• Keys to the White House

    From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to ALL on Sun Jul 7 19:30:42 2024
    Hello Everybodyl

    It is that time of year again.
    The time when decisions are made.
    Big decisions.
    Reallh big decisions that affect us all.
    Such as who will stay.
    And who will leave.
    Starting with who is in.
    But who may be soon leaving.
    Maybe even sooner than you think.
    And you all know who and what
    I am talking about.

    "If Biden is not the nominee, he should resign the presidency."
    ~ Allan Lichtman, PhD, Harvard University

    This is the professor who correctly predicted the outccome
    of every presidential election since 1984. Well, 9 out of 10
    if you count Al Gore's victory over GWB as a loss. But he
    did get the popular vote right.

    What are the Keys to the White House?
    According to Professor Lichtman (the man with the PhD),
    there are only 13 of them. And in order for Biden to win,
    he needs to win six of those keys to claim victory.

    Lichtman’s 13 keys to the White House

    * Party Mandate
    * Party Contest
    * Incumbency
    * 3rd Party
    * Short-term Economy
    * Long-term Economy
    * Policy Change
    * Social Unrest
    * Scandal
    * No Military/Foreign Policy Failure
    * Major Foreign/Military Success
    * Incumbent Charisma
    * Challenger Charisma

    He says that if Biden steps aside without elevating Harris to the
    presidency, Democrats lose two keys they currently hold: incumbency
    and a lack of a contest within the party.

    So. There you go. It is all there. In black and white. Biden can
    win by quitting, handing off the football to his sidekick, Harris.

    But he has to act fast. Before it is too late. Otherwise, Lucy
    van Pelt will win again by default. Without ever giving Charlie
    the chance to kick the football.

    "He should resign the presidency for the good of the country.
    That would be a very popular move. He would release his delegates
    to Harris, make sure that she's the consensus nominee."

    Yep, you heard that right. Professor Lichtman says to make sure
    that she's the consensus nominee. After all, the delegates get to
    to vote. And Joe Biden gets to tell them who to vote for, as he
    is the candidate who earned their vote.

    "Remember: all the polls and all the pundits were assuring us
    that Hillary Clinton could not possibly lose in 2016."
    ~ Allan Lichtman, who correctly predicted Trump winning in 2016,
    but did get it wrong in regards to the popular vote

    Still, 9 out of 10 ain't bad (since 1984) regardless of how
    you count or by whatever math you use.

    So what is the solution for Democrats? Is there a solution?
    Professor Allan Lichtman says there is. But only one solution
    that works - complete resignation. IOW, Joe Biden has got to
    quit. Now. Before anybody else can blink an eye -

    Complete resignation is "the only way Biden should get out
    of the race and preserve (the) Democrats' chance to win."

    Am I right, or am I right?

    For Life,

    The first thing a cult does is claim that everyone else is lying to you.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Lee Lofaso on Mon Jul 8 09:19:56 2024
    Complete resignation is "the only way Biden should get out
    of the race and preserve (the) Democrats' chance to win."

    Am I right, or am I right?

    Biden is the only Democrat who can defeat Trump. He beat Trump by millions of votes in 2020. Democrats need to pump some formaldehyde into him and keep their fingers crossed. Unless they want another 2016.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Aaron Thomas on Mon Jul 8 10:02:14 2024
    On 08 Jul 2024, Aaron Thomas said the following...

    Biden is the only Democrat who can defeat Trump. He beat Trump by
    millions of votes in 2020. Democrats need to pump some formaldehyde into him and keep their fingers crossed. Unless they want another 2016.

    They just need to be positive... The little engine that could... If you fall down get back up... In Biden's case get someone, or your children's babysitter to help.

    Look up Biden on Social Media to encourage him...

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... No honey, I can't eat with the family. My computer gets lonely!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to IB Joe on Mon Jul 8 13:52:18 2024
    They just need to be positive... The little engine that could... If you fall down get back up... In Biden's case get someone, or your children's babysitter to help.

    It irks me how people are calling for Biden's dismissal now over a silly television event, but they never called for his dismissal over the horrendous
    stuff that he and other Democrats have done over the past 4 years.

    It's age discrimination. Unless something else happened behind the scenes that we don't know about (like the interview that the white house refuses to give to congress.)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Tue Jul 9 00:53:50 2024
    Hello Aaron,

    Complete resignation is "the only way Biden should get out
    of the race and preserve (the) Democrats' chance to win."

    Am I right, or am I right?

    Biden is the only Democrat who can defeat Trump. He beat Trump by millions of votes in 2020. Democrats need to pump some formaldehyde into him and keep their fingers crossed. Unless they want another 2016.

    This message has been approved by Park & Sons.

    For Life,

    Biden 2024 - Finisth The Job

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to IB Joe on Mon Jul 8 18:48:14 2024
    I don't fully know the Democratic rules for the convention... but the Super Delegates only account for 17% of the delegates I'm not sure how that will change things.

    Having said that, I'm sure Barry and Hillary don't want to loose access
    to the puppet strings.

    My BS detector is getting mixed signals; either the Democrats want our money like usual, or they want Trump to win so that they can get back to killing us and making it look like it's the orange one's fault.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Aaron Thomas on Tue Jul 9 10:35:18 2024
    On 08 Jul 2024, Aaron Thomas said the following...

    My BS detector is getting mixed signals; either the Democrats want our money like usual, or they want Trump to win so that they can get back to killing us and making it look like it's the orange one's fault.

    Vivek put it best recently... Vevek called it earlier this year that Joe wouldn't be the candidate. Clear signs of deterioration... Anyway... Without creating an other pandemic and hiding Joe in the basement again that cat would have got out of the bag sooner or later.

    Vivek claims that there are negotiations going on... Joe's not rich and won't make money on speaking tours and book deals... He needs a golden parachute.

    Vivek also noted that if the push things, getting rid of Joe, until the Democrat convention, the dems will be going through a romance period with the new replacement person... and they won't realize they were bamboozled until it's too late.

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Electricity is really just organized lightning.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to IB Joe on Tue Jul 9 21:12:12 2024
    Vivek also noted that if the push things, getting rid of Joe, until the Democrat convention, the dems will be going through a romance period
    with the new replacement person... and they won't realize they were bamboozled until it's too late.

    I love it and I love the prospect of there being a Democrat version of a RINO.

    Sometimes, once in a while, Republicans have money to do fun things too!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Aaron Thomas on Wed Jul 10 09:39:42 2024
    On 09 Jul 2024, Aaron Thomas said the following...

    I love it and I love the prospect of there being a Democrat version of a RINO.

    Sometimes, once in a while, Republicans have money to do fun things too!

    Did you watch the rally in Doral?? Barron was there and waved to the crowd as his father acknowledged his being there.

    Trump challenged Biden to a golf game as well... Trump said he'd spot Biden 10 stokes... maybe only 9 because it appears Biden may already have had one

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Live every day as though it were your last. One day, you'll be right

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to IB Joe on Thu Jul 11 08:38:56 2024
    Sometimes, once in a while, Republicans have money to do fun things t

    Did you watch the rally in Doral?? Barron was there and waved to the crowd as his father acknowledged his being there.

    No. I do enjoy watching them though. The stuff Trump says always makes me smile.

    But do you think Trump is making a mistake by doing all these rallies in red states? Shouldn't he be in the blue states waking people up? Red state people already know who we need for president.

    Trump challenged Biden to a golf game as well... Trump said he'd spot Biden 10 stokes... maybe only 9 because it appears Biden may already
    have had one

    That's crazy for Trump to say something like that! Funny though!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Aaron Thomas on Thu Jul 11 09:37:52 2024
    On 11 Jul 2024, Aaron Thomas said the following...

    No. I do enjoy watching them though. The stuff Trump says always makes me smile.

    But do you think Trump is making a mistake by doing all these rallies in red states? Shouldn't he be in the blue states waking people up? Red
    state people already know who we need for president.

    No... recall Hillary flying between the NY, Austin TX and California only... When her husband told her she should be stopping in middle America she told Bill to shut up because she knew what she was doing...

    Trump needs to talk to everyone... Reinforce his supporters ... and take on the challenge to get new ones.

    I saw the Doral rally. The focus was on Latinos. Some of the speakers spoke Spanish and it was obvious they were courting the people who fled countries who were run by Communist and Socialist leaders.

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... There's no present. There's only the immediate future and the recent past

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to IB Joe on Thu Jul 11 19:28:00 2024
    But do you think Trump is making a mistake by doing all these rallies red states? Shouldn't he be in the blue states waking people up? Red state people already know who we need for president.

    No... recall Hillary flying between the NY, Austin TX and California only... When her husband told her she should be stopping in middle
    America she told Bill to shut up because she knew what she was doing...

    Yea but Trump supporters act differently than Hillary supporters do. There's nothing that's going to let me forget all this trouble that Democrats caused, come Election Day.

    Leftists are different. Their brains are machine-washable. If they don't see big liars lying live on stage, they might get confused and vote for the wrong candidate. That don't happen to our people.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From T.J. Mcmillen@1:129/305 to Aaron Thomas on Thu Jul 11 21:33:26 2024

    Yea but Trump supporters act differently than Hillary supporters do. There nothing that's going to let me forget all this trouble that Democrats caus come Election Day.


    Leftists are different. Their brains are machine-washable. If they don't s big liars lying live on stage, they might get confused and vote for the wr candidate. That don't happen to our people.

    hahahahha So true.

    ... Always be smarter than the people who hire you.

    --- Renegade v1.35ŕ/DOS
    * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - ttb.rgbbs.info (1:129/305)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Aaron Thomas on Fri Jul 12 07:53:40 2024
    On 11 Jul 2024, Aaron Thomas said the following...

    Yea but Trump supporters act differently than Hillary supporters do. There's nothing that's going to let me forget all this trouble that Democrats caused, come Election Day.

    Leftists are different. Their brains are machine-washable. If they don't see big liars lying live on stage, they might get confused and vote for the wrong candidate. That don't happen to our people.

    PragerU did a video explaining the differences between the left and Liberalism... Looks like the left has hijacked the term. To be honest with you I still don't fully understand what the liberals want and what their policies are.

    This is why I have thrown my support behind Biden. He's the best the Democrats have, as per democracy, and I hope the best the Democrats have can explain their positions.

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Operator, give me the number for 911

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to IB Joe on Fri Jul 12 11:31:02 2024
    see big liars lying live on stage, they might get confused and vote f the wrong candidate. That don't happen to our people.

    PragerU did a video explaining the differences between the left and Liberalism... Looks like the left has hijacked the term. To be honest with you I still don't fully understand what the liberals want and what their policies are.

    It's somewhat easy to predict the motives of Democrat politicians, but it's difficult to predict the motives of Democrat voters.

    I can speak for almost all Republican voters by saying that we're more concerned now than ever before about our safety. But does a Democrat supporter know this much about other Democrat voters? No way. Their brains are all over the place. Don't expect a single one of them to say that they're concerned about safety. They're concerned about doing what's right for the television.

    This is why I have thrown my support behind Biden. He's the best the Democrats have, as per democracy, and I hope the best the Democrats have can explain their positions.

    The lefties always talk about how "experience" is better than anything else. They like those "experienced" politicians who collect gold bars in exchange for favors with other states.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Aaron Thomas on Fri Jul 12 12:10:34 2024
    On 12 Jul 2024, Aaron Thomas said the following...

    It's somewhat easy to predict the motives of Democrat politicians, but it's difficult to predict the motives of Democrat voters.

    I can speak for almost all Republican voters by saying that we're more concerned now than ever before about our safety. But does a Democrat supporter know this much about other Democrat voters? No way. Their
    brains are all over the place. Don't expect a single one of them to say that they're concerned about safety. They're concerned about doing
    what's right for the television.

    No 2 lefties will tell you that they're voting Biden for the same reason.

    There is a guy in Florida that has a video channel on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@AdamFrancisco ... He started a channel about 365 days until Trump. He calls himself "The Single Man Rally"... Anyway, he post multiple videos a week... Mainly Florida but I have seen him in Georgia and New York. He just goes around talking to people about Trump and Biden.

    I saw a video today and thought it was funny AF. Adam was on a public street and a left-Wing-Nutjob suffering from TDS came into focus... The NUTJOB kept going on how hateful the right was, in a hateful manner, and going on and on about how the right were full of assholes, in an asshole kind of way... The TDS guy would walk a way... You could see him a block or 2 down the road and then come back to the group to tell them that they should be respectful to other people's view, in a non-respectful way. He repeated this walking away and coming back 3 times.

    Liberals... kinda normal... Lefties ... Not so!!!

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... Next time you wave at me, use more than one finger!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Aaron Thomas on Sat Jul 13 06:46:18 2024
    On 13 Jul 2024, Aaron Thomas said the following...

    I appreciate what this Adam guy is doing. I do everything I can to help Trump too. There is widespread support and love for Trump throughout all of New York State and including New York City. If Trump wins NYC, isn't that a pretty big deal? Leave it to those "ignorant elitists" to do themselves in.

    Other big cities might retaliate against Democrats over the migration issue too. They're ignorant if they don't.

    He has been met with opposition though. He's from Mexico, he was adopted as an infant. I don't know anymore than I have stated. But the loving, caring and inclusive left do not tolerate people who they think should be supporting their candidate(s)... They left feel he should be in lock-step with their herd.

    I do what I can as well.

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... A PC a day keeps the Apple away!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to IB Joe on Sat Jul 13 18:19:26 2024
    He has been met with opposition though. He's from Mexico, he was
    adopted as an infant. I don't know anymore than I have stated. But the loving, caring and inclusive left do not tolerate people who they think should be supporting their candidate(s)... They left feel he should be
    in lock-step with their herd.

    Leftists always act shocked when somebody doesn't do what's expected of them, but it's happening.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From IB Joe@1:342/201 to Aaron Thomas on Sun Jul 14 07:42:48 2024
    On 13 Jul 2024, Aaron Thomas said the following...

    Leftists always act shocked when somebody doesn't do what's expected of them, but it's happening.

    We have a Lesbian Marxist in the family. When my wife, a Latina, came out as a Conservative Trump supporter... The Lesbian Marxist demanded that she renounce her conservatism and support for Trump....

    Funny thing is when sher came out as a Lesbian we were supportive.

    IB Joe, Pronouns (FJB/LGB)
    AKA Joe Schweier
    SysOp of 4A 6F 65 73 42 42 53

    ... If you can't make it good, make it LOOK good. -Bill Gates.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Ron L.@1:120/616 to Aaron Thomas on Sun Jul 14 10:31:52 2024
    Aaron Thomas wrote to IB Joe <=-

    Leftists always act shocked when somebody doesn't do what's expected of them, but it's happening.

    That's because Leftists deny human nature. Like all good elitists, they treat people like automations who only react to stimuli.

    ... You used to be indecisive. Now you're not sure.
    ___ MultiMail/Linux v0.52

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi (1:120/616)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to IB Joe on Sun Jul 14 13:19:24 2024
    Leftists always act shocked when somebody doesn't do what's expected them, but it's happening.

    We have a Lesbian Marxist in the family. When my wife, a Latina, came
    out as a Conservative Trump supporter... The Lesbian Marxist demanded
    that she renounce her conservatism and support for Trump....

    People get irritated when someone else doesn't suffer from the same disease that they suffer from.

    And some people just need some positivity in their lives. People who are miserable have a hard time snapping out of it, and the try to drag other people into it.

    My wife was scolded by another black gal who found a Trump post on her Facebook page. But once a person is armed with the truth about the American left, those kind of people don't stand a chance with their bs.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Lee Lofaso on Sun Jul 14 19:23:42 2024
    "An assassination attempt is contrary to everything we stand for
    as a nation." ~President Joe Biden, 7/14/2024

    "I can't condemn this." ~President Joe Biden, 7/14/2024

    "An assassination attempt is contrary to everything we stand for
    as a nation." ~President Joe Biden, 7/14/2024

    It's not contrary to everything we stand for. It's contrary to laws against homicide. If Joe Biden cared about homicide then he's stop importing rapists and murderers. (I don't stand for that.)

    Then condemn all acts of political violence. Better yet. condemn
    all acts of violence. That is what all of us should do. Not just Democrats. Not just Republicans. Not just Independents. But each
    and every one of us. Without exception.

    Condemning things is only useful if you don't want your partner to get pregnant. I like people who do more than just talk tough.

    All patriotic Americans (regardless of party) condemn all acts
    of political violence. You should do the same.

    I'm still interesting in having more children.

    President Biden's words are clear for all to understand.

    Joe Biden's words were clear when he said "I don't want my kids growing up in a racial jungle!" but his words aren't clear now days.

    Most folks do not find Donald Trump's version of Clown Show to
    be funny at all. More like a dismal failure, given his performance
    from four years ago.

    The money that Trump played around with is all accounted for. When will Biden be held accountable for all the money that he and the other Democrats have squandered?

    15 million new jobs created by the Biden administration speaks
    volumes. Losing more jobs than he gained defined the Trump
    administration. The American people know the reasons why.

    Biden said that he added more "black jobs" than Trump and I actually believe it, because only a segregationist confederate Democrat POS would be in the business of trying to match skin color up with jobs.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Tue Jul 16 02:12:32 2024
    Hello Aaron,

    "An assassination attempt is contrary to everything we stand for
    as a nation." ~President Joe Biden, 7/14/2024

    "I can't condemn this." ~President Joe Biden, 7/14/2024

    "We cannot condone this." -President Joe Biden

    "Everybody must condemn" ~ President Joe Biden

    "An assassination attempt is contrary to everything we stand for
    as a nation." ~President Joe Biden, 7/14/2024

    It's not contrary to everything we stand for.

    We are a nation of laws, not of hitmen.

    It's contrary to laws against homicide.

    There is an executive order that bans assassination.
    That is in addition to laws against murder and homicide.

    If Joe Biden cared about homicide then he's stop importing rapists and murderers. (I don't stand for that.)

    The House should do ts job by passing compehansive immigration
    legislation. President Biden has publicly stated he would sign it.

    Then condemn all acts of political violence. Better yet. condemn
    all acts of violence. That is what all of us should do. Not just
    Democrats. Not just Republicans. Not just Independents. But each
    and every one of us. Without exception.

    Condemning things is only useful if you don't want your partner to get pregnant. I like people who do more than just talk tough.

    Since you refuse to condemn acts of political violence, then
    you are not a patriotic America. In fact, you should be deported.
    But exile is against the rules of the United Nations. So you get
    a pass.

    All patriotic Americans (regardless of party) condemn all acts
    of political violence. You should do the same.

    I'm still interesting in having more children.

    Get a vasectomy. Then you won't have to worry about it.

    President Biden's words are clear for all to understand.

    Joe Biden's words were clear when he said "I don't want my kids growing up in a racial jungle!" but his words aren't clear now days.

    His kids get to make their own decisions as to what race they
    want to hang out with. Or what gender.

    Most folks do not find Donald Trump's version of Clown Show to
    be funny at all. More like a dismal failure, given his performance
    from four years ago.

    The money that Trump played around with is all accounted for.

    He was found guilty by a jury of his peers for bad business practices.
    I hope the judge gives him the time he truly deserves.

    When will Biden be held accountable for all the money that he and the other
    Democrats have squandered?

    How many counts has Biden been indicted on? How many? I seem to
    have lost count. Lemme take a look and see. None. Absolutely none.
    Although there is one accusation - probably true - for loving his

    15 million new jobs created by the Biden administration speaks
    volumes. Losing more jobs than he gained defined the Trump
    administration. The American people know the reasons why.

    Biden said that he added more "black jobs" than Trump and I actually believe
    it, because only a segregationist confederate Democrat POS would be in the business of trying to match skin color up with jobs.

    The Biden administration has added jobs for those of all races.
    Not just blacks. The Trump administration lost jobs for those of
    all races. Including blacks.

    Biden 2024. Finish the job. And then comes Harris.

    For Life,

    Biden 2024 - Finisth The Job

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Lee Lofaso on Mon Jul 15 21:37:06 2024
    It's not contrary to everything we stand for.

    We are a nation of laws, not of hitmen.

    That's not what Osama bin Laden nor Sadaam Hussein said.

    If Joe Biden cared about homicide then he's stop importing rapists an murderers. (I don't stand for that.)

    The House should do ts job by passing compehansive immigration legislation. President Biden has publicly stated he would sign it.

    President Biden has Parkinsons disease. The poor guy must have forgot that congress works for the same fat Hungarian monster that Joe works for.

    Since you refuse to condemn acts of political violence, then
    you are not a patriotic America. In fact, you should be deported.
    But exile is against the rules of the United Nations. So you get
    a pass.

    But I hate the United Nations.

    Joe Biden's words were clear when he said "I don't want my kids growi in a racial jungle!" but his words aren't clear now days.

    His kids get to make their own decisions as to what race they
    want to hang out with. Or what gender.

    Yea, now that they're adults. But when they were kids, Joe kept them away from brown people because brown people were too jungly.

    The money that Trump played around with is all accounted for.

    He was found guilty by a jury of his peers for bad business practices.
    I hope the judge gives him the time he truly deserves.

    Yea but that was his own money. Joe's doing bad business practices with money that belongs to the American taxpayers.

    Democrats have squandered?

    How many counts has Biden been indicted on? How many? I seem to
    have lost count. Lemme take a look and see. None. Absolutely none. Although there is one accusation - probably true - for loving his

    When you've got all the money of the world, you've also got all the support of the world.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Tue Jul 16 23:09:36 2024
    Hello Aaron,

    It's not contrary to everything we stand for.

    We are a nation of laws, not of hitmen.

    That's not what Osama bin Laden nor Sadaam Hussein said.

    "Is this manly?" ~ Last words of Saddam Hussein

    "Allah Akbar!" ~ Last words of Osama bin Laden

    We all know GWB went to war in Iraq based on false pretenses.
    And we all also know who offed Osama bin Laden. Hint - it was
    not GWB.

    If Joe Biden cared about homicide then he's stop importing
    rapists an
    murderers. (I don't stand for that.)

    The House should do ts job by passing compehansive immigration
    legislation. President Biden has publicly stated he would sign it.

    President Biden has Parkinsons disease.


    The poor guy must have forgot that congress works for the same fat Hungarian
    monster that Joe works for.

    Joe Biden works for the American people. We hired him. And he
    has vowed to finish the job.

    Since you refuse to condemn acts of political violence, then
    you are not a patriotic America. In fact, you should be deported.
    But exile is against the rules of the United Nations. So you get
    a pass.

    But I hate the United Nations.

    The United Nations building is in New York.
    You are free to state your grievances on the
    steps of the building. In broad daylight.
    Nobody will stop you.

    In fact, since you hate the United Nations so much, why don't
    you tell the world how much you also hate Joe Biden, and renounce
    your US citizenship?

    I am sure arrangements can be made to have you transported to
    a country other than the one you are living in now.

    Unless no other country will take you in. In which case you could
    be in trouble. Big trouble.

    Joe Biden's words were clear when he said "I don't want my kids
    in a racial jungle!" but his words aren't clear now days.

    His kids get to make their own decisions as to what race they
    want to hang out with. Or what gender.

    Yea, now that they're adults. But when they were kids, Joe kept them away from brown people because brown people were too jungly.

    We are all racists and bigots. What we do to overcome our racism
    and bigotry is up to us, as individuals and a society. Some folks
    have not grown up, and will never grown up.

    You have a lot of growing up to do.

    The money that Trump played around with is all accounted for.

    He was found guilty by a jury of his peers for bad business practices.
    I hope the judge gives him the time he truly deserves.

    Yea but that was his own money. Joe's doing bad business practices with money that belongs to the American taxpayers.

    Liar. It was campaign donations, improperly used. A jury of his
    peers found him guilty - 34 counts. That makes him a convicted
    felon. What a sad commentary on Trump. Fucking a whore while his
    wife was preggers. Truly disgusting creep.

    Democrats have squandered?

    How many counts has Biden been indicted on? How many? I seem to
    have lost count. Lemme take a look and see. None. Absolutely none.
    Although there is one accusation - probably true - for loving his

    When you've got all the money of the world, you've also got all the support
    of the world.

    Trump had to borrow money to pay the fine. Not nearly as rich
    as he would like to have others believe.

    For Life,

    GOP thinks banning guns won't elminate guns.
    GOP thinks banning abortion will elininate abortions.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Lee Lofaso on Tue Jul 16 19:35:14 2024
    We all know GWB went to war in Iraq based on false pretenses.
    And we all also know who offed Osama bin Laden. Hint - it was
    not GWB.

    We'll never know because we weren't there.

    President Biden has Parkinsons disease.



    Severe muscle stiffness is caused by one of the following:
    Polymyalgia rheumaticaLyme disease
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
    Parkinson's disease

    So it must be Mono? Maybe from all those whores that he's been kissing?

    But I hate the United Nations.

    The United Nations building is in New York.
    You are free to state your grievances on the
    steps of the building. In broad daylight.
    Nobody will stop you.

    It's Democrats who I blame for it. They are the ones who need to evict them
    and end our subscription. Maybe Trump will do it for us after he puts your
    gimp to bed.

    In fact, since you hate the United Nations so much, why don't
    you tell the world how much you also hate Joe Biden, and renounce
    your US citizenship?

    I don't hate Joe Biden. He's funny. But he's the one who should renounce his citizenship. He's the one who's trashing the place. But I ultimately just want the UN out of my country.

    I am sure arrangements can be made to have you transported to
    a country other than the one you are living in now.

    The Democrats would rather kill us than get rid of us.

    We are all racists and bigots. What we do to overcome our racism
    and bigotry is up to us, as individuals and a society. Some folks
    have not grown up, and will never grown up.

    This was a grown man who had already been elected as a US senator. Is he one of those individuals who have not grown up?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Aaron Thomas on Thu Jul 18 00:02:38 2024
    Hello Aaron,

    We all know GWB went to war in Iraq based on false pretenses.
    And we all also know who offed Osama bin Laden. Hint - it was
    not GWB.

    We'll never know because we weren't there.

    US troops occupied Iraq for years, and installed a Shiite regime
    that hanged Saddam Hussein. Why? Because GWB claimed that Hussein
    had put a hit on his daddy, Bush41.

    President Biden has Parkinsons disease.



    Severe muscle stiffness is caused by one of the following:
    Polymyalgia rheumaticaLyme disease
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
    Parkinson's disease

    Dr. Google is not a real doctor. And neither are you.
    Joe Biden does not have Parkinson's, and he is not taking
    any medicine for that disease. Except in your own mind.

    So it must be Mono? Maybe from all those whores that he's been kissing?

    Shaking hands and kissing babies is what politicians do.

    But I hate the United Nations.

    The United Nations building is in New York.
    You are free to state your grievances on the
    steps of the building. In broad daylight.
    Nobody will stop you.

    It's Democrats who I blame for it. They are the ones who need to evict them
    and end our subscription. Maybe Trump will do it for us after he puts your gimp to bed.

    The United Nations got its start during the FDR admministration,
    its real start when Truman was prez due to FDR's untimely death.
    I can see no reason why any administration would want the USA
    to leave the United Nations, or want the UN headquarters to be
    stationed in some other country.

    In fact, since you hate the United Nations so much, why don't
    you tell the world how much you also hate Joe Biden, and renounce
    your US citizenship?

    I don't hate Joe Biden. He's funny. But he's the one who should renounce his
    citizenship. He's the one who's trashing the place. But I ultimately just want the UN out of my country.

    Suppose Trump gives you what you want. America out of the United
    Nations. And the United Nations headquarters out of New York. What
    do you think that would accomplish? Do you honestly believe that
    America can solve all the problems of the world all by itself?
    If so, dream on. Dream on, buddy. Dream on.

    I am sure arrangements can be made to have you transported to
    a country other than the one you are living in now.

    The Democrats would rather kill us than get rid of us.

    Open borders solves that problem.

    We are all racists and bigots. What we do to overcome our racism
    and bigotry is up to us, as individuals and a society. Some folks
    have not grown up, and will never grown up.

    This was a grown man who had already been elected as a US senator.

    Joe Biden was elected US Senator before he was able to take office.
    Donald Trump is way too old to serve any place other than a nursing

    Is he one of those individuals who have not grown up?

    His opponent is the guy with the long nose and the banged up ear.

    For Life,

    Fox News Slogan - Rich people paying rich people
    to tell middle class people to blame poor people.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/201 to Lee Lofaso on Wed Jul 17 19:16:58 2024
    We'll never know because we weren't there.

    US troops occupied Iraq for years, and installed a Shiite regime
    that hanged Saddam Hussein. Why? Because GWB claimed that Hussein
    had put a hit on his daddy, Bush41.

    I don't defend GWB. He's a globalist and I'm a nationalist.

    Dr. Google is not a real doctor. And neither are you.
    Joe Biden does not have Parkinson's, and he is not taking
    any medicine for that disease. Except in your own mind.

    The video shows extreme muscle stiffness. While the media was picking on him for not having rhythm, I felt sympathy for him because the poor guy can't even move his hand. He could be dead and you'd just say "Google is not a real coroner."

    Shaking hands and kissing babies is what politicians do.

    I had mono once, but it didn't cause my arm to freeze up in a handshake pose for 20 minutes straight. I don't think it made me see dead people either.

    The United Nations got its start during the FDR admministration,
    its real start when Truman was prez due to FDR's untimely death.
    I can see no reason why any administration would want the USA
    to leave the United Nations, or want the UN headquarters to be
    stationed in some other country.

    The UN was a good idea during WWII. But now it's not a good idea anymore. We don't need the world telling us what to do while they dick us around on migration and Ukraine aid.

    Suppose Trump gives you what you want. America out of the United
    Nations. And the United Nations headquarters out of New York. What
    do you think that would accomplish? Do you honestly believe that
    America can solve all the problems of the world all by itself?
    If so, dream on. Dream on, buddy. Dream on.

    They're bullying us. It's because we got money. They aren't helping us with jack.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/201)