ண ६窠, Bjrn Felten.
ᠫ 11.10.22 15:09:
And yes - I don't watch Russian TV at all. Enough Western documentaries. Not a single fucking
victory with an equal opponent. All you can do is rattle metal in front of unarmed Papuans.
I guess you are not allowed to know how USSR "won" the great war? Answer: it was all thanks
to the USA. Not their military, but the workers (mostly women) over there. Before Mad Vlad
screams Bloody Murder about how the west is sending help to Ukraine, maybe he should
contemplate the following:
No one denies US aid. But what happened after 1945 did not fit into any gates. The common enemy disappeared and animal fear took its place. On both sides. Truman also spurred it on with Stalin's blackmail and the nuclear bombing of Japan. The struggle for hegemony in a world no longer threatened by Hitler has turned into a threat from a former ally, the USSR. If they were not afraid, they would not be engaged in the development of nuclear weapons.
Compare that to what the democratic world has sent to Ukraine to help the fight against the
common enemy -- bloodthirsty Putinism.
You didn't notice that USA and co. are you constantly looking for enemies all over the world? The "test tubes" in Iraq were invented, then Kosovo, then Vietnam, then Korea, then Afghanistan, then Gaddafi, socialism, communism - you can list endlessly! Now you invented new one - "putinism"... Why is Iceland not at war with anyone? And, in my opinion, Canada. Do they need the least? Or do the States need the most? ;) If the States turn away from Ukraine (they may well, they have their mouth full of internal problems) - Europe will not pull. At least with your own hands - you understand that the "gift" will arrive immediately and no one will yoke for you.
Today Ukraine send to Donbass some little radioactive gifts... By missiles. Are you sure that the same will not come to you? For example, you will stop supporting Ukraine, and its cocaine president will be offended... Maybe he's been blackmailing you for a long time, who knows ;) No, no one will be harnessed.
Without this help, Hitler would have obliterated the USSR. Hmm... Maybe the world would
have been a better place then (e.g. no Cold War, no Putinism), even if it might have taken a
few months longer to liberate Europe. Germany had already lost the war circa early 1944, they
just didn't realize it until their cities lay in ruins.
Unlikely. We would have had a little harder and possibly at a higher price, but hardly much.
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