Hello Brother Rabbit!
** On Monday 24.05.21 - 12:56, Brother Rabbit wrote to August Abolins:
How am I supposed to guess that this is not the end of the url, but an illegal symbol? https://serpstat.com/files/img/88/1554985982.0237.png
I am not sure what you mean with the above, but I thought we
were discussing the markup syntax for a link when using ][)(:
[I know a certified way to fix it.](https://brorabbit.g0x.ru/pic/1765992. jpg) ;)
Now you're just being mean. :(
The x0A is indeed strange. I have to see what the outbound
packet contains when I try to duplicate the message.
--- OpenXP 5.0.50
* Origin: The ONLY point that matters --> . <-- (1:153/757.21)