Now that I'm in the right echo to say this, I have long suspected the le genetically mutating people in order to produce the type of voters theyesire
Am I late to that party? Is the discussion of that already a thing?
How would they do that genetically?
Aaron Thomas wrote to Mike Powell <=-
The left has experts in every field:
The end result is a special hybrid human race that:
* Likes freeloading
* Wants to save the whales
* Is willing to inject drugs if Simon says
* Has purple hair
* Thinks that all white people are Hitler
* Is lazy, but will totally head out to the polls in on Election Day
The left has experts in every field:
You left out Step Zero: Infiltrate the universities so that you turn out "experts" who are not experts but rather propagandists who only tow the party line and say what you want them to say - no matter what science actually says.
Ron L. wrote to Aaron Thomas <=-
You left out Step Zero: Infiltrate the universities so that you turn
out "experts" who are not experts but rather propagandists who only tow the party line and say what you want them to say - no matter what
science actually says.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
Did you know that AARP is an "expert" at conducting polls?
"AARP is the nation's largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how they live
as they age."
One thing I miss about the '90s BBS scene was that there was a skeptic's "scene" online - there was a SKEPTIC echo on Fido, and a board in the
San Francisco bay area called "The Skeptic's Board" that was all about analyzing political and scientific trends and claims.
AARP is a scam and I found that our decades ago. They didn't have to be infiltrated. They were Woke from the start.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
How is that possible? (It's not.) Only if both organizations polled the same exact people 2 times, in the same day.
Nobody regrets voting for Trump. He's serving us the stuff that we
asked for.
After all, their Elitist masters worked hard at jacking up the minimum wage so that the unskilled can't get jobs at all. Been to a McDonalds lately? No cashiers. Maybe 2 people in the back making the food and one "runner" plus a "janitor" that comes in for 2 hours/day.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
Prepared food used to have a high profit margin.
Franchisees definitely
didn't ask for this, but what about the CEO of McDonalds? Was he not at the WEF when they discussed minimum wage hikes for the USA? It's got to
be costing him/her money also.
Ron L. wrote to Aaron Thomas <=-
The majority of what you pay (today) for prepared food is the cost of preparing it - not the cost of the food. But the Elitists don't want
us plebes to have access to good food, so they piled on regulations, raised minimum wage, etc. to increase the cost of preparing the food.
It is. But many of these CEOs were compromised a while ago. The shareholders need to rise up and fire them. But that won't happen
until the Woke CEO runs the business into the ground.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
The minimum wage hikes made or will make small restaurants (and other small businesses) go out of business. That's one thing that McDonalds
(and other big brands) potentially stand to gain from the minimum wage hikes. If Steve's Diner is closed, there's a McDonalds around the
But what you said is also true: elitists don't really want us eating healthy.
Our health problems are an advantage to another member of the
WEF (Medical and pharmaceutical industries.) Once they're a household brand, they're all on the same team. After they make us unhealthy,
they'll sell us a pill for that.
As for regulations limiting our access to "good food", my first thought
was health and safety regulations. I'm ok with the cost overhear
involved with preventing foodborne illnesses. They aren't fun.
It is. But many of these CEOs were compromised a while ago. The shareholders need to rise up and fire them. But that won't happen
until the Woke CEO runs the business into the ground.
You'll need to expand on this point - to me, CEOs appear beholden to increasing shareholder value over expanding business by appealing to customer's needs.
Yup. McDonalds has the money to increase automation but Joe's Burger
down the street doesn't. So Joe goes out of business.
This attitude was made obvious during the scamdemic when mom-and-pop stores had to close, but big box stores could stay open. It's much
easier to control a few large companies instead of thousands of small businesses.
They don't want us eating more than subsistence. The Elitist attitude
is "If you have something, then you've taken it from the Elitists." So they want you to have as little as possible. Also, if the plebes are spending their time trying to get enough food, they won't be spending
time opposing Elitists.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
I used to think that they were just in it for the money, but it's
obvious that there's more to life than just money (even for the ultra wealthy elite.)
That's a good point. When the elite want to be "productive," all they
have to do is just slow down everyone else's productivity.
Right. That's why we need to stop thinking that this is one group of Elitists. It's multiple and they are (sort-of) working together right now. Some want power. Some want money. Some want both. Others have wierd ideas about overpopulation. Still others believe the climate
change hoax.
But the goal of all of them are the same: Take decision making power
from the plebes and give it to themselves. But they never accept their track record because every time they got power, they completely messed everything up.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
I don't think that anyone truly believes in "climate change," except
for possibly the blue dummies on the Trump-Harris map.
When I hear
celebrities talking about it I wonder "Do they even believe the crap
that they're saying?"
Our Tyrant Governor here in Michigan wanted to chop down large swaths of forests to... get this... put up a solar farm. Excuse: Fighting Climate Change. Now you know that Climate Change is a hoax.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
The left just announced that we need to double our electric supply "because of AI." So good thing Gretchen built that solar farm. That
ought to give us all the electric we need for this, right? lol
I'm concerned about doubling the electric consumption. It sounds like higher electric bills (but they're already out of whack) and we're also going to double the amount of nuclear waste that we'll have to store.
Kentucky (outside of Louisville and Lexington) has one of the lowest costs of living. You are not going to buy a good home in a good area
on a fast food "salary" here.
47th in economy, 34th in education, 43rd in fisxcal stability, 40th in
health care... you get what you pay for.
The left just announced that we need to double our electric supply "because of AI." So good thing Gretchen built that solar farm. That ought to give usl
the electric we need for this, right? lol
I'm concerned about doubling the electric consumption. It sounds like higher electric bills (but they're already out of whack) and we're al going to double the amount of nuclear waste that we'll have to store.
The real problem is the grid. It's already stretched thin and the tree-huggers won't want to update/expand it. More electricity is not useful if you can't get it to those who need it.
about clean energy, not AI. AI grid demands are not to be overlooked. I wonder when we're going to reach a point when people argue about the merits of AI based on the power draw it takes to create AI output?
We're in the early phases of AI, I think it depends on us moving to the "killer app" phase. There's nothing really compelling, yet - just a lot
of potential.
Is Elon part of "the left" because he, and a couple of other folks like Sam Altman who was recently in the President's company, are the ones
that are pushing the adaptation of AI, specifically *their* AI.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
I think I got the story wrong.. It's not that we need to double our electricity, but it's the AI data centers that need to double their electricity. So hopefully this won't affect us financially any time
But I strongly distrust the premise of "AI is to make our lives
I strongly suspect that all the talk about it is to ease us
into coming to terms with robot warfare. (Who cares if China is ahead
of us in technology? It only matter if it's a security issue!)
But I strongly distrust the premise of "AI is to make our lives better."
It's like any new technology. You have the cheerleaders saying "it will solve world hunger!" and the nay-sayers "it will destroy civilization." But like any tool, it depends on how it's used.
I strongly suspect that all the talk about it is to ease us
into coming to terms with robot warfare. (Who cares if China is ahead of us in technology? It only matter if it's a security issue!)
We already have that with the military drones and, really, we've had
that since long range missles.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-
We're in the early phases of AI, I think it depends on us moving to the "killer app" phase. There's nothing really compelling, yet - just a lot
of potential.
Yes, that's another of my major concerns about AI. "Killer apps" as in "apps that can kill people," right? Or what about humanoid robots with titanium freddy kruger hands? I don't know how "early" the phase really is. Maybe China is ready to sick their robot dogs on us already :(
jack. "AI will help us cure cancer." Uh huh..
They are hoping it will have more brain power, and can work faster, than humans. The reality is that it will only work as good as the people who are programming and maintaining it, and will likely contain all of their biases. If you want to know what is going on with AI I would suggest keeping up with tech websites that have a lot of space dedicated to AI developments.
I don't know of any "average people," leftists or conservatives, who are pushing AI. Most of them seem as skeptical about it as you or I. The only people I know of who are pushing it are the ones that hope to make money off of it, or that already are making money off of the yet-to-be-realized promise of it.
titanium freddy kruger hands? I don't know how "early" the phase real is. Maybe China is ready to sick their robot dogs on us already :(
I read an interesting article that talked about the problems with anthropomorphic robots. If you design a robot to clean floors, why does
it need to have two legs and hands that can crush your windpipe?
We need more science fiction writers involved in science and politics.
I'm reminded of a tweet I'd read a few months back that I saved:
TOS "The Ultimate Computer"Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
I think I got the story wrong.. It's not that we need to double our electricity, but it's the AI data centers that need to double their electricity. So hopefully this won't affect us financially any time soon.
Ya, I can see AI centers creating their own ability to generate power if they need that much.
Let's keep our fingers crossed, but let's keep our money away from it until it
starts producing results.
I read an interesting article that talked about the problems with anthropomorphic robots. If you design a robot to clean floors, why does
it need to have two legs and hands that can crush your windpipe?
Sci-Fi Author:
In my book I invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale.
Tech Company:
At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from the classic sci-fi
novel "Don't Create The Torment Nexus".
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
Facebook comes to mind: It was awesome at first. It was like a modern version of a BBS but with an interface that made it easy for everyone
to use. But 10 years after its inception, it was being used to install socialism in the USA.
Notice the similarity with AI: It's cute and cuddly right now. You can
ask it silly questions and get funny answers. But what sick agenda will
it be be fulfilling in 10 years?
That's a good point, but think about the advantages of conducting a
ground war when you have an army of soldiers that's immune to injuries, and is born on an assembly line.
Then there's the added advantage of being able to blame it on "an AI computer malfunction" or "this one bad guy masterminded it and he is
now in custody." Sorta like "a bat from the wet market did it."
And if that's not enough, there's yet another advantage "Due to the AI massacre disaster, we will now be controlling all communications much
more tightly as a precaution - and if you are against that then you are part of the problem."
I'm not trying to stress you or anyone else out with this, but the covid-19 stuff was a very dirty trick that was played on us and I want people to be as ready as possible for the next rabbit that gets pulled
out of George Soros' hat.
Gregory Deyss wrote to Dr. What <=-
TOS "The Ultimate Computer"
M5 Multitronic Dr. Richard Daystrom's Unit. (played by William
Marshall) took power directly from the Warp Engines - after circuit was interrupted
I doubt I'll ever trust a "general AI" and I won't trust one that gives answers on soft subjects. But I probably would trust an AI on auto repair, or computer programming - but only to a certain extent. They can't be blindly trusted.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
That's probably what they're aiming for. The sheeple already blindly
trust Google search results for everything. But Google search results don't always provide links that the left wants to convey; the search results could inadvertently provide links to anti-left webpages.
That's where AI comes to the left's rescue: Instead of providing links
to potentially anti-left webpages, it's giving precise propaganda
directly from Google.
And if they haven't begun doing so already, they'll probably start
letting AI "rank" the webpage results. That way they can blame bias on
AI if it ever goes to court.
Mike Powell wrote to KURT WEISKE <=-
There seems to be some sort of "thing" going on lately with the "true" climate change believers where they seem to think that trees (and
nature in general) are not really that imporant to the climate.
I think that seems counterintuitive (and stupid) myself, but there are sometimes articles about it, like how some scientists created some "natural filter thing" that would be placed outside along city streets that would convert CO2 into Oxygen... you know, like trees already do.
Maybe they are hoping that AI will be able to figure out a solution.
Gregory Deyss wrote to Ron L. <=-
TOS "The Ultimate Computer"
M5 Multitronic Dr. Richard Daystrom's Unit. (played by William
Marshall) took power directly from the Warp Engines - after circuit was interrupted
And if they haven't begun doing so already, they'll probably start letting AI "rank" the webpage results. That way they can blame bias o AI if it ever goes to court.
But they already do that. Google search results are not trustworthy on too many topics. And people should know that (by now).
If I do a search for "TRS-80 Model I invasion force", I'll get
trustworthy results.
But if I do a search on "2020 election fraud", I know that Google will feed me a a bunch of propaganda.
Thanks, sounds interesting I'll see if I can locate that one. locally or online.TOS "The Ultimate Computer"
M5 Multitronic Dr. Richard Daystrom's Unit. (played by William Marshall) took power directly from the Warp Engines - after circuit wa
I was a big fan of the 1970s film "Colossus: The Forbin Project" - where an early incarnation of SKYNET/WOPR tasked with the US' missile defense becomes sentient, discovers a counterpart in the USSR and colludes with
it to create a safer world - by taking mankind out of the equation and running the world for us. Or else.
There seems to be some sort of "thing" going on lately with the "true" climate change believers where they seem to think that trees (and
nature in general) are not really that imporant to the climate.
That does seem counter-intuitive. I do think we're past the point that
nature could find equilibrium without intervention, but, hey - I like
trees and forests. I've never been a viridian environmentalist.
I think that seems counterintuitive (and stupid) myself, but there are sometimes articles about it, like how some scientists created some "natural filter thing" that would be placed outside along city streets that would convert CO2 into Oxygen... you know, like trees already do.
Trees are free. CO2 scrubber systems can be licensed, patented, placed
in service contracts and ultimately use the threat of multiple species extinction to justify their cost increases.
Man, I'm getting cynical!
Maybe they are hoping that AI will be able to figure out a solution.
Yeah, get rid of the people. Don't these people watch/read science
Gregory Deyss wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-
I was a big fan of the 1970s film "Colossus: The Forbin Project" - where an early incarnation of SKYNET/WOPR tasked with the US' missile defense
Thanks, sounds interesting I'll see if I can locate that one. locally
or online.
Mike Powell wrote to KURT WEISKE <=-
everything, the Earth does go through its own cycles so we might not
see obvious results in our lifetime (or maybe 1000s of years) because
we are not likely to stop whatever the Earth is up to (at least not without some science fictionesque catastrophe happening as a result).
Maybe a search on the Roku TV app with be able to find, they have many channels that only cost a little bit to watch the old stuff.Gregory Deyss wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-
I was a big fan of the 1970s film "Colossus: The Forbin Project" - whe
an early incarnation of SKYNET/WOPR tasked with the US' missile defens
Thanks, sounds interesting I'll see if I can locate that one. locally or online.
I'm pretty sure was on YouTube for free, but it's been removed for some
reason. There are lots of clips and trailers to let you get an idea of
the film.
I think that Trump is doing exactly what some of the World's elite wants... different elites, but elites nonetheless. At the very least, he is doing things that will line his and Elon's pockets... as the richest man in the World, Elon is about as elite as one can get.
How are Trump and Musk going to profit from their roles?
How are Trump and Musk going to profit from their roles?
A bunch of Air Traffic Controllers get fired, then Elon offers Space X
-- a company he owns -- as a solution to the staffing shortage he
caused. That is one example. He has offered to substitute people from his companies in a few other places where he has just gutted the staff.
A bunch of Air Traffic Controllers get fired, then Elon offers Space X -- a company he owns -- as a solution to the staffing shortage he caused. That is one example. He has offered to substitute people from his companies in a few other places where he has just gutted the staff.
If Space X saves us money, then it's still efficiency. And if they save lives that an incompetent FAA staff can't save, then that's efficiency also.
I don't think we have any proof that the intent is to save taxpayers money or lives, but let's keep our fingers crossed. The left is furious about all this,
and that's something that we need to enjoy one sip at a time.
If Space X saves us money, then it's still efficiency. And if they save that an incompetent FAA staff can't save, then that's efficiency also.
Who says they will save us money? The FAA was doing a pretty good job lately until Elon got involved with something... aviation coordination
and safety... that he knows very little about.
I don't care about what the left is furious about. The fact that there
is no proof of any intent to save money or lives should be concerning to everyone.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Mike Powell <=-
There was a ridiculous quantity of plane, train, and boat crashes, and ufo/drone sightings reported by the media during Pete Buttigieg's term
as Transportation Secretary. Why did you say that "the FAA was doing a pretty good job?"
I haven't seen proof of anything saving us money in any department. It could be a gigantic lie. People are passionate about saving money.
I haven't seen proof of anything saving us money in any department. I could be a gigantic lie. People are passionate about saving money.
Especially when the gov't keeps taking more of their money and sending it somewhere else.
There was a ridiculous quantity of plane, train, and boat crashes, an ufo/drone sightings reported by the media during Pete Buttigieg's ter as Transportation Secretary. Why did you say that "the FAA was doing pretty good job?"
There were 0 fatal plane crashes During Pete Buttigieg's tenure. Not
bad for some would refer to as a "DEI Hire".
I haven't seen proof of anything saving us money in anydepartment. I
could be a gigantic lie. People are passionate about savingmoney.
Especially when the gov't keeps taking more of their money and
sending it somewhere else.
Those who are freaking out about the tariffs "potentially causing
price increases" are the same people who want to fund Ukraine's battle
to wipe Russia off the face of the earth.
They're so brainwashed that deep down, their true concern is about not having enough electronics to keep them tuned in to MSNBC.
We've given Ukraine $83.4B since 2022 (source: ). we can probably tack on some more billions there if we include the cost of logistics and training.
In comparison, our defense budget over the last 3 years has been about $2.5 TRILLION
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
Those who are freaking out about the tariffs "potentially causing price increases" are the same people who want to fund Ukraine's battle to
wipe Russia off the face of the earth.
They're so brainwashed that deep down, their true concern is about not having enough electronics to keep them tuned in to MSNBC.
Over the last few years, I've noticed more and more hive-mind-like mentality among "regular" people. Now most of these people certainly weren't the brightest bulbs on the tree, so that was understandable.
But lately I've noticed the same mentality among the people that I
thought were in the "controlling class". The big tell is giving
speeched that are, almost, word-for-word identical. But none of them producing any content. They have no counter ideas. No plans. Nothing but lies and vapid slogans.
It's looking like the hive-mind is deeper than we thought too. And the question of "who's in control?" is still there.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
There must be some kind of training camp that they're all attending
behind closed doors. Biden has indicated that Obama & Pelosi are
calling the shots, so that tells us that it's definitely not Obama & Pelosi.
There are at least 535 people who know the answer but I'm not elite
enough to get an answer from them.
There are at least 535 people who know the answer but I'm not elite enough to get an answer from them.
And even if we were elite enough to get an answer, I doubt it would be a useful answer.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
I thought about writing to my US Rep (D) to complain about him not standing up for a black child cancer survivor with a passion for law enforcement. Not to elicit a response, but just to let him know that he does a piss poor job of "representing" anybody from this region.
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