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B u l l e t i n B o a r d S y s t e m * S
i n c e 1 9 9 6
Running MBSE BBS under Slackware 64 Linux
Your sysop is Sean Dennis (digimaus)
Home of Cheepware BBS doors/sysop utilities and
the Micronet Information Network (zone 618)
Member of Fidonet (1:18/200) and Micronet (618:618/1)
LORD, LORD2, Exilitus, Death by Adrenaline, Flip The Bits,
Land of Devastation, Scrabble, and the entire Cheepware door collect
A hand-curated filebase that is constantly growing.
A little something for everyone!
--- MBSE BBS v1.1.0 (Linux-x86_64)
* Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)