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ADAM'S COLUMN - ADAM PARK =================================================================
Land of Devastation Grind Guide Pt 3
Adam Park 1:134/302
Welcome to our continuing series examaning the epic door game from the
90s, Land of Devastation. Check out previous issues of Fidonews for
parts you may have missed!
Coming/published sections:
1) About
**In Issue - Volume 38 No. 20**
2) General Gameplay Guidelines
**In Issue - Volume 38 No. 21**
3) Shopping Recommendations
*We are HERE*
4) Stat Points
4a) Overview of Sources of Stat Points
4b) How to Distribute Stat Points for this Build
5) Combat Strategy
6) Tables
6a) Leveling Order
6b) Key Purchase Order
7) Grind Guide
7a) Zone 1
7b) Zone 2
7c) Drugs: Everything in Moderation
7d) Zone 3
7e) Zone 4
7f) Zone 5
7g) Shrine of Hercules
7h) Zone 6
7i) Endgame content
8) Supplemental Information
** And now for this week's content: **
3) Shopping Recommendations
- The build I recommend will be based around you prioritizing your
shopping purchases in the following order: Long range weapon, short
range weapon, shield, armor. The one exception to this is that you
will want to start thegame with a short-ranged weapon purchase, which
I will detail in the main guide.
- When compared to short range weapons that consume ammo (most of them
worth buying past the start of the game), long range weapons do far
more damage perunit of ammo used and, given the cost of ammo,
particularly in the early game, are much more cost-effective. A good
long range weapon paired with high dexterity will start most fights
slanted heavily in your favour. As the gameprogresses, long-range
weapons get features (3-burst mode, grenade launcher & stunner) that
will often win you a fight without giving your opponent a chance to
even take a shot. (This is because the game will always allow you to
shoot your long range weapon before the opponent, meaning you will
often start a fight with a stunned opponent who has taken more than
half their life in damage and didn't even get a chance to fire their
long-range weapon).
- Short range weapons are still important as you will usually need
them to finish off what your long range weapon starts. Shields and
armor are important, but, compared to the ammunition most short and
long range weapons consume, the cost of constantly replacing broken
armor is very, very high. This means that getting a "good for your
level" armor can actually turn out to be more of an expense than it's
worth; this, however, becomes less of a factor in the mid-to-late
game. (Shields, particularily early-game, are a more reasonable
investment than armor because their high durability with low block %
means they tend to last for a very long time before breaking, but
still give you that extra edge in combat. By the time an early-game
shield is ready to break, you're practically ready to upgrade it
- The coming tables in section 6 contain recommended shopping order.
Stay tuned next week for a Stat Point Guide!
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