• Re: Packing problems

    From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Rick Smith on Wed Aug 3 16:16:08 2022
    Hi Rick,

    On 2022-08-03 06:36:06, you wrote to All:

    7 06:42:58 Packing for 1:105/81 FidoNet Uplink, e9162100.pkt > ea7bc400.we0 6 06:42:58 cmd: zip -9 -j -q \ftn\outb\00690051.sep\ea7bc400.we0 \ftn\tmp\outb \e9162100.pkt

    zip error: Nothing to do! (ftnoutb00690051.sepea7bc400.we0)

    The backslashes in the file name seem to be interpreted as escape characters and not as the directory/file name seperator.

    Is this on a linux system?

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707

    Could be...

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Rick Smith on Thu Aug 4 08:57:30 2022
    Hi Rick,

    On 2022-08-03 13:22:30, you wrote to me:

    7 06:42:58 Packing for 1:105/81 FidoNet Uplink, e9162100.pkt
    ea7bc400.we0 6 06:42:58 cmd: zip -9 -j -q
    \ftn\outb\00690051.sep\ea7bc400.we0 \ftn\tmp\outb \e9162100.pkt

    zip error: Nothing to do! (ftnoutb00690051.sepea7bc400.we0)

    Try a double slash \\ where you now have single slashes \ in your
    config file...

    Yeah that is what I first tried but them HPT complains about the \\... I need to find someone with a working config on os2 I think... I am probably missing something simple.

    Have you tried putting the path names between quotes? Or specify them in the linux way with / as directory seperator? Maybe husky does an auto convert for those to OS2 directory seperators?

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Rick Smith@1:105/81 to Tommi Koivula on Sat Aug 6 05:31:14 2022
    Hello Tommi!

    Saturday August 06 2022 08:36, you wrote to me:

    * Forwarded from area 'FIDOSOFT.HUSKY'

    03 Aug 22 06:36, Rick Smith wrote to All:

    Hello All!

    zip error: Nothing to do! (ftnoutb00690051.sepea7bc400.we0)
    A 06:42:58 Error executing packer (errorlevel==12, permanent
    error) 1 06:42:58 Start packing... 4 06:42:58 EchoTossLogFile
    not found -> Scanning all areas 4 06:42:58 Scanning NetmailArea
    NETMAIL 7 06:42:58 Packing for 1:105/81 FidoNet Uplink,
    e9162100.pkt > ea7bc400.we0 6 06:42:58 cmd: zip -9 -j -q
    \ftn\outb\00690051.sep\ea7bc400.we0 \ftn\tmp\outb \e9162100.pkt

    zip error: Nothing to do! (ftnoutb00690051.sepea7bc400.we0)

    This is a klibc problem which can be "fixed" by setting UNIXROOT to a non-existing path.

    The better solution is to use watcom build of hpt or not to use
    arcmail at all.

    I have set unixroot in my toss.cmd , I have your watcom exe problem still exists, I will post my config.



    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Awesome Net- Oregon FTN Hub - www.awesomenet.us (1:105/81)
  • From Siggi Schoenicke@2:240/8010.2 to Tommi Koivula on Wed Jan 8 16:18:14 2025
    Hello Tommi,

    06 Aug 22 08:36, Tommi Koivula schrieb an Rick Smith:

    03 Aug 22 06:36, Rick Smith wrote to All:


    zip error: Nothing to do! (ftnoutb00690051.sepea7bc400.we0)
    A 06:42:58 Error executing packer (errorlevel==12, permanent
    error) 1 06:42:58 Start packing... 4 06:42:58 EchoTossLogFile
    not found -> Scanning all areas 4 06:42:58 Scanning NetmailArea
    NETMAIL 7 06:42:58 Packing for 1:105/81 FidoNet Uplink,
    e9162100.pkt > ea7bc400.we0 6 06:42:58 cmd: zip -9 -j -q
    \ftn\outb\00690051.sep\ea7bc400.we0 \ftn\tmp\outb \e9162100.pkt

    zip error: Nothing to do! (ftnoutb00690051.sepea7bc400.we0)

    I recently started using ArcaOS and had the same problem. I was already looking for a solution in os2.ger...

    I just found your hint about this problem and was able to solve my little problem.

    This is a klibc problem which can be "fixed" by setting UNIXROOT to a non-existing path.

    Thank you! You saved my day ;-)


    * Origin: Powert by ArcaOS, BinkD/2, FE/2, Filescan (2:240/8010.2)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/360 to Siggi Schoenicke on Wed Jan 8 18:01:54 2025
    On 8.1.2025 17.18, Siggi Schoenicke wrote:

    zip error: Nothing to do! (ftnoutb00690051.sepea7bc400.we0)

    I recently started using ArcaOS and had the same problem. I was already looking for a solution in os2.ger...

    I just found your hint about this problem and was able to solve my
    little problem.

    This is a klibc problem which can be "fixed" by setting UNIXROOT to a non-existing path.

    Thank you! You saved my day ;-)

    Bitte schön! :-)



    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Finland (2:221/360.0)