• Next FCUG meeting - Sunday, August 22, 2021

    From Robert Bernardo@3:770/3 to All on Mon Aug 16 16:25:12 2021
    Happy summer, C= and Ami aficionados!

    The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to 1:00+ p.m., Sunday, August 22, at

    Panera Bread Restaurant
    3590 W Shaw Ave. (corner of W. Shaw Ave. and Marty Ave.)
    Fresno, CA 93711
    (559) 271-0104

    Our July meeting was so successful that we didn't have enough time to cover everything! First up will be the standard Amiga 600 running WHDLoad games and other apps from a CF card and only 2 MB of Chip RAM and no Fast RAM (slow... but it gets the
    job done!). Then we switch over to the VIC-20, this time with a Commodore VIC-20 35K switchable RAM expansion with integrated SD2IEC, courtesy of Melbourne Console Reproductions of Australia, and C64/128/VIC-20CR/1541-II/1581 power supply, courtesy of
    Ray Carlsen. Then we will investigate the brand new BackBit Pro cartridge from Evie Salomon. This cart is not just for the C64/128 but with the optional adapters, it's for the VIC-20, Plus/4 (!), and Atari 800/XE (!!). Does that mean I'll have to
    bring that latter computer to the meeting? ;)

    Discussion will center around the Oct. 16-17 Amiwest Show in Sacramento and the Nov. 6-7 Commodore Los Angeles Super Show in Burbank, among other C=-related items.

    See you soon,
    Robert Bernardo
    Fresno Commodore User Group - http://www.dickestel.com/fcug.htm
    Nov. 6-7 Commodore Los Angeles Super Show 2021 - http://www.portcommodore.com/class

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