A war with Iran sounds bad, difficult, and very dangerous.
A war with Iran sounds bad, difficult, and very dangerous.
The US should explore a foreign policy which does not include war, it works well as demonstrated in Europe the past 70 years. Irreconcilable foes have become inseparable trading partners.
The Klingon's never wanted peace, and neither do the Iranians.
singleThe Klingon's never wanted peace, and neither do the Iranians.
Who are "the Iranians" ?
The distance from Teheran to DC is 6340 mile about ... there's not a
reason for an American force to go there. Give half the money that such an American force would cost and invest it in trade relations with Iran ...
they'd be very happy those Iranians, it'd cost the American taxpayer a
lot less and a couple of thousand body bags needed less.
But the American industry needs war...
worksA war with Iran sounds bad, difficult, and very dangerous.
The US should explore a foreign policy which does not include war, it
well as demonstrated in Europe the past 70 years. Irreconcilable foeshave
become inseparable trading partners.
Europe doesn't have any countries ruled by drooling religious fanatics
Europe doesn't have any countries ruled by drooling religious fanaticsThe Pope definitely is a droolin' religious fanatic.
The US should explore a foreign policy which does not include war, it works well as demonstrated in Europe the past 70 years. Irreconcilable foes have become inseparable trading partners.
I don't know, what's better for the USA?
A war with Iran sounds bad, difficult, and very dangerous.
Cargo planes, loaded with US tax payer currency, delivered to knuckleheads who like to attack shipping vessels and already have nuclear weapon capabilities, well that sounds pretty lousy too.
Do we want Trump to fire up the ol' warplane, or do we want Joe Biden to
up the ol' Cash Plane?
A war with Iran sounds bad, difficult, and very dangerous.
The US should explore a foreign policy which does not include war, it works
well as demonstrated in Europe the past 70 years. Irreconcilable foes have become inseparable trading partners.
The US should explore a foreign policy which does not include war, it workshave
well as demonstrated in Europe the past 70 years. Irreconcilable foes
become inseparable trading partners.
Worked great for Neville Chamberlain ...
worksA war with Iran sounds bad, difficult, and very dangerous.
The US should explore a foreign policy which does not include war, it
well as demonstrated in Europe the past 70 years. Irreconcilable foeshave
become inseparable trading partners.
Europe doesn't have any countries ruled by drooling religious fanatics
Europe doesn't have any countries ruled by drooling religious fanatics
The Pope definitely is a droolin' religious fanatic.
The US should explore a foreign policy which does not include war, it >WD>works well as demonstrated in Europe the past 70 years. Irreconcilable >WD>foes have become inseparable trading partners.
It sounds good - to capitalists, but will it sound good to sponsors of >terrorism?
The Klingon's never wanted peace, and neither do the Iranians.
Who are "the Iranians" ?
The distance from Teheran to DC is 6340 mile about ... there's not a single reason for an American force to go there. Give half the money
that such an American force would cost and invest it in trade relations with Iran ... they'd be very happy those Iranians, it'd cost the
American taxpayer a lot less and a couple of thousand body bags needed less.
But the American industry needs war...
The US should explore a foreign policy which does not include war, it >LL>works
well as demonstrated in Europe the past 70 years. Irreconcilable foes >LL>have
become inseparable trading partners.
Worked great for Neville Chamberlain ...
You're a moron.
Your operating from a standpoint that the (U.S.) will be the ones who are going to lose, this is not our nature.
History has shown again and again that we finish what someone else
Our military budget is bigger then some of the foreign nations total wealth.
Perhaps we know that they are the ones responsible from firing upon the
oil tankers, they can claim all the innocence all they want. They are
not the get along neighbor that anyone would want.
They are a aggressive nation - funding terrorism. Interfering in international free waterways, controlling the straight where they have no business doing so.
History has shown again and again that we finish what someone else
Our military budget is bigger then some of the foreign nations total wealth.
Your operating from a standpoint that the (U.S.) will be the ones who are >GD>going to lose, this is not our nature.
History has shown again and again that we finish what someone else >GD>starts.
This seems like the hallmark of short memories. The War of 1812 was not
successful (technically the US lost it), you got your asses whipped in New Orleans,
you backed Napoleon who got defeated,
you backed the South-Vietnamese regime which became defeated (as was
the US only joined WW2 after the fortunes of war in Europe had already
turned against the Nazis,
the US did not achieve military (or any other) success in Afghanistan nor
Iraq nor Iran,
the Spanish-American war was started on a lie (as was the invasion of Iraq),
that landing at Mogadishu which was a joke and the US are still stuck in
South Korea,
the British and Canadians bailed the US out at Omaha Beach or it would have
been a total carnage...
there's more of that.
Our military budget is bigger then some of the foreign nations total >GD>wealth.
Your national debt is bigger too than that of the rest of the world
Perhaps we know that they are the ones responsible from firing upon the >GD>oil tankers, they can claim all the innocence all they want. They are >GD>not the get along neighbor that anyone would want.
There's not a shred of evidence Iran was involved at all. Photos? I still
see Colin Powel sweating at the UN Security Counsel.
They are a aggressive nation - funding terrorism. Interfering in >GD>international free waterways, controlling the straight where they have no >GD>business doing so.
These are all things the USA did and is doing too.
On 18 Jun 2019, Ward Dossche said the following...Iranians.
The Klingon's never wanted peace, and neither do the
not a
Who are "the Iranians" ?
The distance from Teheran to DC is 6340 mile about ... there's
moneysingle reason for an American force to go there. Give half the
relationsthat such an American force would cost and invest it in trade
neededwith Iran ... they'd be very happy those Iranians, it'd cost the American taxpayer a lot less and a couple of thousand body bags
are goingless.
But the American industry needs war...
Your operating from a standpoint that the (U.S.) will be the ones who
to lose, this is not our nature.starts.
History has shown again and again that we finish what someone else
who areYour operating from a standpoint that the (U.S.) will be the ones
notgoing to lose, this is not our nature.
History has shown again and again that we finish what someone else starts.
This seems like the hallmark of short memories. The War of 1812 was
successful (technically the US lost it), you got your asses whippedin New
regime which became defeated (as was yourself),
the fortunes of war in Europe had already turned against the Nazis,
not achieve military (or any other) success in Afghanistan nor Iraqnor Iran,
the Spanish-American war was started on a lie (as was the invasion ofIraq),
that landing at Mogadishu which was a joke and the US are still stuckin South
Korea, the British and Canadians bailed the US out at Omaha Beach orit would
have been a total carnage... there's more of that.total
Our military budget is bigger then some of the foreign nations
Your national debt is bigger too than that of the rest of the world
There's not a shred of evidence Iran was involved at all. Photos? I
still see Colin Powel sweating at the UN Security Counsel.
WD> GD> The Klingon's never wanted peace, and neither do the Iranians.
WD> Who are "the Iranians" ?
WD> The distance from Teheran to DC is 6340 mile about ... there's not a
WD> single reason for an American force to go there. Give half the money
WD> that such an American force would cost and invest it in trade
WD> with Iran ... they'd be very happy those Iranians, it'd cost the
WD> American taxpayer a lot less and a couple of thousand body bags
WD> less.
WD> But the American industry needs war...
Your operating from a standpoint that the (U.S.) will be the ones who are going
to lose, this is not our nature.
History has shown again and again that we finish what someone else starts.
Our military budget is bigger then some of the foreign nations total wealth.
Perhaps American Intel believes there is a reason for sending the troops, >perhaps we do not believe the bold face lies that the Iranians are telling >the world.
The Iranian regime supports terror organizations all around the middle east.
Perhaps we know that they are the ones responsible from firing upon the oil >tankers, they can claim all the innocence all they want. They are not the
along neighbor that anyone would want.
They are a aggressive nation - funding terrorism. Interfering in >international free waterways, controlling the straight where they have no >business doing so. Their bark is nearly a whimper, they need to be
schooled who the top dog is, because when the (U.S.) Barks, they will submit >or die trying.
Without the American might they would become unchecked. You want a totally
unchecked Iran, that could effect even where you currently are.
You should be Thankful that we are there, no one wants war, and no one wants
a nuclear Iran, but that is something else that they are thumbing their
nose at the world at.
It would seem that the President made the right decision
by pulling out of the deal Iranian Nuclear Deal.
Do I have to say it.... Told ya so.. They can not be trusted.
Yeah. We've heard it all before. But nobody is buying.
Without the American might they would become unchecked. You want a totall
unchecked Iran, that could effect even where you currently are.
What other countries are calling for war on Iran?
Japan has called Trump's bluff. European countries
are being nicer by just asking questions.
Which is why Trump should have honored the six-nation deal with Iran,
thus keeping them from developing nuclear weapons.
It is also a fact that Iran has said it's kinda their job to police the area and told the Americans to go home.
Had the US stayed out of WWII and Hitler not allowed the British
to escape at Dunkirk, there never would have been any resistance in
France (or anywhere else in Europe). Russia would have had no real defense, or the ability to push the Germans out once invaded.
Can you give us some more details about what the USA did? The Soviet
Union got attacked in June, Pearl Harbor in December. The battle of Stalingrad was won by the Soviet Union all alone.
It is also a fact that Iran has said it's kinda their job to police th area and told the Americans to go home.
That would solve a lot of problems in that part of the world ...
"Eat this body. Drink this blood. Do this in memory of me."
~ Pope Francis, Vatican City, Europe
The Iranian regime supports terror organizations all around the middle east.
On 06-20-19 06:55, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: War or Planefuls of C <=-
Japan has called Trump's bluff. European countries
are being nicer by just asking questions.
Japan said no such thing, most nations are calling for
Trump is not going appease them buy dropping off $150 Billion dollars
at the Iranian tarmac like Obozo did.
On 06-20-19 06:55, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: War or Planefuls of C <=-
Japan has called Trump's bluff. European countries
are being nicer by just asking questions.
Japan said no such thing, most nations are calling for
Japan disagreed with USA statements that it was a Lipit Mine. They said it was a missle -- which casts some doubt on that grainy video which claims to be Iran removing an unexploded Lipit Mine from a tanker (and thus "proving" it was Iran who did the deed).
Trump is not going appease them buy dropping off $150 Billion dollars at the Iranian tarmac like Obozo did.
What $150 Billion dollars are you talking about? Do you mean the time that they sent back money that belonged to Iran,
Yeah. We've heard it all before. But nobody is buying.
It is also a fact that Iran has said it's kinda their job to police the area
and told the Americans to go home.
Sounds to me like they are a dirty cop and are very much playing both sides
of the coin.
totallWithout the American might they would become unchecked. You want a
unchecked Iran, that could effect even where you currently are.
What other countries are calling for war on Iran?
Japan has called Trump's bluff. European countries
are being nicer by just asking questions.
Japan said no such thing, most nations are calling for caution and I agree
with that.
The President has said he does not want to go war with Iran.
Make no mistake the U.S. has the power and the ability to wipe them off the
just because we can do something doesn't mean that we should.
At the same time Iran needs to understand that they can not be doing things
that are aggressive.
Iran's future depends on Iran.
They can start by stopping the chant Death to America.
That would be a great place to start.
It's kinda like this Lee, when you're a kid and you mouth off to your
father, when you know in advance that he will beat your ass for it.
Which is why Trump should have honored the six-nation deal with Iran, >LL>thus keeping them from developing nuclear weapons.
Trump is not going appease them buy dropping off $150 Billion dollars at the
Iranian tarmac like Obozo did.
Had the US stayed out of WWII and Hitler not allowed the British
to escape at Dunkirk, there never would have been any resistance in >LL>France (or anywhere else in Europe). Russia would have had no real >LL>defense, or the ability to push the Germans out once invaded.
Can you give us some more details about what the USA did?
The Soviet Union got attacked in June, Pearl Harbor in December.
The battle of Stalingrad was won by the Soviet Union all alone.
"Eat this body. Drink this blood. Do this in memory of me."
~ Pope Francis, Vatican City, Europe
Is it more PC to be muslim these days?
On 06-21-19 18:06, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Trump is not going appease them buy dropping off
$150 Billion dollars
at the Iranian tarmac like Obozo did.
What $150 Billion dollars are you talking about? Do you mean the time that they sent back money that belonged to Iran,
I heard this before it was their money, whatever if it was or wasn't, their behavior since then and continues to be, one of aggression.
I am sure by now that you have heard about the drone that has been
shot down by Iran because they claimed that it violated their airspace, the President did not strike back with any answered military force, measured or otherwise. I also think that the restraint was the right
him to be because before Trump was elected the left proclaimed him to
be a war monger and a man that would lead us to the brink of war. What
Trump claims he called off the attack on Iran 10 minutes before
he ordered it. IOW, a fake attack that never happened. He lied
about a lie, claiming two lies make a truth.
The entire world knows Japan claimed the Trump administration lied
about what happened. The evidence supports Japan's claim.
Afghans are still in Afghanistan.
Iraqis are still in Iraq.
Syrians are still in Syria.
Vietnamese are still in Vietnam.
Koreans are still in Korea.
Then why does Trump seek war with Iran? Clearly it makes no sense.
But then, nothing makes sense with the Trump administration.
Iran has the same right to international waters as does every other country. The USA has no special right to go wherever it wants, when
it wants.
OK -- so if it was a return of their money, why did you bring it up as a critism of Obama?
I am sure by now that you have heard about the drone that has been
shot down by Iran because they claimed that it violated their airspace the President did not strike back with any answered military force, measured or otherwise. I also think that the restraint was the right call.
We agree. My only problem with that call is why did Trump give thego-ahead to start with, only to cancel in the last ten minutes?
My fear was not that Trump was a war monger, but that he acts so impulsively that he might trigger a war. That and the fact that he has surrounded himself with those who really seem to push for war and regime change in Iran.
Am 19 Jun 19 22:15:25 schrob Lee Lofaso an Ward Dossche zum Themain
<War or Planefuls of Cash?>
Had the US stayed out of WWII and Hitler not allowed the British
to escape at Dunkirk, there never would have been any resistance
realFrance (or anywhere else in Europe). Russia would have had no
Union gotdefense, or the ability to push the Germans out once invaded.
Can you give us some more details about what the USA did? The Soviet
attacked in June, Pearl Harbor in December. The battle of Stalingradwas won by
the Soviet Union all alone.
On 06-20-19 06:55, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: War or Planefuls of C <=-
Japan has called Trump's bluff. European countries
are being nicer by just asking questions.
Japan said no such thing, most nations are calling for
Japan disagreed with USA statements that it was a Lipit Mine.
On 21 Jun 2019, Dale Shipp said the following...They said
On 06-20-19 06:55, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: War or Planefuls of C <=-
Japan has called Trump's bluff. European countries
are being nicer by just asking questions.
Japan said no such thing, most nations are calling for
Japan disagreed with USA statements that it was a Lipit Mine.
whichit was a missle -- which casts some doubt on that grainy video
tanker (andclaims to be Iran removing an unexploded Lipit Mine from a
thus "proving" it was Iran who did the deed).
Especially because there's a video out that shows Iranians removing an unexploded limpet from one of the ships
On 06-22-19 08:32, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
OK -- so if it was a return of their money, why did you bring it up as a critism of Obama?
I am not entirely convinced it was their money, if you look at the way this was done "in secret" - that act deserves it to be questioned.
We agree. My only problem with that call is why did Trump give thego-ahead to start with, only to cancel in the last ten minutes?
My fear was not that Trump was a war monger, but that he acts so impulsively that he might trigger a war. That and the fact that he has surrounded himself with those who really seem to push for war and regime change in Iran.
I have heard that too, but the decision to attack or not to attack
sits with the commander and chief.
I also agree that the President should of been advised up
front with the number
of casualties in the beginning, usually this is the case. Strange that
it was not the case this time.
Thanks to President for having the mindset to say hold up and asking
the question.
On 06-22-19 12:35, Bob Ackley <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Japan has called Trump's bluff. European countries
are being nicer by just asking questions.
Japan said no such thing, most nations are calling for
Japan disagreed with USA statements that it was a Lipit Mine.
A nit: it was a limpet mine, they've been around since before World
War II. A limpet mine is an explosive charge connected to a magnet,
the magnet is placed on the ship being attacked and detonated by a
timer, or more recently, by an electronic command
On 06-22-19 12:38, Bob Ackley <=-
spoke to Gregory Deyss about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Japan disagreed with USA statements that it was a Lipit Mine.They said
it was a missle -- which casts some doubt on that grainy videowhich
claims to be Iran removing an unexploded Lipit Mine from atanker (and
thus "proving" it was Iran who did the deed).
Especially because there's a video out that shows Iranians removing an unexploded limpet from one of the ships
On 06-22-19 08:11, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: War or Planefuls of C <=-
Trump claims he called off the attack on Iran 10 minutes before
he ordered it. IOW, a fake attack that never happened. He lied
about a lie, claiming two lies make a truth.
I do not know what the hell you're talking about. It's obvious you're trying to twist this into something and even trying to pull it inside
out. Look it's like this, Trump said he didn't think it was proportionate, with what would be the projections of the loss of life
vs with what already happened
the downing of a U.S. drone.
The entire world knows Japan claimed the Trump administration lied
about what happened. The evidence supports Japan's claim.
Japan's claim?
I don't think they are too happy that their ship was on fire, hit by
mines or missles as Dale has mentioned, whatever it was, they did not
do this to themselves.
Then why does Trump seek war with Iran? Clearly it makes no sense.
But then, nothing makes sense with the Trump administration.
Japan said it was a missle, the ship was a Japanese flagged ship. Since then, others have produced some evidence claiming that it was in fact a limpet mine. I don't know -- and am not sure if it matters.
That is what some say the video shows. I have to say that the video is
of such poor quality and of such a short duration that it is unclear whether or not that explanation is true. There are many more people standing around on that vessel than would be needed to remove a single mine.
I also agree that the President should of been advised up
front with the number
of casualties in the beginning, usually this is the case. Strange tha it was not the case this time.
According to numerous experts he should have been so advised at the very beginning of the plans.
Thanks to President for having the mindset to say hold up and asking the question.
Perhaps he had forgotten what he had been told before, or it just sunk
in, or perhaps he just wanted to put his personal spin on it.
On 06-22-19 08:11, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: War or Planefuls of C <=-
Trump claims he called off the attack on Iran 10 minutes before
he ordered it. IOW, a fake attack that never happened. He lied about a lie, claiming two lies make a truth.
I do not know what the hell you're talking about. It's obvious you're trying to twist this into something and even trying to pull it inside out. Look it's like this, Trump said he didn't think it was proportionate, with what would be the projections of the loss of life vs with what already happened
the downing of a U.S. drone.
The point is that why did Trump order the attack in the first place and then cancel it at the last minute. That is silly brinkmanship. Trump should have known the projections hours before the attack was due to be launced -- not in the last ten minutes. Of course this way he comes off sounding like a big hero by preventing the crisis that would be caused
by such an attack -- when he ordered it himself to start with. He has done the same sort of thing in other situations. It is a pattern of
The entire world knows Japan claimed the Trump administration lied about what happened. The evidence supports Japan's claim.
Japan's claim?
I don't think they are too happy that their ship was on fire, hit by mines or missles as Dale has mentioned, whatever it was, they did not do this to themselves.
I simply reported what Japan said.
Then why does Trump seek war with Iran? Clearly it makes no sense. But then, nothing makes sense with the Trump administration.
Japan said it was a missle, the ship was a Japanese flagged ship. Sin then, others have produced some evidence claiming that it was in fact limpet mine. I don't know -- and am not sure if it matters.
A missile and a mine leave a totally different signature.
It seems however the intent was not to sink the vessels but to create trouble because if it was the intention to sink them, then this was a pis-poor attempt.
You wanted to why we are there that would be it.
Trump claims he called off the attack on Iran 10 minutes before
he ordered it. IOW, a fake attack that never happened. He lied
about a lie, claiming two lies make a truth.
I do not know what the hell you're talking about.
It's obvious you're trying to twist this into something and even trying to
pull it inside out.
Look it's like this, Trump said he didn't think it was proportionate, with
what would be the projections of the loss of life vs with what already happened the downing of a U.S. drone.
The entire world knows Japan claimed the Trump administration lied >LL>about what happened. The evidence supports Japan's claim.
Japan's claim?
I don't think they are too happy that their ship was on fire, hit by mines
or missles as Dale has mentioned, whatever it was, they did not do this to themselves.
Iran is playing a very dangerous game;
eluding themselves as the protectors of the straight, then determining who
is allowed save passage and who is not.
They are the gatekeepers of nothing because these are international waters.
They have no such permission or authorization to control by any means who
passes through the straight.
Afghans are still in Afghanistan.
Iraqis are still in Iraq.
Syrians are still in Syria.
Vietnamese are still in Vietnam.
Koreans are still in Korea.
Are you done? ok.
Of course these people are still in their respective countries,
you make it sound very much like the mission of the U.S. was to commit
genocide wherever the U.S. goes in the world.
This is what you make it sounds like, the fact that these people still exist
in their respective countries proves it was not our mission.
Then why does Trump seek war with Iran? Clearly it makes no sense.
But then, nothing makes sense with the Trump administration.
Trump has said on more then one occasion that he does NOT want to go to war
with Iran.
So I have to ask you directly where are you reading or listening to this
WW III will be WW II 2.0 fought over the same things as the previous one,
Iran has the same right to international waters as does every other >LL>country. The USA has no special right to go wherever it wants, when
it wants.
um, International means no country not Iran not the United States or any
other country can infringe another country from using what is known as International waterways and / or airspace.
Just like International House of Pancakes -a lot of countries are
The French crape is not conspiring with its nearest ally French Toast to
muscle out the Belgian Waffle from being brought to the table.
On 06-23-19 08:35, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Perhaps he had forgotten what he had been told before, or it just sunk
in, or perhaps he just wanted to put his personal spin on it.
Unlikely, but I do think it is you who is forgetting who Donald Trump
is, a successful business man and billionaire, you don't become either
by being forgetful.
You wanted to why we are there that would be it.
The US is too trigger-happy, There is no reason to be militrary present there.
The US is too trigger-happy, There is no reason to be militrarypresent
Your statement is incorrect, Iran still exists.
Iran signed a deal with six nations, including the USA, to stop
processing fuel to enrich uranium that would be esssential to make
nuclear weapons. Iran has been in compliance, and the deal was
working. Until Trump decided to blow it all up by walking away.
The US is too trigger-happy, There is no reason to be militrarypresent
Your statement is incorrect, Iran still exists.
Yes. And what is the problem with that ?
You suggested that the U.S. is too trigger-happy, but the U.S. has not fired a shot in retaliatory strike, measured or otherwise for the
downing of a U.S. drone in a unprovoked attack. The drone was within international airspace.
If they wish to live, another day they should end the arrogance and stop with the hostility and aggression.
The US is too trigger-happy, There is no reason to be militrary
present there.
Your statement is incorrect, Iran still exists.
Yes. And what is the problem with that ?
No nation should deny the existence of another.
I was just pointing out that Iran does still exist.
You suggested that the U.S. is too trigger-happy, but the U.S. has not fired a shot in retaliatory strike, measured or otherwise for the
downing of a U.S. drone in a unprovoked attack. The drone was within international airspace.
If the U.S. is as you say "trigger-happy" Iran would be very
embarrassed all that bluster and arrogance about the Iranian
revolutionary guard. All that smugness and the buffed out chest would vanish instantly.
If they wish to live, another day they should end the arrogance and
stop with the hostility and aggression. The U.S. has patience, but
only to a degree.
You suggested that the U.S. is too trigger-happy, but the U.S. has
not fired a shot in retaliatory strike, measured or otherwise for the
downing of a U.S. drone in a unprovoked attack. The drone was within
international airspace.
And how do wo know that Iran shot down a drone ?
Perhaps the attack on the tankers was a covert operation by the CIA? Wouldn't be the first time.
If they wish to live, another day they should end the arrogance and
stop with the hostility and aggression.
Pot black kettle...
And how do wo know that Iran shot down a drone ?
Perhaps the attack on the tankers was a covert operation by the CIA?
On 2019 Jun 25 06:48:38, you wrote to Ward Dossche:
The US is too trigger-happy, There is no reason to be militrary
present there.
Your statement is incorrect, Iran still exists.
Yes. And what is the problem with that ?
No nation should deny the existence of another.
no one has denied the existance of another country/nation... ward certainly didn't above when he stated that there's no reason for the US
to have a military presence there...
I was just pointing out that Iran does still exist.
so does persia if you know where to look...
You suggested that the U.S. is too trigger-happy, but the U.S. has no fired a shot in retaliatory strike, measured or otherwise for the downing of a U.S. drone in a unprovoked attack. The drone was within international airspace.
the drone is a drone, too... no big loss other than $$$ better spent elsewhere...
If the U.S. is as you say "trigger-happy" Iran would be very embarrassed all that bluster and arrogance about the Iranian revolutionary guard. All that smugness and the buffed out chest would vanish instantly.
If they wish to live, another day they should end the arrogance and stop with the hostility and aggression. The U.S. has patience, but only to a degree.
it isn't the US that's in question, here... it is the CiC...
eg: ordering a retalitory strike and not listening to briefing details like number of dead... we already know that he doesn't do briefings like he should be doing them anyway... plus the lies... all the lies...
it isn't the US that's in question, here... it is the CiC... eg:
ordering a retalitory strike and not listening to briefing details
like number of dead... we already know that he doesn't do briefings
like he should be doing them anyway... plus the lies... all the
You can believe what you want, it would seem that you discredit and disagree with everything he says, you seem to do this without
listening or thinking about what he actually said.
The more the President is a success,
the more successful our Nation will become. It does kinda suck for you
and the fake news media, when great things continue to happen to spite
how you see things. Making you enjoy eating crow, as much as the media does. I dunno, could be?
oh, and that $775US per day that's being paid to someone to (not) take proper care of those children locked in those cages? i could live for a
The more the President is a success,
success?? are you saying that no less than six (6) corporate
bankruptacies is being successful???
oh, and that $775US per day that's being paid to someone to (not)
take proper care of those children locked in those cages? i could
live for a
There are American-born children who are on waiting lists for foster
care, should they be pushed aside to make room for illegal immigrant children?
Why won't the Democrat-led Congress do something about this?
Why did nobody cry about it during the Obama years?
Was it PC to put kids behind bars when Obama did it, because he's
The more the President is a success,
success?? are you saying that no less than six (6) corporate
bankruptacies is being successful???
A president's success isn't measured by his personal life.
why would they be pushed aside? what does american-born children's foster status have to do with immigrant children? immigrant children aren't waiting or looking for fostering...
what does anyone's skin color have to do with the proper care of
why would they be pushed aside? what does american-born children's
foster status have to do with immigrant children? immigrant children
aren't waiting or looking for fostering...
Where do you want them to be housed then?
Foster care is a good solution for kids who are victims of their
parents' crimes.
what does anyone's skin color have to do with the proper care of
Black skin = ok to detain illegal immigrant children
White skin = no longer ok and makes the person racist
Opportunists who are hungry for American handouts drag their children through deserts & they take them swimming through the river, then
liberals complain about us not giving them toothbrushes when they
ship. SinceJapan said it was a missle, the ship was a Japanese flagged
fact athen, others have produced some evidence claiming that it was in
troublelimpet mine. I don't know -- and am not sure if it matters.
A missile and a mine leave a totally different signature.
It seems however the intent was not to sink the vessels but to create
because if it was the intention to sink them, then this was a pis-poor attempt.
Unlikely, but I do think it is you who is forgetting who Donald Trumpis,
a successful business man and billionaire, you don't become either bybeing
On 23 Jun 2019, Ward Dossche said the following...ship. Sin
Japan said it was a missle, the ship was a Japanese flagged
was in factthen, others have produced some evidence claiming that it
createlimpet mine. I don't know -- and am not sure if it matters.
A missile and a mine leave a totally different signature.
It seems however the intent was not to sink the vessels but to
was atrouble because if it was the intention to sink them, then this
waterwayspis-poor attempt.
Why is Iran messing with ship and planting mines in international
at all.there
This is why American Might is in the region. You wanted to why we are
that would be it.
oh, and that $775US per day that's being paid to someone to (not) take >ml>proper care of those children locked in those cages? i could live for a
There are American-born children who are on waiting lists for foster care, >should they be pushed aside to make room for illegal immigrant children?
Why won't the Democrat-led Congress do something about this? Why did nobody >cry about it during the Obama years? Was it PC to put kids behind bars when >Obama did it, because he's black?
The more the President is a success,
success?? are you saying that no less than six (6) corporate >ml>bankruptacies is being successful???
A president's success isn't measured by his personal life.
Where do you want them to be housed then?
that's up to their parents/guardians...
Foster care is a good solution for kids who are victims of their parents' crimes.
we're not talking about that... we're talking about immigrant children
and their parents/guardians...
what laws were broken that caused forced separation between them and
their parents/guardians? hint: NONE.
that has nothing to do with the proper care of children... and why do
you keep calling them "illegal immigrants"? what did they do that is illegal?
what are you smoking? whatever it is is bad shit and you need to get off it... you've got so many thing confused and twisted around that you
can't even carry a straight conversation...
The more the President is a success,
success?? are you saying that no less than six (6) corporate bankruptacies is being successful???
the more successful our Nation will become. It does kinda suck for you and the fake news media, when great things continue to happen to spite how you see things. Making you enjoy eating crow, as much as the media does. I dunno, could be?
"to spite"?? you keep using that and it doesn't mean what you think it means... the word you are looking for is "despite"...
Where do you want them to be housed then?
that's up to their parents/guardians...
The criminals who made their children swim across the Rio Grande are
still calling the shots?
Foster care is a good solution for kids who are victims of their
parents' crimes.
we're not talking about that... we're talking about immigrant
children and their parents/guardians...
Not immigrant children, but illegal immigrant children.
There's a huge difference. Legal immigrant children aren't swimming
across rivers or camping in 100 degree deserts.
what laws were broken that caused forced separation between them and
their parents/guardians? hint: NONE.
Child abuse isn't breaking the law?
Sneaking across international borders?
What else can we get away with? What happens if an American puts his
kids to swim across the rio to Mexico No laws broken? No consequences? You'd have to live in a substantially liberal town to get away with
that harsh of abuse.
that has nothing to do with the proper care of children... and why do
you keep calling them "illegal immigrants"? what did they do that is
Legal immigrants come to the USA with passports, permission from their home country,
not with dead children floating in tow.
what are you smoking? whatever it is is bad shit and you need to get
off it... you've got so many thing confused and twisted around that
you can't even carry a straight conversation...
I've been hearing about the "deplorable conditions inside detention centers" with problems like "terrible food" and "no toothbrushes." Why didn't they pack a toothbrush like a normal tourist? Oh, and they also forgot their passports.
The more the President is a success,
success?? are you saying that no less than six (6) corporate
bankruptacies is being successful???
I don't know how people keep saying that Trump is a 'success'. Do they really know what it means?
the more successful our Nation will become. It does kinda suck for
you and the fake news media, when great things continue to happen to
spite how you see things. Making you enjoy eating crow, as much as
the media does. I dunno, could be?
"to spite"?? you keep using that and it doesn't mean what you think
it means... the word you are looking for is "despite"...
There are all kinds of people in my town that say that the economy is booming and Trump is the reason. Really? The economy usually takes at least 4 years to start showing the effects of policy changes.
i can barely get past his drug addled eyes... he can't even get one sentence out...
success?? are you saying that no less than six (6) corporate
bankruptacies is being successful???
the more successful our Nation will become. It does kinda suck for yo and the fake news media, when great things continue to happen to spit how you see things. Making you enjoy eating crow, as much as the medi does. I dunno, could be?
"to spite"?? you keep using that and it doesn't mean what you think it means... the word you are looking for is "despite"...
IMO the US Navy should get the h*ll out of the Persian Gulf and Strait
of Hormuz. The US has no interest there (except to support its puppet
in Iraq). If Europeans are worried about *their* oil supply they can protect the tankers
i can barely get past his drug addled eyes... he can't even get one
sentence out...
No, I think you may be talking about Biden.
success?? are you saying that no less than six (6) corporate
bankruptacies is being successful???
I think it is very clear what I am saying.
He used the laws to his advantage, just as other businesses as well as corporations have.
the more successful our Nation will become. It does kinda suck for
you and the fake news media, when great things continue to happen to
spite how you see things. Making you enjoy eating crow, as much as
the media does. I dunno, could be?
"to spite"?? you keep using that and it doesn't mean what you think
it means... the word you are looking for is "despite"...
regardless, irregardless,
to spite or despite,
I think the point has been made.
When you need to talk about those troubled times within the casino business
or his to counter my post,
then your post is a completely ineffective.
By the way he was not President at the times that you speak of.
This matters not to you, it's something that you thought that you
could use to counter, if that's the best you can muster, then bring
i can barely get past his drug addled eyes... he can't even get one >ml>sentence out...
No, I think you may be talking about Biden. We will see what the American >people think, who is a better communicator, in the next election.
Trump will destroy him in the debates, if Biden makes it that long.
success?? are you saying that no less than six (6) corporate >ml>bankruptacies is being successful???
I think it is very clear what I am saying.
He used the laws to his advantage, just as other businesses as well as >corporations have.
ml> GD> the more successful our Nation will become. It does kinda suck
for yo
ml> GD> and the fake news media, when great things continue to happen to spit
ml> GD> how you see things. Making you enjoy eating crow, as much as the medi
ml> GD> does. I dunno, could be?
ml> "to spite"?? you keep using that and it doesn't mean what you think
ml> means... the word you are looking for is "despite"...
regardless, irregardless, to spite or despite, I think the point has been
made. When you need to talk about those troubled times within the casino business or his to counter my post, then your post is a completely ineffective.
By the way he was not President at the times that you speak of.
This matters not to you, it's something that you thought that you could use
to counter, if that's the best you can muster, then bring it.
Separating children from their parents, then placing them up for
adoption to US citizens, is government-sanctioned kidnapping. Since
caretakers (parents, legal guardians, etc.), this could be considered being an act of war by the countries where they are from.
There are all kinds of people in my town that say that the economy is booming and Trump is the reason. Really? The economy usually takes at least 4 years to start showing the effects of policy changes.
which ones are those? how do you know they are criminals? who said they are criminals? where's the proof?
uh... it has already been brought... you dropped your sword and lost another round :shrug:
uh... it has already been brought... you dropped your sword and lost
another round :shrug:
Is that what you think this is all about?
uh... it has already been brought... you dropped your sword and lost
another round :shrug:
Is that what you think this is all about?
says he who was all about winning a few weeks ago...
which ones are those? how do you know they are criminals? who said
they are criminals? where's the proof?
How can you endorse human trafficking?
You can call it asylum-seeking, or babysitting, or whatever you want,
but you're fighting for the rights of people who are committing
negligent homicide of children, or endangering the welfare of a child,
at best.
You're also fighting for the rights of people to walk our streets
without any scrutiny over their identity or criminal background.
Did you know that in many states, it's illegal to be in public without identification?
The loophole is being abused to the full extent.
With 90% of undocumented illegal immigrants not reporting to court for their hearings, look at who you are defending. You keep saying "they
have a right to apply for asylum," so why aren't they applying?
Not showing up for court is them not applying for asylum.
That's them applying for "let me do whatever I feel like doing, screw
your asylum application, and bye."
uh... it has already been brought... you dropped your sword and lost
another round :shrug:
Is that what you think this is all about?
says he who was all about winning a few weeks ago...
have you finished reading th emueller report yet?
Anyone watching the debates? What a bunch of clowns. Blah Blah the
same old retoric.
On 2019 Jun 27 16:41:54, you wrote to me:
which ones are those? how do you know they are criminals? who said
they are criminals? where's the proof?
How can you endorse human trafficking?
who said anything about human trafficking?? i didn't and you haven't
until now while you try to throw all kinds of muck into the discussion
and confuse the issues... stick to one topic at a time and work through
it before jumping off into another muck pit...
but here's something for you... it's not illegal to go to a country and request asylum... it is illegal to separate minors from their parents or
guardians without legal cause... if there is human trafficking, stop
those traffickers! not the victims! that's like blaming the person who
got raped... you should help the victims not blame them or dehumanize them... many of these people are vistims which is one of the main
reasons why they left where they were... then they get here, to america, the land of the free and the home of the brave, only to be victimized
and dehumanized buy ignorant, intolerant, people who think they are
better than someone else...
have you finished reading th emueller report yet?
No not yet, but what I have read thus far, concludes and supports,
No Collision and No Obstruction.
which ones are those? how do you know they are criminals? who said
they are criminals? where's the proof?
Want Proof? read on.
How can you endorse human trafficking?
who said anything about human trafficking?? i didn't and you haven't
until now while you try to throw all kinds of muck into the
discussion and confuse the issues... stick to one topic at a time and
work through it before jumping off into another muck pit... but
here's something for you... it's not illegal to go to a country and
request asylum... it is illegal to separate minors from their parents
Then these so-called parents are therefore proven guilty themselves because many children are sent to travel alone without parents
and thus separated by the parents by their design and intent. When
does it become wrong, or it is just wrong when U.S. Immigration
officials are involved.
guardians without legal cause... if there is human trafficking, stop
those traffickers! not the victims! that's like blaming the person
who got raped... you should help the victims not blame them or
dehumanize them... many of these people are vistims which is one of
the main reasons why they left where they were... then they get here,
to america, the land of the free and the home of the brave, only to
be victimized and dehumanized buy ignorant, intolerant, people who
think they are better than someone else...
Victimized... Seriously?
You really don't have any clue what you're talking about.
What about the angel moms & dads who had their children murdered at
the hands of these invaders / migrants.
lostuh... it has already been brought... you dropped your sword and
communicating inanother round :shrug:
Is that what you think this is all about? winning rounds by
this way via fidonet? What are you defending?again in
Trump already won, and I hate to break it to you, but he will win
sword and lostuh... it has already been brought... you dropped your
another round :shrug:
Is that what you think this is all about?
says he who was all about winning a few weeks ago...
Anyone watching the debates? What a bunch of clowns. Blah Blah thesame
old retoric.
who said anything about human trafficking?? i didn't and you haven't
until now while you try to throw all kinds of muck into the discussion
who said anything about human trafficking?? i didn't and you haven't
until now while you try to throw all kinds of muck into the discussion
We're both twisting each others words around, so that doesn't help anyone.
But moving forward, what can we do for all the victims? (Let's not
talk about who's victims they really are.)
We can start a food drive for them? I'd donate to that. Wouldn't you?
Separating children from their parents, then placing them up for >LL>adoption to US citizens, is government-sanctioned kidnapping. Since
No matter what you call it, children have been forcibly removed from their
parents every day by courts.
If you let illegal aliens have a free pass when it comes to
child-endangerment, you're going to have a lot of angry Americans.
caretakers (parents, legal guardians, etc.), this could be considered >LL>being an act of war by the countries where they are from.
These governments, that are supposedly oppressive, wouldn't dare attack the >USA, and especially not for human rights. They should be ashamed that their >citizens are leaving.
ml>>>> which ones are those? how do you know they are criminals? who said
ml>>>> they are criminals? where's the proof?
GD> Want Proof? read on.
HINT: only a judge can determine if someone is a criminal...
no one else...
Trump already won, and I hate to break it to you, but he will win
again in 2020.
I don't think so. Remember, it's not who votes that counts, it's who
counts the votes.
HINT: only a judge can determine if someone is a criminal...
An unjust law has no basis for making anybody a criminal.
no one else...
Bullshit. FDR ordered the internment of thousands of US citizens,
most of whom were Japanese or of Japanese ancestry. This included
women and children. Just because he did not like the color of
their skin.
GWB ordered the internment of just over a thousand people, some
of whom were US citizens, on the basis of them being suspected of
being Muslim.
About half were deported, since they were not US citizens. The rest
were eventually released. And one was actually put on trial and convicted, sentenced to life (the Muslim guy who chickened out being a hijacker).
anymore.sorry, i'm not twisting any words around...
It's ok, I forgive you. It's a relief that you won't be doing that
firstly we can stop locking them up in cages...
We can't do anything about that; that's up to border patrol.
I'm asking *what can we do* not *what can we stop others from doing.*
We can start a food drive for them? I'd donate to that. Wouldn't
i would if i had disposible $$$ i could do that with, sure... the
Come on Mark, we all know you live in Maryland.
That's one of the most expensive states in all of the USA. You can't
spare a can of peas
or a tube of toothpaste to help the people you're here crying for?
Because you're afraid the evil republicans will spill the beans on the floor, and have an orgy in it, in front of starving illegal alien children?
On 06-28-19 06:46, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Mark Lewis about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
have you finished reading th emueller report yet?
No not yet, but what I have read thus far, concludes and supports,
No Collision and No Obstruction.
On 06-28-19 14:30, Mark Lewis <=-
spoke to Gregory Deyss about War or Planefuls of <=-
What about the angel moms & dads who had their children murdered at
the hands of these invaders / migrants.
angel moms and dads? murdered children? invaders? WTF are you on about now?
sorry, i'm not twisting any words around...
firstly we can stop locking them up in cages...
We can start a food drive for them? I'd donate to that. Wouldn't you?
i would if i had disposible $$$ i could do that with, sure... the
Separating children from their parents is a violation of human
rights, as well as a violation of international law. This "zero
If you let illegal aliens have a free pass when it comes to
child-endangerment, you're going to have a lot of angry Americans.
You ae comparing *children* as being criminals? That is twisted!
Donald J. Trump and his Republican enablers should be ashamed of themselves for their adamant refusal to help those countries better
HINT: only a judge can determine if someone is a criminal...
An unjust law has no basis for making anybody a criminal.
until that law is found unjust, it is still the law...
the question is if the law is found unjust and removed, are those who were
prosecuted under that unjust law still criminals?
no one else...
Bullshit. FDR ordered the internment of thousands of US citizens,
most of whom were Japanese or of Japanese ancestry. This included >LL>women and children. Just because he did not like the color of
their skin.
was there a law passed to cause this?
did those people stand trial and were they found guilty of criminal activity
under that law?
i think hikaru kato sulu might have something to say about that ;)
GWB ordered the internment of just over a thousand people, some
of whom were US citizens, on the basis of them being suspected of
being Muslim.
being muslim is against a law???
should i be scared if i worship in the muslim way?
Separating children from their parents is a violation of human
rights, as well as a violation of international law. This "zero
Sorry to break it to you, but in that case, the USA has never cared about
what you call "human rights."
I was separated from my kid by the court 12 years ago, and I didn't even
endanger him.
Didn't make him swim the rio, didn't make him ride across provinces under
the hood of a cement truck either.
But I still love the USA and won't do anything to offend it.
If you let illegal aliens have a free pass when it comes to >child-endangerment, you're going to have a lot of angry Americans.
You ae comparing *children* as being criminals? That is twisted!
You're making no sense of the stuff you quoted me on? That's twisted too!
Donald J. Trump and his Republican enablers should be ashamed of >LL>themselves for their adamant refusal to help those countries better
What do you, on behalf of central american ldcs, want us to do to fix your
failed products of greed? Want us to buy you some abortions? How about if
we buy some of your drugs too? - Wait - we've been doing you these favors
for years now!
Who's asked for help & been denied?
On 2019 Jun 28 07:25:18, you wrote to me:said
which ones are those? how do you know they are criminals? who
else...they are criminals? where's the proof?
Want Proof? read on.
HINT: only a judge can determine if someone is a criminal... no one
"you people" calling asylum seekers criminals before they even get achance to
make their request is putting the cart before the horse as well asstepping out
of your lane and displaying your agendas...
HINT: only a judge can determine if someone is a criminal... no one
else... "you people" calling asylum seekers criminals before they
even get a chance to make their request is putting the cart before
the horse as well as stepping out of your lane and displaying your
How about the ones who claimed asylum, saw a judge, had their claim
denied (most are bogus) and DIDN'T LEAVE THE COUNTRY as the judge
How about the ones who claimed asylum, saw a judge, had their claim
denied (most are bogus) and DIDN'T LEAVE THE COUNTRY as the judge
geez... i guess my parent were wrong for allowing me to ride the bus and fly alone to go from southern georgia to north carolina to visit my grandparents, then... or was is when i flew to DC to visit one of my cousins' families? i was less than twn for one of those trips... less
then 14 for the others... BTW: nothing happened... the rides and flights were enjoyable...
angel moms and dads? murdered children? invaders? WTF are you on about now?
sword and lostuh... it has already been brought... you dropped your
another round :shrug:
Is that what you think this is all about?
says he who was all about winning a few weeks ago...
Anyone watching the debates? What a bunch of clowns. Blah Blah the
same old retoric.
geez... i guess my parent were wrong for allowing me to ride the bus
and fly alone to go from southern georgia to north carolina to visit
my grandparents, then... or was is when i flew to DC to visit one of
my cousins' families? i was less than twn for one of those trips...
less then 14 for the others... BTW: nothing happened... the rides and
flights were enjoyable...
The examples that you have provided show that you are ignoring the
dangers that exist for children traveling alone to the U.S. It is
clear that you are trying to demonstrate that what you were allowed to
do by being allowed to travel alone. - with your examples. They are
not the same circumstances, in-fact they are vastly different. You
know very well that they are vastly different.
You're not that dumb and you know what I am talking about.
However if it's not clear, let me put it another way. Your suggesting.
"I did it, traveled alone" - what's the big deal? You as a child - traveling alone many years ago on a bus or even flying alone is far different than what the dangers that exist on a daily basis for these children traveling along across the desert, all that they must endure
and have to deal with as they hope with each step they get closer and closer to a better life.
Having said that, why is it I wonder, that you chose to make such an ignorant statement, specially when you knew in advance that I would
deem it as such.
Clearly... I am not opposed to anyone coming to the U.S. as long as
come here legally.
angel moms and dads? murdered children? invaders? WTF are you on
about now?
This *IS* the problem with the other-side! They wear blinders and only see what they want to see.
Bad things happen by the hands of these adult migrants / criminals.
They are not the "just want a better life & piece of the American
dream people" that you and others paint them to be.
This is what WTF, I'm talking about!
how is that any different than what was stated before, which you cut
out, where other young children are traveling alone?
it may surprise you what i have done as a child and what i allowed my children to do... camping, hiking, learning survival skills were all
part of that...
how are they coming here illegally? be specific with absolute proof...
not some bullshit that your orange clown has been spewing...
you should have lead with that, then, instead of just spewing it forth like projectile vomit...
how is that any different than what was stated before, which you cut
out, where other young children are traveling alone?
Scenario A: Child travels lawfully around the world, all alone.
Scenario B: Child travels unlawfully around central america,
how are they coming here illegally? be specific with absolute proof... >ml>not some bullshit that your orange clown has been spewing...
I suppose the Italians are also nasty because they too don't want migrants
in their country either.
In-fact name me one country besides Germany that has an open arms policy
with migrants welcome, no need for paperwork, just come on in..
you should have lead with that, then, instead of just spewing it forth >ml>like projectile vomit...
There should of been no need to explain or to define the term Angel Mom's & >Dad's. It should of been understood the first time I wrote angel moms....
how is that any different than what was stated before, which you cut >ml>>out, where other young children are traveling alone?
Scenario A: Child travels lawfully around the world, all alone.
Scenario B: Child travels unlawfully around central america,
prove it...
and remember that only judges can determine legal or not...
atOn 06-28-19 14:30, Mark Lewis <=-
spoke to Gregory Deyss about War or Planefuls of <=-
What about the angel moms & dads who had their children murdered
aboutthe hands of these invaders / migrants.
angel moms and dads? murdered children? invaders? WTF are you on
He is echoing Trumps false claim that these immigrants are full of
rapists and murderers who only want to bring drugs into USA.
On 2019 Jun 29 12:20:06, you wrote to me:one
HINT: only a judge can determine if someone is a criminal... no
theyelse... "you people" calling asylum seekers criminals before
beforeeven get a chance to make their request is putting the cart
yourthe horse as well as stepping out of your lane and displaying
How about the ones who claimed asylum, saw a judge, had their
denied (most are bogus) and DIDN'T LEAVE THE COUNTRY as the judge ordered?
which ones would those be, bob?
On 28 Jun 2019, BOB ACKLEY said the following...enjoy the
I did not watch this circus, but I have heard from others who did
cotton candy as they did tune in.debate as
No presence of the American Flag, and these people are having a
one hopes to stand out among the cess pool of candidates to be thenext
None of them have a prayer against Trump.
On 2019 Jun 30 09:12:50, you wrote to me:the bus
geez... i guess my parent were wrong for allowing me to ride
visitand fly alone to go from southern georgia to north carolina to
one ofmy grandparents, then... or was is when i flew to DC to visit
trips...my cousins' families? i was less than twn for one of those
rides andless then 14 for the others... BTW: nothing happened... the
theflights were enjoyable...
The examples that you have provided show that you are ignoring
allowed todangers that exist for children traveling alone to the U.S. It is
clear that you are trying to demonstrate that what you were
aredo by being allowed to travel alone. - with your examples. They
Younot the same circumstances, in-fact they are vastly different.
know very well that they are vastly different.
dude... damn...
1. i was a young child
2. i was allowed to travel ALONE
He is echoing Trumps false claim that these immigrants are full of
rapists and murderers who only want to bring drugs into USA.
Not so false. There have been several instances in the Omaha area
where crimes were committed by "undocumented" aliens
None of them have a prayer against Trump.
Don't count your chickens.
As the late Josef Stalin noted: "It's not who votes that counts, it's who
counts the votes."
On 07-01-19 15:32, Bob Ackley <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
angel moms and dads? murdered children? invaders? WTF are you onabout
He is echoing Trumps false claim that these immigrants are full of
rapists and murderers who only want to bring drugs into USA.
Not so false. There have been several instances in the Omaha area
where crimes were committed by "undocumented" aliens
On 07-01-19 06:35, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Mark Lewis about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
In-fact name me one country besides Germany that has an open arms
policy with migrants welcome, no need for paperwork, just come on in..
Scenario B: Child travels unlawfully around central america,
prove it... and remember that only judges can determine legal or not...
It is engraved at the base of the Statue of Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
You cannot deny that as being the tradition and soul of the USA.
Scenario B: Child travels unlawfully around central america,
prove it... and remember that only judges can determine legal or
You can fight for illegal migrants in court if you want, but my support is for border patrol, police, and the law; not respect for loopholes.
Do you fight with food stamp authorities often? They say "You need to
make this much $$$ or less to qualify." So then do you tell them
"America is a nation of handouts - give me my damn handout?"
In-fact name me one country besides Germany that has an open arms policy with migrants welcome, no need for paperwork, just come on in..
but in regard to your question, no, i don't argue with food stamp authorities...
but in regard to your question, no, i don't argue with food stamp
I'm sorry, that was a rude example for me to use. I just was wondering what you think about handouts. I've had foodstamps in the past, but I don't qualify anymore.
But foodstamps are a good example of people exploiting loopholes for personal gain. I know a woman who refuses to change jobs simply
because of foodstamps and medicaid. She's an idiot. I try telling her places where she can make good money, and get bcbs insurance, but
she's stuck on this loophole: if she can make lousy money all her
life, then she can be on foodstamps & medicaid all her life too.
It is engraved at the base of the Statue of Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the
homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
You cannot deny that as being the tradition and soul of the USA.
On 2019 Jul 03 09:24:20, you wrote to me:wondering
but in regard to your question, no, i don't argue with food stamp
I'm sorry, that was a rude example for me to use. I just was
Iwhat you think about handouts. I've had foodstamps in the past, but
don't qualify anymore.
handouts can be beneficial at times...
Re: Re: War or Planefuls ofbreathe
By: Dale Shipp to Gregory Deyss on Tue Jul 02 2019 01:43 am
It is engraved at the base of the Statue of Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to
door!"free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden
documentryYou cannot deny that as being the tradition and soul of the USA.
This is a VERY good point. I just happened to watch a very good
about the Statue of Liberty and the imigrants. They showed the writingyou
mentioned. It also outlined the struggles of the Irish Immigrants. I amof
German decent. Now I'm not ready to give up my "postion" on theImmigrants
trying to force their way into our Great Country. It is an illegal actand
should not go unpunished. However, I will admit I have had a "change ofheart"
regarding Immigrants. It's clear to me it was a very different time in America's history when the Statue of Liberty was built. However, nobodycan
deny what is stands for.. That's all I have to say for today.
It's odd that those who support the illegals are curiously silent about the asylum that was denied to the passengers aboard the USS Saint Louis -
On 07-01-19 06:35, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Mark Lewis about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
In-fact name me one country besides Germany that has an open arms policy with migrants welcome, no need for paperwork, just come on in.
In fact, name me one country besides the USA that has it ingrained in
its history to accept the downtrodded immigrants from other places.
It is engraved at the base of the Statue of Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
You cannot deny that as being the tradition and soul of the USA.
On 07-03-19 16:41, Bob Ackley <=-
spoke to Steve Wolf about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
It's odd that those who support the illegals are curiously silent
about the asylum that was denied to the passengers aboard the USS
Saint Louis - of course they were German Jews that were fleeing
Hitler's government. They weren't even allowed to land, nor was the
ship allowed to resupply; the ship eventually moved down to a
Caribbean island so it could offload its passengers
On 07-03-19 16:41, Bob Ackley <=-
spoke to Steve Wolf about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
It's odd that those who support the illegals are curiously silent about the asylum that was denied to the passengers aboard the USS Saint Louis - of course they were German Jews that were fleeing Hitler's government. They weren't even allowed to land, nor was the ship allowed to resupply; the ship eventually moved down to a Caribbean island so it could offload its passengers
I also deplore the passing out of smallpox laden
blankets to our Native American people, and the forceable removal of
their children where they were placed in English schools and forbidden
to speak their language.
You cannot deny that as being the tradition and soul of the USA.
I don't deny any American tradition, but won't just sit back and let the stooges on the left, once again to twist the words, politicizing it's
Tens of Thousands came to the United States via Ellis Island - but they came legally, they didn't sneak across the border like the cockroaches
It's odd that those who support the illegals are curiously silent
about the asylum that was denied to the passengers aboard the USS
Saint Louis - of course they were German Jews that were fleeing
Hitler's government. They weren't even allowed to land, nor was
the ship allowed to resupply; the ship eventually moved down to a
Caribbean island so it could offload its passengers
Read all about it and how it actually happened without the \ left slant. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-tragedy-of-s-s-st-louis
On 2019 Jul 04 10:28:38, you wrote to Dale Shipp:
It's odd that those who support the illegals are curiously silent
about the asylum that was denied to the passengers aboard the USS
Saint Louis - of course they were German Jews that were fleeing
Hitler's government. They weren't even allowed to land, nor was
the ship allowed to resupply; the ship eventually moved down to a
Caribbean island so it could offload its passengers
Read all about it and how it actually happened without the \ left sla https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-tragedy-of-s-s-st-louis
so instead read it with a / right slant?? how about one with | no
slant?? how can anyone tell which \|/ slant there is?? :eyeroll:
so instead read it with a / right slant?? how about one with | no
slant?? how can anyone tell which \|/ slant there is?? :eyeroll:
The url that I provided is the truth as told by the Jewish Virtual Library which paints different picture than the one previously indicated.
On 07-04-19 00:53, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
It is engraved at the base of the Statue of Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
You cannot deny that as being the tradition and soul of the USA.
I don't deny any American tradition, but won't just sit back and let
the stooges on the left, once again to twist the words, politicizing
it's meaning.
Every-time immigration is in the news or upon our minds the left likes
to quote this phrase to twist it's meaning.
Tens of Thousands came to the United States via Ellis Island - but
they came legally, they didn't sneak across the border like the
cockroaches of today that
On 07-04-19 10:28, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
I also deplore the passing out of smallpox laden
blankets to our Native American people, and the forceable removal of
their children where they were placed in English schools and forbidden
to speak their language.
Given the politicization of this topic, it seems necessary to
acknowledge at the outset that far too many instances of the U.S. Army committing outrages against various Indian tribes can be documented. A number of these were explicitly genocidal in intent. It is not the intention of this author to deny that simple fact. However, as the
eminent Cherokee sociologist Russell Thornton
has observed of Ward Churchill's fabricated version of the 1837
smallpox epidemic.
"The history is bad enough, there's no need to embellish it"
On 07-04-19 09:08, Aaron Thomas <=-
spoke to Gregory Deyss about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Tens of Thousands came to the United States via Ellis Island - but they came legally, they didn't sneak across the border like the cockroaches
They say "My great-grandparents were immigrants too," but they always
fall short of saying "..and they faced extreme scrutiny at Ellis
Island; were tested for diseases like tuberculosis, and if they tested positive, were sent back to Europe."
How is that different from the people appearing at our southern borderthan
who are looking for asylum -- and are fleeing far worse conditions
the people who came in through Ellis Island.
cockroaches of today that
They are not cockroaches. They are human beings.
They are not cockroaches. They are human beings.
How many thousand of them are you *personally* going to feed and house?
How is that different from the people appearing at our southern border
Island; were tested for diseases like tuberculosis, and if they teste positive, were sent back to Europe."
Hey -- that sounds like a good plan for the southern border. Why do exactly that?
I don't deny any American tradition, but won't just sit back and let the stooges on the left, once again to twist the words, politicizing it's meaning.
Every-time immigration is in the news or upon our minds the left like to quote this phrase to twist it's meaning.
There is no twisting nor politicizing of the meaning. The meaning is quite clear. It is not politics, it is humanity.
It is engraved at the base of the Statue of Liberty: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breat free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door"
Tens of Thousands came to the United States via Ellis Island - but they came legally, they didn't sneak across the border like the
They got on a boat and came here. They did not have papers before they
got here. They did not have jobs before they got here. They were
fleeing from unacceptable situations in their home country, and were looking for a better life.
How is that different from the people appearing at our southern border
who are looking for asylum -- and are fleeing far worse conditions than the people who came in through Ellis Island.
cockroaches of todayThey are not cockroaches. They are human beings.
On 07-04-19 09:08, Aaron Thomas <=-
spoke to Gregory Deyss about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Tens of Thousands came to the United States via Ellis Island - but th came legally, they didn't sneak across the border like the cockroache
They say "My great-grandparents were immigrants too," but they always fall short of saying "..and they faced extreme scrutiny at Ellis Island; were tested for diseases like tuberculosis, and if they teste positive, were sent back to Europe."
Hey -- that sounds like a good plan for the southern border. Why do exactly that?
On 07-05-19 12:27, Mark Lewis <=-
spoke to Bob Ackley about War or Planefuls of <=-
On 2019 Jul 05 11:12:36, you wrote to DALE SHIPP:
They are not cockroaches. They are human beings.
How many thousand of them are you *personally* going to feed and house?
no one is personally feeding them, bob... so hop right off
that stupid train, man... furrfu...
On 07-05-19 14:02, Aaron Thomas <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
How is that different from the people appearing at our southern border
That question has been answered too many times already. I'm starting
to understand why people complain about repeat questions on
On 07-05-19 14:08, Aaron Thomas <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Island; were tested for diseases like
tuberculosis, and if they teste
positive, were sent back to Europe."
Hey -- that sounds like a good plan for the southern border. Why
[not left out by mistake] do
exactly that?
Why not? Because they're sneaking in.
"But Aaron, they're not sneaking in.."
Some are and some aren't. Many people are being smuggled in. Not using
a port of entry. Or, using a port of entry, but in a concealed
90% of the people issued citations don't show up for court. Do we just ignore that, and act like the other 10% is what the conservatives are complaining about? (twist-a-roo?)
On 07-05-19 21:20, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
True but most knew a trade, my Family came from Hamburg, Germany and settled in Sand Lake / Averill Park, N.Y., in Upstate New York, not far from where I am now Schodack Landing, N.Y.
How is that different from the people appearing at our southern border
who are looking for asylum -- and are fleeing far worse conditions than the people who came in through Ellis Island.
There is a "Yuge" difference, between those people who came to Ellis Island to be processed and then granted access into our country to
make a better life for
themselves and their families, my ancestors were among the
tens of thousands of
people who all had the same American dream.
They were not looking for a handout
Also in the crowd from Ellis Island was the Great Grandfather to Donald Trump and just look at what that family has been able to accompli$h.
The only way the migrants - south of the border that you as well as
others are so compassionate about would be similar to the folks who
came to America via Ellis island is if they were to get in line to
become citizens, the correct
many of them from south of the border do bring crime,
was the case with the bought and paid for the fake Russian Dossier, and called it Russian Collusion. Recently it was discovered that there is
NO intel to support support such a allegation. (sounds about right and accurate. Made up just like I have been saying.
They might appear to me to more human to me and even gain a bit of understanding and even be compassionate to their cause.
If they did not violate U.S. Sovereignty.
On 07-05-19 21:27, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
They say "My great-grandparents were immigrants
too," but they always
fall short of saying "..and they faced extreme scrutiny at Ellis
Island; were tested for diseases like
tuberculosis, and if they teste
positive, were sent back to Europe."
Hey -- that sounds like a good plan for the southern border. Why do exactly that?
That would not work and you know it Alexandria Ocasio-Kotex-Cortez wouldn't allow it.
Why don't you try to give a simple and logical explanation as to what
the difference is? Because I have not seen one.
True but most knew a trade, my Family came from Hamburg, Germany and settled in Sand Lake / Averill Park, N.Y., in Upstate New York, not f from where I am now Schodack Landing, N.Y.
So what was the trade of those first imigrants from your family?
There is no evidence that most of the current migrants are looking for a handout.
Also in the crowd from Ellis Island was the Great Grandfather to Dona Trump and just look at what that family has been able to accompli$h.And why can't that be true in the future for the immigrants from the south?
Of course there are some criminals in the migration, but "many" is an unsupported claim. Almost all of them are seeking escape from the conditions in their country of origin.
As has been said many times, and some folks keep ignoring, much of that "Dossier" has been substantiated by investigation. None has been proven false.
On 07-05-19 21:27, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
They say "My great-grandparents were immigrants
too," but they always
fall short of saying "..and they faced extreme scrutiny at Ellis Island; were tested for diseases like
tuberculosis, and if they teste
positive, were sent back to Europe."
Hey -- that sounds like a good plan for the southern border. Why do exactly that?
That would not work and you know it Alexandria Ocasio-Kotex-Cortez wouldn't allow it.
Why wouldn't it work? Explain.
Alexandria Ocasio-Kotex-Cortez, she would rally around these people and claim that the evil nation are racial pro-filling these people and there would be sweet music coming from a nearby violin. That's why it would not work.
Correct. They walk in, surrender themselves to the border patrol and
ask for asylum.
Some are and some aren't. Many people are being smuggled in. Not usin a port of entry. Or, using a port of entry, but in a concealed container.
What is your source for that info. If they are being smuggled in, or in
a concealed container -- then how did they end up in the cages of the border guard?
handout. There is plenty of evidence that they are simply fleeing from
an intolerable situation.
but breitbart says [...]
On 07-06-19 10:15, Aaron Thomas <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Why don't you try to give a simple and logical explanation as to what
the difference is? Because I have not seen one.
Gregory Deyss <sp> gave one a couple messages ago, but ok..
Immigrants coming through Ellis Island:
Came legally without using a legal loophole
Didn't sneak in through rivers or deserts
Were subject to health screenings
Illegal cockroaches coming through the southern border:
Come illegally or via a legal loophole, which 90% abuse
Sneaking in through the Rio Grande or deserts
Not subject to health screenings - tuberculosis is a-ok
On 07-06-19 13:26, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
True but most knew a trade, my Family came from Hamburg, Germany and settled in Sand Lake / Averill Park, N.Y., in
Upstate New York, not f
from where I am now Schodack Landing, N.Y.
So what was the trade of those first immigrants from your family?
I am researching my family's history, but I do know that they were Carpenter's - there is a house still standing today built overlooking Crooked Lake of which is just outside of Averill Park, N.Y.
There is no evidence that most of the current migrants are looking for a handout.
You really don't understand the cost associated for housing,
health-care, education - the expense is enormous and it's not coming
from any of these people, it's the good old American Tax Payer footing
the bill.
Also in the crowd from Ellis Island was the Great
Grandfather to Dona
Trump and just look at what that family has been able to accompli$h.
And why can't that be true in the future for the immigrants from the south?
They lack one very necessary ingredient, ambition.
Of course there are some criminals in the migration, but "many" is an unsupported claim. Almost all of them are seeking escape from the conditions in their country of origin.
Tell Kate Steinle parents that, she was shot just walking down the
pier with her Father by a scumbag immigrant who was deported five
As has been said many times, and some folks keep ignoring, much of that "Dossier" has been substantiated by investigation. None has been proven false.
It has been proven false over and over again, it reads like a story
out of Penthouse magazine, you got to be pretty sick and twisted to
even write such a thing, but that is what hate and rage is all about.
On 07-06-19 13:32, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
On 06 Jul 2019, Dale Shipp said the following...
On 07-05-19 21:27, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
They say "My great-grandparents were immigrants
too," but they always
fall short of saying "..and they faced extreme scrutiny at Ellis Island; were tested for diseases like
tuberculosis, and if they teste
positive, were sent back to Europe."
Hey -- that sounds like a good plan for the southern border. Why do exactly that?
That would not work and you know it Alexandria Ocasio-Kotex-Cortez wouldn't allow it.
Why wouldn't it work? Explain.
Alexandria Ocasio-Kotex-Cortez, she would rally around these people
and claim that the evil nation are racial pro-filling these people and there would be sweet music coming from a nearby violin. That's why it would not work.
On 07-06-19 15:06, Aaron Thomas <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
handout. There is plenty of evidence that they are simply fleeing from
an intolerable situation.
Where's that evidence? What's "intolerable" from your perspective? Low wages? Crime in the neighborhood? There's none of that here in the USA, right?
On 2019 Jul 06 13:32:18, you wrote to Dale Shipp:
Alexandria Ocasio-Kotex-Cortez, she would rally around these people a claim that the evil nation are racial pro-filling these people and th would be sweet music coming from a nearby violin. That's why it would work.
pro-filling?? dude, please... at least proof read your posts before hitting the send button :eyeroll:
On 07-06-19 13:26, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
True but most knew a trade, my Family came from Hamburg, Germany and settled in Sand Lake / Averill Park, N.Y., in
Upstate New York, not f
from where I am now Schodack Landing, N.Y.
So what was the trade of those first immigrants from your family?
I am researching my family's history, but I do know that they were Carpenter's - there is a house still standing today built overlooking Crooked Lake of which is just outside of Averill Park, N.Y.
Good for them. I still doubt that all of them had such a trade. Many
of them were shareholders, making a meager living on the land.
There is no evidence that most of the current migrants are looking fo handout.
You really don't understand the cost associated for housing, health-care, education - the expense is enormous and it's not coming from any of these people, it's the good old American Tax Payer footin the bill.
Once they get here, most are quite willing to work if allowed to. Who
do you think picks those farm vegetables and fruits that you eat? They will pay taxes, they will pay into social security and medicare once
they are allowed to be documented.
Tell Kate Steinle parents that, she was shot just walking down the pier with her Father by a scumbag immigrant who was deported five times.
OK, that was one out of 100,000 plus. It is not representative of the hundreds of immigrants, no matter how much your supreme leader would
like you to believe.
As has been said many times, and some folks keep ignoring, much of th "Dossier" has been substantiated by investigation. None has been pro false.
It has been proven false over and over again, it reads like a story out of Penthouse magazine, you got to be pretty sick and twisted to even write such a thing, but that is what hate and rage is all about.
Show me any reputable article that proves any of it false. As I said, much of it has been proven, none has been disproven.
Alexandria Ocasio-Kotex-Cortez, she would rally around these people and claim that the evil nation are racial profiling these people an there would be sweet music coming from a nearby violin. That's why it would not work.
On 07-06-19 15:06, Aaron Thomas <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
handout. There is plenty of evidence that they are simply fleeing fr an intolerable situation.
Where's that evidence? What's "intolerable" from your perspective? Lo wages? Crime in the neighborhood? There's none of that here in the US right?
How about being told by the gangs "your 10 year old son joins our gang
and works with us, or we will kill your entire family"? Is that
tolerable in your mind?
Once they get here, most are quite willing to work if allowed to.
Who do you think picks those farm vegetables and fruits that you eat?
They will pay taxes, they will pay into social security and medicare
once they are allowed to be documented.
There is already enough people in the country picking the farm
These people are just as concerned with more people coming here
illegally, because it could very well mean competition from even
cheaper labor.
Show me any reputable article that proves any of it false. As I said,
much of it has been proven, none has been disproven.
Here it is the reputable article that breaks it down and spells it out. Very clear and easy to understand.
How about being told by the gangs "your 10 year old son joins our
gang and works with us, or we will kill your entire family"? Is that
tolerable in your mind?
Why would any decent parent, allow their 10 year child join a gang?
It's called Parenting or in your erroneous fairytale it is called lack
of parenting.
They are not sneaking in. They walk across, and immediately turn themselves into the border patrol for processing.
If they do not get any health screening that is the fault of the border patrol, not them.
They are not cockroaches, they are human beings. Your use of
denigrating terms does not diminish their plight.
Come illegally or via a legal loophole, which 90% abuse
What loophole is that?
See above. You repeated yourself.
So fix that. Give them a medical screening. And btw, tuberculosis is a lot more treatable today than it was back in the days of Ellis Island.
Once they get here, most are quite willing to work if allowed to. Who
do you think picks those farm vegetables and fruits that you eat? They
How about being told by the gangs "your 10 year old son joins our gang
and works with us, or we will kill your entire family"? Is that
tolerable in your mind?
These people are just as concerned with more people coming here illegally, because it could very well mean competition from even cheaper labor.
you have no clue...
Show me any reputable article that proves any of it false. As I sai
much of it has been proven, none has been disproven.
Here it is the reputable article that breaks it down and spells it ou Very clear and easy to understand.
that's an OPINION piece on a conservative publisher's site... one with a highly conservative slant... certainly not reputable...
Why would any decent parent, allow their 10 year child join a gang? It's called Parenting or in your erroneous fairytale it is called lac of parenting.
so when the crips and/or bloods come and tell you the above, are you
going to pull the trigger on your kids and spouse or are you going to
let the gang do it for you?
Very clear and easy to understand.
that's an OPINION piece on a conservative publisher's site... one
with a highly conservative slant... certainly not reputable...
It's from the side, where truth lives.
How about being told by the gangs "your 10 year old son joins our
gang and works with us, or we will kill your entire family"? Is
that tolerable in your mind?
Why would any decent parent, allow their 10 year child join a gang?
It's called Parenting or in your erroneous fairytale it is called
lack of parenting.
so when the crips and/or bloods come and tell you the above, are you
going to pull the trigger on your kids and spouse or are you going to
let the gang do it for you?
because I would not allow such events to take place,
because it comes down to a choice; of where you live, how you live.
The last time I checked there no thugs of this kind here in Schodack,
On 07-07-19 08:33, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Once they get here, most are quite willing to work if allowed to. Who
do you think picks those farm vegetables and fruits that you eat? They will pay taxes, they will pay into social security and medicare once
they are allowed to be documented.
There is already enough people in the country picking the farm
vegetables. These people are just as concerned with more people coming here illegally, because it could very well mean competition from even cheaper labor.
Tell Kate Steinle parents that, she was shot just walking down the pier with her Father by a scumbag immigrant who was deported five times.
OK, that was one out of 100,000 plus. It is not representative of the hundreds of immigrants, no matter how much your supreme leader would
like you to believe.
Was her life any less important?
It has been proven false over and over again, it reads like a story out of Penthouse magazine, you got to be pretty sick and twisted to even write such a thing, but that is what hate
and rage is all about.
Show me any reputable article that proves any of it false. As I said, much of it has been proven, none has been disproven.
Here it is the reputable article that breaks it down and spells it
out. Very clear and easy to understand.
On 07-07-19 08:46, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
How about being told by the gangs "your 10 year old son joins our gang
and works with us, or we will kill your entire family"? Is that
tolerable in your mind?
Why would any decent parent, allow their 10 year child join a gang?
It's called Parenting or in your erroneous fairytale it is called lack
of parenting.
that's an OPINION piece on a conservative publisher's site... one
with a highly conservative slant... certainly not reputable...
It's from the side, where truth lives.
just like arseholes, everyone has their truth... that doesn't make it
the real truth... especially when it is slanted to one side or the other... quit leaning! stand up straight and look at both sides so you
get a valid picture down the middle... it isn't that hard to do...
It's from the side, where truth lives.
just like arseholes, everyone has their truth... that doesn't make it
the real truth... especially when it is slanted to one side or the
other... quit leaning! stand up straight and look at both sides so
you get a valid picture down the middle... it isn't that hard to
Truth is truth, even in the northeast 2+2=4, it adds up is what I am saying. I much prefer this version, because the other version has no
basis in fact. When you examine it, clearly there are lies and vile
hated from the delusional left. It is quite evident, it's disturbing,
and very disgusting.
Tell me, why should I be interested in anything that the left has to say.
stop and think about what you are saying... there's so much that is
damned near exactly what the other sides are saying yet you can't even
see that... that's really what's evident, disturbing and disgusting...
blinders! blinders! get your blinders here!
On 07-07-19 08:33, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Once they get here, most are quite willing to work if allowed to. Wh do you think picks those farm vegetables and fruits that you eat? Th will pay taxes, they will pay into social security and medicare once they are allowed to be documented.
There is already enough people in the country picking the farm vegetables. These people are just as concerned with more people comin here illegally, because it could very well mean competition from even cheaper labor.
Who do you think are doing those jobs now? I would venture to say that most of them are undocumented workers. Not only in that agriculture industry either. Recently they found out that Trump had many
undocumented workers at his golf courses, probably doing the jobs that
no one else wanted and making less than minimal wage at that.
Tell Kate Steinle parents that, she was shot just walking down t pier with her Father by a scumbag immigrant who was deported fiv times.
OK, that was one out of 100,000 plus. It is not representative of th hundreds of immigrants, no matter how much your supreme leader would like you to believe.
Was her life any less important?
Of course not. But as I said, her murderer was one of hundreds of thousands of undocumented aliens. But it is one instance in the
hundreds of murders that take place every day.
It has been proven false over and over again, it reads like a st out of Penthouse magazine, you got to be pretty sick and twisted even write such a thing, but that is what hate
and rage is all about.
Show me any reputable article that proves any of it false. As I said much of it has been proven, none has been disproven.
Here it is the reputable article that breaks it down and spells it out. Very clear and easy to understand.
Sorry, you lose.
On 07-09-19 20:17, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Show me any reputable article that proves any of
it false. As I said
much of it has been proven, none has been disproven.
Here it is the reputable article that breaks it down and spells it
out. Very clear and easy to understand.
Sorry, you lose.
Wrong again, it's called winning, doubt me?
two plus years of a investigation, costing the American tax
payer many millions
of dollars.
Look who is STILL in The White House..
Then explain it to me again.
Look who is STILL in The White House..For now. But as soon as he is voted out, criminal charges against him will be issued as a result of the things documented in the Mueller
Then explain it to me again.
Oh, and let's not forget about the many convictions and indictments made as a direct result of the Mueller SC inquiry. Or have you forgotten?
Look who is STILL in The White House..
For now. But as soon as he is voted out, criminal charges against him
will be issued as a result of the things documented in the Mueller
Then explain it to me again.
Oh, and let's not forget about the many convictions and indictments made
as a direct result of the Mueller SC inquiry. Or have you forgotten?
DS> GD> Look who is STILL in The White House..
DS> For now. But as soon as he is voted out, criminal charges against
DS> will be issued as a result of the things documented in the Mueller
DS> report.
DS> GD> Then explain it to me again.
DS> Oh, and let's not forget about the many convictions and indictments made
DS> as a direct result of the Mueller SC inquiry. Or have you forgotten?
Here is how it works Dale, there can be no indictment, this requires >evidence.
There is none, however there is lots of evidence against Hillary
Clinton but she gets a pass, because she had said that she did not >intentionally do it knowingly, yeah... it does not work like that.
What your putting forward is a fairytale to coax your ego but it is a
fantasy to give your life purpose. How sad is that?
Illegal cockroaches coming through the southern border:
Come illegally or via a legal loophole, which 90% abuse
Sneaking in through the Rio Grande or deserts
Not subject to health screenings - tuberculosis is a-ok
The USA has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world -
On 2019 Jul 07 08:33:38, you wrote to Dale Shipp:to.
Once they get here, most are quite willing to work if allowed
you eat?Who do you think picks those farm vegetables and fruits that
medicareThey will pay taxes, they will pay into social security and
from farm toonce they are allowed to be documented.
There is already enough people in the country picking the farm vegetables.
no there's not... the majority are migrant workers... they travel
farm during the seasons and generally go home during the winter toreturn the
next planting and growing season so as to be ready when harvest timecomes
On 07-10-19 06:56, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Look who is STILL in The White House..
For now. But as soon as he is voted out, criminal charges against him will be issued as a result of the things documented in the Mueller
Then explain it to me again.
Oh, and let's not forget about the many convictions and indictments made as a direct result of the Mueller SC inquiry. Or have you forgotten?
Here is how it works Dale, there can be no indictment, this requires evidence. There is none,
On 07-10-19 16:19, Bob Ackley <=-
spoke to Mark Lewis about War or Planefuls of <=-
True. And the overwhelming majority of them enter the country legally
and return home when they're finished
On 07-10-19 06:56, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Look who is STILL in The White House..
For now. But as soon as he is voted out, criminal charges against hi will be issued as a result of the things documented in the Mueller report.
Then explain it to me again.
Oh, and let's not forget about the many convictions and indictments m as a direct result of the Mueller SC inquiry. Or have you forgotten?
Here is how it works Dale, there can be no indictment, this requires evidence. There is none,
I take it that you did not finish reading the Mueller report then. As
has been said multiple times, it outlines ten items *with evidence*
where an indictment would have been made except for Justice policy for
not indicting a sitting President. BUT, as soon as Trump is no longer a sitting President, those items can be brought to indictment *with* the evidence quoted in the Mueller report.
On 07-11-19 17:33, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
I take it that you did not finish reading the Mueller report then. As
has been said multiple times, it outlines ten items *with evidence*
where an indictment would have been made except for Justice policy for
not indicting a sitting President. BUT, as soon as Trump is no longer a sitting President, those items can be brought to indictment *with* the evidence quoted in the Mueller report.
No I am afraid it is not going to work like you have suggested.
There was no crime that was committed, therefore there can be no indictment not now or at the end of the Trump Administration which will
be in the year of 2024.
there), no shade and no trees and in July the temp in the shade is 108F
President Trump's companies hire non-documented workers. They get away with paying them less that way.
I take it that you did not finish reading the Mueller report then.
As has been said multiple times, it outlines ten items *with
evidence* where an indictment would have been made except for Justice
policy for not indicting a sitting President. BUT, as soon as Trump
is no longer a sitting President, those items can be brought to
indictment *with* the evidence quoted in the Mueller report.
No I am afraid it is not going to work like you have suggested.
There was no crime that was committed, therefore there can be no indictment not now or at the end of the Trump Administration which
will be in the year of 2024.
So you can stop with baited breath, because it's never going to
There was no crime that was committed, therefore there can be no indictment not now or at the end of the Trump Administration which wi be in the year of 2024.
That may be your opinion, biased though it may be. But, it disagrees
with over one thousand law professionals who say that all of the
elements are there to indict and to probably achieve a criminal conviction.
There was no crime that was committed, therefore there can be nowhich wi
indictment not now or at the end of the Trump Administration
be in the year of 2024.
That may be your opinion, biased though it may be. But, it disagrees
with over one thousand law professionals who say that all of the
elements are there to indict and to probably achieve a criminal
If Mueller did not indict,
then there is no crime.
bullshit... there are dozens, perhaps even hundreds of crimes
epstein's human trafficing, you start to see the real light
The newly released flight logs show former U.S. President Bill Clinton flew on convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's infamous Lolita Express
jet at least 26 times.
On 07-11-19 21:26, Aaron Thomas <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
President Trump's companies hire non-documented workers. They get away with paying them less that way.
Isn't slavery the name of the game? Why else would democrats vote for their plight? To NOT exploit them for political gain?
On 07-12-19 07:01, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
There was no crime that was committed, therefore there can be no indictment not now or at the end of the Trump
Administration which wi
be in the year of 2024.
That may be your opinion, biased though it may be. But, it disagrees
with over one thousand law professionals who say that all of the
elements are there to indict and to probably achieve a criminal conviction.
If Mueller did not indict, then there is no crime.
The man said that
if there were charges then he would of brought them forth to the
fullest extent. This is not an opinion, it is fact.
What these one thousand law professionals bring is an opinion.
When examined why this is their opinion, you find them motivated and driven by their hateful and vile liberal agenda and their thirst for power.
On 07-12-19 07:01, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
There was no crime that was committed, therefore there can be no indictment not now or at the end of the Trump
Administration which wi
be in the year of 2024.
Fix your eroneous quoting. Those are your words, not mine.
That may be your opinion, biased though it may be. But, it disagrees with over one thousand law professionals who say that all of the elements are there to indict and to probably achieve a criminal conviction.
If Mueller did not indict, then there is no crime. DS>Wrong. Mueller was not allowed to indict a siting President, based on Justice Department Policy.
DS> GD> There was no crime that was committed, therefore there can be no
DS> GD> indictment not now or at the end of the Trump Administration
which wi
DS> GD> be in the year of 2024.
DS> That may be your opinion, biased though it may be. But, it disagrees
DS> with over one thousand law professionals who say that all of the
DS> elements are there to indict and to probably achieve a criminal
DS> conviction.
If Mueller did not indict, then there is no crime.
The man said that if there were charges then he would of brought them forth
to the fullest extent.
This is not an opinion, it is fact.
What these one thousand law professionals bring is an opinion.
When examined why this is their opinion, you find them motivated and driven
by their hateful and vile liberal agenda and their thirst for power.
DS>> GD> There was no crime that was committed, therefore there can be
DS>> GD> indictment not now or at the end of the Trump Administration
DS>> which wi
DS>> GD> be in the year of 2024.
DS>> That may be your opinion, biased though it may be. But, it
DS>> with over one thousand law professionals who say that all of the
DS>> elements are there to indict and to probably achieve a criminal
DS>> conviction.
GD> If Mueller did not indict,
current federal policy is that a sitting president cannot be indicted so
mueler couldn't indict trump...
his hands were tied but only so far as indicting...
but nothing stops the indictment from going forward once trump is no longer
a sitting president...
then there is no crime.
there are dozens, perhaps even hundreds of crimes perpetrated by trump...
many are well known...
the epstein mess jumps to mind and that's fixing to be a nasty bit of
On 07-13-19 06:52, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Your ignorance is showing. Making the suggestion that over one
thousand law professionals use elements to *probably* achieve criminal conviction.
Do you think, before you start pushing keys as they form into words?
It is quite clear that you do not respect the word of law.
Only your left ideology, which no longer resides at The White House.
So if is true, were they not aware of this before they
began the investigation?
I mean what would be the point of going through all of that, if they
could not indict; to your point not allowed to indict a sitting
It did not happen the way you are suggest, Your storytelling of the aftermath does not add up. Suggesting with the notion that they did a great service and produced multiple whatever, it is exactly that "whatever" because none of it matters if you can not deliver.
NO Collusion & No Obstruction only delusion.
What is closer to the truth is that some of the top brass within
multiple intelligence agencies went rouge and conspired with members of the Democratic Party to put this short bus in motion.
The nastiness of these people and the intent is clearly seen.
Did Spiro Agnew commit a crime(s)? Yes, as he plead guilty.
Did Donald J. Trump commit a crime(s)? Yes, even though he has
never plead guilty or not guilty. Does it matter that neither
of them was indicted by the DOJ? Not at all.
When examined why this is their opinion, you find them motivated and driv
by their hateful and vile liberal agenda and their thirst for power.
Bill Weld (R-MA) is a liberal???
The investigation started to find out what happened, and how the
Russians interferred in our election in 2016. They did that quite well. They did not start out to investigate the President -- until he began to interfere with the Russian investigation.
That is what the Barr report said, but it is not the truth. The present Attorney General is acting as the President's lawyer -- not as the
peoples lawyer as he is supposed to be.
like minimal life support leaving a nation barely alive and in fact crippled with no potential to becoming healthy again.
like minimal life support leaving a nation barely alive and in fact crippled with no potential to becoming healthy again.
This is why Mexico, China, and Iran can hardly wait for Trump to take a hike. They're being patient; they know that when dad's not looking,
mom's gonna give in to their wishes.
Message, lousily socialistic candidates to boot. The Democrats next opportunity is 2024 because there is no way in hell Donald J. Trump will lose to these losers in 2020.
Did Spiro Agnew commit a crime(s)? Yes, as he plead guilty.
Did Donald J. Trump commit a crime(s)? Yes, even though he has
never plead guilty or not guilty. Does it matter that neither
of them was indicted by the DOJ? Not at all.
With Spiro, real crimes were committed, so it stands to reason that the
indication of pleading guilty was the right thing to do.
The problem is that those principles are being used once again along with
other recognizable desires of the past that speak of hunting someone down
and destroying the man known as Donald J. Trump.
The puzzle pieces that they are using today are different and are therefore
deemed as incompatible, this does not matter to the left leaning
organizers, they might as well have hammer behind their back, used of
course to force the pieces to fit but they are becoming bolder and bolder
to where the hammer is no longer hidden.
Good Luck with that, they have not been successful with any of these
attempts, they have all been a dismal miserable failure each and everyone
of them.
In-fact they are making the President stronger and what the strangest part
of all of this is that they remain clueless about it.
There is also truth in facts, where they delinquent with the truth they make
up as they go along, and then sell it as fact.
It is no secret that they do not like Trump
and have been trying and failing with every attempt to get back to their
version of Government,
which is great for themselves, but it creates chaos and uncertainty for the
American people.
You do know what Make America Great means to the left,
it is the opposite of President Trump's efforts and agenda in every-way.
The left views Make America Great Again by having it's citizens being
dependent on the U.S. Government.
Additionally having the U.S. Government being dependent on other nations for
it's survival - more like minimal life support leaving a nation barely
alive and in fact crippled with no potential to becoming healthy again.
The left liberal dream is to America inside out, it's efforts include The
new green deal, that will make combustion engines a thing of the past, no planes in the sky either. No great numbers from from the Dow breaking
records of 27,000 as been reached a few days ago. Socialism covering every corner of the U.S. Government.
drivWhen examined why this is their opinion, you find them motivated and
by their hateful and vile liberal agenda and their thirst for power.
Bill Weld (R-MA) is a liberal???
No he is not liberal but his thirst for power is apparent.
He is also incredibility stupid if he thinks that he has a snowball chance
in hell in becoming the next President of the United States of America.
On 15 Jul 2019, aaron thomas said the following...in fact
like minimal life support leaving a nation barely alive and
take acrippled with no potential to becoming healthy again.
This is why Mexico, China, and Iran can hardly wait for Trump to
looking,hike. They're being patient; they know that when dad's not
they wouldmom's gonna give in to their wishes.
Oh I am sure, but there are more Trumps that could run and if ran
win to Keep America Great as they rip it out of the hands from thosewould
seek it's destruction; The Democratic Party is done for. No Message,lousily
socialistic candidates to boot. The Democrats next opportunity isthese losers
2024 because there is no way in hell Donald J. Trump will lose to
in 2020.
GD> Message, lousily socialistic candidates to boot. The Democrats next
GD> opportunity is 2024 because there is no way in hell Donald J. Trump will
GD> lose to these losers in 2020.
Absolutely. But what about 2024? Foreign opportunists are counting the days.
If about 12 Republicans, and about 200 Democrats, would get their act >together, they could make intelligent, prosperous changes in law. They could >compromise on things. I'm willing to bet that the honorable President Trump >would sign off on just about anything lawmakers toss his way, but they
being able to say "he probably won't sign it so we're not wasting our time."
Thereby hurting citizens significantly, but barely touching the president. >Good job guys & gals!
Message, lousily socialistic candidates to boot. The Democrats next opportunity is 2024 because there is no way in hell Donald J. Trump w lose to these losers in 2020.
Absolutely. But what about 2024? Foreign opportunists are counting the days.
If about 12 Republicans, and about 200 Democrats, would get their act together, they could make intelligent, prosperous changes in law. They could compromise on things. I'm willing to bet that the honorable President Trump would sign off on just about anything lawmakers toss his way, but they prefer being able to say "he probably won't sign it so
we're not wasting our time."
Donald Trump Jr has met with Russians at Trump Tower. This
was a scandal, but not necessarily a crime. Even though it is
known that several Russians were involved in trying to disrupt
our elections.
Are you okay with a racist president, Republicans?
I'm not. And most Americans aren't either. I condemn
his words of hate, as should everybody. Regardless of
political affiliation (or non-affiliation).
Encouraging Germany to make a deal to buy natural gas from Russia
has certainly made America great again. Not only will Germany be dependent on Russia for natural gas, but so will the rest of Europe,
as those countries will be dependent on Germany to deliver the same natural gas it gets from Russia. See how that works?
The Chinese have a saying -Similar to the Japanese - The sun will never set upon the Empire.
"There can only be one sun that rules the sky."
Senator Klobuchar has a bill for him to sign, assuming she can get
the Grim Reaper to go along.
There will plenty of Trumps that will be available to run by the year
Right.There will plenty of Trumps that will be available to run by the year 2024
I hope Kanye runs! Because then it will be racist for liberals not to
vote for him.
You know why they are all attacking Trump?
It's the Democrat thing to do. There is always over the top outrage
You know why they are all attacking Trump?
It's the Democrat thing to do. There is always over the top outrage
They do it to other Republicans too.
The best way to solve that issue would be to elect hybrid officials who are willing to compromise their liberalism or their conservativism.
The left is becoming unhinged with their hate, AOC talking about Nazi concentration camps at the border, migrants drinking out of toilets, and the rest of the anti-American, anti-Semitic comments as well as the unwillingness to walk ANY of those comments back.
Donald Trump Jr has met with Russians at Trump Tower. This
was a scandal, but not necessarily a crime. Even though it is
known that several Russians were involved in trying to disrupt
our elections.
What the story is: The Russian babe Natalia Veselnitskaya was said to have >dirt on Hillary, but when they met at Trump tower all she wanted to talk
about was about a Russian Adoption from a Russian orphanage of which is dclearly not irt on Hillary Clinton.
Source Factcheck.org >https://www.factcheck.org/2018/06/a-timeline-of-trump-tower-meeting-responses/
July 8, 2017 The New York Times reports on the Trump campaign meeting with >Veselnitskaya, who was described by the paper as a Russian lawyer who has >connections to the Kremlin. Donald Trump Jr., in a statement to the Times, >downplays the meeting, saying that the participants primarily discussed a >program about the adoption of Russian children. The statement makes no
mention that he was promised damaging information about Clinton.
July 9, 2017 In a second story, the Times reports that Donald Trump Jr. was >promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton before agreeing to meet >with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign. The >president's son issued a second statement that, in part, read: [T]he woman >stated that she had information that individuals connected to Russia were >funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Mrs. Clinton, Trump >Jr.s statement read. Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense.
No details or supporting information was provided or even offered.
Are you okay with a racist president, Republicans?
I'm not. And most Americans aren't either. I condemn
his words of hate, as should everybody. Regardless of
political affiliation (or non-affiliation).
In my opinion this entire thing is being blown out of proportion.
Why? because they are using 'this issue' as just another means to go after
Trump, mark my words it will backfire on them...
You got it all wrong, The President said nothing wrong what so ever.
Did you forget what the so called Squad as said repeatedly w/ their >anti-American & anti-Semitic comments. There is no doubt in my mind that the
President loves this country deeply, it is why he ran for office.
What he said was not racist in any way, as he did not call them name or call
out their race signally or as group.
What is very clear is that repeated statements each member of the squad show
very clearly that they have no love or respect for America.
Personally I do not believe these any of these 4 women represent anything
American, their views are anti-Semitic and are infact
inline more with Palestinian views.
Want more proof.
Rashida Tlaib is Still Posing in Photos With Alleged Anti-Semite and
Jihad Rep. Rashida Tlaib's Big Lie: Falsely Claims Palestinians Gave Jews a >Safe Haven After Holocaust >https://freedomoutpost.com/jihad-rep-rashida-tlaibs-big-lie-falsely-claims-pal e
You want to let these 4 rip the country apart over nasty comments that
are clearly are not American.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Ilhan Omar
Ayanna Pressley
Rashida Tlaib
To be honest they are not worth it, No they do not need to home.
They the need to rocketed into space and straight into the Sun.
No one can forget (you might want to) - or claim she never said that, but it >is true. Impeach the motherf*cker comments made by the nasty bit*h Rashida >Tlaib when her job was only hours new.
Clearly the Dems, want to turn this into impeaching party.
It's simple folks if these nasty bit*hes didn't open their freakin mouths
then we would not be here right now!
(You don't get to say these nasty Un-American when you work for the
Government and not expect a reaction from the President of the United
I recently sent a tweet of my own.
"@SpeakerPelosi @realDonaldTrump This squad will turn the Democratic Party >into a circus, worse then ever b4 Very hateful anti-American, & anti-Semitic >comments. Mr. Trump is correct, They don't love our Country!
We who are, Patriots stand with you, Mr. President Like a Rock!!"
Encouraging Germany to make a deal to buy natural gas from Russia
has certainly made America great again. Not only will Germany be >LL>dependent on Russia for natural gas, but so will the rest of Europe,
as those countries will be dependent on Germany to deliver the same >LL>natural gas it gets from Russia. See how that works?
Wrong Again- you got this ass backwards.
Donald Trump suggested to the German Chancellor, that he thought that it was
a bad idea, because of being dependent to Russia.
The Chinese have a saying -
"There can only be one sun that rules the sky."
Similar to the Japanese - The sun will never set upon the Empire.
Senator Klobuchar has a bill for him to sign, assuming she can get
the Grim Reaper to go along.
If she's willing to compromise, I'm sure she could obtain Trump's vote on
her affordable abortion bill. The Grim Reaper will be happy too.
On 2019 Jul 19 07:22:20, you wrote to aaron thomas:
The left is becoming unhinged with their hate, AOC talking about Nazi concentration camps at the border, migrants drinking out of toilets, the rest of the anti-American, anti-Semitic comments as well as the unwillingness to walk ANY of those comments back.
wait, what?!? are you really saying tht having concentration camps is being an American? not giving people in those camps water and making
them drink from the toilets is being American? are you really that much
of a scum-sucking garbage human?????
The NYT article is not the Mueller report. Nor is it any kind of investigation. It is simply a newspaper article. Nothing more,
nothing less. Journalists slant their stories in order to appeal
to a particular audience. Editors oversee those stories and decide
which ones, or how much of an article, to publish.
In America, people have the freedom to think whatever they want.
In America, people have the freedom to express whatever they want.
In America, people have the freedom to believe whatever they want.
That does not mean that racism has any place in this country.
There is absolutely no excuse for what the president said.
None whatsoever.
I do not agree with everything that anybody says, much less a member
of Congress. And these four women are all US citizens, with the same rights as you and me.
The president clearly singled them out because they are black, or
people of color. He is playing to a crowd of white people, who believe
in him as their god. As such, he can do no wrong, as he is the one
who will grant them salvation from the evils that are before them.
Wrong Again- you got this ass backwards.
After Germany and Russia made a deal to build a natural gas pipeline, Trump criticized Germany for not agreeing to buy natural gas from the
US. As if Trump had ever offered Germany any kind of deal.
Donald Trump suggested to the German Chancellor, that he thought that it
a bad idea, because of being dependent to Russia.
On 07-19-19 18:58, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Mark Lewis about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
The left is becoming unhinged with their hate, AOC talking about Nazi concentration camps at the border,
migrants drinking out of toilets,
They each had an opportunity to walk back comments as they were interviewed by CBS News comments that were and still are anti-American
& anti-Semitic, they
chose not to walk any of their comments back.
In America, people have the freedom to express whatever they want.
After Germany and Russia made a deal to build a natural gas
pipeline, Trump criticized Germany for not agreeing to buy
natural gas from the US. As if Trump had ever offered Germany
any kind of deal.
Donald Trump suggested to the German Chancellor, that he thoughtIt is a bad idea. And worse, when you think it out further.
that it was a bad idea, because of being dependent to Russia.
Which explains why England chose Brexit over the EU.
Germany dependent on Russia for keeping their houses warm in
and the rest of Europe dependent on Germany for keeping
their houses warm in winter, what do you think will happen when
Russia turns off the tap to Germany? Lights out in Ukraine,
hello Russian soldiers. Lights out in Poland, hello Russian
soldiers. Lights out in the Baltics, hello Russian soldiers.
Just like old times.
On 07-19-19 18:58, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Mark Lewis about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
The left is becoming unhinged with their hate, AOC talking about Nazi concentration camps at the border,
I do not know exactly what she might have said, nor what any one of the media outlets claim that she said -- but what I have observed from reporting on multiple outlets is that while the conditions under which
the migrants are being held are not as dire as the Nazi concentration camps, they are quite bad. In fact, far worse than the camps where the USA confined Japanese-Americans in the 1940's.
AOC may well have said something like that -- and so have other
observers included members of Congress. It was reported that in some of the sites visited, there was no running water and that the migrants were told by the guards to drink out of the toilets. I've seen nothing disclaiming those reports.
It is not anti-American to express criticism of government practices in the USA.
migrants are not being transported by train
then murdered in gas chambers,
Nor are they working in slave labor camps.
The Democrats could fix this in 10 minutes if they would sit down with
the President. They refuse to do so, they would rather exploit them
for political gain.
I doubt that these facilities of today could be compared to the camps
in the 1940's. Today's facilities issues are caused by over crowding because of the number of people who were caught. No one asked for them
to come here.
On 07-20-19 07:42, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
AOC may well have said something like that -- and so have other
observers included members of Congress. It was reported that in some of the sites visited, there was no running water and that the migrants were told by the guards to drink out of the toilets. I've seen nothing disclaiming those reports.
so wait, let me get this straight you have to see news reports or experience other media to learn these alleged reports are erroneous,
what about common sense, when does that kick in?
Bottled water is available. Guards are putting thousands on their
credit cards because they are running out of things like diapers.
It is not anti-American to express criticism of government practices in the USA.
You should learn the difference between criticism of government and
when it crosses the line into becoming anti-American.
On 2019 Jul 20 07:42:38, you wrote to Dale Shipp:
migrants are not being transported by trainthat's not part of concentration camps... not part of the discussion...
then murdered in gas chambers,those were at the death camps... not part of the discussion...
Nor are they working in slave labor camps.also not concentration camps... not part of the discussion...
The Democrats could fix this in 10 minutes if they would sit down wit
the President. They refuse to do so, they would rather exploit them for political gain.
the republicans could have fixed it 2 or 3 years ago!
I doubt that these facilities of today could be compared to the camps in the 1940's. Today's facilities issues are caused by over crowding because of the number of people who were caught. No one asked for the to come here.
no one asked for you to come here, either...
8 U.S. Code: 1158 Asylum.
"Any alien who is present in the US or arrives in the US (whether or not at a designated port of arrival...), irrespective of such alien's
status, may apply for asylum."
so wait, let me get this straight you have to see news reports or experience other media to learn these alleged reports are erroneous, what about common sense, when does that kick in?
A. They are not "alleged" reports. They are reports of direct observations by multiple people based on what they saw and were told by the guards.
If that is true, it is criminal neglect on the part of the
administration for not fixing the problem and forcing the guards pay out of their own pockets. It should not fall to the guards to do that, it should be done by the administration.
You should learn the difference between criticism of government and when it crosses the line into becoming anti-American.
So should you.
In America, people have the freedom to express whatever they want.
.. unless it's on the radio, on TV, in newspapers, ...
In the press fredom index 2018, the USA are number 45, that's worse than
South Korea and Romania.
After Germany and Russia made a deal to build a natural gas
pipeline, Trump criticized Germany for not agreeing to buy
natural gas from the US. As if Trump had ever offered Germany
any kind of deal.
I remember a video where he asked Merkel three times if she wants to make a
trade agreement with the US. And she told him three times that Germany
cannot negotiate in its own, he needs to make an agreement with the whole
EU, because it's a single market. :-)
Donald Trump suggested to the German Chancellor, that he thoughtIt is a bad idea. And worse, when you think it out further.
that it was a bad idea, because of being dependent to Russia.
Don,'t think further, get some facts straight, first.
The new pipeline is in addition to those that have been used for decades.
Currently every pipeline being used is either using Belarus or the Ukraine
for transit.
Nordstream as well as South Stream would bypass 3rd-party countries and
directly connect the EU to Russia.
The Ukraine usually is "a bit behind schedule" when it comes to paying gas
bills, so Russia is looking for a way of prividing gas to the ones who pay, but not to the Ukraine, which means it needs a new pipeline.
Because whenever they shut the pipeline to the Ukraine down, the EU got
their gas from somewhere else.
And of course, for the EU it's better to have a reliable source, so the idea
is to bypass the Ukraine.
Which explains why England chose Brexit over the EU.
England voted for Brexit because they cast the votes without thinking about
the consequences.
Moreover, England does have very little oil and gas, it's Schottland that
has it.
Once Brexit is complete, Schottland may join the EU on its own and England
will then have to import natural gas and oil from the EU.
Germany dependent on Russia for keeping their houses warm in
Not really. The Netherlands and Denmark have no problem compensating for
Russia shutting down the pipeline.
and the rest of Europe dependent on Germany for keeping
their houses warm in winter, what do you think will happen when
Russia turns off the tap to Germany? Lights out in Ukraine,
hello Russian soldiers. Lights out in Poland, hello Russian
soldiers. Lights out in the Baltics, hello Russian soldiers.
Just like old times.
Poland joined the NATO in 1999, the Baltics in 2004. I don't think Russia is
considering invading NATO members to be a clever move.
DS> GD> The left is becoming unhinged with their hate, AOC talking about Nazi
DS> GD> concentration camps at the border,
DS> I do not know exactly what she might have said, nor what any one of
DS> media outlets claim that she said -- but what I have observed from
DS> reporting on multiple outlets is that while the conditions under
DS> the migrants are being held are not as dire as the Nazi concentration
DS> camps, they are quite bad. In fact, far worse than the camps where
DS> USA confined Japanese-Americans in the 1940's.
Not as dire as Nazi concentration camps?
They are NOTHING like Nazi concentration camps,
migrants are not being transported by train then murdered in gas chambers,
Nor are they working in slave labor camps.
The Democrats could fix this in 10 minutes if they would sit down with the >President. They refuse to do so, they would rather exploit them for
I doubt that these facilities of today could be compared to the camps in the >1940's. Today's facilities issues are caused by over crowding because of the >number of people who were caught. No one asked for them to come here.
DS> AOC may well have said something like that -- and so have other
DS> observers included members of Congress. It was reported that in some of
DS> the sites visited, there was no running water and that the migrants were
DS> told by the guards to drink out of the toilets. I've seen nothing
DS> disclaiming those reports.
so wait, let me get this straight you have to see news reports or experience >other media to learn these alleged reports are erroneous, what about common >sense, when does that kick in?
Bottled water is available.
Guards are putting thousands on their credit cards because they are running
out of things like diapers.
It is not anti-American to express criticism of government DS>practicesin the USA.
You should learn the difference between criticism of government and when it
crosses the line into becoming anti-American.
On 07-21-19 09:15, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
A. They are not "alleged" reports. They are reports of direct observations by multiple people based on what they saw and were told by the guards.
They are lies designed to drive a wedge and nothing more.
If that is true, it is criminal neglect on the part of the
administration for not fixing the problem and forcing the guards pay out of their own pockets. It should not fall to the guards to do that, it should be done by the administration.
The executive branch does not make laws.
So should you.
No need for me to do anything for I already know when I hear such statements, I deem them as anti-American.
You know how I can make this determination accurately as well as instantly?
I am not with the party that thrives on misery and one that needs
outrage as if it were a life-jacket.
"I object to intellect with discipline; I object to power with constructive purpose."
The president created this mess. He can fix it by resigning from
office. His sidekick, an evangelical Christian, will then know what
to do ...
I doubt that these facilities of today could be compared to the camps in >1940's. Today's facilities issues are caused by over crowding because of >number of people who were caught. No one asked for them to come here.We did not treat our own very well. Just because of the color of
their skin.
racist, and has blatantly exposed his views for all the world to see.
He cannot explain any of this away, as there is no excuse for any of
what he has done.
People die of heat stroke. Even people in their prime.
An NFL player, age 32, keeled over from heat stroke the other
day. And there was plenty of water available to him.
The president created this mess. The president can fix it.
If he does not know how to do so, or want to do so, he should
resign from office and let somebody else do the job.
I don't mind calling the president a racist.
I also don't mind if it hurts your feelings.
How do you know that they are lies? What direct evidence for that statement have you seen. I have seen the videos and photographs which depict the deplorable conditions as observed by our American representatives. I have no reason to believe that they are telling
It would seem that you are with the party that causes that misery and outrage.
"I object to intellect with discipline; I object to power with constructive purpose."
I cannot believe that is an accurate quote. Spock was all about intellectual discipline and logic. And he was certainly not about power with disruptive purpose.
Currently every pipeline being used is either using Belarus or theBoth Belarus and Ukraine border Russia. Where is the problem?
Ukraine for transit.
The Ukraine usually is "a bit behind schedule" when it comes to payingWhy not just shut off the flow of natural gas to Ukraine? Wouldn't
gas bills, so Russia is looking for a way of prividing gas to the ones >>who pay, but not to the Ukraine, which means it needs a new pipeline.
that be the easiest way to collect on delinquint accounts? No need
to build a new pipeline ...
Because whenever they shut the pipeline to the Ukraine down, the EU gotI do not believe Ukrainians like to freeze in wintertime.
their gas from somewhere else.
it comes from. If Ukraine was not reliable, as Russia suggests,
then others most certainly would have noticed.
Crimea as part of Russia. As a result, the US and EU imposed
sanctions on Russia. These sanctions have cost Russia over
$50 billion since then. In order to make up for the loss of
revenue, Russia has to find new sources.
England knew full well what it was/is doing.
In Kosovo, Europeans did nothing to stop ethnic cleansing by Serbia.
The US had to act alone. This should have been a European problem
to solve. Which it chose to ignore.
The president created this mess. He can fix it by resigning from >LL>office. His sidekick, an evangelical Christian, will then know what
to do ...
The President did not create this mess, and you don't know what your talking
I doubt that these facilities of today could be compared to the camps in >LL>>1940's. Today's facilities issues are caused by over crowding because of >LL>>number of people who were caught. No one asked for them to come here. >LL>We did not treat our own very well. Just because of the color oftheir skin.
We were at War with Japan at the time.
The radical idea of killing
yourself by smashing your plane into the American ships, this was disturbing >and was not seen before by the American's . The U.S. was protecting it's >American citizens uncertain where the loyalty of the Japanese within the
with their fellow American people or with the Japanese. Could they be they
be trusted? Question of the day for the U.S. Government in those days.
I am not condoning what was done to the Japanese-Americans. Nor do I support >what was done.
racist, and has blatantly exposed his views for all the world to see. >LL>He cannot explain any of this away, as there is no excuse for any of >LL>what he has done.
Non-sense, you know what I see, bunch of people who want and very badly want >to see the President in the way, they have been attacking him since day one. >Truth is he never said ANYTHING about skin color.
The democrats have been playing the RACE CARD when it suits them. It's worn >out and tired and is also blatant, it also comes in many varieties such as >nasty anti-American comments, that prove President is right about them.
The democratic party needs misery and outrage, as we all need oxygen.
People die of heat stroke. Even people in their prime.
An NFL player, age 32, keeled over from heat stroke the other
day. And there was plenty of water available to him.
Yes I saw that. A previous member of the NY Giants.
The president created this mess. The president can fix it.
If he does not know how to do so, or want to do so, he should
resign from office and let somebody else do the job.
The President did not create this mess,
but he did get Mexico to do more and in a very big way.
I don't mind calling the president a racist.
I also don't mind if it hurts your feelings.
You are free to say these things, it does not make them factual.
On 07-22-19 06:40, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Evil does seek to maintain power by suppressing the truth. Or by misleading the innocent.
Everything was fine when Barack Obama left office.
I doubt that these facilities of today could be compared to the camps >LL>>1940's. Today's facilities issues are caused by over crowding because >LL>>number of people who were caught. No one asked for them to come here. >LL>We did not treat our own very well. Just because of the color of >LL>their skin.
After the events of 9-11, another president chose to round up
US citizens and put them in special places. Just because they
held different religious beliefs (most of them were brown due
to their arabic ancestry).
The job of the POTUS is to protect the US Constitution and the people
of this country. FDR failed the test. GWB failed the test. And now, Trump is failing the test. Miserably.
And what about those who are not athletes? Who are suffering
of heat stroke and cannot get help in time? These are real people
who are being locked up, for long periods of time, without access
to proper health care or anything else. There have been at least
seven children who have died as a result. This is shameful.
The allegiance of those four congresswomen is not to the president,
but to the Constitution of the United States of America and to the American people.
On 07-22-19 06:40, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: War or Planefuls of <=-
Evil does seek to maintain power by suppressing the truth. Or by misleading the innocent.
That is a perfect description of what the current administration is
trying to do. Glad that you could express it so succinctly.
Everything was fine when Barack Obama left office.
GD> Evil does seek to maintain power by suppressing the truth. Or by
GD> misleading the innocent.
That is a perfect description of what the current administration is
trying to do. Glad that you could express it so succinctly.
On 2019 Jul 19 07:22:20, you wrote to aaron thomas:Nazi
The left is becoming unhinged with their hate, AOC talking about
toilets, andconcentration camps at the border, migrants drinking out of
thethe rest of the anti-American, anti-Semitic comments as well as
being anunwillingness to walk ANY of those comments back.
wait, what?!? are you really saying tht having concentration camps is
American? not giving people in those camps water and making themdrink from the
toilets is being American? are you really that much of a scum-suckinggarbage
On 21 Jul 2019, Dale Shipp said the following...reports or
so wait, let me get this straight you have to see news
erroneous,experience other media to learn these alleged reports are
told bywhat about common sense, when does that kick in?
A. They are not "alleged" reports. They are reports of direct observations by multiple people based on what they saw and were
pay outthe guards.
They are lies designed to drive a wedge and nothing more.
If that is true, it is criminal neglect on the part of the administration for not fixing the problem and forcing the guards
that, itof their own pockets. It should not fall to the guards to do
should be done by the administration.
The executive branch does not make laws.
The executive branch does not make laws.
Uh, yes, it does. They're called "regulations" and there are rooms
full of them, none of which were passed by congress. They are laws in everything but name.
On 24 Jul 2019, BOB ACKLEY said the following...rooms
The executive branch does not make laws.
Uh, yes, it does. They're called "regulations" and there are
laws infull of them, none of which were passed by congress. They are
houses ofeverything but name.
Laws and Regulations. Federal laws are bills that have passed both
Congress, been signed by the president, passed over the president'sveto, or
allowed to become law without the president's signature. Individuallaws,
also called acts, are arranged by subject in the United States Code.
My point obviously sailed right over your head.
IMO the entire Code of Federal Regulations is unConstitutional, as are every
Executive Order ever written.
Back when the Supremes shot down the 'line item veto' (at the
Corruptocrats behest, BTW) it stated in part that '... the congress
cannot delegate its Constitutional responsibilities.' That sentence,
if the courts were consistent - and they're not - invalidates every >regulation on the books and every Executive Order ever written
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