• Re: > 255 character long lines (paragraphs)

    From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Paul Hayton on Fri Apr 10 14:13:52 2020

    *** Answering a msg posted in area BAD_MSGS.

    Hi Paul,

    On 1980-01-01 00:00:00, you wrote to and:

    Hmmm... :-(

    @FMAIL BAD: Message too old (2020-04-10 14:10:26)
    @FMAIL SRC: 2:292/854
    @FMAIL DEST: 2:280/464
    @TID: Mystic BBS 1.12 A46
    @MSGID: 3:770/100 651d79ff
    @REPLY: 1:129/215 5faf9ad6
    @TZUTC: 1300
    @DATE: 00 00 03:00:00
    On 03 Apr 2020 at 02:13a, g00r00 pondered and said...


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/03/26 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100) SEEN-BY: 203/0 221/1 229/426 261/38 280/464 292/140 854 8125 335/364 SEEN-BY: 801/188 189 190 194 197
    @PATH: 770/100 1 317/3 229/426 292/854 261/38 801/189 188 292/854

    Or is this a hickup on that system that shows up twice in the path?

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From g00r00@1:129/215 to Oli on Fri Apr 3 02:13:32 2020
    My suspicion is that it started with 2020/03/26 and it might even be
    fixed in th e latest pre-alpha 2020/03/29. There is one Hub in fsxnet
    that is running this v ersion, the others running 2020/03/12 and are
    still wrapping the long lines at 7 9 characters.

    There have been two versions of the tosser one that word wraps and one that doesn't since February, so the date itself wouldn't be a factor it would
    depend on which tosser they are using.

    Sometime during A46 in March I removed the optional non-wrapping tosser and
    now its the only tosser available.

    They shouldn't be getting cut off at 256 characters, the line length is unlimited (or at least that is the intention) with the latest pre-alpha. If you find otherwise please let me know because that would be a bug.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/03/26 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Sector 7 (1:129/215)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Paul Hayton on Fri Apr 10 14:18:02 2020
    Hi Paul,

    On 2020-04-10 14:13:52, I wrote to you:

    @MSGID: 3:770/100 651d79ff

    @PATH: 770/100 1 317/3 229/426 292/854 261/38 801/189 188 292/854

    Or is this a hickup on that system that shows up twice in the path?

    It was. I noticed there already was a message in this area with the above MSGID... Sorry for the noice. ;)

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Oli@2:280/464.47 to Wilfred van Velzen on Fri Apr 10 17:04:22 2020
    10 Apr 20 14:18, you wrote to Paul Hayton:

    Hi Paul,

    On 2020-04-10 14:13:52, I wrote to you:

    @MSGID: 3:770/100 651d79ff

    @PATH: 770/100 1 317/3 229/426 292/854 261/38 801/189 188

    Or is this a hickup on that system that shows up twice in the

    It was. I noticed there already was a message in this area with the
    above MSGID... Sorry for the noice. ;)

    Interesting. At least two nodes in fsxnet received bad packages with scrambled messages. The origin line of 292/854 were in the To, From or Subject field. There were also some empty messages in this area with 2:292/854 in the origin line, but otherwise completely empty. But how do we know that 292/384 is causing the problems? It could be 261/38 too (less likely though).

    Btw, 4:801/189, which is in the path between 2:292/854 and 2:292/854, is running an older version of Mystic that
    - writes incorrect SEEN-BY lines
    - ignores SEEN-BYs
    - modifies mails in-transit (line breaking)
    - doesn't recognized modified and unmodified mails with the same MSGID as dupes.

    Using something like this with fidoweb-style echo routing has to create some problems at some point. Like loops and dupes.

    * Origin: kakistocracy (2:280/464.47)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Oli on Fri Apr 10 18:06:08 2020
    Hi Oli,

    On 2020-04-10 17:04:23, you wrote to me:

    Interesting. At least two nodes in fsxnet received bad packages with scrambled messages. The origin line of 292/854 were in the To, From or Subject field. There were also some empty messages in this area with 2:292/854 in the origin line, but otherwise completely empty. But how do
    know that 292/384 is causing the problems? It could be 261/38 too (less likely though).

    It happend when 2:292/854 reset his PC earlier this week when he returned from the hospital, that caused some problematic pkts to be exported from his system. Today there was another event with the same symptoms. This happend before several times when he returned from his holidays in the states for example...

    Using something like this with fidoweb-style echo routing has to
    create some problems at some point. Like loops and dupes.

    Some are caught on my system when they have an older date (like >60 days). And dupes are of course also caught. Everything else that is more or less a legit message (although from:, subject: and body are empty for instance) passes through... But this caused irex to crash on one of my downlinks.

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)