Hello Everybody,
A sysop is lord and master of his/her own system.
Such has always been the case in Fidonet.
Sysops are free to join Fidonet. Fidonet has many echoes available.
Including echoes moderated by probationary sysops. Participants are
free to join the echo(s) of their own choice. That is the way Fidonet
works, and has always worked. But not all folks like that. And who
are those folks? One such person came out of the closet and spoke up
in an echo of his own choice. So let's have a look-see as to what he
had to say -
Fidonet class clown Dan Clough coughed up this piece of garbage
in a certain echo "reserved" for sysops -
-=begin rant=-
Such as ?
Such as restricting access to echo(s) on a BBS. Yes, the troll
could go to another board, but some won't bother. If "all" boards DC>restricted access to certain echos, it would pretty much solve the DC>problem.
Doesn't work, there's alwayd someone who won\t comply..
I know, that's why I put "all" in quotations there above. But if we
could get MOST to do it right, say 80+%... the trolls/clowns might have
a difficult enough time finding a board that they could access, and give
up the attempt.
Worth trying, it's not like it's hard to do. Just a matter of Sysops
acting like..... Sysops.
-=end rant=-
So, there it is.
Fidonet class clown Dan Clough wants to be lord and master not only
of his own system, but also everybody else's system, thus replacing
a certain un-named sysop's claim as "King of Fidonet".
What a riot.
By his own comments, he truly deserves an echo of his own. That way,
he can throw out any particants he does not like all by his lonesome
Talk about censorship at its finest.
Isn't that nice?
And that is all in due accordance with Policy 4. :)
Your Hole Is Our Goal
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)