• RIP Lee Lofaso

    From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Dan Clough on Mon Nov 25 03:18:50 2024
    Dan Clough -> All skrev 2024-11-24 23:12:
    Maybe only Beeeorn can confirm...

    The name is Bj”rn, but the typical US name-shaming habit is recognised. After all, you elected a master of that art to rule your empire.

    But what do you mean? You and your Z1C clown have assured everyone that Lee is just my alter ego.

    So, no, I'm still alive and publishing the Fidonews like clockwork every week. Like I have done for more that two decades now. DUH!

    As for our Lee, if he has really passed away, I think y'all should be ashamed of the way you have treated him for his entire Fidonet life. Eventually he found a safe haven in one of the few countries that still have true freedom.


    Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the reason is you're stupid and make bad decisions.


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20091121
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Dan Clough@1:135/115 to Björn Felten on Mon Nov 25 08:23:30 2024
    Bj”rn Felten wrote to Dan Clough <=-

    Dan Clough -> All skrev 2024-11-24 23:12:
    Maybe only Beeeorn can confirm...

    The name is Bj”rn, but the typical US name-shaming habit is
    recognised. After all, you elected a master of that art to rule your empire.

    Yes, we did! The VAST MAJORITY of Americans voted for him. Yup. But,
    you seem to want to believe that it is *MY* fault we did that. <SHRUG>

    But what do you mean? You and your Z1C clown have assured everyone
    that Lee is just my alter ego.

    Right... so I was wondering if you might come out and say: "No! He's
    alive and well, just as I am, because he is me!"; thereby confirming
    that he's not passed on. Nice job with also taking the opportunistic
    cheap shot that was really un-necessary, like you do in every single
    post you make.

    So, no, I'm still alive and publishing the Fidonews like clockwork every week. Like I have done for more that two decades now. DUH!

    Yeah, what a huge burden that must be. Setting up that automated
    "Scheduled Task" or cron job to trigger a script to dump out the same
    old tired boilerplate text to a message area once a week. It's such a
    dynamic and thought-provoking publication!

    As for our Lee, if he has really passed away, I think y'all should
    be ashamed of the way you have treated him for his entire Fidonet life. Eventually he found a safe haven in one of the few countries that still have true freedom.

    Nope, not at all. He was a bullshitter and a liar, with a foul mouth.
    Not that uncommon in FidoNet, granted, but he was worse than most. He
    asked for what he got, and I'm pretty sure that's exactly how he wanted

    You may think better of our new President when he stops Vlad from
    over-running your little postage-stamp sized chunk of paradise. It
    won't be long now. If Kamala the Kommie had won, you'd be learning a
    new language next year. Once again, the USA will protect you.

    ... Your proctologist called - he found your head.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.22-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:135/115)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/1 to Dan Clough on Mon Nov 25 08:42:10 2024
    Dan Clough wrote to Björn Felten <=-

    The name is Björn, but the typical US name-shaming habit is
    recognised. After all, you elected a master of that art to rule your empire.

    Yes, we did! The VAST MAJORITY of Americans voted for him. Yup. But, you seem to want to believe that it is *MY* fault we did that. <SHRUG>

    Vast majority?

    76,841,634 Trump
    74,340,678 Harris

    He's below 50% of the popular vote and not expected to achieve a simple majority, let alone a VAT majority, as you put it.

    With enough discrepancies to merit a recount. Winning all 7 swing
    states? Democratic states voting democratic across the ticket and
    voting for Trump?

    But what do you mean? You and your Z1C clown have assured everyone
    that Lee is just my alter ego.

    Some will claim identity theft, that Björn borrowed the personna. I do
    recall Lee mentioning Houma before, which is an obscure reference.

    I do appreciate a good conspiracy theory.

    Right... so I was wondering if you might come out and say: "No! He's alive and well, just as I am, because he is me!"; thereby confirming
    that he's not passed on. Nice job with also taking the opportunistic cheap shot that was really un-necessary, like you do in every single
    post you make.

    Well, either way, you win. Either Lee Lofaso died, or Björn has been
    making him up and now will be unable to do so. Either way we won't hear
    from him again.

    So, no, I'm still alive and publishing the Fidonews like clockwork every week. Like I have done for more that two decades now. DUH!

    Yeah, what a huge burden that must be. Setting up that automated "Scheduled Task" or cron job to trigger a script to dump out the same
    old tired boilerplate text to a message area once a week. It's such a dynamic and thought-provoking publication!

    Have you submitted an article to Fidonews?

    As for our Lee, if he has really passed away, I think y'all should
    be ashamed of the way you have treated him for his entire Fidonet life. Eventually he found a safe haven in one of the few countries that still have true freedom.

    I enjoy Lee's odd stance and wry humor. Hopefully he's alive and well,
    or "Flea Flofaso" will appear on Fidonet to take his place.

    In the meantime, submit an article or stop complaining about Fidonews.

    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/1)
  • From Dan Clough@1:135/115 to Kurt Weiske on Mon Nov 25 15:26:24 2024
    Kurt Weiske wrote to Dan Clough <=-

    The name is Björn, but the typical US name-shaming habit is
    recognised. After all, you elected a master of that art to rule your empire.

    Yes, we did! The VAST MAJORITY of Americans voted for him. Yup. But, you seem to want to believe that it is *MY* fault we did that. <SHRUG>

    Vast majority?

    76,841,634 Trump
    74,340,678 Harris

    He's below 50% of the popular vote and not expected to achieve a simple majority, let alone a VAT majority, as you put it.

    Yeah, maybe I was subconsciously using the words I recall hearing from
    "your side" 4 years ago. Regardless, he won the popular vote by a good
    margin (if you ignore the irrelevant write-ins and wasted votes for
    folks with zero chance of winning); and the Electoral College by a
    LANDSLIDE. However it makes you feel better to spin it..., he won.

    With enough discrepancies to merit a recount. Winning all 7 swing
    states? Democratic states voting democratic across the ticket and
    voting for Trump?

    Oh, no! Are you trying to insinuate something like "cheating" went on?
    Where have we heard that before, and "your side" dismissed it out of
    hand? LOL there won't be any recounts.

    Right... so I was wondering if you might come out and say: "No! He's alive and well, just as I am, because he is me!"; thereby confirming
    that he's not passed on. Nice job with also taking the opportunistic cheap shot that was really un-necessary, like you do in every single
    post you make.

    Well, either way, you win. Either Lee Lofaso died, or Björn has been making him up and now will be unable to do so. Either way we won't hear from him again.

    True enough, and that's a good thing. In case you misunderstood it, my reference to a cheap shot was Bjorn using the Z1C name in vain.

    So, no, I'm still alive and publishing the Fidonews like clockwork every week. Like I have done for more that two decades now. DUH!

    Yeah, what a huge burden that must be. Setting up that automated "Scheduled Task" or cron job to trigger a script to dump out the same
    old tired boilerplate text to a message area once a week. It's such a dynamic and thought-provoking publication!

    Have you submitted an article to Fidonews?

    I have not. But neither does anyone else.

    As for our Lee, if he has really passed away, I think y'all should
    be ashamed of the way you have treated him for his entire Fidonet life. Eventually he found a safe haven in one of the few countries that still have true freedom.

    I enjoy Lee's odd stance and wry humor. Hopefully he's alive and well,
    or "Flea Flofaso" will appear on Fidonet to take his place.

    He was rude and crude, most of the time. An occasional glimpse of
    humor, I'll give you that.

    In the meantime, submit an article or stop complaining about Fidonews.

    I know it's a fine line, but I was NOT complaining about FidoNews. I
    was commenting on the effort level put forth by Bjorn to publish it.
    Not the same thing, which hopefully you can understand.

    In the meantime, fix your badly borked Fidonet network segment, and do
    your NC/RC job properly.

    ... Pros are those who do their jobs well, even when they don't feel like it. === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.22-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:135/115)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/1 to Dan Clough on Tue Nov 26 23:16:44 2024
    Dan Clough wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

    Oh, no! Are you trying to insinuate something like "cheating" went on? Where have we heard that before, and "your side" dismissed it out of

    Yeah, maybe I was subconsciously using the words I recall hearing from
    "your side" 4 years ago. And this year.

    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/1)