• Left Behind

    From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to ALL on Sun Jul 14 00:51:34 2024
    Hello Everybody,

    I have always wondered what would happen if the rapture
    happened and I got left behind. And I must say that I would
    be surprised. Truly surprised. Why? Because everything would
    seem to be the same as always. As if nothing at all had ever

    On the other hand. how could I possibly be surprised at
    something that never happened? The French did have a saying
    to remind folks of that. Which everybody so conveniently

    But I have figured it all out.

    John Nelson Darby brought up the subject of The Rapture
    in the 19th century. And Scofield later reminded us all of
    that nonsense a few years later. But no matter. White
    evangelical Christians continue to believe it (along with
    Nicholas Cage).

    For those who are unfamiliar with their view, it is quite
    simple. Not everybody dies. Some folks, namely those who are
    lucky enough to be alive, will be taken up to be with their
    Lord Almighty in the clouds, thus escaping the wrath of

    You do realize what this means.

    Everybody else (including me) will be left behind.

    To face the wrath of Antichrist.

    Oh me! Oh my! I am damned! By the Lord Almighty!

    Along with everybody else on this planet.

    Except for the saved.

    And then I suddenly came to the realization that it was all bunk.

    It should have been obvious from the get-go.
    But I wanted to believe.
    To truly believe.
    The idea of living forever.
    Such a beautiful thought.

    If only it was possible.

    Thanks to Luke 17:30 - reminding us all that we must die before
    we can gain heavenly life. Freddie Mercury answered his own question
    with a song - "Who Wants To Live Forever?" He was right.

    Are you ready to do your part? White evangelical Christians will
    never do as the gospels proclaim. Neither Paul nor Jesus believed
    in The Rapture. So why should anybody else?

    Back to the main premise of this rant.

    Refutation of The Rapture

    * Antichrist will defeat and execute Christians. This is a stated
    fact in the Book of Daniel and Revelation. Daniel 7:21 Rev 13:7
    Rev 20:4

    * Christians are persecuted and killed during the reign of Antichrist.

    * Conclusion - there can be no Rapture before these events
    as Jesus can only return *AFTER* the end of the reign of Antichrist.
    Mt 24:29-31 "immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days"

    That's right. Jesus said it.


    By The Goddess Herself.

    Judas did kiss her. On the lips.

    For Life,

    Fox News Slogan - Rich people paying rich people
    to tell middle class people to blame poor people.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)