Hello Rick,
So during all these netmail issues, it posed a question to myself that
I cannot find an answer to. Can you send inter-network netmail? So
could I send from say 21:1/190.1 to 1:340/202.1 etc? Just curious...
I have both of those networks, so such a message would (should!) pass through here and get moving in the right direction.
It's good practice though to route fido through a fidonet node and fsxnet mail through an fsxnet node. It has a better chance of getting where it is going without failing.
If you route an fsxnet mail to a fido node it may arrive at a system that isn't
fsxnet connected and so it will fail at that point.
Ttyl :-),
--- GoldED+/LNX
* Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)