On 2019 Jul 10 21:54:10, you wrote to me:
@REPLY: 753.fido-asianlin@1:3634/12 218b6a34
@MSGID: 1:153/7001 5d265e82
@CHRS: CP866 2
CP866 :/
Hey mark!
looks good here from the console terminal with the new unicode
work that's been done in sbbs :)
¥â, íâ® ¥ â ª. It looks good since the 0x8d cp437 character survived.
How about the 0x8d cp866 character in this reply?
i see the same here as i did on the console... not sure why other than maybe the CP866 thing... there's still work being done on sbbs' unicode implementation so it may be that it doesn't know how to translate those... i dunno... i don' think it is related to my font on this system, though... i spent the other day all down in the font rabbit hole and finally found the unifont stuff which i promptly installed...
Life is good,
... Don't cry for me I have vi.
--- GNU bash, version 5.0.7(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
* Origin: Little Mikey's Brain - Ladysmith BC, Canada (1:153/7001) SEEN-BY: 57/0 153/757 7001 154/10 30 40 700 203/0 220/70 221/0 6 227/400 SEEN-BY: 229/426 240/5832 267/800 280/464 5003 310/31 340/800 393/68
SEEN-BY: 423/120 712/848 770/0 1 10 100 330 340 772/0 1 210 500 3634/12 SEEN-BY: 116/116 123/25 150 755 135/300 153/7715 261/38 3634/15 27 50 123/50
SEEN-BY: 123/115 3634/0 18/0 123/0 1/120
@PATH: 153/7001 757 770/1 280/464 154/10 3634/12
for G&G here's your path again... i don't currently have anything in place to archive pkts before they're tossed... if i did, i could compare the message in different pkts when it arrives and is detected as a dupe...
And to this end they built themselves a stupendous super-computer which was
so amazingly intelligent that even before its data banks had been connected
up it had started from "I think therefore I am" and got as far as deducing
the existence of rice pudding and income tax before anyone managed to turn
it off.
... Support your right to keep and arm bears!
* Origin: (1:3634/12.73)