Hello All,
This is not good, but as I understand it public backlash has had some effect: [links removed]
From: OpenMedia COVID-19 Alert <
Sent: Saturday, 25 April, 2020 09:03
To: marcxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: ALERT: Nonprofit websites could be in trouble
A private equity firm is on the verge of taking over the .org domain.
Nonprofit groups all over the world-including many that are doing lifesaving work on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic, like the Red Cross and the United Way-depend on the trust that comes with having a recognized .org address to deliver services, raise money, and communicate with the public. But in just days, every .org website on the Internet-including OpenMedia.org-could be in the hands of a venture capital firm looking to squeeze them for financial gain during this time of crisis. On May 4, a private-equity firm is set to purchase the entire .org domain for $1.1 billion, giving it monopoly rights to increase charges on nonprofits-and censor any .org site in the world it doesn't like.[1] We can't let a private entity hold this power. We're kicking off an emergency grassroots action to stop the sale of the .org domain and keep nonprofit websites live. Will you rush a donation today?
Here's what's happening: The nonprofit Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has control over Internet domains, like .com and .org. Until now, it has given a nonprofit called the Public Interest Registry the ability to sell.org sites to organizations for reasonable prices.
But ICANN is planning a sale of the .org domain to Ethos Capital, a private-equity firm that wants to squeeze nonprofits for every dollar it can just to keep their own websites live.
There's no way for Ethos to recoup that kind of money off .org without attacking the work and bottom line of the many nonprofits around the world who use it to make back their investment. It could sell off key domain names to the highest bidder, or censor sites to appease corporations or dictatorships-we've seen that happen before, in deals that other registries have cut with the movie and pharmaceutical industries.[2] This is a nightmare scenario for OpenMedia. Like hundreds of thousands of nonprofits around the world, we depend on affordable access to a reputable .org url to carry out our advocacy work for you. Fortunately, public pressure has pushed ICANN to put off its decision about selling until May 4. But in the middle of a public-health crisis, there's a real danger that this sale could be lost in the quickly changing news cycles. We can't allow that to happen. That's why we're posting digital ads to help people reach stakeholders and stop this sale in its tracks. We have just days to stop the sale of the .org domain. Will you donate today?
For the Internet, Matt and the rest of the OpenMedia team
Footnotes: 1. Help stop the sale of Public Interest Registry to a Private
Equity Firm, SaveDotOrg
2. We Need To Save .ORG From Arbitrary Censorship By Halting the
Private Equity Buy-Out, Electronic Frontier Foundation
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Best regards,
--- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
* Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)