Hi Charles!
05 Nov 20 06:33, you wrote to me:
is what is happening. But I would expect the parsing to ignore the
top lines of the message that contain the magic "--to: --<CR>"
and/or "--subj: --<CR>" lines as subject lines. After all, the real
body of the message is after those things.
You're dealing with separate lines of code.
--To:-- , --Subj:-- are specific for the bot to identify the To and Subject fields for the Fido side.
Yes... they are specific to the bot, as commands, and therefore maybe should not be considered as part of the normal message after being "used". Netmail in nntp and bbs systems operates similarly; if the first line in the body is something like "to: fn ln, z:n/f.p" then that info is used to build the necessary FTN header for netmail, and then discarded. The rest of that original message is the actual message content.
I believe Stas has said that if a message from Telegram is a reply to
a Fido message, it retains the subject, but I could be mistaken.
Yes, I am familiar with that.
But if the message originates in Telegram, or is a reply to a Telegram message written in Telegram, if it doesn't have the --Subj:-- line, it
is told to take the first line or number of characters in the message
body for the title. And those instruction lines for To and Subject are still only lines of text as far as anything is concerned unless the
code specifically states otherwise.
Perhaps the code could include something to "remove" the --subj:-- and/or --to:-- lines of text - afterall, they are "instruction" codes, and not the message.
--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: ----> Point Of VeleNo BBs (
http://www.velenobbs.net) (2:333/808.7)