Is there a process in Zone 1 for having an acting local hub designated?
assuming you mean network host as in the HOST entry in the nodelist, sure... select a new HOST and contact the RC for your region to put them
in the nodelist and they will then take over the NC duties... contact
your RC to see if they have a preferred method... by policy, the NC is appointed by the RC so they may simply follow that route... the question
us who will carry that mantle and do the job properly...
Is there a process in Zone 1 for having an acting local hub designated?
The KY hub, Allen Prunty, has been offline for a while. He has been experiencing health and other issues that are more important that BBSing,
so I actually feel bad asking.
However, I have received complaints that no one can send routed netmail to
my board or the one other sysop in net 2320.
I have reached out to our regional via netmail and internet email but did
not get a response (with netmail being broken, that is not a surprise).
Is there a way to get an acting, or different, local hub designated in situations like this?
assuming you mean network host as in the HOST entry in the nodelist, sure... >select a new HOST and contact the RC for your region to put them in the >nodelist and they will then take over the NC duties... contact your RC to see >if they have a preferred method... by policy, the NC is appointed by the RC so >they may simply follow that route... the question us who will carry that mantle
and do the job properly...
I have reached out to our regional via netmail and internet email but did
not get a response (with netmail being broken, that is not a surprise).
I would netmail your RC directly and ask him what should/can be done.
I would netmail your RC directly and ask him what should/can be done.
I would netmail your RC directly and ask him what should/can be done.
Can you expand on that? ;)
Can you expand on that? ;)
He said "I have reached out to our regional via netmail and internet email but
did not get a response (with netmail being broken, that is not a surprise)."
And you asked "I would netmail your RC directly and ask him what should/can be
My "Hmmm" was me wondering what you understood that he meant.
He said "I have reached out to our regional via netmail and internet email but
did not get a response (with netmail being broken, that is not a surprise)."
And you asked "I would netmail your RC directly and ask him what should/can be
My "Hmmm" was me wondering what you understood that he meant.
My hope is that a netmail direct (not routed) will get a reply.
Aha - I didn't realise that people there still route netmails when communicating with their *Cs.
David Drummond wrote to Alan Ianson <=-
My hope is that a netmail direct (not routed) will get a reply.
Aha - I didn't realise that people there still route netmails
when communicating with their *Cs.
contact your RC to see if they have a preferred method... by policy,
the NC is appointed by the RC so they may simply follow that route...
the question us who will carry that mantle and do the job properly...
Just wondering, do you have relatives in the Netherlands?
RC to see if they have a preferred method... by policy, the NC is
appointed by the RC so they may simply follow that route... the
question us who will carry that mantle and do the job properly...
I have tried contacting the RC but have not had much luck.
My "Hmmm" was me wondering what you understood that he meant.
My hope is that a netmail direct (not routed) will get a reply.
My "Hmmm" was me wondering what you understood that he meant.
My hope is that a netmail direct (not routed) will get a reply.
Aha - I didn't realise that people there still route netmails when communicating with their *Cs.
only if the reply netmail is also delivered directly... some setups don't really offer an easy way to switch between routed and direct delivery methods...
Just wondering, do you have relatives in the Netherlands?
why do you ask?
Just wondering, do you have relatives in the Netherlands?
why do you ask?
Because people of the Netherlands have a habit of stating the obvious,
you mean RJ? have you tried other methods than netmail sent to their 1:11/0 >address? maybe email or DM/PM, private of course, on social media? i know he is
on twitter... i've dropped him a note in private... let's see what happens...
My hope is that a netmail direct (not routed) will get a reply.
Aha - I didn't realise that people there still route netmails
when communicating with their *Cs.
Generalize much? "...people there..."
As one of those Z1 people, I would say that nearly all do *NOT*
route netmail to their *Cs.
It's OK, it was just a slip of your anti-Z1 bias. We know.
if they have a preferred method... by policy, the NC is appointed by the RC s >> they may simply follow that route... the question us who will carry thatmantle
and do the job properly...
I have tried contacting the RC but have not had much luck.
Generalize much? "...people there..."
As one of those Z1 people, I would say that nearly all do *NOT*
route netmail to their *Cs.
It would be nice if the *C-routing structure was consistent no matter if everyone wants to Crash deliver; because with BinkP and everyone getting feeds from everyone else it is almost impossible to determine the routing table for a Zone.
I've never bothered about a routing table in Z2. From my first day in offic decided I'd route as every region in the zone has to link with me and there 2:2/0 can provide routing to all regions.
FWIW: my system handles a lot of routed netmails... since it
was set up in Sept 2018, over 4000 routed netmails have been
processed here...
Thats how I have it set up here, routing to RC's for the most part.
Thats how I have it set up here, routing to RC's for the most part.
Just make sure they're not taking P4 too seriously.
"A Regional Coordinator does not perform message-forwarding services for any nodes in the region."
I've never bothered about a routing table in Z2. From my first day inoffic
decided I'd route as every region in the zone has to link with me andthere
2:2/0 can provide routing to all regions.
I know... I've seen your setup 8-)
Thats how I have it set up here, routing to RC's for the most part.
Aha - I didn't realise that people there still route netmails when ml>DD> communicating with their *Cs.
FWIW: my system handles a lot of routed netmails... since it was set up
in Sept 2018, over 4000 routed netmails have been processed here...
Just make sure they're not taking P4 too seriously.
"A Regional Coordinator does not perform message-forwarding services
for any nodes in the region."
Just make sure they're not taking P4 too seriously.
Whenever I hear that bullshit statement quoted my stomach turns ...
Why? Because it makes sense. When the nodelist-tree is followed when routing netmail forgetting about silly Napoleontic routing tables, then everything just has to arrive.
But how does one set up one's routing instructions to automatically
detect the region from a node's address?
Thats how I have it set up here, routing to RC's for the most part.
And? How many are "live" ?
Regions strike me as more of a political structure, not a technical one.
Did you try to contact your RC via email? I know fidonet works to contact him,
but I'm not sure if you have his email address... Let me know if you need me to
send you James' email address.
But define your question a bit more granular - According to my ex, I was just a life-support system for a cock.
Keep in mind your humor is likely to get me in trouble with the Nodelist Police. Three tickets last month already... I'll end up in the Shithouse.
My NC got one this week. I explained it was OK not to pay it, I never
did and don't get them anymore.
Did you try to contact your RC via email? I know fidonet works to contacthim,
but I'm not sure if you have his email address... Let me know if you need meto
send you James' email address.
I have one for him but it may not be a good one.
Please send it to mlp (at) iglou (dot) com. Thanks, Janis!
But how does one set up one's routing instructions to automatically
detect the region from a node's address?
I've got a "Route to" line for every net in the zone.
But how does one set up one's routing instructions to automatically DD>DD>> detect the region from a node's address?
I've got a "Route to" line for every net in the zone.
And other zones?
But how does one set up one's routing instructions to automatically
detect the region from a node's address?
The KY hub, Allen Prunty, has been offline for a while.
The KY hub, Allen Prunty, has been offline for a while.
Just was in touch with the gentleman in question. He suffered a stroke
Eating no sugar and processed starch but rather a lot of animal fat
would have prevent that. That's what Homo Sapiens is genetically designed for during hundreds of thousands, if not even millions, of years of evolution.
Surely there must be intelligent design in all this ... 8-)
Just was in touch with the gentleman in question. He suffered a stroke and is recovering but has no access to a PC. I take it was getting in touch from a smartphone or tablet via Facebook.
I asked if he is returning and this is what he said verbatim:
I will return ward... eventually. I've tried to have
my cousin reboot it,, but for some reason it's not
connecting. I think the ISP there made some changes.
My family "to save me money" has downgraded the TV...
they may have touched the internet ... to my objections... too.
It has been a long brutal recovery
He seems in good spirits.
Just was in touch with the gentleman in question. He suffered a stroke
and is recovering but has no access to a PC. I take it was getting in touch from a smartphone or tablet via Facebook.
Sysop: | Coz |
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