• FidoGazette Vol 14 no 06 Page: 7

    From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Thu Feb 6 11:47:02 2020

    M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N

    More Information about the FidoGazette:

    Fidogazette is published by Janis Kracht, Editor.

    If you have an idea for a column or a series of articles, please
    contact me :)

    Subscriptions: Mailing-List subscriptions via

    Or you can always link into your uplink and use Tick or a tick
    compatible program.

    Where to Send Your Articles

    Unlike most editors, I surely do not mind running my mouth when
    there is a sparsity of articles for the 'zine. I'd MUCH rather
    you sent in material... lacking that, I will fill these issues
    with my meanderings and thoughts and hopefully we will grow into
    something of consequence here :) Write an article!

    If you WOULD like to submit an article, feel free to drop your
    article off at:

    Email attach to address: janis @ filegate.net

    Fidonet attach:
    Janis Kracht at 1:261/38
    Modem: 607-200-4076
    Binkp: 1:261/100 filegate.net port 24555
    telnet mailer: filegate.net

    If you are using routed Fidonet mail, don't send articles as
    routed attaches. They may fail somewhere along the path before
    getting here. Send them instead in the body of your routed
    netmail to janis@filegate.net

    Give it a title, sign your name and network address if you have
    one or your email address and send it along!

    Don't worry about the format, I can take anything you send me
    and mutilate it further as you can see above. Linux is nice
    that way (g). Spell checking your own work will help though
    (something I'm typically guilty of (g)).


    Location of Earlier Issues on the Web:

    You can read single past issues here:
    http://www.filegate.net/fidogaz/fidogaz.htm This link
    includes all issues from Volume 1 Number 1, Sept. 30th 2007,
    through the present.

    You can download archived earlier issues here:
    Again, all issues from Volume 1 Number 1 through the present
    are here.

    FIDOGAZETTE Vol 14 No 06 Page 7 February 5th, 2020


    Published with MakeNews2 by Janis Kracht 2011-2012


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    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)