• FidoNews 38:04 [00/06]: The Front Page

    From FidoNews Robot@2:2/2 to All on Mon Jan 25 03:12:40 2021
    The F I D O N E W S Volume 38, Number 04 25 Jan 2021 +--------------------------+-----------------------------------------+
    | |The newsletter of the | | |
    | | FidoNet community. | | Netmail attach to (POTS): |
    | | | | Editor @ 2:2/2 (+46-31-960447) |
    | | ____________| | |
    | | / __ | Netmail attach to (BinkP): |
    | | / / \ | Editor @ 2:203/0 |
    | | WOOF! ( /|oo \ | |
    | \_______\(_| /_) | Email attach to: |
    | _ @/_ \ _ | b @ felten dot se |
    | | | \ \\ | |
    | | (*) | \ ))| |
    | |__U__| / \// | Editor: Bj”rn Felten |
    | ______ _//|| _\ / | |
    | / Fido \ (_/(_|(____/ | Newspapers should have no friends. |
    | (________) (jm) | -- JOSEPH PULITZER | +--------------------------+-----------------------------------------+

    Table of Contents
    1. LIST OF FIDONET IPV6 NODES ............................... 1
    List of IPv6 nodes ....................................... 1
    2. JAMNNTPD SERVERS LIST .................................... 4
    The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project ....................... 4
    3. FIDONEWS'S FIDONET SOFTWARE LISTING ...................... 5
    4. SPECIAL INTEREST ......................................... 12
    Statistics from the Fidoweb .............................. 12
    Nodelist Stats ........................................... 13
    5. FIDONEWS INFORMATION ..................................... 15
    How to Submit an Article ................................. 15
    Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability .................. 17

    --- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
    * Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)
  • From FidoNews Robot@2:2/2 to All on Mon Jan 25 03:12:40 2021
    LIST OF FIDONET IPV6 NODES =================================================================

    List of IPv6 nodes
    By Michiel van der Vlist, 2:280/5555

    Updated 20 Jan 2021

    Node Nr. Sysop Type Provider Remark

    1 2:280/464 Wilfred van Velzen Native Xs4All f
    2 2:280/5003 Kees van Eeten Native Xs4All f
    3 2:5019/40 Konstantin Kuzov T-6in4 he.net f
    4 2:280/5555 Michiel van der Vlist Native Ziggo f
    5 1:320/219 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    6 2:221/1 Tommi Koivula T-6in4 he.net f
    7 2:221/6 Tommi Koivula Native OVH
    8 2:5053/54 Denis Mikhlevich Native TTK-Volga
    9 2:5030/257 Vova Uralsky Native PCextreme
    10 1:154/10 Nicholas Bo‰l Native Spectrum f
    11 2:203/0 Bj”rn Felten T-6in4 he.net
    12 2:280/5006 Kees van Eeten Native Xs4All f INO4
    13 3:712/848 Scott Little T-6in4 he.net f
    14 2:5020/545 Alexey Vissarionov Native Hetzner f
    15 1:103/17 Stephen Hurd T-6in4 he.net
    16 2:5020/9696 Alexander Skovpen T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0
    17 2:421/790 Viktor Cizek T-6in4 he.net
    18 2:222/2 Kim Heino Native TeliaSonera
    19 3:633/280 Stephen Walsh Native AusNetServers f
    20 2:463/877 Alex Shuman Native Nline f IO
    21 1:19/10 Matt Bedynek T-6in4 he.net
    22 3:770/1 Paul Hayton T-6in4 he.net
    23 2:5053/58 Alexander Kruglikov Native TTK-Volga f
    24 1:103/1 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    25 3:633/281 Stephen Walsh Native Internode
    26 2:310/31 Richard Menedetter Native DE-NETCUP f
    27 3:633/410 Tony Langdon Native IINET
    28 2:5020/329 Oleg Lukashin Native Comfortel f
    29 2:246/1305 Emil Schuster Native TAL.DE
    30 2:2448/4000 Tobias Burchhardt Native DTAG IO
    31 2:331/51 Marco d'Itri Native BOFH-IT
    32 1:154/30 Mike Miller Native LINODE
    33 1:282/1031 Jeff Smith T-6in4 he.net
    34 2:5001/100 Dmitry Protasoff Native Hetzner
    35 2:5059/38 Andrey Mundirov T-6in4 he.net
    36 2:240/5853 Philipp Giebel Native Hetzner
    37 2:5083/444 Peter Khanin Native OVH
    38 2:2452/413 Ingo Juergensmann Native RRBONE-COLO f
    39 1:123/10 Wayne Smith T-6in4 he.net
    40 2:4500/1 Eugene Kozhuhovsky Native DATAHATA6
    41 1:135/300 Eric Renfro Native Amazon.com
    42 1:103/13 Stephen Hurd Native Choopa
    43 2:5020/1042 Michael Dukelsky Native FORPSI Ktis f
    44 2:5095/0 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    45 2:5095/20 Sergey V. Efimoff T-6in4 he.net
    46 4:902/26 Fernando Toledo T-6in4 he.net
    47 2:5019/400 Konstantin Kuzov Native LT-LT
    48 2:467/239 Mihail Kapitanov T-6in4 he.net f
    49 2:463/1331 Andrei Dzedolik Native DIGITALOCEAN
    50 2:5010/275 Evgeny Chevtaev T-6in4 TUNNELBROKER-0 f
    51 2:5020/736 Egor Glukhov Native RUWEB f
    52 2:280/2000 Michael Trip Native Xs4All
    53 2:230/38 Benny Pedersen Native Linode
    54 2:460/58 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f
    55 1:135/367 Antonio Rivera Native RRSW-V6
    56 2:5020/2123 Anton Samsonov T-6in4 he.net
    57 2:5020/2332 Andrey Ignatov Native ru.rtk
    58 2:5005/49 Victor Sudakov T-6in4 he.net f
    59 2:5005/77 Valery Lutoshkin T-6in4 NTS f
    60 2:5005/106 Alexey Osiyuk T-6in4 he.net f
    61 2:5057/53 Ivan Kovalenko Native ER-Telecom f
    62 2:5010/352 Dmitriy Smirnov Native EkranTV f
    63 2:292/854 Ward Dossche Native Proximus OO
    64 2:469/122 Sergey Zabolotny T-6in4 he.net f
    65 2:5053/400 Denis Mikhlevich Native TTK-Volga
    66 1:135/371 Eric Renfro Native Cox Cmmunctns
    67 2:421/21 Stepan Gabriel Native NETDATACOMM
    68 2:5030/1997 Alexey Fayans T-6in4 he.net
    69 1:220/70 Joseph Werle T-6in4 he.net
    70 2:5061/15 Eugene Gladchenko Native ARUBAUK-NET
    71 2:2452/502 Ludwig Bernhartzeder Native DTAG
    72 2:423/39 Karel Kral Native WEDOS
    73 2:5080/102 Stas Degteff T-6to4 NOVATOR
    74 2:280/1049 Simon Voortman Native Solcon
    75 1:102/127 Bradley Thornton Native Hetzner
    76 2:335/364 Fabio Bizzi Native IT-ALBACOM
    77 1:124/5016 Nigel Reed Native DAL1-US
    78 2:5020/843 Peter Antonov Native BelCloud
    79 2:5075/37 Andrew Komardin Native IHC-NET
    80 1:153/146 Erich Bublitz Native LINODE-US
    81 2:263/5 Martin List-Petersen Native TuxBox
    82 1:106/633 William Williams Native LINODE-US PM *1
    83 2:5030/1520 Andrey Geyko T-6in4 he.net f
    84 1:229/664 Jay Harris Native Rogers
    85 1:142/103 Brian Rogers T-6in4 he.net
    86 1:342/17 Kostie Muirhead Native Hurricane El.
    87 2:280/2030 Martien Korenblom Native Transip
    88 3:633/509 Deon George Native Telstra
    89 2:5020/4441 Yuri Myakotin Native SOVINTEL
    90 1:320/319 Andrew Leary Native Comcast f
    91 2:240/5824 Anna Christina Nass T-6in4 he.net f
    92 2:460/5858 Stas Mishchenkov T-6in4 he.net f INO4
    93 1:105/5 Michael Pierce Native Comcast
    94 1:218/401 James Downs Native ORG-TT1

    T-6in4 Static 6in4
    T-AYIY Dynamic AYIYA
    T-6to4 6to4
    T-6RD 6RD

    f Has a ::f1d0:<zone>:<net>:<node> style host address.
    (zone, net, node in decimal notation)
    IO Incoming only (Node can not make outgoing IPv6 calls)
    OO Outgoing only (Node can not accept incoming IPv6 calls).
    INO4 No IPv4 (Node can not accept incoming IPv4 calls).
    PO4 Prefers Out on 4 (Node can make outgoing IPv6 calls,
    but is configured to try IPv4 first)
    6DWN The IPv6 connectivity of this node is temporarely down.
    NO6 The node no longer presents an IPv6 address in the nodelist
    and will soon be removed from this list.
    DOWN This node is temporarely down for both IPv4 and IPv6.
    PM Prospective Member. The node has demonstrated IPv6
    capability but is not listed or does not advertise an
    IPv6 address in the Fidonet nodelist yet.

    PM *1 [2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe2b:c319]


    To make an IPv6 connection to a node connected via 6to4 tunneling
    one may have to force the mailer into IPv6 (-6 option in binkd's
    node config for binkd up to 1.1a-96, -64 option for binkd 1.1a-97
    and up when compiled with AF_FORCE=1). If the destination address
    is a 6to4 tunnel address (2002::/16) many OSs default to IPv4 if
    an IPv4 address is present.

    Submitted on day 024


    --- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
    * Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)
  • From FidoNews Robot@2:2/2 to All on Mon Jan 25 03:12:40 2021
    SPECIAL INTEREST =================================================================

    Last week's statistics from the Fidoweb
    By EchoTime, 2:203/0

    (Some nets may have lost their last
    digit for technical reasons)

    pkt (toss-toss) msg (write-toss)
    nodes mean dev no mean dev no

    154/* 3.5m 4.1m 366 1.3h 6.0h 366
    221/* 1.4m 0.8m 507 5.5h 7.2h 506
    280/* 0.6m 2.3m 677 6.2h 4.9h 677
    292/* 2.8m 1.6m 14 4.6h 4.3h 14
    320/* 1.9m 1.4m 398 1.8h 4.6h 398
    502/* 0.7m 0.3m 8 7.2h 7.8h 8

    Sigma 1.6m 2.6m 1970 4.2h 6.1h 1969

    Nodelist Stats

    Input nodelist nodelist.022
    size 184.0kb
    date 2021-01-22

    The nodelist has 1001 nodes in it
    and a total of 1460 non-comment entries

    including 4 zones
    31 regions
    171 hosts
    67 hubs
    admin overhead 273 ( 27.27 %)

    and 107 private nodes
    36 nodes down
    43 nodes on hold
    off line overhead 186 ( 18.58 %)

    Speed summary:

    >9600 = 50 ( 5.00 %)
    9600 = 205 ( 20.48 %)
    (HST = 3 or 1.46 %)
    (CSP = 0 or 0.00 %)
    (PEP = 0 or 0.00 %)
    (MAX = 0 or 0.00 %)
    (HAY = 0 or 0.00 %)
    (V32 = 82 or 40.00 %)
    (V32B = 19 or 9.27 %)
    (V34 = 98 or 47.80 %)
    (V42 = 83 or 40.49 %)
    (V42B = 21 or 10.24 %)
    2400 = 1 ( 0.10 %)
    1200 = 0 ( 0.00 %)
    300 = 745 ( 74.43 %)

    ISDN = 34 ( 3.40 %)

    IP Flags Protocol Number of systems -----------------------------------------------------
    IBN Binkp 765 ( 76.42 %) ----------------------------------
    IFC Raw ifcico 85 ( 8.49 %) ----------------------------------
    IFT FTP 59 ( 5.89 %) ----------------------------------
    ITN Telnet 160 ( 15.98 %) ----------------------------------
    IVM Vmodem 15 ( 1.50 %) ----------------------------------
    IP Other 4 ( 0.40 %) ----------------------------------
    INO4 IPv6 only 2 ( 0.20 %) ----------------------------------

    CrashMail capable = 844 ( 84.32 %)
    MailOnly nodes = 319 ( 31.87 %)
    Listed-only nodes = 22 ( 2.20 %)

    [Report produced by NETSTATS - A PD pgm]
    [ Revised by B Felten, 2:203/2]
    [ NetStats 3.8 2014-11-23]


    --- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
    * Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)