Hi Michiel,
On 2020-11-17 14:30:36, you wrote to me:
MvdV>>> + 06 Nov 01:03:24 [2676] Error in getnameinfo(): Der angeforderte
MvdV>>> Name ist gltig und wurde in der
MvdV>>> Datenbank
MvdV>>> gefunden. Er verfgt jedoch nicht ber die
MvdV>>> richtigen zugeordneten Daten, die
MvdV>>> ausgewertet werden sollten. (11004)
Looks like utf-8 in a CP850 message? :-(
MvdV> Nope. It is the other way around. The encoding is CP850, but your Golded
MvdV> flags it as UTF-8 when replying, but does no translation.
MvdV> The give away is that it the "funny" characters are only one byte. If it
MvdV> were UTF-8, it would be two byte characters
I was put on the wrong track, because in my editor they look like multbyte characters: "~A"... But when I check the .pkt file it came in, it's clear...
Bye, Wilfred.
--- FMail-lnx64
* Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)