Ruth Haffly wrote to Dave Drum <=-
I think all the correspondence of a couple of weeks ago hit the bit
bucket in the sky when we had tropical storm Debby come thru the area.
I didn't get any Fido for a couple of days, then it started up slowly.
Now it seems to be back to normal.
My house mate "hates" liver. It stems from some Navy chow hall liver
making him barf up everything but his socks one time.
I could never get past the smell of liver being cooked, or how it
smelled warm on the plate, but...
Our girls don't like it either. AFAIK, neither of them has ever fixed
it for their families.
The only time I ever had a problem is one time my mother bought some
pork liver that was on "special offer". When she started to fry it
for our supper the house smelled like someone had peed on a hot
It turns out that it was boar's liver from a hog in rut. From then on
it was beef or lamb's liver only.
Chicken liver and baby beef liver are also good. The forme is good for doing something where you start by cutting the liver into smaller
pieces. I do a sort of Mexican style liver sometimes--cut the liver
into strips (or bite size pieces, depending on whatever liver you use). Dredge it in seasoned flour. Slice an onion and bell pepper (color of choice, lately I've used more red, yellow or orange). Saute the liver
in olive oil, when about half done add the pepper and onion. Add one 8
oz can of tomato sauce, 1/2 can water and chili seasonings, cook until liquid thickens up. Serve over rice or pasta, grate some Cheddar cheese over top. May sub out Italian seasonings, parmisan cheese for a
different flavor.
The fig tree is still giving us figs, but it has slowed down a bit. I found a recipe for fig bread on line so made up a couple of loaves
today. It's cooling right now, will probably have some with supper.
I used to make braunschweiger sandwiches which he'd gobble down until
I do like braunschweiger! Of course, it is probably one of the less healthy versions of liver so that somehow tracks.
It's one form of liver I never got into. My dad used to buy some (and other German sausages) from a plant in North Tonawanda, NY when I was growing up. It was something he would have with his nightly beer after
all of us kids had gone to bed, which is probably why I never got into
I think all the correspondence of a couple of weeks ago hit the bit
bucket in the sky when we had tropical storm Debby come thru the area.
I didn't get any Fido for a couple of days, then it started up slowly.
Now it seems to be back to normal.
You'll have that some days. I just assumed you were road tripping.
My house mate "hates" liver. It stems from some Navy chow hall liver
making him barf up everything but his socks one time.
I could never get past the smell of liver being cooked, or how it
smelled warm on the plate, but...
Our girls don't like it either. AFAIK, neither of them has ever fixed
it for their families.
The only time I ever had a problem is one time my mother bought some
pork liver that was on "special offer". When she started to fry it
for our supper the house smelled like someone had peed on a hot
It turns out that it was boar's liver from a hog in rut. From then on
it was beef or lamb's liver only.
Chicken liver and baby beef liver are also good. The forme is good for doing something where you start by cutting the liver into smaller
pieces. I do a sort of Mexican style liver sometimes--cut the liver
into strips (or bite size pieces, depending on whatever liver you use). Dredge it in seasoned flour. Slice an onion and bell pepper (color of choice, lately I've used more red, yellow or orange). Saute the liver
in olive oil, when about half done add the pepper and onion. Add one 8
oz can of tomato sauce, 1/2 can water and chili seasonings, cook until liquid thickens up. Serve over rice or pasta, grate some Cheddar cheese over top. May sub out Italian seasonings, parmisan cheese for a
different flavor.
My favourite way to do chicken liver is breaded and deep fried. I
stopped a Humphrey's deli counter on the way home from work yeaterday
and picked up a half-pound of livers and a pint container of
cantaloupe and that was lunch. Supper was a small container of raspberry-chocolate yoghurt. I just feel so virtuous when I do that.
The fig tree is still giving us figs, but it has slowed down a bit. I found a recipe for fig bread on line so made up a couple of loaves
today. It's cooling right now, will probably have some with supper.
I used to make braunschweiger sandwiches which he'd gobble down until
I do like braunschweiger! Of course, it is probably one of the less healthy versions of liver so that somehow tracks.
It's one form of liver I never got into. My dad used to buy some (and other German sausages) from a plant in North Tonawanda, NY when I was growing up. It was something he would have with his nightly beer after
all of us kids had gone to bed, which is probably why I never got into
My grand-dad introduced me to it when we staying out at the farm
during the week when my grandmother worked at the state capitol. Some German-
descended folks name Schuppman had a grocery and meat market and
offered braunschweiger, Also bockwurst, weisswurst, bratwurst, etc.
all mad in
their butcher department. But the liverwurst didn't need cooking so it
was much simpler to make a quick lunch os liverwurst/braunschweiger
and onion/tomato on wheat bread.
Schuppman's also made their own hot dogs (Frankfurter Wurtschen) with
a casing that you had to bite through to get at the goodness inside. Unlike the skinless franks we are used to these days.
Ruth Haffly wrote to Dave Drum <=-
I think all the correspondence of a couple of weeks ago hit the bit
bucket in the sky when we had tropical storm Debby come thru the area.
I didn't get any Fido for a couple of days, then it started up slowly.
Now it seems to be back to normal.
You'll have that some days. I just assumed you were road tripping.
Not yet, got one planned for the latter part of next month out to TN
for the RV/radio group. Probably going to stop in Asheville to see the Dale Chihuly exhibit (glassworks) at Biltmore on the way out. Another
trip planned is for mid October, another radio group but may also head
up to NY to visit Steve's family before the snow flies. Should be able
to pick up our camper from the repair shop later today.
My house mate "hates" liver. It stems from some Navy chow hall liver
making him barf up everything but his socks one time.
I could never get past the smell of liver being cooked, or how it
smelled warm on the plate, but...
Our girls don't like it either. AFAIK, neither of them has ever fixed
it for their families.
The only time I ever had a problem is one time my mother bought some
pork liver that was on "special offer". When she started to fry it
for our supper the house smelled like someone had peed on a hot
It turns out that it was boar's liver from a hog in rut. From then on
it was beef or lamb's liver only.
Chicken liver and baby beef liver are also good. The forme is good for doing something where you start by cutting the liver into smaller
pieces. I do a sort of Mexican style liver sometimes--cut the liver
into strips (or bite size pieces, depending on whatever liver you use). Dredge it in seasoned flour. Slice an onion and bell pepper (color of choice, lately I've used more red, yellow or orange). Saute the liver
in olive oil, when about half done add the pepper and onion. Add one 8
oz can of tomato sauce, 1/2 can water and chili seasonings, cook until liquid thickens up. Serve over rice or pasta, grate some Cheddar cheese over top. May sub out Italian seasonings, parmisan cheese for a
different flavor.
My favourite way to do chicken liver is breaded and deep fried. I
stopped a Humphrey's deli counter on the way home from work yeaterday
and picked up a half-pound of livers and a pint container of
cantaloupe and that was lunch. Supper was a small container of raspberry-chocolate yoghurt. I just feel so virtuous when I do that.
You know that all the breading and frying of the livers, plus sugars in the yogurt cancel out all the good for you parts, don't you? (G)
The fig tree is still giving us figs, but it has slowed down a bit. I found a recipe for fig bread on line so made up a couple of loaves
today. It's cooling right now, will probably have some with supper.
Decided to use something older instead. Will probably make fig scones tomorrow so they'll be fresh for Sunday breakfast.
I used to make braunschweiger sandwiches which he'd gobble down until
I do like braunschweiger! Of course, it is probably one of the less healthy versions of liver so that somehow tracks.
Schuppman's also made their own hot dogs (Frankfurter Wurtschen) with
a casing that you had to bite through to get at the goodness inside. Unlike the skinless franks we are used to these days.
Sounds like a place we could have dropped some serious money at. Unfortunatly, they are few and far betweeen now.
Carol Shenkenberger wrote to Dave Drum <=-
I do like braunschweiger! Of course, it is probably one of the
less healthy versions of liver so that somehow tracks.
It's just a form of liver sausage. Here's another way:
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Beef Liver Pate
Categories: Five, Beef, Appetisers, Dairy
Yield: 48 Servings
1 1/2 lb Beef liver
1/2 c Half & Half
1/3 c Chopped onion
1/2 ts (ea) Salt & Pepper
1 c Butter
Ick! Run for the hills! It's LIVER!!!
Carol Shenkenberger wrote to Dave Drum <=-
I do like braunschweiger! Of course, it is probably one of the
less healthy versions of liver so that somehow tracks.
It's just a form of liver sausage. Here's another way:
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Beef Liver Pate
Categories: Five, Beef, Appetisers, Dairy
Yield: 48 Servings
1 1/2 lb Beef liver
1/2 c Half & Half
1/3 c Chopped onion
1/2 ts (ea) Salt & Pepper
1 c Butter
Ick! Run for the hills! It's LIVER!!!
I won't pull a gun on you and force you to eat it. Honest, with my
right hanb up. Bv)=
But, I will post another liver recipe that I like.
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Buckwheat Kasha w/Liver
Categories: Five, Grains, Offal, Beef
Yield: 4 Servings
2 c (227 g) buckwheat
3 c (750 mL) water
4 oz (115 g) veal liver
3 tb (45 mL) fat
2 lg Eggs; hard boiled
Boil buckwheat in water until it is crumbly. Fry
buckwheat kasha in fat for 7-10 mins. Boil liver in
salted water for 15 minutes, chop finely and fry in fat.
Chop eggs finely. Add eggs, liver to buckwheat and fry
in the pan for a while.
Serve with broth.
Recipe by: Olga Timokhina
Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
... All I get is chicken feed, I dream of working for peanuts.
Title: Buckwheat Kasha w/Liver
buckwheat kasha in fat for 7-10 mins. Boil liver in
salted water for 15 minutes, chop finely and fry in fat.
You'll have that some days. I just assumed you were road tripping.
Not yet, got one planned for the latter part of next month out to TN
for the RV/radio group. Probably going to stop in Asheville to see the Dale Chihuly exhibit (glassworks) at Biltmore on the way out. Another
Is that a satellite of the main Chilhuly Garden & Glass in Seattle? Or
a "road show" version if it? If you're in the Seattle area the
Chilhuly place and Pike Place Market are *must* visits. Even if you
ignore the fish tossers who are in the promo pieces. Bv)=
trip planned is for mid October, another radio group but may alsohead RH> up to NY to visit Steve's family before the snow flies. Should
You could be cutting that close with the wacky way the weather hasw
been acting lately. Last week our daily temps averaged in the mid 70s
(in the month of August f'cry sakes) and next week leading u to Labor
Day are to be in the high 90s. Go figger.
My favourite way to do chicken liver is breaded and deep fried. I
stopped a Humphrey's deli counter on the way home from work yeaterday
and picked up a half-pound of livers and a pint container of
cantaloupe and that was lunch. Supper was a small container of raspberry-chocolate yoghurt. I just feel so virtuous when I do that.
You know that all the breading and frying of the livers, plus sugars in the yogurt cancel out all the good for you parts, don't you? (G)
The yoghurt is Dannon's Light & Fit and according to the label has 80 calories, 12 grams of protein and 0 grams of fat in a 5.3 oz serving.
It's the first low/no fat thing I've come across in82 years that
tastes "right" to me.
The fig tree is still giving us figs, but it has slowed down a bit. I found a recipe for fig bread on line so made up a couple of loaves
today. It's cooling right now, will probably have some with supper.
Decided to use something older instead. Will probably make fig scones tomorrow so they'll be fresh for Sunday breakfast.
8<----- SHORTEN ----->8
Schuppman's also made their own hot dogs (Frankfurter Wurtschen) with
a casing that you had to bite through to get at the goodness inside. Unlike the skinless franks we are used to these days.
Sounds like a place we could have dropped some serious money at. Unfortunatly, they are few and far betweeen now.
All of the Schuppmans have either gone to their reward or relocated.
And the supermarkets have done in the neighbourhood grocers even in
small town America. It's sad.
Fortunately my home-town family owned market (Humphrey's) survives and thrives. In fact they have expanded (a bit) and remodelled. Just got
done with installing autoatic opening doors at the entrance/exit.
Title: Caramelized Onion, Bacon, & Blue Cheese Smothered Ribeye
Categories: Beef, Vegetables, Cheese, Pork, Citrus
Yield: 2 servings
Shawn Highfield wrote to Dave Drum <=-
Why boil it first?
Ruth Haffly wrote to Dave Drum <=-
Not yet, got one planned for the latter part of next month out to TN
for the RV/radio group. Probably going to stop in Asheville to see the Dale Chihuly exhibit (glassworks) at Biltmore on the way out. Another
Is that a satellite of the main Chilhuly Garden & Glass in Seattle? Or
a "road show" version if it? If you're in the Seattle area the
Chilhuly place and Pike Place Market are *must* visits. Even if you
ignore the fish tossers who are in the promo pieces. Bv)=
It's a road shhow version. We saw the main garden/glass center back in 2017 when we were in Seattle. Flew in a day early for our cruise so
spent the afternoon/evening wandering around the Space Needle/Chilhuly Garden area. Got on board the ship the next day, off a week later
directly to the airport so no, we missed the Pike Place Market.
trip planned is for mid October, another radio group but may also
head RH> up to NY to visit Steve's family before the snow flies.
Should be able to pick up our camper from the repair shop later today.
You could be cutting that close with the wacky way the weather hasw
been acting lately. Last week our daily temps averaged in the mid 70s
(in the month of August f'cry sakes) and next week leading u to Labor
Day are to be in the high 90s. Go figger.
We've had great weather (upper 70s to mid 80s) the last 10 days or do
but supposed to get several days in the mid/upper 90s this week.
Hopefully after that we'll begin the cool down into fall.
My favourite way to do chicken liver is breaded and deep fried. I
stopped a Humphrey's deli counter on the way home from work yeaterday
and picked up a half-pound of livers and a pint container of
cantaloupe and that was lunch. Supper was a small container of raspberry-chocolate yoghurt. I just feel so virtuous when I do that.
You know that all the breading and frying of the livers, plus sugars in the yogurt cancel out all the good for you parts, don't you? (G)
The yoghurt is Dannon's Light & Fit and according to the label has 80 calories, 12 grams of protein and 0 grams of fat in a 5.3 oz serving.
It's the first low/no fat thing I've come across in82 years that
tastes "right" to me.
I've been eating Wegman's, rotating between the strawberry, blueberry, raspberry and peach. It's got some fat/carbs in it but low enough that
I can make it part of breakfast without worry.
The fig tree is still giving us figs, but it has slowed down a bit. I found a recipe for fig bread on line so made up a couple of loaves
today. It's cooling right now, will probably have some with supper.
Decided to use something older instead. Will probably make fig scones tomorrow so they'll be fresh for Sunday breakfast.
Scones didn't turn out well, more like cookies. I'll try them again but add more flour and/or oatmeal.
8<----- SHORTEN ----->8
Schuppman's also made their own hot dogs (Frankfurter Wurtschen) with
a casing that you had to bite through to get at the goodness inside. Unlike the skinless franks we are used to these days.
Sounds like a place we could have dropped some serious money at. Unfortunatly, they are few and far betweeen now.
All of the Schuppmans have either gone to their reward or relocated.
And the supermarkets have done in the neighbourhood grocers even in
small town America. It's sad.
Fortunately my home-town family owned market (Humphrey's) survives and thrives. In fact they have expanded (a bit) and remodelled. Just got
done with installing autoatic opening doors at the entrance/exit.
All the newest and most modern technology. Do they have the bar code scanners or does the cashier have to enter everything by hand?
Title: Caramelized Onion, Bacon, & Blue Cheese Smothered Ribeye
Categories: Beef, Vegetables, Cheese, Pork, Citrus
Yield: 2 servings
I'll take mine without the blue cheese, thank you.
It's a road show version. We saw the main garden/glass center back in
2017 when we were in Seattle. Flew in a day early for our cruise so
spent the afternoon/evening wandering around the Space Needle/Chilhuly Garden area. Got on board the ship the next day, off a week later
directly to the airport so no, we missed the Pike Place Market.
Okay. He's an amazing guy - especially as a one-eyed, one-armed
artist. And he's still with us AFAIK.
We're due to see 99F tomorrow. Thank Mr. Carrier for air conditioning. Then next week temps are *predicted* to be in the low-mid 70s. PHEW!
Decided to use something older instead. Will probably make fig scones tomorrow so they'll be fresh for Sunday breakfast.
Scones didn't turn out well, more like cookies. I'll try them again but add more flour and/or oatmeal.
Well, you still got cookies so it's not a total loss. Turns out I have
had scones without knowing that they were scones. I tought they were cookies. Which may be why the Brits call their cookies (and similar) "biscuits". Bv)=
8<----- SHORTEN ----->8
Fortunately my home-town family owned market (Humphrey's) survives and thrives. In fact they have expanded (a bit) and remodelled. Just got
done with installing autoatic opening doors at the entrance/exit.
All the newest and most modern technology. Do they have the bar code scanners or does the cashier have to enter everything by hand?
They do bar codes. But with a hand held scanner. And the deli labels
are not bar-coded so the amounts have to ber hand entered.
Title: Caramelized Onion, Bacon, & Blue Cheese Smothered Ribeye
Categories: Beef, Vegetables, Cheese, Pork, Citrus
Yield: 2 servings
I'll take mine without the blue cheese, thank you.
And as I noted - I'll take mine with a substitute for the Rib Eye. But
I do likes me stinky cheeses.
Title: Rhubarb Scones
Categories: Breads, Fruits, Dairy
Yield: 16 servings
1 1/4 c Whole wheat pastry flour
1 1/4 c A-P flour
1/2 c Sugar
1 tb Baking powder
1 ts Ground cardamom
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