• Victimhood Harris

    From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to All on Wed Sep 18 20:10:32 2024
    Concerning the NABJ conversation with VP Kamala Harris

    Eugene Daniels of Politico started the discussion with an election coverage standard when he asked,
    "Are [Americans] better off now than they were four years ago?"

    "Four years ago when we came in, we came in during the worst unemployment since the Great Depression," Harris responded. "We came in during the worst public health epidemic in centuries.

    She played hopscotch over mumps rubella polio pandemic of the late 40's and
    she jump ropped over AIDS, SARS and H1N1, as they were never mentioned at all. Centuries? - yea no try again. - Clueless.

    Yeah and let us all not forget - those poor souls who died. It was sad.
    But being mandated to walk one way down a supermarket isle and not the other way was completely ridiculous.

    She continues "We came in after the worst attack on our democracies since the Civil War. And a lot of it due in large part to the mismanagement by the former president as it relates to COVID and obviously January 6th."

    Kamala likes to paint with a rather large brush, as mentions the worst unemployment since the Great Depression as if to Say It's Trump's Fault.
    Trump did not cause Covid.
    Trump did not cause J6 - I have his entire transcript of his words.
    Her Civil War comments were and are overdone.

    Those great employment numbers that were released by Biden / Harris that they both were swooning over...
    Not so Fast.
    All fake - by the way.

    Souce: MSN
    Revised figures reveal a significant overstatement in the Harris-Biden administration's job creation claims, with 818,000 fewer jobs than initially reported --marking the largest downward adjustment in 15 years.

    This revision indicates a monthly overcount of 68,000 jobs, including notable discrepancies in sectors such as manufacturing, with 115,000 fewer jobs, trade, transportation, and utilities down by 104,000, and construction jobs reduced by 45,000.

    Yet Harris, knowing this at the time of the NABJ event
    still went forward with this lie as she said the following
    She touted that the Biden-Harris administration created 16 million jobs, including 800,000 manufacturing jobs. Politifact, which was fact-checking the discussion in real-time, added context to the response, explaining that many of those jobs reflected workers returning to jobs they lost during the COVID crisis but that the number is still 173,000 more than before the pandemic.
    That's it? I can get more jobs with a few plays during Barren Realms Elite.

    Kamala Harris $25K homebuyer grant plan is an equity giveaway in disguise Source: New York Post.
    We will see - if she will help everybody - make no mistake it will NOT include everyone.

    Gaynor asked about Harris previous support for HR 40, which would create a commission to study the history of slavery in the country and study the issue of reparations and whether, as president, she would use an executive order to create such a commission. Harris said she believed it should be an act of Congress.

    If you're going to talk about it in any substantial way, there will be hearings, she said. There will be a level of public education and dialogue. And I think that was part of the spirit behind the congressional action thus far, to ensure that everyone can participate in this conversation in a way that elevates knowledge about history and the reference points that are the impetus of this conversation.

    BS...What a waste of oxygen.
    First Black President - Obama
    First Women VP / now running for the Presidency.
    (with not one vote cast for her - Biden had 14 million votes, but her ZERO.
    who or what is Kamala? Indian / Asian / Black ?
    Honestly, I do not care how she defines her nationality - at all.
    but reparations is beyond dumb in 2024.
    Nothing more than adding on to a Race Card and Victimhood from which to build.

    _[]_³³Äij³ ³Fidonet³ ³ FSX! ³ ³ Files ³ ºT R U M Pº ³Another Message³
    { NET 267 ³ ³Troy,NY³ ³Network³ ³Doorgames³ º 2 0 2 4 º ³ by Gregory ³

    ... I wouldn't mind a women as President. Just not this woman.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * Telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Gregory Deyss on Wed Sep 18 19:04:52 2024
    "Are [Americans] better off now than they were four years ago?"

    "Four years ago when we came in, we came in during the worst
    unemployment since the Great Depression," Harris responded. "We came in during the worst public health epidemic in centuries.

    That answer basically means "No, they're not better off now."

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Randall Schad@1:226/44 to Gregory Deyss on Wed Sep 18 22:57:24 2024
    Kamala Harris $25K homebuyer grant plan is an equity giveaway in disguise We will see - if she will help everybody - make no mistake it will NOT include everyone.

    This one is just dumb. We've seen it in healthcare, real estate, and college loans before.

    Once you start giving away money, the market capitalizes on it. Home prices will instantly go up $25k and the lenders take the lions share of the free money.

    I can't for the life of me figure out why the geniuses in Washington haven't figured this out by now. (Or is it an intentional greasing of the industry palms?)

    not one vote cast for her - Biden had 14 million votes, but her ZERO.

    This is what party politics will get ya. They aren't democracies. Never were. (And I rail pretty hard against them.) Hell, not that he was my guy or anything, but I'm pretty sure Bernie had more primary votes than Hillary leading uyp to 2016, but the super delegates just wiped it out. (Someone will have to fact check me on that.)

    who or what is Kamala? Indian / Asian / Black ?
    Honestly, I do not care how she defines her nationality - at all.

    If we don't care, why are we still talking about it?

    Not just you, man, but I hear it a lot.

    For the record, she's definitely not my first choice... But someone has to bring some sanity and decorum back into the office. The country deserves integrity and respect, and we deserve to not be tearing our families apart on the day to day because we've been led away from the ability to have civil discourse with the intent of solving issues.

    I don't know what the answer is, but yet again, we're left choosing between two steaming bowls of crap.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: The Arena BBS ú netasylum.com:2323 (1:226/44)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to GREGORY DEYSS on Thu Sep 19 09:18:00 2024
    Eugene Daniels of Politico started the discussion with an election coverage standard when he asked,
    "Are [Americans] better off now than they were four years ago?"

    "Four years ago when we came in, we came in during the worst unemployment sinc
    the Great Depression," Harris responded. "We came in during the worst public health epidemic in centuries.

    She played hopscotch over mumps rubella polio pandemic of the late 40's and she jump ropped over AIDS, SARS and H1N1, as they were never mentioned at all.
    Centuries? - yea no try again. - Clueless.

    That question is technically a softball one, so long as she answers it. Of course one can argue we are better off than we were four years ago because
    four years ago there was a pandemic going on with no known end in sight.

    A better question is "Are we better off now than we were before 2020?"
    That would be a more "apples-to-apples" comparison, but they won't likely
    ask her that because the answer would about have to be "no!"

    I do think it is horrible that a lot of people don't know history well
    enough that they will buy that there were no pandemics before COVID. The "Spanish Flu" was a pretty bad one.

    OTOH, claiming it was the worst pandemic ever does sort of make Trump look better. I mean Harris was a Senator then, too. Everyone tried to do the
    best they could with an impossible situation.

    She continues "We came in after the worst attack on our democracies since the Civil War. And a lot of it due in large part to the mismanagement by the forme
    president as it relates to COVID and obviously January 6th."

    Note that she leaves out the 2020 Summer of Love, where there was violence
    in multiple places vs. just one.

    but reparations is beyond dumb in 2024.


    * SLMR 2.1a * Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to RANDALL SCHAD on Thu Sep 19 08:41:00 2024
    Once you start giving away money, the market capitalizes on it. Home prices will instantly go up $25k and the lenders take the lions share of the free money.

    That is exactly what happened during the Clinton zero-down loan era and was
    one of the direct causes of the housing market collapse and recession in
    the early 2000s.

    I can't for the life of me figure out why the geniuses in Washington haven't figured this out by now. (Or is it an intentional greasing of the industry palms?)

    I think they just don't care if they have figured it out. Promising to
    give things away is a legal, but not moral, way to buy votes.

    For the record, she's definitely not my first choice... But someone has to bring some sanity and decorum back into the office. The country deserves integrity and respect, and we deserve to not be tearing our families apart on the day to day because we've been led away from the ability to have civil discourse with the intent of solving issues.

    Harris blames the MAGA movement of "the past decade" for that but it was something I noticed before Trump even announced he was running for 2016.

    I don't really see her as a "sanity" candidate, either, although they have cleaned her rhetoric up some since she became their candidate.

    I don't know what the answer is, but yet again, we're left choosing between tw
    steaming bowls of crap.

    Pretty much.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Got my tie caught in the fax... Suddenly I was in L.A.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)