• Husky build under Mageia v7.1 x64 Linux

    From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Tue Nov 19 11:44:46 2019
    Hello All!

    I have been trying to build elements of Husky, namely :


    huskymak.cfg was changed to PREFIX=/usr/local

    When compiling via a make, I get an error with the last dozen or so lines of :

    gcc -Wall -c -s -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fstrength-reduce -fPIC -DUNIX -Ihuskylib src/xstr.c
    ar r libhusky adcase calendar cmpfname crc cvtdate dirlayer fexist ffind genmsgid genverst
    getfree ioutil log locking mapfile memory qksort patmat recode ftnaddr setfsize strext strftime
    temp tdelay tree version xstr
    ar: creating libhusky
    ar: adcase: No such file or directory
    make: *** [Makefile:46: libhusky] Error 1

    The content of the Makefile in the main directory has :

    Makefile for the Husky build environment

    # include Husky-Makefile-Config
    ifeq ($(DEBIAN), 1)
    # Every Debian-Source-Paket has one included.
    include /usr/share/husky/huskymak.cfg
    else ifdef RPM_BUILD_ROOT
    # RPM build requires all files to be in the source directory
    include huskymak.cfg
    include ../huskymak.cfg
    ++ rest ignored +++

    If I cd to make and run make -f makefile all I get errors likewise if I do a make -f
    makefile.lnx programs

    Clearly I am doing something wrong but what ?

    The INSTALL.md is not very explicit on the 'HOWTO' as to what directory you should be in when
    running make :)

    The objective is to create a front end I can use in conjuction with some software I am writing
    to access netmails coming in via mbse which uses JAM messagebase only to collect messages with
    specific subject lines. I can use mbse to post netmails and likewise echo messages but as sall
    is JAM only i.e., no support for .msg type areas this is the only way I can think of doing it.

    Another solution is to still use Husky for a specific node address that is NOT in mbse with a
    basic mailer to do the same but in this instance to use it for reading and writing messages
    to/from Netmail and a echo area.

    The program is written in Cobol that creates C code that in turn runs through GCC.
    Cobol can handles LS (line sequentual) and SEQ (sequentual) files without issue. Here note that
    LS is like text records with the linux stand of line termination as against SEQ that uses a nul
    for record termination. I am using ISAM for the main database file.

    So, for reading writing any message I use the LS format so I just have to somehow link between
    the two formats ( *.MSG files and LS ) in order to read/write.

    Can any one help me ?

    Thanks in advance.


    --- Mageia Linux v7.1 X64/Mbse v1.0.7.13/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Michael Dukelsky@2:5020/1042 to Vince Coen on Wed Nov 20 18:49:40 2019
    hptkillHello Vince,

    Tuesday November 19 2019, Vince Coen wrote to All:

    I have been trying to build elements of Husky, namely :


    huskymak.cfg was changed to PREFIX=/usr/local

    When compiling via a make, I get an error with the last dozen or so
    lines of :

    Please try to build using cmake, it should work. The instruction is in huskyproject/huskylib/INSTALL.md. Search for "Compiling and installing using Cmake". You build all other projects the same way.

    You don't have to build huskybse. To build hpt:
    build huskylib
    install huskylib
    build smapi
    install smapi
    build fidoconf
    install fidoconf
    build hptzip
    install hptzip
    build areafix
    install areafix
    build hpt

    After that you may build hptkill, hptsqfix and sqpack. Please don't forget to build and install areafix.


    ... node (at) f1042 (dot) ru
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042)
  • From Kai Richter@2:240/77 to Vince Coen on Thu Nov 21 00:33:22 2019
    Hello Vince!

    19 Nov 19, Vince Coen wrote to All:


    Maybe i'm outdated, but my source doesn't have the -master "extension".


    Looks like somebody made a general makefile for all husky modules.

    adcase: No such file or directory make: *** [Makefile:46: libhusky]

    The content of the Makefile in the main directory has :

    There is none in my old husky suite.

    Please try a manual "oldscool" compilation as follows.

    The entry point for compilation is the huskybse module.
    huskybse itself is not a module. It doesn't need to be compiled.

    But you can find the INSTALL doc there and examples for the huskymak.cfg.

    The basic concept is:

    II.1.3 Compiling and Installing

    Now, you can build smapi and fidoconfig (please do it in this order) using

    cd ~/husky/smapi
    make clean
    # or use "gmake" if "make" does not invoke GNU make on your system!
    make all install

    cd ~/husky/fidoconf
    make clean
    make all install

    It is important that you a) INSTALL (gmake install) smapi before you try to COMIPLE fidoconf, because otherwise the smapi library - which is required for building fidoconfig - will not be found, and likewise, that you INSTALL fidoconf before you try to COMPILE anything else.

    You can build and install any module using the command sequence

    cd ~/husky/MODULENAME
    make clean
    make all install

    Clearly I am doing something wrong but what ?

    The INSTALL.md is not very explicit on the 'HOWTO' as to what
    directory you should be in when running make :)

    In general it should be the directory where the makefile is.

    Within the makefile there are "targets".
    Target: clean
    Target: all
    Target: install

    Note that "make all" builds all but it does not install it. You need the "make install" for that or both in one "make all install".

    The install target copies the file to their destination in the PREFIX tree, /usr/local/ in your case. There are lib files like libhusky (your error above) that are placed into the lib path.

    If you compile another husky module it may rely on that lib file and is looking for that libhusky in the lib path. If not found -> error.

    The sequence of compilation and installation is important.

    For the actual husky suite you may need huskylib at first. -> check docs.



    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Monobox (2:240/77)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Fri Nov 22 19:34:18 2019
    Hello All!

    Thursday November 21 2019 00:33, Kai Richter wrote to me:

    Hello Vince!

    19 Nov 19, Vince Coen wrote to All:


    Maybe i'm outdated, but my source doesn't have the -master


    .. etc ...

    I have now managed to build the suite but there is no documentation on it regarding usage and configureation etc.

    Is this stored some where else ?

    What I hope to achive from Husky is to create :

    1. New node entry to receive msgs via Netmail and then search them for one's with the right subject.
    2. Transfer the msgs one by one to a writen program as a text type file and the
    process it.

    3. Pass a text msg as response to the node address of the sender.
    4, Pass the same into an echo area.
    5. Send the results to a uplink.

    So I thing I need to be able to

    1. Access the msg format to read and them mark as read/delete each one.
    2. Access the Jam msg area for a specific area and post a msg via a text file containing the msg.
    3. Tell the sub system to then process the created msgs to pkt's and zip'd file
    onward to uplink.

    So will need to access as Open, Read, flag for Delete and then close file for msg, and do the same with Jam.

    Can I do this?
    Is there documentation on how ?
    Is there documentation on setting this up etc ?

    Now why Jam ? I use for a BBS normally mbse which uses Jam for all areas as there is no option to have *.msg say for netmail hense the reason to create a seperate system just to handle this processing for a specific node address.

    Would also like to be able to read and write emails again using a specific email

    Any one with ideas for a way forwards?

    Thanks in advance,


    --- Mageia Linux v7.1 X64/Mbse v1.0.7.13/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Vince Coen on Fri Nov 22 12:40:04 2019
    Hello Vince,

    I have now managed to build the suite but there is no documentation on
    it regarding usage and configureation etc.

    Is this stored some where else ?

    There is documentaion in various directories of each module.

    I use the huskymak.cfg in the root of the husky directory to build the husky suite and when done with hpt switch to the doc directory and run make and I get
    info files in /usr/local/info.

    There are options in the huskymak.cfg regarding HTML and info documentaion, also DVI but I don't know what that is.

    The is also an archive of docs (and other husky stuff) available at..


    What I hope to achive from Husky is to create :

    1. New node entry to receive msgs via Netmail and then search them
    for one's with the right subject. 2. Transfer the msgs one by one to
    a writen program as a text type file and the process it.

    You have quite a list of stuff there.. :)

    I can't help you with that but if you like I can zip up my current working config so you can get an idea of how it works here.

    Let me know if you'd like to see it and I send it over for you.

    Ttyl :-),

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to Alan Ianson on Mon Jan 13 13:16:52 2020
    Hello Alan!

    Friday November 22 2019 12:32, you wrote to me:

    Thanks for your reply but the docs only seem to cover the programs and not the individual C routines. I will keep looking as I am after a C version of the pascal MKM routines that can handle jam format echo areas.


    Hello Vince,

    I have now managed to build the suite but there is no
    documentation on it regarding usage and configureation etc.

    Is this stored some where else ?

    There is documentaion in various directories of each module.

    I use the huskymak.cfg in the root of the husky directory to build the
    husky suite and when done with hpt switch to the doc directory and run
    make and I get info files in /usr/local/info.

    There are options in the huskymak.cfg regarding HTML and info
    documentaion, also DVI but I don't know what that is.

    The is also an archive of docs (and other husky stuff) available at..


    What I hope to achive from Husky is to create :

    1. New node entry to receive msgs via Netmail and then search
    them for one's with the right subject. 2. Transfer the msgs one
    by one to a writen program as a text type file and the process

    You have quite a list of stuff there.. :)

    I can't help you with that but if you like I can zip up my current
    working config so you can get an idea of how it works here.

    Let me know if you'd like to see it and I send it over for you.

    Ttyl :-),


    --- Mageia Linux v7.1 X64/Mbse v1.0.7.13/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)