it to be a convenient download for someone who doesn't want/need an account on my board. I don't care who downloads it or how many times.
It also doesn't need to be a system-wide thing. Guests can download
from some areas but not others. It really depends on the files and who
the sysop wants to share them with.
Personally I'd have to disagree with that policy. I don't even offer a
web interface, but web/telnet would be the same for me - as in : If you
want a file from my BBS, create a user account and get it. Otherwise...
get it from somewhere else.
Dumas Walker wrote to GAMGEE <=-
Personally I'd have to disagree with that policy. I don't even offer a
web interface, but web/telnet would be the same for me - as in : If you
want a file from my BBS, create a user account and get it. Otherwise...
get it from somewhere else.
I used to let anonymous users grab files here but the problem with
doing that is that it also opens up your file areas to those "virus scanner" and "web safety" scammers who will flag your IPA if they find
any files that are compressed. As many DOS executables were compressed when compiled, or by pklite or some such afterwards, it is a good way
to get yourself blacklisted.
So, I agree, they need an account.
echicken wrote to Gamgee <=-
Re: Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Gamgee to echicken on Wed Sep 11 2024 07:40:00
Absolutely, although in my case, with no web interface, that particular example (a direct download link) wouldn't really apply. Now I am
In your case - and generally in the case of ssh/rlogin/telnet - it
doesn't really matter. Unless the registration process is cumbersome or asks for a lot of personal info, there isn't much need for a guest account. I don't have one on my system (except for web access).
think you're correct - it does seem like a carry-over from modem days.
On the flip side, I often look at stuff like time limits, file credits, upload/download ratios, message posts per day, etc. as holdovers from
that time and I tend to disregard these features. Truth is they uses
even today. A sysop may want to stop leeching, encourage activity,
limit spam, keep nodes open so they don't have to configure 100 nodes
in every old door game, and so on.
That's a digression, but it's to say I need to stop and ponder my
reasons for these thing sometimes too - and it can be an interesting exercise.
Nightfox wrote to Gamgee <=-
Re: Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Gamgee to Nightfox on Tue Sep 10 2024 07:31 pm
If you want people to be able to freely download files from your BBS via
a web link without having an account on your BBS, you'd need to allow the
guest account to download files. Sometimes it's useful to be able to
Personally I'd have to disagree with that policy. I don't even offer a web interface, but web/telnet would be the same for me - as in : If you want a file from my BBS, create a user account and get it. Otherwise... get it from somewhere else.
To each their own. Sometimes other sysops have asked if anyone has a particular file, and I've offered a web link so they can download it. Often the link is used without them creating an account.
Calls today and messages posted on the web page have the same issue. Only showing telnet activity. No web pages logons or messages posted being counted. The recent callers list is accurate. Node activity and file count is correct.
Absolutely agree on that. I have just chosen to not have the web interface as it simplifies a lot of things, and to me at least, more accurately portrays what a BBS is. For *me*, it's not something that should be reached via the web.
I used to let anonymous users grab files here but the problem with doing that is that it also opens up your file areas to those "virus scanner" and "web safety" scammers who will flag your IPA if they find any files that
by pklite or some such afterwards, it is a good way to get yourself blacklisted.
Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Rixter to Digital Man on Wed Sep 11 2024 01:00 pm
"Web page logons" aren't counted in most stats. You can view the file ctrl/dsts.ini (if using Synchronet v3.20) if you want to check what statistics are tracked. "Posts" would/should include all messages posted, regardless of protocol used. "Logons" only includes terminal server logons. --
digital man (rob)
This Is Spinal Tap quote #30:
Big bottom, big bottom / Talk about mud flaps, my girl's got 'em!
Norco, CA WX: 80.2�F, 50.0% humidity, 9 mph WNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
� Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs]
Re: Re: File down loads total
By: Dumas Walker to GAMGEE on Wed Sep 11 2024 13:30:00
I used to let anonymous users grab files here but the problem with doing that is that it also opens up your file areas to those "virus scanner" and "web safety" scammers who will flag your IPA if they find any files that
What's the scam - you need to pay them to get off their list?
Nightfox wrote to Gamgee <=-
Re: Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Gamgee to Nightfox on Wed Sep 11 2024 05:02 pm
Absolutely agree on that. I have just chosen to not have the web interface as it simplifies a lot of things, and to me at least, more accurately portrays what a BBS is. For *me*, it's not something that should be reached via the web.
I feel like the web interface doesn't take anything away from what a
BBS is. It's there if people want to use it though. The same applies
to the news server, NNTP/POP server, etc.. I think those servers are pretty cool, as a way of extending the capabilities of the BBS, without taking anything away from what the BBS is.
We also have other modern stuff these days, such as door games that can connect to a remote BBS (or other site) to store information, which enables things like a shared one-liner wall that can be accessed from multiple BBSes, game scores that could be stored in one place and
accessed from multiple BBSes, etc. Synchronet also has the capability
to send messages to users on other Synchronet BBSes - I think that's
cool, though I haven't used it a whole lot.
Rixter wrote to Gamgee <=-
I only ask for a name and a city and a state. I do not want an email. I just like to have a way of identifying someone. Guests can see
I used to let anonymous users grab files here but the problem with doing that is that it also opens up your file areas to those "virus scanner" an
"web safety" scammers who will flag your IPA if they find any files that
What's the scam - you need to pay them to get off their list?
I've never heard of this. I have very few files on my site so I may just be immune, but it's been wide open for years and nobody has tried to extort me that I'm aware of.
by pklite or some such afterwards, it is a good way to get yourself blacklisted.
Blacklisted where? What impact does this have?
Since you (once again) forgot how to quote any of the message that
you're replying to, I wanted to let you know that this is the last
message of yours with no quoting that I'll reply to.
It seems strange to me that you sometimes know how to do it, and many
times do not.
... Pros are those who do their jobs well, even when they don't feel like it. --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
� Synchronet � Palantir BBS * * Pensacola, FL
Re: File down loads total on webv4
By: Rixter to Digital Man on Wed Sep 11 2024 01:00 pm
"Web page logons" aren't counted in most stats. You can view the file ctrl/dsts.ini (if using Synchronet v3.20) if you want to check what statistics are tracked. "Posts" would/should include all messages posted, regardless of protocol used. "Logons" only includes terminal server logons. --
I understand now. The telnet service drives the stats totals and the rest are ignored.
Thank you I was misunderstanding the web page stats section's
purpose. I appreciate you guys correcting me. I will remove it from display. Have a great day and thanks again. me at least, more accurately portrays what a BBS is. For *me*, it's not something that should be reached via the web.
I feel like the web interface doesn't take anything away from what a BBS is. It's there if people want to use it though.
Sysop: | Coz |
Location: | Anoka, MN |
Users: | 2 |
Nodes: | 4 (0 / 4) |
Uptime: | 79:07:35 |
Calls: | 295 |
Files: | 5,630 |
Messages: | 226,071 |