Interesting stats someone posted:
2004 - 121 million votes cast.
2008 - 129 million votes cast.
2012 - 126 million votes cast.
2016 - 128 million votes cast.
2020 - 155 million votes cast. <-- Looks a little strange
2024 - 129 million votes cast.
Anyone want to keep insisting that 2020 was the "most secure election in history"?
2004 - 121 million votes cast.
2008 - 129 million votes cast.
2012 - 126 million votes cast.
2016 - 128 million votes cast.
2020 - 155 million votes cast. <-- Looks a little strange
2024 - 129 million votes cast.
Either way, I question why they would cheat/hack the last election but
not this one? Keeping the numbers up would hide the 2020 spike. Not doing it this time makes it really stick out.
2020 was the year of the scamdemic.
2020 was the year of the scamdemic.
A scamdemic? Do you know how many Americans lost their lives to covid,
or how many were sick?
Or how many world wide?
Get real.
A scamdemic? Do you know how many Americans lost their lives to covid,
or how many were sick?
Or how many world wide?
Get real.
I'm not disputing that, but we were talking about elections and the scamdemic was used to trick stupid people into voting Trump out of office.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Alan Ianson <=-
A scamdemic? Do you know how many Americans lost their lives to covid,
or how many were sick?
I'm not disputing that, but we were talking about elections and the scamdemic was used to trick stupid people into voting Trump out of
But Alan was programmed to keep pushing the false COVID Narrative.
2004 - 121 million votes cast.
2008 - 129 million votes cast.
2012 - 126 million votes cast.
2016 - 128 million votes cast.
2020 - 155 million votes cast. <-- Looks a little strange
2024 - 129 million votes cast.
I have a tendency to butt-in to everybody's conversation in this echo :)
2020 was the year of the scamdemic. Cheaters had all kinds of avenues to trave
that year. The lack of the fear of dying by walking out the door made it harde
to cheat. Plus, supposedly, the RNC was on top of things this time around.
2020 was the year of the scamdemic.
A scamdemic? Do you know how many Americans lost their lives to covid,
or how many were sick?
Or how many world wide?
Get real.
And you don't know that number either. In the US they started playing with words... They went from death from covid to death related to or whatever.
Maybe RFK Jr will fix that.
to cheat. Plus, supposedly, the RNC was on top of things this time aroun
Yeah, I don't buy that. Several states still allow unquestioned mail-in balloting, and many states (AZ, NV, and others) still claim it will take them "forever" to count ballots. In other words, if they wanted to keep cheating, they could have. Something else is/was amiss.
And you don't know that number either. In the US they started playing with words... They went from death from covid to death related to or whatever.
In the US if you were shot in gang violence and tested positive for covid... Though you lost your life from a gun-shot to the face... You were marked up as
COVID related.
Because of COVID and the response there is a large segment of the population that does not trust the government now... and the 3 letter agencies as well.
Maybe RFK Jr will fix that.
Because of COVID and the response there is a large segment of the
population that does not trust the government now... and the 3 letter
agencies as well.
Don't forget they changed the definition of 'vaccine.'
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
The poor guy seems to have a form of autism. He can count the
toothpicks, but he can't recognize lies (unless they're lies about websites.)
I'm not picking on people who have autism; I have family and friends
with autism. But I'm seriously noticing similarities.
Don't forget they changed the definition of 'vaccine.'
Don't forget they changed the definition of 'vaccine.'
it maybe a lifetime or two before the government and the democrats regain their trust back!!
Alan Ianson wrote to jimmylogan <=-
Because of COVID and the response there is a large segment of the
population that does not trust the government now... and the 3 letter
agencies as well.
Don't forget they changed the definition of 'vaccine.'
The definition of vaccine has changed?
Ron L. wrote to Aaron Thomas <=-
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
I don't know if it's a form of autism - but that is a really good
theory especially when RFK shows the number of chemicals in our foods
that could cause it. We already have a mother who's son got it after getting a bunch of "vaccinations" at once.
The definition of vaccine has changed?
Mine hasn't, but the COVID "vaccine" was not the same as
a flu shot or Measles vaccine. It was called that, but they
said up front that it would not prevent it - it would not
act like a traditional vaccine.
It could also be a memory problem. We've explained things to him hundreds of times and then by the next day, he's forgotten everything that had been explained to him the previous day.
In some cases, I agree with those deaths being included. If someone
would not have died had they not also had COVID, or if COVID lead to new chronic health problems that eventually killed them then, in my mind,
they died "because of COVID."
These are the cases that should not have been counted as "COVID deaths."
They would still count towards total COVID cases, though, and that number was probably *under-reported* as some people who had certain strains
never knew they had it and never got tested/counted.
My distrust involves how certain persons in government at the time... mainly Fauci... were using their time in the spotlight to flip-flop their message in order to troll people who were anti-mask, anti-vax, etc. He should have stayed on message and not stooped to that level. Our state's leading health official during that time stayed on message and I had no issues trusting his guidance because he didn't play games.
RFK Jr is not a doctor. Like most politicians, he is a lawyer and has no business being in charge of the nation's health.
The definition of vaccine has changed?
Yes, the electorate will never forgive the government for changing the definition of vaccine.
jimmylogan wrote to Dr. What <=-
I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but I've seen the studies and how autism has increased over the years as more and more vaccinations are
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
I think someone made a mistake in the Democrats' brainwashing
laboratory, because the people with autism (who I know) are very
focused on things, and if anything, it made them smarter, not dumber.
It could also be a memory problem. We've explained things to him
hundreds of times and then by the next day, he's forgotten everything
that had been explained to him the previous day.
It could also be a memory problem. We've explained things to him hundred times and then by the next day, he's forgotten everything that had been explained to him the previous day.
It's likely that your explanations got trapped in my BS filter.
They would still count towards total COVID cases, though, and that number
was probably *under-reported* as some people who had certain strains never knew they had it and never got tested/counted.
There were a l;ot of these cases. Apparently the Feds were paying the hospitals ~$35,000.00 per COVID case... The hospitals were making a killing an
it helped feed into the government narrative.
My distrust involves how certain persons in government at the time... mainly Fauci... were using their time in the spotlight to flip-flop their
message in order to troll people who were anti-mask, anti-vax, etc. He should have stayed on message and not stooped to that level. Our state's
leading health official during that time stayed on message and I had no issues trusting his guidance because he didn't play games.
Follow the science was all BS. The driving force behind science is to questio
and test the validity of ideas. If anyone credible came forward they were destroyed by the Democrat machine.
RFK Jr is not a doctor. Like most politicians, he is a lawyer and has no >MP> business being in charge of the nation's health.
I didn't way he was a doctor... He's going in to un-politicize the agency... People working in the agencies are making royalties off the drugs they are suppose to regulate.
it. We already have a mother who's son got it after getting a bunch of "vaccinations" at once.
focused on things, and if anything, it made them smarter, not dumber.
I read an interesting theory on this recently.
We all know about how people adapt. Someone with poorly functioning
legs, for example, will adapt and usually build very strong upper body muscles as compensation.
People with autism do the same thing, but from a mental point of view.
So someone with autism who is socially inept will develop other mental skills to the point where they are very strong in order to compensate
for the defect in the social areas.
"It's amazing that so many people on the left are able to just ignore
that which goes against their theories."
For Alan, when he hears (sees) an fact that goes counter to his false Narrative, he simply ignores it.
The definition of vaccine has changed?
Jesus... Alan... The COVID "vaccine" is not a vaccine in the regular sense.
M-RNA is not a vaccine... It didn't prevent infection.. It did nothing... It might have harmed you because your system was injected with foreign M-RNA and that has the potential of altering your own DNA
Will you read a book or something...
IB Joe wrote to Alan Ianson <=-
Yes, the electorate will never forgive the government for changing the definition of vaccine.
That among other things.
The government has 1 job... among others...
PROTECT the electorate. And they blew it.
They made some of their cronies a sh!t load of money though.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Alan Ianson <=-
It's likely that your explanations got trapped in my BS filter.
Hang on now, I'm the doctor here :)
jimmylogan wrote to Alan Ianson <=-
Don't forget they changed the definition of 'vaccine.'
The definition of vaccine has changed?
Mine hasn't,
but the COVID "vaccine" was not the same as a flu shot or Measles
vaccine. It was called that, but they said up front that it would
not prevent it - it would not act like a traditional vaccine.
Don't forget they changed the definition of 'vaccine.'
The definition of vaccine has changed?
Mine hasn't,
You just said "they changed the definition of vaccine".
but the COVID "vaccine" was not the same as a flu shot or Measles vaccine. It was called that, but they said up front that it would
not prevent it - it would not act like a traditional vaccine.
No vaccine prevents infection. It helps your body fight off an infection.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
People with autism do the same thing, but from a mental point of view.
So someone with autism who is socially inept will develop other mental skills to the point where they are very strong in order to compensate
for the defect in the social areas.
That makes sense, and I'm sure that it's true, and it's not what the
left expected.
The Elitists wanted chaos and social turmoil. They wanted to wreck most men and women as part of that.
They want to believe that they can control things, but Reality keeps telling them that they can't. But they do as all Elitists do: Double
down on their failed policies.
But how many were truly credible? A lot of those that "came forward"
were slinging at least as much BS as the Democrats were.
I will say this... the Democrats, early on, slung a lot of BS about it
not being anything to worry about (see Pelosi and NY politicians when it came to wanting tourist to visit their Chinatowns for Chinese New Year) and, later, slung a lot of BS about the shot being bogus (see Harris) which ultimately lead to a lot of minorities not trusting or getting the shot once they were available.
I bring those two examples up because, in both cases, they did a 180 on their stances and lied about having them to begin with.
You didn't say it, but others have been floating his name as a
replacement Surgeon General -- a position he has no business being in -- so I was not sure why you threw his name out there. If that isn't what you meant, that is good. I would like to see politicians not getting
rich by aiding the pharma companies.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Alan Ianson <=-
"The polio vaccine is 90% effective at preventing polio."
"The covid vaccine doesn't prevent covid."
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
For the longest time, I had been looking forward to the day when it backfires on them, and that day came on Tuesday last week.
It's the battle for trillions of dollars. Democrats will incite wars
and even kill for that money, so surely they have no problem with
giving children dangerous injections either, if it gets them closer to that money.
IB Joe wrote to Mike Powell <=-
I think the system did itself a great disservice by stopping open discussion.
It could be decades before this is fixed.
RFK Jr's interest in this, I read somewhere, is a vaccine he took at
one point in his life... It gave him the voice he has today.
If we can un-politicize these agencies would advance their cases.
"The polio vaccine is 90% effective at preventing polio."
That is true after two doses. Three doses are 99 to 100% effective.
"The covid vaccine doesn't prevent covid."
No vaccine prevents disease or virus from infecting someone. It helps
your body fight off infection.
Don't call him that. He might think that people respect him. :)
But it did itself a great service by showing how infected it was with
Woke idilogues.
It will be fixed very quickly as the Wokies are fired. What will take decades is the regain of public trust that the Wokies squandered.
We need to uncorrupt them. Too many are getting funding from the companies that they are supposed to be policing. The corruption allowed them to be politicized.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Alan Ianson <=-
No vaccine prevents disease or virus from infecting someone. It helps
your body fight off infection.
You're contradicting yourself. Why?
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
Had Trump got into office I don't think we would have seen the full
scope of the Left's agenda.
I'm glad God doesn't listen to me all the time.
Things will sway back to close to being "Normal"... But we've lost a portion of the people to this "Woke" culture.
A portion will be fixed... there is a cancer that was unleashed that
will take some time to fix.
Let RFK work his magic.
Post COVID... In GTA, Greater Toronto Area, this includes Toronto and all the Metro areas... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... I tried to look up the number and I'm swarmed with fact check stories. There were 15-20 Doctors who died suddenly and within weeks of each other. Weeks but no more than a month or two.ab.
They were all young and healthy and doctors. All were forced to take the
All now dead.
We have to get back to where science prevails, you go where the facts leadou
We also have to go back where we hold the pharmaceutical companies to account and make them liable for what they make and inject into our bodies. More so
they know what they are selling is harmful.
There are several vaccines that saved the world... Polio and measles to name
few... But we live in 2024 and there must be a reasons why the powers to be don't want us asking questions.
BTW, I am pro-life but see there might be room for compromise...
I think we have years and years of rot in our government. If Trump getting elected does 1 thing and that is to fix our 3 letter agencies then we'veon..
You're contradicting yourself. Why?
I have said this a couple of times. What contradiction are you talking about?
"The polio vaccine is 90% effective at preventing polio."
That is true after two doses. Three doses are 99 to 100% effective.
"The covid vaccine doesn't prevent covid."
No vaccine prevents disease or virus from infecting someone. It helps your body fight off infection.
First you agreed with me that the polio vaccine is effective at preventing polio, and then you said "No vaccine prevents disease."
It's not a big deal, but you totally contradicted yourself. People do that sometimes, especially when they're frantically trying to be right about something that they didn't put much thought into.
The polio and smallpox vaxes were effective enough that they pretty much stamped out the diseases in question (well, until people quit taking
them, and until we started letting these diseases back into the country again).
OTOH, other vaxes are not quite that effective but do the job for most people.
IMHO, the COVID vax has not reached that latter rung yet. If you travel somewhere that has a different strain going around, for example, you are not likely protected.
They were all young and healthy and doctors. All were forced to take thab.
All now dead.
I wonder if they were taking something experimental, knowingly or not.
Here, I know many more people who died from COVID and complications
caused by it (lost count) than who died from getting vaccinated (1 &
they had pre-existing condition).
Holding the pharma companies accountable would be a big step in the right direction. Many, many years ago there was a shooting in Louisville.
They shooter was on Prozac. The pharma company somehow settled --
without the judge's knowledge -- so neither they, nor their medication, was held accountable.
They quit prescribing that one to young people (the shooter wasn't young) but that was about it.
There are too many stories like that.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Alan Ianson <=-
"The covid vaccine doesn't prevent covid."
No vaccine prevents disease or virus from infecting someone. It helps your
body fight off infection.
First you agreed with me that the polio vaccine is effective at
preventing polio, and then you said "No vaccine prevents disease."
It's not a big deal, but you totally contradicted yourself. People do
that sometimes, especially when they're frantically trying to be right about something that they didn't put much thought into.
"The covid vaccine doesn't prevent covid."
No vaccine prevents disease or virus from infecting someone. It helps
body fight off infection.
First you agreed with me that the polio vaccine is effective at preventing polio, and then you said "No vaccine prevents disease."
It's not a big deal, but you totally contradicted yourself. People do that sometimes, especially when they're frantically trying to be righ about something that they didn't put much thought into.
Disease and virus's do exist, vaccines can't do anything about that.
That is why vaccines exist.
OTOH, other vaxes are not quite that effective but do the job for most people.
I use N95s indoors (except for at home.) I've been doing this for the past 5 years and it's been 99% successful. To me, there's no better vaccine than the N95 mask.
herIMHO, the COVID vax has not reached that latter rung yet. If you travel somewhere that has a different strain going around, for example, you are not likely protected.
That sounds true. I'm sure that the deadliest covid strains are still out
somewhere, or at least the blueprints to make them are.
I use N95s indoors (except for at home.) I've been doing this for the pa years and it's been 99% successful. To me, there's no better vaccine tha N95 mask.
I get funny looks but I still mask when indoors in a public place.
That sounds true. I'm sure that the deadliest covid strains are still ouher
somewhere, or at least the blueprints to make them are.
If it is like most viruses, it will mutate into a form that is less deadly. A live host is a better factory for multiplying and spreading than a dead one.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Alan Ianson <=-
Disease and virus's do exist, vaccines can't do anything about that.
That is why vaccines exist.
Now you're doing it again. It's ok.
1. Viruses existing - none had ever been isolated.
2. Microbes making people sick. It was all along the lines of "we found the microbe in sick people, and in well people too, but they must be 'asymptomatic'.)
3. Contagion. The "disease" was not shown to spread via a microbe exposure.
4. A "vaccine" actually working.
This is why they are freaking out over RFK being head of HHS. He will demand proof and when he doesn't get it, he's going to make them prove things or shut their money making machine down.
Disease and virus's do exist, vaccines can't do anything about that. That is why vaccines exist.
what led up to this conversation:
Aaron> "The polio vaccine is 90% effective at preventing polio."
That is true after two doses. Three doses are 99 to 100% effective.
Aaron> "The covid vaccine doesn't prevent covid."
No vaccine prevents disease or virus from infecting someone. It helpsyour body fight off infection.
We had to ignore Alan's extreme contradictions twice in order to wind up in an intelligent conversation. To me, it's funny.
Aaron> "The polio vaccine is 90% effective at preventing polio."
Alan> That is true after two doses. Three doses are 99 to 100% effective.
Aaron> "The covid vaccine doesn't prevent covid."
Alan> No vaccine prevents disease or virus from infecting someone. It helps your body fight off infection.
We had to ignore Alan's extreme contradictions twice in order to wind up in an
intelligent conversation. To me, it's funny.
We had to ignore Alan's extreme contradictions twice in order to wind up in an intelligent conversation. To me, it's funny.
Wow! Only twice.
It IS funny, but after a while it gets tiring trying to explain Reality
to the Reality-challenged and logic to the illogical.
It is not really a contradiction, although I question his wording. He is saying that no vaccine prevents you from getting the germs, but they do help your body fight off actually becoming ill.
Aaron> "The polio vaccine is 90% effective at preventing polio."
Alan> That is true after two doses. Three doses are 99 to 100% effective
Aaron> "The covid vaccine doesn't prevent covid."
Alan> No vaccine prevents disease or virus from infecting someone. It he your body fight off infection.
People who are old enough to remember are damned glad that they never had polio, measles, mumps, etc., because they *knew* people who did, and most of them are damned glad there were vaccines introduced that nearly or completely irradicated those diseases from the US. Those of us not
quite old enough never lived in a world where those diseases were
common. We take for granted that we can "never catch them" and
apparently some of us have become comfortable enough that we question whether or not they even existed.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
The smarter leftists have disappeared from Fidonet. They lost the
battle in our never-ending debates, and they all know that "Trump was right about everything." And it seems like you and Joe S. were right
all along about "people are waking up."
I know that Alan is a smart guy and that he's just trolling us. Either that, or he's trying to impress liberal Janice, but I bet that she's
got no candy for him.
The smarter leftists have disappeared from Fidonet. They lost the battle in our never-ending debates, and they all know that "Trump was right about everything." And it seems like you and Joe S. were right all along about "people are waking up."
Those people don't like people telling them "I told you so".
But they'll just go quiet for a few months, then start pushing the Narrative they are told to. Just like they usually do.
The smarter leftists have disappeared from Fidonet. They lost the battle inu
never-ending debates, and they all know that "Trump was right about everything." And it seems like you and Joe S. were right all along about "people are waking up."
I know that Alan is a smart guy and that he's just trolling us. Either that,
he's trying to impress liberal Janice, but I bet that she's got no candy for him.
But the logic that "well, we don't have polio anymore, therefore the vaccine must been effective" is really not much logic.
By the same logic, I can say that my air filter is keeping the sharks away. I've never seen a shark here in rural Michigan, so it must be working.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
Yea, they don't know what the new narrative is yet. Once the media
decides that for them, then they'll come back here to try it out.
For now, it's just "Trump's going to ban abortions." (They sound so
smart saying that!)
The smarter leftists have disappeared from Fidonet. They lost the battleu
never-ending debates, and they all know that "Trump was right about everything." And it seems like you and Joe S. were right all along about "people are waking up."
To be fair, one of the smartest liberals in this echo -- Dale -- passed away. I don't know what happened to Jeff T. He just disappeared. I suspect a few others who sometimes drop by may still be reading but have probably tired of trying to have much intelligent conversation here.
Yea, I liked Dale. Smartest liberal is a terrible title to have, but he was a great guy.I enjoyed our discord it was different and less nasty then some.
I didn't know that Janis died. She was nice too. I liked her BBS. I will definitely stop joking about her now that I know about this. I read her obituary and I was shocked to find out that he was like 72. I thought
she was younger than me. (72 is still too early to go!)
As for Janis I did not know either, her system while in New York was the only system not within the Net 267 nodelist, that operates the through
the entire state of NY. As a passing thought I always thought that was odd. She was such a contributor to fidonet and that was more important
to me then having her within the Empire Net of Net 267.
I understand you very well and you're right. I respected very much what Janice accomplished and contributed to the fidonet community. Our politics never aligned but of course that is also no secret. Still it is very possible to have an appreciation for ones accomplishments.As for Janis I did not know either, her system while in New York was t
only system not within the Net 267 nodelist, that operates the through
the entire state of NY. As a passing thought I always thought that wa
odd. She was such a contributor to fidonet and that was more important
to me then having her within the Empire Net of Net 267.
After she announced that she was taking her BBS down, I contacted her to see if she would sell me her BBBS license (BBBS is a cool BBS software) but she never replied. It seems like that was just a few months ago.
Now we barely got anyone to argue with anymore. :(
everAs for Janis I did not know either, her system while in New York was the only system not within the Net 267 nodelist, that operates the through the entire state of NY. As a passing thought I always thought that was odd. She was such a contributor to fidonet and that was more important to me then having her within the Empire Net of Net 267.
After she announced that she was taking her BBS down, I contacted her to see
she would sell me her BBBS license (BBBS is a cool BBS software) but she
replied. It seems like that was just a few months ago.
Now we barely got anyone to argue with anymore. :(
As for the other: Conservatives hold things together for far longer and WElso
have the ability to simply agree to disagree without bouncing off the walls >w/out acting out in a ball of rage.
I understand you very well and you're right. I respected very much what Janice accomplished and contributed to the fidonet community. Our
politics never aligned but of course that is also no secret. Still it is very possible to have an appreciation for ones accomplishments.
As for the other: Conservatives hold things together for far longer and
WE also have the ability to simply agree to disagree without bouncing
off the walls w/out acting out in a ball of rage.
Now we barely got anyone to argue with anymore. :(
She took it down, but then she actually came back for a while. She was having some sort of technical issues, though.
I wonder now if she didn't take it down after getting her initial diagnosis, and then decided to bring it back up after she had recovered from the shock. We will probably never know though.
Yea. I love that we don't have a code of conduct to adhere to, but we sorta adhere to one anyway (for the most part) just because we're goo honest people. The lefties though, they have to explain themselves wh they're seen walking out of a house that has Trump signs in the yard.
Elitists like to use things like a "code of conduct" to infiltrate and ruin institutions.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
I've been saying it all along that "there's a major collusion going on here." Is that the "covenant" that you're referring to? I'd like to
read more about it but a quick Google search didn't reveal anything
(for me.)
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