• Testing you BBS

    From Richard Vonzel@1:154/110 to All on Wed Jan 22 12:16:58 2025
    Hello everybody!

    So my question is, how to you all test your BBS sytem to see if it's reachable? I can get on mine by calling it with SyncTerm, but that's from in my home network. I do have a telnet app on my phone and then turn off the wifi and call into it using the phones network. But wondering what the rest of you do.


    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: The File Cabinet BBS (filecabi.casacam.net:1025) (1:154/110)
  • From Jay Harris@1:229/664 to Richard Vonzel on Wed Jan 22 17:16:30 2025
    On Wednesday January 22 2025, Richard Vonzel said the following...

    So my question is, how to you all test your BBS sytem to see if it's reachable? I can get on mine by calling it with SyncTerm, but that's
    from in my home network. I do have a telnet app on my phone and then
    turn off the wifi and call into it using the phones network. But
    wondering what the rest of you do.

    I usually just tether my laptop to my phone and then try telnet'ing in via the external hostname.

    You could also try using some external port checker like GRC's Shields Up or portchecker.co.


    ... I wrote a song about a tortilla. Well, it's actually more of a wrap
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/1 to Richard Vonzel on Thu Jan 23 07:54:44 2025
    Richard Vonzel wrote to All <=-

    So my question is, how to you all test your BBS sytem to see if it's reachable? I can get on mine by calling it with SyncTerm, but that's
    from in my home network. I do have a telnet app on my phone and then
    turn off the wifi and call into it using the phones network. But
    wondering what the rest of you do.

    I have a web host that offers SSH access. From there I can telnet back
    into the BBS from the outside or hit the web page with links.

    There are many free shell services out there, that if you're comfortable
    with a linux command line and SSH can let you be on the outside, so to
    speak, and test your BBS.

    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/1)
  • From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to Richard Vonzel on Thu Jan 23 18:28:06 2025
    Richard Vonzel wrote to All <=-

    So my question is, how to you all test your BBS sytem to see if it's reachable? I can get on mine by calling it with SyncTerm, but that's
    from in my home network. I do have a telnet app on my phone and then
    turn off the wifi and call into it using the phones network. But
    wondering what the rest of you do.

    I ask a friend to check. If not, the next time I'm out, I check it via my phone or laptop if I bring it with me.

    -- Sean

    ... If you hold a *nix shell to your ear, you can actually hear the C.
    --- MultiMail/Linux
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)
  • From Daniel Path@2:371/52 to Richard Vonzel on Fri Jan 24 21:37:46 2025
    Hello Richard,

    22 Jan 25 12:16, you wrote to All:

    Hello everybody!

    So my question is, how to you all test your BBS sytem to see if it's reachable? I can get on mine by calling it with SyncTerm, but that's
    from in my home network. I do have a telnet app on my phone and then
    turn off the wifi and call into it using the phones network. But
    wondering what the rest of you do.

    muffinterm on iOS :)


    telnet://bbs.roonsbbs.hu:1212 <<=-

    ... Uptime: 4d 12h 46m 8s
    --- GoldED/2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From ogg@1:106/1 to Daniel Path on Fri Jan 24 15:35:34 2025
    So my question is, how to you all test your BBS sytem to see if it's reachable? I can get on mine by calling it with SyncTerm, but that's from in my home network. I do have a telnet app on my phone and then turn off the wifi and call into it using the phones network. But wondering what the rest of you do.

    muffinterm on iOS :)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Altair IV BBS (1:106/1)
  • From Richard Vonzel@1:154/110 to Daniel Path on Sat Jan 25 11:28:28 2025
    Hello Daniel!

    24 Jan 25 21:37, you wrote to me:

    Hello Richard,

    22 Jan 25 12:16, you wrote to All:

    Hello everybody!

    So my question is, how to you all test your BBS sytem to see if
    it's reachable? I can get on mine by calling it with SyncTerm,
    but that's from in my home network. I do have a telnet app on my
    phone and then turn off the wifi and call into it using the
    phones network. But wondering what the rest of you do.

    muffinterm on iOS :)

    I went and got that app, Love, works great.


    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: The File Cabinet BBS (filecabi.casacam.net:1025) (1:154/110)