From nugax@1:19/37 to David Gonzalez on Sat Nov 16 20:40:28 2024
    On 17 Nov 2024, David Gonzalez said the following...

    Hello everybody!

    I have a quick easy question for y'all:

    I have Mystic and my echo areas and I want to read them on our beloved GolDED+, but I'm having many issues trying to accomplish that.

    * I've tied exporting areas.bbs from Mystic and have GoldED+ read them
    and no luck.
    * Export goldareas.txt but when I try to include it it doesn't work, so
    my workaround is to copy the AREADEFs from goldareas.cfg into my main golded.cfg and that works, but that's PITA.

    * I alos tried JAMPATH d:\bbs\mystic\msgs\, didn't work either.

    What am I doing wrong?, how can I integrated Mystic and Golded without
    so much manual intervention?.

    Thank you all


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: SkyNet BBS | Colombia | bbs.skynetbbs.com:20023 (4:930/1)

    I am trying to do the exact same thing. I can't even get golded to start. I have the mystic export file, but I have no idea how to configure all this.

    ... Kids: They're not sleeping, they're recharging!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: The ByteXchange BBS | bbs.thebytexchange.com (1:19/37)
  • From David Gonzalez@4:930/1 to All on Sun Nov 17 02:17:32 2024

    Hello everybody!

    I have a quick easy question for y'all:

    I have Mystic and my echo areas and I want to read them on our beloved GolDED+, but I'm having many issues trying to accomplish that.

    * I've tied exporting areas.bbs from Mystic and have GoldED+ read them and no luck.
    * Export goldareas.txt but when I try to include it it doesn't work, so my workaround is to copy the AREADEFs from goldareas.cfg into my main golded.cfg and that works, but that's PITA.

    * I alos tried JAMPATH d:\bbs\mystic\msgs\, didn't work either.

    What am I doing wrong?, how can I integrated Mystic and Golded without so much manual intervention?.

    Thank you all


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: SkyNet BBS | Colombia | bbs.skynetbbs.com:20023 (4:930/1)
  • From Nicholas Boel@1:154/700 to David Gonzalez on Sat Nov 16 20:59:38 2024
    Hello David,

    On Sun, Nov 17 2024 01:17:33 -0600, you wrote:

    * I've tied exporting areas.bbs from Mystic and have GoldED+ read them and no luck.
    * Export goldareas.txt but when I try to include it it doesn't work, so my workaround is to copy the AREADEFs from goldareas.cfg into my main golded.cfg and that works, but that's PITA.

    While it's a PITA, it's the only way to be able to use the AREASEP and some other keywords to actually separate your areas by network or by whatever you define with the AREALISTSORT keyword.

    * I alos tried JAMPATH d:\bbs\mystic\msgs\, didn't work either.

    JAMPATH is for the location of your netmail.jam and echomail.jam files that are read between golded and your tosser. That has really nothing to do with what you're looking for. Those semaphore files (which you may eventually want to utilize) tell the tosser what areas you've actually wrote messages and/or netmails in so that it only scans those areas, rather than scanning all areas every time.

    What am I doing wrong?, how can I integrated Mystic and Golded without so much manual intervention?.

    golded\manuals\gold_ref.txt will be your new best friend. :)

    For the easiest way, take a look at the AREAFILE keyword. In your case, you may want to try:

    AREAFILE AREASBBS d:\path\to\areas.bbs

    However, you may not like this method as I don't believe it adds the area descriptions. There may be other ways, though.. I just don't know them. I've always used AREADEF, AREASEP, AREALISTSORT, etc. in combination to make things look a lot better.

    Hope that helps!


    ... He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
    --- SBBSecho 3.22-Linux
    * Origin: _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (1:154/700)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to nugax on Sun Nov 17 17:56:08 2024

    Hello nugax!

    16 Nov 24 20:40, you wrote to David Gonzalez:

    Are you trying to run gedlnx or golded, if the later it will needs to be linked to gedlnx.

    Also use strip on all the programs.


    On 17 Nov 2024, David Gonzalez said the following...

    Hello everybody!

    I have a quick easy question for y'all:

    I have Mystic and my echo areas and I want to read them on our
    beloved GolDED+, but I'm having many issues trying to accomplish

    * I've tied exporting areas.bbs from Mystic and have GoldED+ read
    them and no luck. * Export goldareas.txt but when I try to
    include it it doesn't work, so my workaround is to copy the
    AREADEFs from goldareas.cfg into my main golded.cfg and that
    works, but that's PITA.

    * I alos tried JAMPATH d:\bbs\mystic\msgs\, didn't work either.

    What am I doing wrong?, how can I integrated Mystic and Golded
    without so much manual intervention?.

    Thank you all


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: SkyNet BBS | Colombia | bbs.skynetbbs.com:20023

    I am trying to do the exact same thing. I can't even get golded to
    start. I have the mystic export file, but I have no idea how to
    configure all this.

    ... Kids: They're not sleeping, they're recharging!


    --- Mageia Linux v9 X64/Mbse v1.1.0/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From David Gonzalez@4:930/1 to nugax on Sun Nov 17 13:39:44 2024

    Hello nugax!

    16 Nov 24 20:40, you wrote to me:

    On 17 Nov 2024, David Gonzalez said the following...

    Hello everybody!

    I have a quick easy question for y'all:

    I have Mystic and my echo areas and I want to read them on our
    beloved GolDED+, but I'm having many issues trying to accomplish

    * I've tied exporting areas.bbs from Mystic and have GoldED+ read
    them and no luck. * Export goldareas.txt but when I try to
    include it it doesn't work, so my workaround is to copy the
    AREADEFs from goldareas.cfg into my main golded.cfg and that
    works, but that's PITA.

    * I alos tried JAMPATH d:\bbs\mystic\msgs\, didn't work either.

    What am I doing wrong?, how can I integrated Mystic and Golded
    without so much manual intervention?.

    Thank you all


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: SkyNet BBS | Colombia | bbs.skynetbbs.com:20023

    I am trying to do the exact same thing. I can't even get golded to
    start. I have the mystic export file, but I have no idea how to
    configure all this.

    Like I said, my solution was to take AREADEFs from goldareas.txt from Mystic and stuck it into golded.cfg, but if any area changes, you need a do over.

    Let's hope someone can weigh in on this.



    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: SkyNet BBS | Colombia | bbs.skynetbbs.com:20023 (4:930/1)
  • From David Gonzalez@4:930/1 to Nicholas Boel on Sun Nov 17 13:43:02 2024

    Hello Nicholas!

    16 Nov 24 20:59, you wrote to me:

    Hello David,

    On Sun, Nov 17 2024 01:17:33 -0600, you wrote:

    * I've tied exporting areas.bbs from Mystic and have GoldED+ read
    them and no luck. * Export goldareas.txt but when I try to include
    it it doesn't work, so my workaround is to copy the AREADEFs from
    goldareas.cfg into my main golded.cfg and that works, but that's

    While it's a PITA, it's the only way to be able to use the AREASEP and some other keywords to actually separate your areas by network or by whatever you define with the AREALISTSORT keyword.

    Ok, gotcha, and what would be a suggestion?.

    * I alos tried JAMPATH d:\bbs\mystic\msgs\, didn't work either.

    JAMPATH is for the location of your netmail.jam and echomail.jam files that are read between golded and your tosser. That has really nothing
    to do with what you're looking for. Those semaphore files (which you
    may eventually want to utilize) tell the tosser what areas you've
    actually wrote messages and/or netmails in so that it only scans those areas, rather than scanning all areas every time.

    Oh, it's only for netmails?, I see. I did implement those semaphores but indeed they do what you say, they scan the whole messagebase and it's grown exponentially it's slow, so can you explain how to make it whole, how can I make it let the tosser in this case mystic to scan snly areas with messages to be sent out?.

    What am I doing wrong?, how can I integrated Mystic and Golded
    without so much manual intervention?.

    golded\manuals\gold_ref.txt will be your new best friend. :)

    For the easiest way, take a look at the AREAFILE keyword. In your
    case, you may want to try:

    AREAFILE AREASBBS d:\path\to\areas.bbs

    However, you may not like this method as I don't believe it adds the
    area descriptions. There may be other ways, though.. I just don't know them. I've always used AREADEF, AREASEP, AREALISTSORT, etc. in
    combination to make things look a lot better.

    I'll look into it, thanks tho

    Hope that helps!


    ... He who laughs last, thinks slowest.
    --- SBBSecho 3.22-Linux
    * Origin: _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: SkyNet BBS | Colombia | bbs.skynetbbs.com:20023 (4:930/1)
  • From nugax@1:19/37 to Vincent Coen on Sun Nov 17 14:35:18 2024
    I guess golded. I just wanted to use the editor. I do not even know what the other file is.

    Vincent Coen wrote to nugax <=-

    Hello nugax!

    16 Nov 24 20:40, you wrote to David Gonzalez:

    Are you trying to run gedlnx or golded, if the later it will needs to
    be linked to gedlnx.

    Also use strip on all the programs.


    On 17 Nov 2024, David Gonzalez said the following...

    Hello everybody!

    I have a quick easy question for y'all:

    I have Mystic and my echo areas and I want to read them on our
    beloved GolDED+, but I'm having many issues trying to accomplish

    * I've tied exporting areas.bbs from Mystic and have GoldED+ read
    them and no luck. * Export goldareas.txt but when I try to
    include it it doesn't work, so my workaround is to copy the
    AREADEFs from goldareas.cfg into my main golded.cfg and that
    works, but that's PITA.

    * I alos tried JAMPATH d:\bbs\mystic\msgs\, didn't work either.

    What am I doing wrong?, how can I integrated Mystic and Golded
    without so much manual intervention?.

    Thank you all


    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: SkyNet BBS | Colombia | bbs.skynetbbs.com:20023

    I am trying to do the exact same thing. I can't even get golded to
    start. I have the mystic export file, but I have no idea how to
    configure all this.

    ... Kids: They're not sleeping, they're recharging!


    --- Mageia Linux v9 X64/Mbse v1.1.0/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)

    ... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader!
    ___ MultiMail/Win v0.52

    --- Mystic BBS/QWK v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: The ByteXchange BBS | bbs.thebytexchange.com (1:19/37)