Hello Everybody,
Land of the Free, and home of the Brave.
That is who we are, here in America.
Nobody can make us do what we do not want to do.
And that includes taking the vaccine every doctor wants os to get.
Not even the US military can make its soldiers take the vaccine
that would keep them safe from harm. No, it has to be voluntary.
Nobody can make them save themselves from themselves, as that is
not something they signed up for.
So what should be done?
Why, the solution is simple.
When they signed up, Uncle Sam became their new owner. So why doesn't
Uncle Same make it mandatory for their subjects to take the vaccine
that would make them last longer? I mean, their subects did swear an
oath, which makes them loyal subjects of Uncle Sam.
In my last message on this subject I called our men and women in
uniform "wimps". But after thinking about it, I now realize I was
wrong. Just because we have a mercenary army does not mean our
men and women in uniform are "wimps" - but rather that Uncle Sam
himself is a "wimp" for not being willing to do his own sworn duty
of keeping us all safe from harm.
So the question is -
Why doesn't the US military make it mandatory for all enlisted soldiers/sailors/submariners/airmen get themselves vaccinated?
Doesn't the U.S. military have doctors on hand who can give the
soldiers what they need to become a fighting force that protects
us all?
A military that cannot fight is no military at all. Which will
not do any good for whom they have sworn to protect. But it will
help our enemies, both foreign and domestic, immensely.
Time for our generals to step up to the plate. Give the order
to our troops to get themselves inoculated. Or else!
Love! Not hate! Makes America great!
--- MesNews/
* Origin:
news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)