• M4 Mac Mini

    From paulie420@1:103/705 to All on Sun Jan 12 19:07:00 2025
    Some of you know that I ordered a new Mac Mini with the M4 ARM
    chip. First, Iordered on the Apple Education Store; https://www.apple.com/us-edu/store... Apple isn't verifying
    student status, so one can order a base Mac Mini for$499 - a
    freaking steal IMO!The reason for this purchase is t
    hat my 2018 Intel iMac 27" 5K just isn't up tothe task of ed
    iting 4K video - its jittery, clunky and makes editing a lot
    harder and more tedious. The new M4 makes light work of what I throw at i t!!The CPU sits at 2.5% with DaVinci Resolve, and many other
    windows, open - andeven when rendering it stays under 60%.
    Renders are more than twice as fast;and its not even using t
    he entire power of the computer.One problem with ord
    ering this base Mac Mini, coming from the 27" iMac, is thatt
    he iMac has a BEAUTIFUL 5K display... MacOS prefers a 1440p or 5K dis play.(Because 5K @ 200% scale divides perfectly into 1440p..
    .) At any rate I had afew options for monitors;
    I have 2 Dell 24" 1080p monitors - I could just use those and it would be... FINE. I'd have enough real estate, but editing in 4K wouldn't show my video atthe proper resolution... no biggy, BUT to get the same piz
    azz as the iMac, Iwanted a good display. I found a couple op
    tions;Samsung Viewfinity S9 27" 5K - $750Sam
    sung M8 32" 4K- $399The S9 is almost a carbon co
    py of the Apple Studio Display; it has a beautifulIPS displa
    y and is 5K which MacOS just loves... but the $399 price on the M8
    had me pushing BUY. :/ I really hope its gonna look similar to the iMac and that the 4K doesn't mess w/ MacOS too much - I guess if I hate it I can doub lethe $$$ and order the S9. UGH.One other 'n
    eat' thing is that I currently have the iMac next to ONE Dell 24"
    1080p display that I'm using for the Mini... MacOS is so rad that it can det ecttheres another MacOS machine next to it and I just move t
    he mouse to eithermachine and keyboard/trackpad then work on
    that machine - I MAY continue to usethe iMac next to the M8
    monitor; the 2018 iMac is still very capable, foroffice stu
    ff... that would give me 60" of screen space!! Otherwise, I'll use
    the 32" and ONE Dell 24" in vertical mode; just dunno yet.I
    edited a quickee video today;https://youtu.be/cUY8kAijL0Y
    And the Mac Mini made light work of it! The base model has 16GB of R
    AM that Ican live with until I can find some Louis Rossman t
    ype to solder on new RAMNANDs for 32GB, and there are 3rd pa
    rty SSDs coming onto the scene;m4-ssd.com - 2TB @
    $300, 1TB @ $170I know for a fact that if I was in
    China I could buy the same for 1/2 theprice, but I am THINKI
    NG of ordering one to see if m4-ssd.com is a SCAM, and ifthe
    y work out longterm... LOL - if I were made of $$$ and all. :/ But I
    do knowthat the 256GB will never work for me. I currently co
    py video data off my NASonto the Mac Mini, edit, and then re
    move... rinse and repeat - but I need somespace to stretch.
    First thoughts; LONG story short, if you find yourself in need of a non-Linux,non-Windows really flipping good computer - order
    a Mac Mini M4 @ StudentPricing for $499. You won't be unsati
    sfied!!More to come...
    --- SBBSecho 3.23-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)