• "I can't breathe"

    From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Dale Shipp on Fri Jun 12 12:26:42 2020
    In other words, when you have no viable response to the truth, you beg
    out of the conversation. There is nothing I have said that is not reasonable statement of facts, as opposed to what comes out of Trump's lips all too often.

    Dale, to an outside viewer looking in, there are some surprising facts that has appeared lately, that I do not understand.

    1. What are the US senators doing on their paid time? I watched them on their walk of shame going to a lunch, and all of them said more or less that they "haven't seen it" with regards to the shameful military attack on peaceful protesters on Lafayette Square.

    2. How and when could you end up naming ten big military bases after generals fighting and losing one of the bloodiest wars on USA in history? How can you still respect their (confederate) flag, and yet deny that there is a systematic racism in the USA?


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