Aaron Thomas wrote to All <=-
Do all Democrats do what's convenient instead of doing their jobs?
Ya, pretty much.
The act just like the ruling party did in the U.S.S.R. during the "height"
of Communism there.
These idiots are "representative" only of the looters; not
representative of those who own businesses or police cars. Not representative of those who have been murdered by peaceful protesters.
They are not our representatives at all. That's the problem. They forget
that they are public servants - not rulers.
What ever happened to issues on ballots? I used to see that a few years back - that's the way it should be, if you like democracy. We don't
need representatives; ballots represent us better than Democrats do.
Democracy? What's that? If you live in a state like California, New York
or Michigan, Democracy is gone and is replaced by tyranny.
... Here, you go first, you're immune to bullets.
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