• Cleaning Registrations Up

    From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to AARON THOMAS on Tue Aug 27 09:39:00 2024
    The issue is that republicans are removing voters who are alive and well.

    I didn't know about that issue until now. How are they removing them?

    In most cases they are not. Here, they sent out letters informing people
    who'd not voted in a long time that they needed to update their address information with voter registration or they'd be removed. If they
    responded that they were still in the state, they were not removed. Yes, that was a Republican governor's administration.

    Our current Democrat governor, who was then the Democrat AG, fought them on
    it and got all the names added back... not just ones they sent letters to,
    but ones that had legit been removed before that time (which, BTW, would
    have been under a Democrat administration).

    As a result of the add-back, I started receiving a bunch of pro-Democrat political mailings for two previous residents of my address. These would
    be two people who I had not received any political mailings for before.
    One had moved *out-of-state* 10 years prior, and one had been deceased for
    *at least* 15 years.

    Most would think that is no problem but then 2020 and COVID happened. I received three official mailings informing "residents" how to request a
    mail-in ballot for the election. One for me, one for the non-resident, and
    one for the dead person. I mailed mine in. I wrote "MOVED OUT OF STATE IN 2009" on another and "DECEASED" on the third, and returned those to sender.

    I soon quit receiving any political mailings for either of them. Don't
    know if that means they were re-removed from the rolls, or if it just means that the Democrats put them on a DO NOT MAIL list.

    Now, here is how the DEMOCRATS used to do it here.

    If you did not vote for 4 consecutive years, they would send you a letter telling you that you *have been removed* -- note that is NOT will be
    removed, but have already been. They would also inform you that, in order
    to re-register, you would have to pay a fine.

    I don't know if they did that to Democrats, but they did it to Republicans.
    I had just turned 18 and was eager to exercise my new voting rights. A relative received that letter. I talked them into voting again. They
    found a way to get re-registered for free (at a registration drive) and
    started voting again.

    So any idea that *only* Republicans do such things is typical British
    Columbian Bologna.

    * SLMR 2.1a * "Mmmmmmmm.....bacon..."
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to IB JOE on Tue Aug 27 10:30:00 2024
    Republicans are to busy making it harder to vote and easier to cheat on elections to care in any way about the American people.

    You are mixed up... Republicans are making it harder to cheat and easier to vote.

    That depends on which Republicans we are talking about. My state SOS is
    doing just that. Others are indeed trying to make it more difficult
    by claiming that restriting voting to one day is somehow safer, and are
    trying to make it easier to cheat by claiming that hand-counted paper ballots are the only safe way to go.

    What is that old saying, "whoever counts the ballots..."?

    * SLMR 2.1a * DALETECH - for all your home security needs!
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to ALAN IANSON on Tue Aug 27 10:30:00 2024
    Republicans simply say... Don't mail out ballots that are not requested.

    That is the way mail in voting works here.

    That is the way it should work, too, but there are elected Democrat politicians in the US that claim not sending out ballots to people who *don't* request them is somehow wrong, and that they should be sent to everyone who is registered regardless of desire to receive one.

    Only sending them to people who request them is somehow a Republican
    conspiracy to prevent people from voting.

    If Trump gets in and he starts his mass deportation program... He should focus on the bad people... Rapist and murderers...

    I'm not sure there will be a mass deportation program unless project 2025 proves to be real and is actioned upon.

    Trump has indicated there will be deportations, independently of, and before the Project 2025 hogwash came to light.

    and the people who illegally vote during Federal elections.

    That doesn't happen, and if it do you could arrest/deport those people now.

    That does happen, and people do get prosecuted for it (if they get caught). They are not always Democrats, either, and they are often citizens (which
    means you cannot deport them).

    * SLMR 2.1a * This message brought to you by JAMMITIN (tm)!!
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Mike Powell on Tue Aug 27 11:17:56 2024
    On 27 Aug 2024, Mike Powell said the following...

    That depends on which Republicans we are talking about. My state SOS is doing just that. Others are indeed trying to make it more difficult
    by claiming that restriting voting to one day is somehow safer, and are trying to make it easier to cheat by claiming that hand-counted paper ballots are the only safe way to go.

    There needs to be stiff penalties for cheating. I'm on the fence about some of this...

    Back in the day... Voting was held on Tuesday.... The reason for this was because people went to church on Sunday... Some of y'all need to find Jesus... And then they had 2 days by horse or walking to get to the poling stations to vote... 2 days by horse...

    Fun fact... the first people that voted were land owners only. It was argued that if you didn't have any skin in the game you couldn't vote.

    Republicans, after kicking the Democrats ass during the civil war, added the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments... Giving the slaves their freedom, citizenship and the right to vote. 100s of thousands of people died...they say ~600K but it is more like 900K... they lost count, bodies floated down stream and whatever.

    Laster in the 1900 with the suffrage movement women got the right to vote....

    Back to 2024.... 100s of thousands of people died... People rallied behind causes... Womans Suffrage... Huge prices paid.

    Get the F%$K out and vote you puss as bitches.

    I'm okay with it not being a "day"... it's okay to be 3 or 4 days...

    Voter rolls need to be clean and if you are a non-citizen and voted you need to be deported.

    Paper ballots, chain of custody. Hand counted. Equal representation... Fully transparent and a platform to contest the election if there is fraud.

    It doesn't have to be election 3 months... and in the Democrat states they are still counting ballots that come in in December...

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... We all live in a yellow subroutine...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Mike Powell on Tue Aug 27 12:57:26 2024
    I didn't know about that issue until now. How are they removing them?

    In most cases they are not. Here, they sent out letters informing people who'd not voted in a long time that they needed to update their address information with voter registration or they'd be removed. If they responded that they were still in the state, they were not removed.
    Yes, that was a Republican governor's administration.

    That's not bad! I never cancelled my voter registration in New Mexico when I moved to New York. Surely some Democrat in New Mexico is harvesting that apple.

    Now, here is how the DEMOCRATS used to do it here.

    If you did not vote for 4 consecutive years, they would send you a letter telling you that you *have been removed* -- note that is NOT will be removed, but have already been. They would also inform you that, in
    order to re-register, you would have to pay a fine.

    That's funny! "Pay us money if you ever want to vote again! Sincerely, the Democrats." :)

    So any idea that *only* Republicans do such things is typical British Columbian Bologna.

    He's got a lot of ridiculous propaganda dancing around in his head. I just hope he doesn't get caught up in any riots because they're looking for guys like him.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Mike Powell on Tue Aug 27 21:34:12 2024
    Only sending them to people who request them is somehow a Republican conspiracy to prevent people from voting.

    I don't see any conspiracy here.

    I think it should be easy to vote at the ballot box or ny mail in vote.

    Trump has indicated there will be deportations, independently of, and before the Project 2025 hogwash came to light.

    There are deportations already. I read that the Biden admin has deported more people at the border than the Trump admin did.

    I don't watch the border. I'm not sure how true hat is.

    Project 2025 is hardly hogwash.

    That doesn't happen, and if it do you could arrest/deport those people now.

    That does happen, and people do get prosecuted for it (if they get caught).

    It's doesn't happen on a large scale.

    They are not always Democrats,

    Indeed, it is usually republicans.

    either, and they are often citizens (which means you cannot deport them).

    Then they are not illegals.

    * SLMR 2.1a * This message brought to you by JAMMITIN (tm)!!

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Mike Powell on Tue Aug 27 21:37:32 2024
    Dead people don't vote for reasons that are mostly obvious.

    There have been cases over the years where votes were cast on behalf of
    dead people who were still on the register.

    Yes, I have seen these stories.

    That's why it is important the people who have passed are removed from the voter rolls as IB Joe was saying is happening or has happened in texas.

    It is just as important that the living are not removed as long as they are legitimate voters.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Alan Ianson on Wed Aug 28 11:53:02 2024
    Alan Ianson -> IB Joe skrev 2024-08-28 06:53:
    Half of the votes for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election are
    from dead people.

    I think it safe to stop there.

    Just as it started to become interesting?

    I mean, 40 million dead people? Without people noticing more than 138 (if I remember correctly), the vast majority being votes for Trump?


    To paraphrase former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura:

    I'm 76 years old now, so the window is closing. I want to be alive to see the first woman President of the United States of America.


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20091121
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Wed Aug 28 07:32:40 2024
    Project 2025 is hardly hogwash.

    Next time you come to the states, tell people that you're scared to death of Project 2025. They will help keep you safe from it.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Aaron Thomas on Wed Aug 28 08:49:10 2024
    On 28 Aug 2024, Aaron Thomas said the following...

    Next time you come to the states, tell people that you're scared to
    death of Project 2025. They will help keep you safe from it.

    Hopefully with a gun!!!

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Unzip... expand... What kind of pervert came up with this?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Wed Aug 28 09:32:22 2024
    Project 2025 is hardly hogwash.

    Next time you come to the states, tell people that you're scared to death of Project 2025. They will help keep you safe from it.

    Good information, as always.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Mike Powell on Wed Aug 28 09:39:46 2024
    Project 2025 is hardly hogwash.

    Believing that if Trump deports people, then he is following Project 2025
    and not his own promises *is* hogwash,

    Oh, I believe Trump when he says he is going to do a mass deportation.

    Trump would/will do that regardless of project 2025.

    especially if you also admit to knowing that Biden has also been deporting people. Does that mean Biden is following Project 2025 now, too?

    No, Biden is deporting illegals/undesirables.

    Do you like that when Trump does it but not when Biden does it?

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Mike Powell on Wed Aug 28 09:46:34 2024
    Projects to remove deceased (and moved away) voters are often blocked by Democrats.

    That is regular maintenance, or at least it should be.

    Sometime during 2016-19, our current governor was the state AG
    and he did just that when he sucessfully blocked a project to remove the deceased and moved-away. As a result, deceased voters got added back to
    the rolls.

    The republican party has a long record of removing the living from the voter rolls. They don't seem to want (some) people voting.

    It is just as important that the living are not removed as long as they are >> legitimate voters.

    In the example above, the project AG Bashear blocked was attempting to
    notify voters, before removing them, that they needed to update their information. He blocked it anyway even though, in past, the state (under Democrat control) had removed people *before* notifying them.

    There is no need to notify dead people, go ahead and remove them.

    It is OK to keep addresses and what not current, but living voters should not be removed.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Wed Aug 28 12:33:02 2024
    The republican party has a long record of removing the living from the voter rolls. They don't seem to want (some) people voting.

    How long is "long?" When and where did this happen? And which Republican(s) were involved?

    Or did the reporter you're parroting forget to give you those details?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Wed Aug 28 12:02:12 2024
    The republican party has a long record of removing the living from the
    voter rolls. They don't seem to want (some) people voting.

    How long is "long?" When and where did this happen? And which Republican(s) were involved?

    A very long time. You never noticed?

    I understand the AG (I think you know him) in Texas has been raiding Latino civil rights organizations. It's beeing called voter intimidation.

    I could go on.

    Or did the reporter you're parroting forget to give you those details?

    Where's Hanibal!

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Wed Aug 28 14:23:26 2024
    I understand the AG (I think you know him) in Texas has been raiding Latino civil rights organizations. It's beeing called voter intimidation.

    No. People in the states typically only pay attention to their own state. I realize that we express curiosity about other states a lot in this echo, but ask anyone if they really care what happens in other states besides the one that they live in, and they'll probably say "no."

    I could squawk all day about California, but nah, it's somebody else's problem.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Wed Aug 28 16:01:00 2024
    I understand the AG (I think you know him) in Texas has been raiding
    Latino civil rights organizations. It's beeing called voter intimidation.


    Paxton. That cat has (more than) nine lives.

    He could make DJT blush.

    I could squawk all day about California, but nah, it's somebody else's problem.

    California has it's problems as every state does to one degree or another but it is also highly successful.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Wed Aug 28 22:02:30 2024
    California has it's problems as every state does to one degree or
    another but it is also highly successful.

    Some businesses are leaving California for tax and regulation reasons.

    I'm not sure I'd call that a model of success. We've seen what a loss of regulations did in Texas.

    What do you mean by successful? The media has been reporting a lot of businesses leaving California.

    California was at one time the fifth largest economy in the world, heading for fourth although that is old, I dunno if that is true today but I would call California a success with all that comes with it.

    But of course that might be just a bunch of lies, and maybe businesses are not leaving California. It's hard to know for sure what's happening in a state without living in it, very, very hard to know.

    That is not a lie but it does not tell the whole story.

    But not everyone has the same definition of every word. Would "successful" describe a state losing it's businesses to other states? Someone wishing for socialism or for the bringing down of a country might call that "success."

    I understand that "Socialist" is Donald Trumps favorite word but California is not a socialist state and nor has California done anything like "bringing down a country".

    I can think of others when you say bring down a country, but it is not California.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Thu Aug 29 07:43:58 2024
    California has it's problems as every state does to one degree or
    another but it is also highly successful.

    Some businesses are leaving California for tax and regulation reasons.

    I get it. California used to have a successful economy. My state used to have one too. Businesses are definitely leaving my state, and the media suggests that it's due to high taxes, but I honestly have no clue. But if that were true, then I suppose I'd be glad to have a president willing to reduce taxes for corporations.

    I understand that "Socialist" is Donald Trumps favorite word but California is not a socialist state and nor has California done anything like "bringing down a country".

    Some people think of it as a bad word, but I don't. It's just an economic system that in some cases benefits people equally. Some would argue that Canada is a socialist state because of the free health care for all, but obviously not everything in Canada functions in a socialist way; you still have private businesses and people are still allowed to get rich by working hard. I would hate to see that change in my country or in yours.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to ALAN IANSON on Thu Aug 29 10:20:00 2024
    Project 2025 is hardly hogwash.

    Believing that if Trump deports people, then he is following Project 2025 and not his own promises *is* hogwash,

    Oh, I believe Trump when he says he is going to do a mass deportation.

    Trump would/will do that regardless of project 2025.

    That was my logic. Yours was "if Trump does a mass deporation, it is a
    sign he is following Project 2025."

    Otherwise, I would never have bothered to respond.

    * SLMR 2.1a * "Now who's laughing?! Now who's laughing?!" - Pagans
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to ALAN IANSON on Thu Aug 29 11:14:00 2024
    Projects to remove deceased (and moved away) voters are often blocked by Democrats.

    That is regular maintenance, or at least it should be.

    They should be but Democrats don't like them so they usually are not.

    In the example above, the project AG Bashear blocked was attempting to notify voters, before removing them, that they needed to update their information. He blocked it anyway even though, in past, the state (under Democrat control) had removed people *before* notifying them.

    There is no need to notify dead people, go ahead and remove them.

    It is OK to keep addresses and what not current, but living voters should not be removed.

    In the USA, if a voter MOVES they are REQUIRED to re-register because they
    are likely no longer in the same district, and especially if they move out-of-state. If they do not re-register, it is not the government's fault
    but their own fault for not following directions.

    Voting in a district that is not your own is *ILLEGAL*. The only way you
    can do so legally is if you notify the poll workers so they can give you a
    very restricted ballot where the only race you can vote in is for
    President -- and that may not be legal in every state.

    That is why it is important to attempt to notify and remove people who
    might still be alive but who have stopped voting for a specified period.
    They could be dead, they could be moved-away, or they could just not be exercising their rights. Notification allows them to verify that they are still where they say they are and still want to remain registered.

    If people followed the reqirements to re-register, there'd be no need for any of that.

    * SLMR 2.1a * "High as a kite, everybody! Goofballs!!"-Chief Wiggum
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Thu Aug 29 15:30:56 2024
    Some businesses are leaving California for tax and regulation reasons.

    I get it. California used to have a successful economy.

    That is a lie. California and New York both have successful econimies.

    I think it's safe to stop there.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Mike Powell on Thu Aug 29 15:32:48 2024
    Trump would/will do that regardless of project 2025.

    That was my logic. Yours was "if Trump does a mass deporation, it is a
    sign he is following Project 2025."

    Trump would/will implement much of project 2025 as well.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Mike Powell on Thu Aug 29 15:35:36 2024
    There is no need to notify dead people, go ahead and remove them.

    It is OK to keep addresses and what not current, but living voters should not >> be removed.

    In the USA, if a voter MOVES they are REQUIRED to re-register because they are likely no longer in the same district, and especially if they move out-of-state. If they do not re-register, it is not the government's fault but their own fault for not following directions.

    That is all well and good.

    However what is happening is folks who have not moved or changed much of anything being removed.

    That is the issue.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Thu Aug 29 20:23:40 2024
    Some businesses are leaving California for tax and regulation reasons.

    I get it. California used to have a successful economy.

    That is a lie. California and New York both have successful econimies.

    I think it's safe to stop there.

    I don't know. Is this enough to appease the leftist gods? They might want you to take these false claims to the next level.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Thu Aug 29 20:24:48 2024
    In the USA, if a voter MOVES they are REQUIRED to re-register because th are likely no longer in the same district, and especially if they move out-of-state. If they do not re-register, it is not the government's fa but their own fault for not following directions.

    That is all well and good.

    However what is happening is folks who have not moved or changed much of anything being removed.

    Tell us their names.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Thu Aug 29 20:26:10 2024
    I don't know. Is this enough to appease the leftist gods? They might want you to take these false claims to the next level.

    I have no gods, left or right.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Thu Aug 29 20:33:34 2024
    However what is happening is folks who have not moved or changed much of
    anything being removed.

    Tell us their names.

    You want me to tell you their names!?

    I'll tell you one. Daniel Moss. His place on the voter roll was challenged as ineligible by a group called free the vote.

    His name and thousands of others.

    Do a little reaserch, would ya?


    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Fri Aug 30 06:03:30 2024
    However what is happening is folks who have not moved or changed much o >> anything being removed.

    Tell us their names.

    You want me to tell you their names!?

    I'll tell you one. Daniel Moss. His place on the voter roll was
    challenged as ineligible by a group called free the vote.

    His name and thousands of others.

    Do a little reaserch, would ya?


    There's a good reason why you can only tell me 1 name, and that's because this ridiculous CNN "report" only tells 1 name. You're falling for BS. BS is slippery when it's fresh, but by the end of the day it dries up and no longer poses a slip hazard.

    There are times when videos show evidence of things, but this video shows no evidence of anything. If you were a court judge, there would be major protests outside your courtroom on a daily basis. They'd call you "Judge BS."

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Fri Aug 30 08:27:32 2024
    There's a good reason why you can only tell me 1 name,

    Why should I give you any names?

    and that's because this ridiculous CNN "report" only tells 1 name. You're falling for BS. BS is slippery when it's fresh, but by the end of the day it dries up and no longer poses a slip hazard.

    There never was a slip hazard. It was a well presented report, full of good information about election denialism in the USA today.

    There are times when videos show evidence of things, but this video shows no evidence of anything. If you were a court judge, there would be major protests outside your courtroom on a daily basis. They'd call you "Judge BS."

    No one is giving evidence, this is not court and there is no judge.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to ALAN IANSON on Fri Aug 30 10:15:00 2024
    Trump would/will do that regardless of project 2025.

    That was my logic. Yours was "if Trump does a mass deporation, it is a sign he is following Project 2025."

    Trump would/will implement much of project 2025 as well.

    Some of it does line up with other things either Trump or the GOP have suggested in the past. Other parts seem to come out of far left field...
    or maybe that should be far RIGHT field... and I would be shocked if anyone with any fiscal sense would see them as good ideas.

    * SLMR 2.1a * It's the Bucket woman! She'll sing at me!!!
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Fri Aug 30 09:55:30 2024
    On 29 Aug 2024, Alan Ianson said the following...

    That is a lie. California and New York both have successful econimies.

    I think it's safe to stop there.

    No they don.... Both are failing... Both have people moving out of the state... Recently Elon moved all his California holding out of California to Texas... Chevron Oil is also moving from California. All complaining about regulations and high taxes... and poop on the street.... Ohhhh and Silvester Stallone... among many others are moving out as well. There are more people leaving California and moving in... The wealth is leaving.

    The same is happening in New York. Major financial firms are bugging out and moving to Texas, as did Elon, where there is no state income tax.

    I think it's safe to stop there.

    Don't tell me what to do...

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Real Programmers balance their checkbooks in hex

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to IB Joe on Fri Aug 30 11:18:34 2024
    That is a lie. California and New York both have successful econimies.

    I think it's safe to stop there.

    No they don.... Both are failing... Both have people moving out of the state..

    People move for various reasons. That doesn't mean the state has failed.

    Recently Elon moved all his California holding out of California to Texas...

    That is likely for "regulation reasons". Regulations are a good thing when they are about best practices. If companies would keep up best practises without regulations than regulations would not be needed.

    People or companies often let best practises slip for profitability reasons.

    I wouldn't by a car that was built in Texas for that reason.

    Chevron Oil is also moving from California. All complaining about regulations and high taxes...

    Regulations and taxes are not reason to complain.

    and poop on the street.... Ohhhh and Silvester Stallone... among many others are moving out as well.

    Tell Sylvester to take his poop with him.

    There are more people leaving California and moving in... The wealth is leaving.

    People come and go for many reasons.

    The same is happening in New York. Major financial firms are bugging out and moving to Texas, as did Elon, where there is no state income tax.

    True patriots!

    I think it's safe to stop there.

    Don't tell me what to do...

    I'm not telling you what to do. I said "I think it is safe to stop there". I said nothing about what you should or should not do.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Alan Ianson on Fri Aug 30 21:48:34 2024
    Alan Ianson -> IB Joe skrev 2024-08-30 20:18:
    Recently Elon moved all his California holding out of California to

    That is likely for "regulation reasons". Regulations are a good thing
    when they are about best practices. If companies would keep up best practises without regulations than regulations would not be needed.

    But in this case, it was all about space. Tesla had used every inch of the property in Fremont, CA, so they bought a new, much more spacious one in Austin, TX.

    Still keeping his extremely productive Fremont factory of course, so, no moving all anything involved. Just the HQ was relocated.

    I wish those MAGA idiots would sometime learn about factchecking.


    To paraphrase former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura:

    I'm 76 years old now, so the window is closing. I want to be alive to see the first woman President of the United States of America.


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20091121
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Bj÷rn Felten on Sat Aug 31 02:52:34 2024
    I wish those MAGA idiots would sometime learn about factchecking.

    MAGA doesn't care about facts or truth.

    They just want signatures!

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Sat Aug 31 07:57:12 2024
    On 30 Aug 2024, Alan Ianson said the following...

    People move for various reasons. That doesn't mean the state has failed.

    Put down the crack pipe...

    Foot Locker Flees New York's Crushing Taxes, Relocates Headquarters to Business-Friendly Florida

    This headline was yesterday just after I sent you a message yesterday.

    Several companies are leaving/left California and New York citing not just any reason... as you might imply.... But because of the Tax and Regulatory burden.

    I forget get what city it is... one of these 3 in Texas... Austin, Dalis or Huston... filed this year to be a financial HUB for the south. Seems that a lot of major banks and trading firms are moving to Texas... Not just for any reason... They are citing Taxes and high Regulations.

    You sit in an other country on the other side of the continent and you tell Aaron who actually lives in New York that doesn't know what he's talking about.

    BTW, McDonalds is thinking of leaving Chicago... an other liberal Sh!t Hole... citing High Taxes, Regulations and Crime. When these companies leave they take the taxes they once paid, in this case Illinois, and go to a more favorable place... Like Texas and Florida where there is no state income tax.

    BTW, California was/is the 5th largest economy in the world. They once had tax revenue surpluses... now they have deficits in the 100s of billions.

    Sometimes you just say the stupidest stuff... And you don't support your claims and you try to tell the people who are living in the failed state to ignore what they see and hear.

    Chevron Oil is also moving from California. All complaining about regulations and high taxes...

    Regulations and taxes are not reason to complain.

    They said they are leaving for those reasons...

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Back up my hard drive? I can't find the reverse switch!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to IB Joe on Sat Aug 31 07:20:18 2024
    Foot Locker Flees New York's Crushing Taxes, Relocates Headquarters to Business-Friendly Florida

    I wish foot locker every success whether in New York, Florida or anywhere they choose.

    Several companies are leaving/left California and New York citing not just any reason... as you might imply.... But because of the Tax and Regulatory burden.
    Banning books and deregulation are not solutions.

    I forget get what city it is... one of these 3 in Texas... Austin, Dalis or Huston... filed this year to be a financial HUB for the south. Seems that a lot of major banks and trading firms are moving to Texas... Not just for any reason... They are citing Taxes and high Regulations.

    If I was running a business the bottom line would be a key point in my decision making and location.

    You sit in an other country on the other side of the continent and you tell Aaron who actually lives in New York that doesn't know what he's talking about.

    I never told Aaron that he didn't know what he is talking about. I told him New York was a successful state, because that is what it is.

    BTW, McDonalds is thinking of leaving Chicago... an other liberal Sh!t Hole... citing High Taxes, Regulations and Crime.

    McDonalds is already a low quality outfit. I wouldn't go there at all if they didn't have regulations.

    When these companies leave they take the taxes they once paid, in this case Illinois, and go to a more favorable place... Like Texas and Florida where there is no state income tax.

    Sure, it's a free country. Live/work whever you like.

    BTW, California was/is the 5th largest economy in the world. They once had tax revenue surpluses... now they have deficits in the 100s of billions.

    Things are tough all over.

    Sometimes you just say the stupidest stuff... And you don't support your claim and you try to tell the people who are living in the failed state to ignore what they see and hear.

    I never told anyone to ignore anything.

    Chevron Oil is also moving from California. All complaining about
    regulations and high taxes...

    Well I wish them a happy tax free..

    Regulations and taxes are not reason to complain.

    They said they are leaving for those reasons...

    They are realities that I don't feel a need to complain about, and understand what they are for, and what they do.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Sat Aug 31 09:15:28 2024
    On 31 Aug 2024, Alan Ianson said the following...

    Several companies are leaving/left California and New York citing not ju any reason... as you might imply.... But because of the Tax and Regulato burden.
    Banning books and deregulation are not solutions.

    WTF does that have to do with what I said...

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... The dog ate my .REP packet

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Sat Aug 31 09:25:26 2024
    On 31 Aug 2024, Alan Ianson said the following...

    If I was running a business the bottom line would be a key point in my decision making and location.

    And it's why they move... The bottom line... it's better to do business anywhere other than Demicrat Sh!t Holes...

    I never told Aaron that he didn't know what he is talking about. I told him New York was a successful state, because that is what it is.

    You did... Aaron lives in New York and sees the failing state first hand and you tell him it's not a failing state... but he lives there... and you don't.

    McDonalds is already a low quality outfit. I wouldn't go there at all if they didn't have regulations.

    Who cares the quality... The largest fast food restaurant in the world is moving it's HQ from Chicago and going to a more favorable state and with that they'll take with them... employees and tax revenue.

    WTF does your argument have to do with anything. New York and California are hemorrhaging their Tax Base... Silvester Stallone announced that he is moving to Florida citing Taxes, crime and woke stuff...

    I know people move for many reasons... but my god... FOCUS!!

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. - Einstein

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to IB Joe on Sat Aug 31 08:39:34 2024
    Several companies are leaving/left California and New York citing not ju >> > any reason... as you might imply.... But because of the Tax and Regulato >> > burden.
    Banning books and deregulation are not solutions.

    WTF does that have to do with what I said...

    Regulations are not burdensome and neither are books!

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to IB Joe on Sat Aug 31 08:47:02 2024
    And it's why they move... The bottom line... it's better to do business anywhere other than Demicrat Sh!t Holes...

    Sure, live/work where you please.

    I never told Aaron that he didn't know what he is talking about. I told
    him New York was a successful state, because that is what it is.

    You did... Aaron lives in New York and sees the failing state first hand and you tell him it's not a failing state... but he lives there... and you don't.

    I never told Aaron that he didn't know what he talking about.

    Who cares the quality... The largest fast food restaurant in the world is moving it's HQ from Chicago and going to a more favorable state and with that they'll take with them... employees and tax revenue.

    I don't see your issue. If McD's wants to move they can do that.

    WTF does your argument have to do with anything. New York and California are hemorrhaging their Tax Base...

    Sure, people and business's move. It's a choice.

    Silvester Stallone announced that he is moving to Florida citing Taxes,
    crime and woke stuff...

    Sylvester has his choice too. It's all good.

    I know people move for many reasons... but my god... FOCUS!!

    I'm focused Joe, just like you told me.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Sat Aug 31 15:02:24 2024
    On 31 Aug 2024, Alan Ianson said the following...

    Regulations are not burdensome and neither are books!

    Regulations are extremely burdensome.... costly and can cause excessive delays...

    The Biden and Harris wanted to build charging stations for electric cars... spent BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars and built 4... Because the regulations required DEI, among other things... and that's all they got with the money they spent.

    Trump reduces regulations to speedup the process of Making America Great Again.

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Youth is glorious, but it isn't a career

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to IB Joe on Sat Aug 31 15:58:08 2024
    Regulations are not burdensome and neither are books!

    Regulations are extremely burdensome....

    Regulations are neseccary. In most cases they spell out best practises.

    costly and can cause excessive delays...

    Regulations cost nothing and cause no delays.

    Following regulations may add costs and/or delays but they are there for a reason.

    The Biden and Harris wanted to build charging stations for electric cars... spent BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars and built 4... Because the regulations required DEI, among other things... and that's all they got with the money the spent.

    What regulation requires DEI?

    Trump reduces regulations to speedup the process of Making America Great Again.

    Trump has succeeded in making some Americans hate again.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Sat Aug 31 19:22:28 2024
    You sit in an other country on the other side of the continent and you t Aaron who actually lives in New York that doesn't know what he's talking about.

    I never told Aaron that he didn't know what he is talking about. I told him New York was a successful state, because that is what it is.

    That's like me telling you that British Columbia is a terrible place where syringes litter the streets, nobody recycles, and everybody is high all the time. That might be how the media describes it, but since I've never lived there, I won't parrot what they say about it, and since we're all BBS buddies, I would take your word for it when you tell me stuff about it.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Sat Aug 31 19:25:30 2024
    You did... Aaron lives in New York and sees the failing state first hand you tell him it's not a failing state... but he lives there... and you d

    I never told Aaron that he didn't know what he talking about.

    You did, but you said it in a nice way.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Sat Aug 31 19:53:56 2024
    I never told Aaron that he didn't know what he is talking about. I told
    him New York was a successful state, because that is what it is.

    That's like me telling you that British Columbia is a terrible place where syringes litter the streets, nobody recycles, and everybody is high all the time.

    There are places like that, an area called the downtown eastside resembles your description. Exteme poverty and drugs galore, I've seen it myself.

    That area covers 10 square blocks and does not represent British Columbia.

    Gangs in BC are a bigger problem, not the gangs you would imagine.

    That might be how the media describes it, but since I've never lived
    there, I won't parrot what they say about it, and since we're all BBS buddies, I would take your word for it when you tell me stuff about it.

    If you have questions about BC I'll answer if I can and at least as I see it.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Sat Aug 31 19:56:22 2024
    I never told Aaron that he didn't know what he talking about.

    You did, but you said it in a nice way.

    Nope, I never did. I'm sure Aaron knows New York very well. I just said that New York was a successful state. I'm sure New York has it's issues as well as California, BC and many places but it is not a failure.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Sun Sep 1 00:13:58 2024
    I never told Aaron that he didn't know what he is talking about. I told >> him New York was a successful state, because that is what it is.

    That's like me telling you that British Columbia is a terrible place whe syringes litter the streets, nobody recycles, and everybody is high all time.

    There are places like that, an area called the downtown eastside
    resembles your description. Exteme poverty and drugs galore, I've seen
    it myself.

    That area covers 10 square blocks and does not represent British

    I have to insist that the downtown east side of Vancouver is "highly successful." I've never been there, but I've been to a lot of websites.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Sun Sep 1 00:40:02 2024
    Nope, I never did. I'm sure Aaron knows New York very well. I just said that New York was a successful state. I'm sure New York has it's issues
    as well as California, BC and many places but it is not a failure.

    Successful is a vague word. Successful recycling program? Yes. Successful snow plow service? Yes. Successful economy? No.

    We used to have Kodak, Endicott-Johnson, IBM, Remmington Arms, MCI, to name a few. They have all moved to other states. Not for better beaches, not for better weed, but for economic reasons. And the better companies, like IBM, took their employees with them when they left.

    I moved away for about 15 years, and when I came back 90% of the people I knew were gone. Most of them moved to Florida. They didn't move there to be closer to Disney World, they moved there for economic reasons. Florida is home to thousands of New York transplants.

    New York is "successful" at being famous for the Statue of Liberty which is located on an island near the New York City coast. But I would enjoy hearing someone tell me how New York has a successful economy, because that would blow my mind. As of 2023, New York State has a debt of $55.9 billion dollars.

    New York, California, and Hawaii (all leftie controlled states) have the highest state debt out of all of the 50 states. Successful at being in debt? Yes.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Sun Sep 1 01:24:26 2024
    Successful is a vague word. Successful recycling program? Yes. Successful snow plow service? Yes. Successful economy? No.

    There is nothing vague about the word successful.

    New York State has a debt of $55.9 billion dollars.

    Most people also carry debt.

    That doesn't strike me as a lot for a state with a GDP around 2 trillion. Or am I mistaken about that?

    New York, California, and Hawaii (all leftie controlled states) have the highest state debt out of all of the 50 states. Successful at being in debt? Yes.

    Are these debts out of control?

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Björn Felten on Sun Sep 1 11:20:12 2024
    Hello Bj”rn,


    I wish those MAGA idiots would sometime learn about factchecking.

    Do you think that is even possible?

    Or is it a case of wishful thinking?

    For Life,

    The first thing a cult does is claim that everyone else is lying to you.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Alan Ianson on Sun Sep 1 14:23:58 2024
    Alan Ianson -> Aaron Thomas skrev 2024-09-01 10:24:
    New York State has a debt of $55.9 billion dollars.

    Most people also carry debt.

    That doesn't strike me as a lot for a state with a GDP around 2
    trillion. Or am I mistaken about that?

    You must excuse Aaron. Like his Orange Jesus, "a trillion, nobody has ever (code for "I have never") heard about a trillion," he probably doesn't realize what a trillion is.

    For instance, what do the $1.9T tax credits given to the corporations and billionaires by the MAGA administration actually mean to the (yearly average as reported by the IRS) 85M US taxpayers?

    It means not $1,900/85 but $1,900,000/85 on average for every US taxpayer: $22,353:-. 42.5M paid even more.

    And all this for reviving the long-debunked trickle-down economy theory from the Reagan era. At least Reagan only lowered corporate taxes by 12% over two years; Trump lowered them by 14% in just a single year.

    Talk about a reverse Robin Hood economy. Steal from the poor and give to the rich.


    There will come a day when we have to answer for all our wrongs. Make sure you know the difference between right and wrong.


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20091121
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Sun Sep 1 08:35:22 2024
    New York State has a debt of $55.9 billion dollars.

    Most people also carry debt.

    That doesn't strike me as a lot for a state with a GDP around 2
    trillion. Or am I mistaken about that?

    It's better than Hawaii's debt to GDP ratio by comparison, but how much better would it be if Democrats didn't push all the major brands out of the state?

    Since Kathy Hochul's rogue regime took over, now businesses are being sued for hundreds of millions of dollars just for breaking bank policies.

    Are these debts out of control?

    It is out of control. Not just in New York, but in every Democrat state.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Björn Felten on Sun Sep 1 08:41:54 2024
    For instance, what do the $1.9T tax credits given to the
    corporations and billionaires by the MAGA administration actually mean
    to the (yearly average as reported by the IRS) 85M US taxpayers?

    We like having businesses and we like having jobs. Democrats like converting shopping malls into welfare offices.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Sun Sep 1 10:23:00 2024
    That doesn't strike me as a lot for a state with a GDP around 2
    trillion. Or am I mistaken about that?

    It's better than Hawaii's debt to GDP ratio by comparison, but how much better would it be if Democrats didn't push all the major brands out of the state?

    I don't think democrats are pushing people out. Some may choose to go elsewhere. That's fine.

    Since Kathy Hochul's rogue regime took over, now businesses are being sued for hundreds of millions of dollars just for breaking bank policies.

    I couldn't find any info about this.

    Are these debts out of control?

    It is out of control. Not just in New York, but in every Democrat state.

    I'll agree that New York has a debt and most every state does.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Sun Sep 1 15:59:50 2024
    On 31 Aug 2024, Alan Ianson said the following...

    Regulations are neseccary. In most cases they spell out best practises.

    Over regulation is bad and stifles growth.

    Regulations cost nothing and cause no delays.

    Regulations cost tones... Large corporations love them because smaller companies can't afford them... Latest was DEI... how F#$king stupid is that... U have to hire a 1 legged black hermaphrodite with pronouns to make sure you're represented.

    Thank God companies are catching on.

    Following regulations may add costs and/or delays but they are there for
    a reason.

    Regulations are the main reason... it takes 15 to 20 years to build a road sometime because they are worried about a frog or a snail.

    I have a buddy who builds homes and he says that about 1/3 of the price of building a new home is based on regulations....

    Do you have a clue what you're talking about??

    What regulation requires DEI?

    For Democrats its having to hire weird people, a lot of the times unfit or unqualified for the job... Trump redefined it to Deport Every Illegal...

    Trump has succeeded in making some Americans hate again.

    Nope... It's the left that hates... Go to a Trump rally... they dance and sing patriotic songs.

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Unzip... expand... What kind of pervert came up with this?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to IB Joe on Sun Sep 1 15:31:44 2024
    Regulations are neseccary. In most cases they spell out best practises.

    Over regulation is bad and stifles growth.

    Over regulation is bad. Old regulations that don't make sense anymore should be removed or updated.

    Regulations cost nothing and cause no delays.

    Regulations cost tones... Large corporations love them because smaller companies can't afford them...

    The regulations don't cost anything. Doing things right might add costs. Doing things wrong will also add costs.

    Latest was DEI... how F#$king stupid is that...

    Diversity, equity, and inclusion is not a bad thing.

    U have to hire a 1 legged black hermaphrodite with pronouns to make sure you're represented.

    That is not DEI.

    Following regulations may add costs and/or delays but they are there for
    a reason.

    Regulations are the main reason... it takes 15 to 20 years to build a road sometime because they are worried about a frog or a snail.

    I have never seen any road take that long.

    I have a buddy who builds homes and he says that about 1/3 of the price of building a new home is based on regulations....

    Do you have a clue what you're talking about??

    Do you want to deregulate home builders? Do you know what you are talking about?

    What regulation requires DEI?

    For Democrats its having to hire weird people, a lot of the times unfit or unqualified for the job... Trump redefined it to Deport Every Illegal...

    That is not DEI.

    Trump has succeeded in making some Americans hate again.

    Nope... It's the left that hates... Go to a Trump rally... they dance and sing patriotic songs.

    They love Trump, but hate America.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Sun Sep 1 17:58:34 2024
    It's better than Hawaii's debt to GDP ratio by comparison, but how much better would it be if Democrats didn't push all the major brands out of state?

    I don't think democrats are pushing people out. Some may choose to go elsewhere. That's fine.

    They're not making them walk the plank like pirates, but they're pushing them out with high taxes that are less severe in other states such as North Carolina and Texas.

    Since Kathy Hochul's rogue regime took over, now businesses are being su for hundreds of millions of dollars just for breaking bank policies.

    I couldn't find any info about this.

    I'm referring to Trump's "civil fraud trial."

    https://apnews.com/article/trump-fraud-letitia-james-new-york-engoron-38bc3a7f2 ccb22555c026e9bf70fd5bb

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Sun Sep 1 18:47:44 2024
    Since Kathy Hochul's rogue regime took over, now businesses are being su >> > for hundreds of millions of dollars just for breaking bank policies.

    I couldn't find any info about this.

    I'm referring to Trump's "civil fraud trial."

    I'm aware of Trumps civil fraud trial and conviction. He'll be sentenced in a few weeks.

    It wasn't about bank policy, Trump's actions were against state law.

    What has that got to do with Kathy Hochul?

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-7
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Sun Sep 1 21:04:40 2024
    I'm aware of Trumps civil fraud trial and conviction. He'll be sentenced in a few weeks.

    It wasn't about bank policy, Trump's actions were against state law.

    What has that got to do with Kathy Hochul?

    I thought that the NY Attorney General was appointed by the governor, but I was wrong about that. (I just don't remember seeing "Attorney General" on the ballot.)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Alan Ianson on Mon Sep 2 10:55:58 2024
    On 01 Sep 2024, Alan Ianson said the following...

    The regulations don't cost anything. Doing things right might add costs. Doing things wrong will also add costs.

    Stop.... JC... During the depression my grandfather walked around with his tools fixing things... He'd knock on doors and offer his services. He fed his family that was during that time.

    When I was younger my brother and I could pickup a hammer and do the same thing...

    Today, I'd have to hire Safety people to do the simplest thing. Alan... who the f%^k pays for a safety supervisor... is it FREE??

    Kids today can't even sell lemonade on the corner without a permit...

    I have never seen any road take that long.

    Ask Barry... After the 2009 market collapse he was given out money for shovel ready projects... None were done because of regulations. Trump got into office and had that reduced to 2 years. If there was noway the road could be done you found out right away... well within 2 years and not 10 or 15 years later.

    You have no clue about the points you take.

    For Democrats its having to hire weird people, a lot of the times unfit unqualified for the job... Trump redefined it to Deport Every Illegal...

    That is not DEI.

    Trump redefined it... like the dems do all the time. I like Trump's DEI

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)