• Changing the Standard port number used

    From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Louis Northmore on Mon Apr 25 14:18:44 2022
    Hello Louis!

    Wednesday April 13 2022 17:09, you wrote to me:

    //Hello Vincent,//

    on *4/13/2022* at *14:39:48* You wrote in area *MBSE*
    to *All* about *"Changing the Standard port number used"*.


    As my main system uses the default of 24554 I have port
    forwarding set on the router to the main system but need to do
    the same for port 24555 for the Pi.

    Question how do I change the mbse set up to use this change of
    port as I cannot find anywhere where this is defined.

    Any one have a clue to finding this and changing it ?

    Id be tempted to solve this just using the port forwarding. So just
    forward port 24555 > IPAddressOfPi > 24554

    If you are determined to change the ports for any configured services,
    MBSE uses inetd right?

    check out the setup.sh script - at the end of this it configures /etc/services which the inetd service uses. My first step would be to
    edit /etc/services then try a reboot and see if inetd/xinetd picks up
    the new service config.

    I have tried the following :

    Set in router port forwarding to the internal system at ( inbound port 24555 to 24554 with the Pi set in /etc/service to have BINKP as 24554. Does not work.

    Change xinetd BINKP to 24555 and the router port forwarding to from 24555 to 24555.

    This does NOT work as well so I am now stuck.

    Note in /etc/service I have two entries for binkp i.e., both udp and tcp set
    as the same as well as :

    ftidp 60177/tcp # FIDONET EMSI over telnet
    fido 60179/tcp # FIDONET EMSI over TCP
    fido 60179/udp # chat server

    There is NO inedt.conf or xinedt.conf file/s in /etc.

    In both cases I can poll out from 2:25/21 to 2:250/1 so outbound works but

    There is NO xinetd or inetd installed but I have just installed xinetd and created /etc/xinetd.d/mbsebbs from the content of SETUP.sh

    Waiting for reboot to see if that works....

    That fixes it - it now accepts a poll from 2:250/1

    Thanks for your help just needed that extra package that Debian does not install by default.


    --- Mageia Linux v8 X64/Mbse v1.0.8/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Louis Northmore@2:250/8.1 to Vincent Coen on Mon Apr 25 17:17:42 2022
    //Hello Vincent,//

    on *4/25/2022* at *13:18:44* You wrote in area *MBSE*
    to *Louis Northmore* about *"Changing the Standard port number used"*.


    Waiting for reboot to see if that works....

    That fixes it - it now accepts a poll from 2:250/1

    Thanks for your help just needed that extra package that Debian does not install by default.

    Nice. Glad you managed to figure it all out.

    --- WinPoint 400.2
    * Origin: Sonic BBS POINT! (2:250/8.1)