• Renegade/Linux

    From Joseph Larsen@1:154/700 to All on Wed Jan 15 20:19:18 2020
    Hi all,

    As you may or may not know, i've ported Renegade to Linux. The version I chose to port was the Rick Parrish 32Bit Y2Ka2 version. The BBS runs great, however I am having problems with the data files, USERS.IDX and USERS.DAT to be specific. And the damn Renegade releases are so damned cryptic (at least to me), that I cannot ascertain which version to "swap" data files from. The problem(s) are that I cannot get the user list down to 1 user, the Sysop user. And the only program, at least to my knowledge, is RGMAINT.EXE to purge the user bases. There are no versions of this, for my version of Renegade, at least to my knowledge, to do so. My reasoning behind this, is that I plan on releasing this to the general public. Through PhenoM or some other such group. So....
    I'm reaching out for help, in this dire need. Anyone know how I can accompish this, that is to purge the user base down to one user?

    Thank you for your time,
    Joseph Larsen (AKA ignatius)


    I hope i've been verbose enough in this post.
    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Linux
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (1:154/700)
  • From Fernando Toledo@4:902/26 to Joseph Larsen on Sat Feb 1 00:05:10 2020
    El 15/1/20 a las 23:13, Joseph Larsen escribió:
    Hi all,

    As you may or may not know, i've ported Renegade to Linux. The version I
    to port was the Rick Parrish 32Bit Y2Ka2 version. The BBS runs great, however
    am having problems with the data files, USERS.IDX and USERS.DAT to be
    And the damn Renegade releases are so damned cryptic (at least to me), that I cannot ascertain which version to "swap" data files from. The problem(s) are that I cannot get the user list down to 1 user, the Sysop user. And the only program, at least to my knowledge, is RGMAINT.EXE to purge the user bases. There are no versions of this, for my version of Renegade, at least to my knowledge, to do so. My reasoning behind this, is that I plan on releasing
    to the general public. Through PhenoM or some other such group. So....
    I'm reaching out for help, in this dire need. Anyone know how I can
    this, that is to purge the user base down to one user?

    Thank you for your time,
    Joseph Larsen (AKA ignatius)


    I hope i've been verbose enough in this post.
    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Linux
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (1:154/700)

    where is the code?
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: Dock Sud BBS - http://bbs.docksud.com.ar (4:902/26)
  • From Analog@1:305/2 to Joseph Larsen on Wed Feb 19 18:09:36 2020
    "swap" data files from. The problem(s) are that I cannot get the user
    list down to 1 user, the Sysop user. And the only program, at least to
    my knowledge, is RGMAINT.EXE to purge the user bases. There are no

    I guess my first question on this would be why don't you look at the user
    data structure in PAScal or whatever language you ported to and write a user purge?

    How did you port this? Did you port it by getting it to compile in Linux or
    did you rewrite it in another language?


    |20|15ÚÄ|16|08´ |08De|07ad|15be|07a|08tz b|07b|15s
    |08ÀÄÙÃÄ¿ |08:>.|07A|08rk |0710|08:|07101|08/|0714|08.
    |04þ |08À|20|15Ä|16|08Ù |08:>.|10A|02gn |1046|08:|101|08/|10123|08.
    |04A|07n|15al|07o|08g |08:>.|12F|04sx |1221|08:|122|08/|12123|08. |04.p|08HENOM|04. |08:>.|15S|07ci |1577|08:|151|08/|15131|08. |04°±°|08±ÛÛÜÝ|08:>.|11T|03qw |111337|08:|113|08/|1113|08.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/09 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: deadbeatz.org (1:305/2)
  • From Analog@1:305/2 to Joseph Larsen on Wed Feb 19 18:19:18 2020
    great, however I am having problems with the data files, USERS.IDX and USERS.DAT to be specific. And the damn Renegade releases are so damned

    Looks like all the records are in RECORDS.PAS on the renegade source. So I would start there (you probably already know this).


    |20|15ÚÄ|16|08´ |08De|07ad|15be|07a|08tz b|07b|15s
    |08ÀÄÙÃÄ¿ |08:>.|07A|08rk |0710|08:|07101|08/|0714|08.
    |04þ |08À|20|15Ä|16|08Ù |08:>.|10A|02gn |1046|08:|101|08/|10123|08.
    |04A|07n|15al|07o|08g |08:>.|12F|04sx |1221|08:|122|08/|12123|08. |04.p|08HENOM|04. |08:>.|15S|07ci |1577|08:|151|08/|15131|08. |04°±°|08±ÛÛÜÝ|08:>.|11T|03qw |111337|08:|113|08/|1113|08.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/09 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: deadbeatz.org (1:305/2)