• 2o fOr beeRS

    From paulie420@1:103/705 to SBL on Wed Jan 8 01:08:30 2025
    Name: 2o fOr beeRS
    Birth: 01/01/98
    Software: mYSTIC a49
    Sysop: paulie420
    e-mail: paulie420@conchaos.synchro.net
    Web-site: 20ForBeers.com:1339
    Location: Portland, OR
    Telnet: 20ForBeers.com
    Port: 1337
    Terminal: TTY
    Terminal: ANSI
    Nodes: 19
    Files: 9999999
    Users: 1750
    Dirs: 9999
    Xtrns: 999
    Desc: pAULIE42o's
    Desc: bbS for the mASSES!
    Desc: w00t w00t.

    "name": "2o fOr beeRS",
    "sysop": [
    "name": "paulie420",
    "email": "paulie420@conchaos.synchro.net"
    "service": [
    "address": "20ForBeers.com",
    "protocol": "telnet",
    "port": 1337
    "address": "20ForBeers.com",
    "protocol": "ssh",
    "port": 1338
    "address": "20ForBeers.com",
    "protocol": "www",
    "port": 1339
    "terminal": {
    "nodes": 19,
    "types": [
    "network": [],
    "description": [
    "bbS for the mASSES!",
    "w00t w00t.",
    "total": {
    "users": 1750,
    "doors": 999,
    "dirs": 9999,
    "subs": 0,
    "files": 9999999,
    "msgs": 0,
    "storage": 0
    "location": "Portland, OR",
    "software": "mYSTIC a49",
    "web_site": "20ForBeers.com:1339",
    "first_online": "1998-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
    --- sbbslist.js 1.68
    þ Synchronet þ -=[ ConstructiveChaos BBS | conchaos.synchro.net ]=-
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From paulie420@1:103/705 to SBL on Fri Jan 17 19:08:40 2025
    Name: 2o fOr beeRS
    Birth: 01/01/98
    Software: mYSTIC a49
    Sysop: paulie420
    e-mail: paulie420@conchaos.synchro.net
    Web-site: 20ForBeers.com:1339
    Location: Portland, OR
    Telnet: 20forbeers.com
    Port: 1337
    Terminal: TTY
    Terminal: ANSI
    Nodes: 19
    Files: 9999999
    Users: 1750
    Dirs: 9999
    Xtrns: 999
    Desc: pAULIE42o's
    Desc: bbS for the mASSES!
    Desc: w00t w00t.

    "name": "2o fOr beeRS",
    "sysop": [
    "name": "paulie420",
    "email": "paulie420@conchaos.synchro.net"
    "service": [
    "address": "20forbeers.com",
    "protocol": "telnet",
    "port": 1337
    "address": "20forbeers.com",
    "protocol": "ssh",
    "port": 1338
    "terminal": {
    "nodes": 19,
    "types": [
    "network": [],
    "description": [
    "bbS for the mASSES!",
    "w00t w00t.",
    "total": {
    "users": 1750,
    "doors": 999,
    "dirs": 9999,
    "subs": 0,
    "files": 9999999,
    "msgs": 0,
    "storage": 0
    "location": "Portland, OR",
    "software": "mYSTIC a49",
    "web_site": "20ForBeers.com:1339",
    "first_online": "1998-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
    --- sbbslist.js 1.68
    þ Synchronet þ -=[ ConstructiveChaos BBS | conchaos.synchro.net ]=-
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)