* Originally in fn_sysop
* Crossposted in enet.sysop
* Crossposted in fido_sysop
Hello All!
I've written a perl script for the Husky HPT mail processor that filters unwanted echo messages from selected Echo Areas, the script has a configuration file where you can filter messages based on the From/To fields, Echo Area Name, source node or a mix of the three.
The filter is available in the fidomimac file area on the 2:335/364 node, you can download it from the ]\/[imac Rebirth BBS via telnet at mimac.bizzi.org port 2323 or via FREQ at the node 2:335/364 with the magic ECHOCLEANER (il will send the latest version of the filter) or via HTTP on
http://mimac.bizzi.org/fileBase/fidomimac .
It's in beta and it was tested ony on two linux systems, if someone would like to test also on other system I'll be happy to correct any bug/issue that could be present.
I hope it could be helpful for someone that likes the old style fidonet echo conferences. ;)
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
# Origin: ]\/[imac Rebirth Boss Point (2:335/364.1)
* Origin: The File Bank BBS!
https://tfb-bbs.org (3:640/1321) (3:640/1321)