On 15 Feb 2025, Mike Powell said the following...
Still seeing (it is quite early yet) smaller packages which used to be th
larger variety of the same product and it is still slightly more expensive than what was the regular size within the supermarket, before t
grocery items shrunk in size.
That has been going on for years. I remember talking about it in a marketing class c1990.
Maybe so, to your point it has been going on for years.
I would say to much larger degree then ever before.
It's blatant as it was intentional act.
Not to mention to a more obvious to a more dramatic and noticeable effect.
Case and point take Oreos for example; I have always remembered these being being purchased in a container of a rectangle shape or package but never ever square, which is why this stands out. Oreos are only one example.
Did inflation do this with aid from the previous administration's war on oil? Higher production costs and more money to transport these goods to market.
Simply put when the previous administration set their eyes on make-believe initiatives and things like green new deals and spending millions on victim hood including DEI which was born from same nonsensical ideas.
It does not leave much room for common sense people to deliver common sense.
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... Condense soup, not books!
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