• Join GmsNet

    From Gert Andersen@2:230/150 to All on Tue Apr 13 16:43:36 2021
    ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    ; GGGGG NN
    ; G G mm mm sssss NNNN N eeeee ttttttt
    ; G m m m m s N N N e t
    ; G GG m m m sss N N N eee t
    ; G G m m s N N N e t
    ; GGGGG m m ssss NN NNN eeeee t
    ; GmsNet Gamers Network Application ====================================================================
    GmsNet Network Node Application file ====================================================================

    Gms and GmsNet is a Network the will distribute Game files and game
    utilities for OS as Windows, Linux and OS/2 Systems.
    It will too have support for games for the networks nodes.

    Visit GmsNet at http://www.gmsnet.org

    GmsNet have now 2 Little Door Game League as 145 and 146 + 451 league,
    use the league application file to subscribe to the leagues after join
    as a node.
    There is too a little league 451 in run.
    Remember that GmsNet domain can be changed from gms.net to use gmsnet.org
    In future is it best to use gmsnet.org for GmsNet.

    Interesting in Joining? Simlpy fill out the form below.

    *NOTE: If any of the below is not applicable to your system , please put "N/A". --------------------------------------------------------------------
    PERSONAL INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------

    Your Real First and Last Name :
    Home street address :
    City :
    ZIP code :
    State :
    Country :
    Voice phone number :
    Personal email address :
    Personal website :

    BBS INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    NOTE: If any of the following does not apply to your system, then put N/A
    in the field so I know what you didn' forget to fill out a field.

    BBS Name :
    BBS Software :
    Operative System :
    Data Phone# :
    Telnet Address :
    Binkp Address :
    Website URL :
    Mail Tosser :

    What program do you use to handle mail packets with over the internet (i.e. Internet Rex, Binkd, TransX, etc.) ? :

    What Front-end mailer do you use : :

    If you is member of other mail networks, please list the network name and
    your node numbers below.

    Please provide a Areafix and Filefix password + session password below:

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONNECTION INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [ ] FTN : [ ] BinkP
    Session Password :
    Areafix Password :
    Filefix Password :

    [ ] FTP (you will be contacted directly by your hub for more info.)

    [ ] Email
    ( ) MIME/Base64
    ( ) TransX
    TransX Password :

    Email Address to use :

    For QWK Hub link:
    [ ] QWK (For Synchronet Systems and simular systems, see qwk_gms.txt)
    Requested BBSID (Max 8 Characters) :
    Requested Password ................:
    (this will be for the use to the QWK hub and host.)


    To Join and practical the Leagues see the league application files.
    Then start with first 145 then 146 and then 45 and up to 451.
    Send this file application as gmsnet.sub or lastname.sub to Gert Andersen email
    ic@gmsnet.org or gmsnet@kofo.org or by netmail to Gert Andersen Fidonet aka 2:230/150

    You will then hear back with a node number in about 48 hours.

    --- Done by Gentoo LInux kernel-4.9.93
    * Origin: The KofoBBS (2:230/150)