• Follow-up on: RE: Points available!

    From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to August Abolins on Tue Dec 29 00:51:10 2020
    Hello August.

    <<Following up a message from Marc Lewis to August Abolins about RE: Points available! >>

    Sursum-Corda BBS! has Points available. Of course, there is no charge whatsoever. Entire Backbone and FileBone available. Both Dial-up
    and binkd available.

    Write Marc Lewis @ 1:396/45 or reply here for more info!

    Do you have Dovenet?

    If it's available via FTN, I can try and get it, August. I'll
    check and see.

    It appears that DoveNet is available only as a QWK network. I tried that once many years back, and the QWK <> Packet conversion utilities were, at best, problematic and resulted in MANY lost incoming message and fouled .REP bundles. I gave up on the idea.

    Best regards,

    ... For every expert witness there is an equal and opposite expert witness.
    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)
  • From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to Rob Swindell on Tue Dec 29 14:06:44 2020
    Hello Rob.

    <On 29Dec2020 03:06 Rob Swindell (1:103/705) wrote a message to Marc Lewis regarding Follow-up on: RE: Points available! >

    Re: Follow-up on: RE: Points available!
    By: Marc Lewis to August Abolins on Tue Dec 29 2020 12:51 am

    It appears that DoveNet is available only as a QWK network. I tried that once many years back, and the QWK <> Packet conversion utilities were, at best, problematic and resulted in MANY lost incoming message and
    fouled .REP bundles. I gave up on the idea.

    DOVE-Net has been available via FTN off and on over the past many
    years as some sysops would volunteer to do the gating and them
    eventually, they disappear. If you have an interest, I suppose I
    could find an unused zone and set up a gate here on Vertrauen for

    Rob, I'm certainly open to follow-thru on that, particularly now that I have moved away from IRex's BinkP server over to binkd (OS/2) current version. To avoid cluttering up the Echo with what would be off-topic stuff, let's move this to NetMail. I'll look forward to hearing from you at your convenience.

    Best regards,

    ... Oxymoron: Pretty ugly
    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)