• Infrastructure Mtgs

    From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Gregory Deyss on Tue Dec 10 00:56:00 2019
    On 12-09-19 07:13, Gregory Deyss <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Your tax dollars at <=-

    What is so evil about new airports and
    bridges and working together on infrastructure for the American

    Nothing at all. That is one of the things that Trump promised. How did that go? Either now, or when he controlled both houses of Congress?
    Has he or the Republican introduced any such bills? I really don't know and would like to find out if they did and if so, what happened to them.

    The problem is obstruction with the Democratic Party remember Nancy
    and Chuck, Nancy looking smug, and motionless. Chuck acting like crime boss shaking his finger. Show a bit of restraint man; your in the
    presence of the President. Not Chuck's fault really as he just got with
    a all nighter binge watching the DVD set of "The Sopranos."

    Since you have nothing factual to say, you insult the Democratic
    participants. They went to the meeting with expectations of having
    meaningful talks on a plan, but instead got told that Trump would not
    work on infrastructure with them until they killed the investigations. Basically, he sandbagged them.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 00:59:31, 10 Dec 2019
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Dale Shipp on Tue Dec 10 07:19:48 2019
    On 10 Dec 2019, Dale Shipp said the following...

    The problem is obstruction with the Democratic Party remember Nancy and Chuck, Nancy looking smug, and motionless. Chuck acting like cri boss shaking his finger. Show a bit of restraint man; your in the presence of the President. Not Chuck's fault really as he just got wi a all nighter binge watching the DVD set of "The Sopranos."

    Since you have nothing factual to say, you insult the Democratic participants. They went to the meeting with expectations of having meaningful talks on a plan, but instead got told that Trump would not
    work on infrastructure with them until they killed the investigations. Basically, he sandbagged them.

    These two... Nancy and Chuck deserve these insults and a whole lot more, as they have been the main ones responsible for wasting many hundreds of
    millions of Tax Payers dollars on investigations and impeachment proceedings, over what? There was no collusion or obstruction w/ Donald Trump and make no mistake was and is the target, and phone call with a foreign leader of which there was nothing wrong with.

    Read the transcript for your self.

    By the way that bit about Biden (within the transcript) The President is duty bound by the Constitution to investigate corruption where ever it may be.
    It's beyond high time that the DEMS read that document too.

    Who sandbagged who? Would you work with someone trying to stab you in the
    back or trying to remove you? I know I wouldn't.

    _[]_³³Äij³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ³ Another Message ³
    { NET 267 ³ ³1:267/150³ ³21:1/127³ ³ by Gregory ³

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Gregory Deyss on Wed Dec 11 01:46:00 2019
    On 12-10-19 07:14, Gregory Deyss <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Infrastructure Mtgs <=-

    Read the transcript for your self.

    I most certainly have read it. It clearly states, and Trump admits,
    that it asks the Ukrainian President for favors which would possibly
    help his political chances in the future. It admits that he is
    withholding vital aid to Ukraine conditioned on those favors being
    announced. And not to forget, that aid was vital to *OUR* national
    security against one of the USA's most formidal and consistent
    adversaries -- Russia. What Trump was doing was aiding Russia against
    one of our allies.

    By the way that bit about Biden (within the transcript) The President
    is duty bound by the Constitution to investigate corruption where ever
    it may be.

    Then he should have been asking for investigation against all
    corruption, not just against the claimed corruption which would aid his political goals (and which has been completely debunked).

    It's beyond high time that the DEMS read that document too.

    It's high time that Trump started reading it. He does not act as if he believes that Congress has any job other than to serve his bidding.
    Ditto the Judicial branch. The Constitution clearly set up three equal branches of government. The current authoritarian in the Whitehouse
    believes that he is the only government that matters.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    Who sandbagged who? Would you work with someone trying to stab you in
    the back or trying to remove you? I know I wouldn't.

    _[]_³³Äij³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ³ Another Message ³
    { NET 267 ³ ³1:267/150³ ³21:1/127³ ³ by Gregory ³

    -!- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/64)
    ! Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org *

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 01:55:46, 11 Dec 2019
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Dale Shipp on Wed Dec 11 12:44:54 2019
    Then he should have been asking for investigation against all
    corruption, not just against the claimed corruption which would aid his

    How would that question sound?

    "Could you please investigate all forms up corruption in your state except for crimes committed by Hunter Biden? It's real important that we let him get
    away with everything he did, or my friend Adam might injure his eye sockets."

    People need to choose if they're for corruption or against it.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Aaron Thomas on Thu Dec 12 01:42:02 2019
    On 12-11-19 12:39, Aaron Thomas <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Infrastructure Mtgs <=-

    Then he should have been asking for investigation against all
    corruption, not just against the claimed corruption which would aid his

    How would that question sound?

    "Could you please investigate all forms up corruption in your state
    except for crimes committed by Hunter Biden? It's real important that
    we let him get away with everything he did, or my friend Adam might
    injure his eye sockets."

    You would have been fine if you had stopped with a full stop after state
    but before except. He did exactly the opposite. The only corruption he mentioned was to investigate and dig up dirt on Biden -- which is in
    violation of Federal law. Oh, wait a minute, he did ask them to look
    into the Ukraine interference into the 2016 elections. That happens to
    be a Russian misinformation op put out by Putin himself.

    People need to choose if they're for corruption or against it.

    True -- and Trump did not choose to be against corruption with respect
    to Ukraine.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 01:47:17, 12 Dec 2019
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Ron Lauzon on Sun Dec 15 01:34:02 2019
    On 12-14-19 09:38, Ron Lauzon <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Your tax dollars at <=-

    Trump has denied the role of Congress to be an independent body by refusing to allow anyone in the Whitehouse staff to submit to a Subpoena from Congress. What is he so afraid of? His actions have been
    anything but frivolous. They harmed an ally and aided an adversary.

    If the House (not "Congress") had the power to make people testify,
    they they should do so. It's their circus after all.

    Given enough time, they could enforce the lawful subpoenas that Trump is denying -- but it takes time to push that through the court system. It
    is NOT a circus.

    But I'll throw this back at you:
    Why are the Dems refusing to answer questions about the
    Bidens? Why has Hunter
    Biden dropped off the face of the Earth?
    What are the Dems afraid of?

    Afraid of nothing, and the questions were answered a long time ago.
    Just not to Trump's satisfaction.

    You must have missed Beto's remarks about seizing everyone weapons.

    Actually, he did not say that he would seize everyone's weapons. He
    made his statement about assault weapons of mass destruction which have
    no real justification to be in individual hands.

    The Dems have pushed gun control for a long time now and their words
    and actions have followed the same course that every other depot has
    done to disarm the public.

    No one is trying to disarm the public, but it is long past the time when
    for America to continue doing nothing to diminish mass shootings at
    malls, synagogues, and schools. That has got to stop.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 01:41:40, 15 Dec 2019
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Dale Shipp on Sun Dec 15 21:10:34 2019
    No one is trying to disarm the public, but it is long past the time when for America to continue doing nothing to diminish mass shootings at
    malls, synagogues, and schools. That has got to stop.

    I think that was what Obama said about it. "It has to stop." Tough talk! But nobody is on board with anything that anyone else is on board with.

    Congress can step in and help us with this - but they are busy right now,
    doing stuff that is actually important to them.

    If Democrats could build a time machine, the first thing they'd do is go back to 2016 and change their front-runner. Highest priority ever.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Dale Shipp on Mon Dec 16 07:23:16 2019
    No one is trying to disarm the public, but it is long past the time when for America to continue doing nothing to diminish mass shootings at
    malls, synagogues, and schools. That has got to stop.

    Maybe in the examples that you have provided if there a a good guy with a gun these events wouldn't of been a massacre.

    _[]_³³Äij³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ³ Another Message ³
    { NET 267 ³ ³1:267/150³ ³21:1/127³ ³ by Gregory ³

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to Dale Shipp on Mon Dec 16 17:43:00 2019
    Dale Shipp wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-

    Given enough time, they could enforce the lawful subpoenas that Trump
    is denying -- but it takes time to push that through the court system.
    It is NOT a circus.

    Hmm... They've spent 3 years trying to impeach Trump. Now the articles are done and going to the Senate. But there are only 2 charges - and 1 is getting struck down by the Supreme Court - neither of which are High Crimes - and are not impeachable.

    It's a circus. It's nothing more than redirection from criminal things the Dems are doing.

    Afraid of nothing, and the questions were answered a long time ago.
    Just not to Trump's satisfaction.

    Um.. When were they "answered" since no one has really investigated yet?

    Actually, he did not say that he would seize everyone's weapons. He
    made his statement about assault weapons of mass destruction which have
    no real justification to be in individual hands.

    The same misdirection that the Dems have been using for Gun Control for quite sometime now.

    No one is trying to disarm the public, but it is long past the time
    when for America to continue doing nothing to diminish mass shootings
    at malls, synagogues, and schools. That has got to stop.

    You obviously are unaware of what's going on in Virginia.

    And the facts prove that gun control does not stop shootings.

    Remember, even a 5th grader understands that criminals don't obey laws. Gun control only removes guns from law abiding systems.

    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS bbs.dmine.net:24 1:275/89 (1:275/89)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to Gregory Deyss on Mon Dec 16 17:51:00 2019
    Gregory Deyss wrote to Dale Shipp <=-

    No one is trying to disarm the public, but it is long past the time when for America to continue doing nothing to diminish mass shootings at
    malls, synagogues, and schools. That has got to stop.

    Maybe in the examples that you have provided if there a a good guy with
    a gun these events wouldn't of been a massacre.

    That happens more often then people realize. But the media either doesn't report it, or downplays the good guy with a gun, and makes it seem like people don't use legal guns for self-defence.

    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS bbs.dmine.net:24 1:275/89 (1:275/89)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Gregory Deyss on Mon Dec 16 20:02:26 2019

    Where do you get that? After the farmers lost much, they finally approved 12billion aid -- but that did not come from tariffs, it came from the public coffers at the expense of you and me. The government does not get the money from tariffs, the consumer pays them.

    Your initial statement and narrative was that Farmers were getting screwed, you did not speak of the 12 Billion aid until I called out fallacy of this lefty spin, only when you knew that it was not true (what you originally indicated) did you then speak of the 12 Billion dollars aid.
    What proof do you have to state it did not come from the Tariffs.
    12 Billion from the American taxpayer is unlikely.

    ALL Lefty talking points can ALL be walked back or yanked back
    - your choice of course.

    Here WE have a President in Donald Trump who truly loves America and all Americans within, he did not run for power or conquest, he is working for
    free. I find it remarkable that he has been able to accomplish as much as he has with all of the media leaning far left and the Democratic Party out to
    get him since the day he took office. Now the American people who stand
    with the OUR President, are coming after the Democratic party of troublemakers.

    _[]_³³Äij³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ³ Another Message ³
    { NET 267 ³ ³1:267/150³ ³21:1/127³ ³ by Gregory ³

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Aaron Thomas on Tue Dec 17 02:19:04 2019
    On 12-15-19 21:05, Aaron Thomas <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: More stuff <=-

    No one is trying to disarm the public, but it is long past the time when for America to continue doing nothing to diminish mass shootings at
    malls, synagogues, and schools. That has got to stop.

    I think that was what Obama said about it. "It has to stop." Tough
    talk! But nobody is on board with anything that anyone else is on board with.

    Obama could not pass gun control laws since the Republican Congress
    would not even allow anything to be debated.

    Congress can step in and help us with this - but they are busy right
    now, doing stuff that is actually important to them.

    One of those things was the House passed a gun control law -- but it is
    one of more than 400 House passed bills that McConnell stuffed into his
    desk drawer without even allowing discussion or vote.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 02:24:48, 17 Dec 2019
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Dale Shipp on Tue Dec 17 13:13:02 2019
    Obama could not pass gun control laws since the Republican Congress
    would not even allow anything to be debated.

    It sounds like both parties need to do some serious thinking about who they elect in the future. Mitch can kiss it if he's the cause of all this. I don't live in his district, but if he's playing dictator like you say, then he will be out of office soon enough.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Gregory Deyss on Wed Dec 18 02:11:34 2019
    Hello Greg,


    The problem is that undocumented at people have already shown us how much
    they give a crap about our laws;

    What can we do to stop our laws from being ignored?

    Vote people out that continue to be supportive of sanctuary cities.
    Stop the Federal funding to these cities. There will be some that will say
    that this can not be done, oh yea watch me.. They whine and wince and cry
    and stamp their feet and some will act up and say it is mean and wrong; so
    is breaking the law and violating U.S. Sovereignty.

    Breaking the law? What law?


    In 1996, the 104th U.S. Congress passed Pub. L. 104-208, also known
    as the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act
    (IIRIRA). The IIRIRA requires local governments to cooperate with
    Department of Homeland and Security's Immigration and Customs
    Enforcement (ICE) Agency. Despite the IIRIRA, hundreds of urban,
    suburban, and rural communities have ignored the law and adopted
    so-called "sanctuary policies".


    Sanctuary policies exist in two forms, formal and informal (de facto).


    An informal sanctuary policy is an `unwritten' policy that exists
    but is not formally documented on paper. An informal policy might be
    oral, handshake, or even unspoken understandings or agreements.


    .... no public record exists.


    .... an unwritten santuary policy.

    -=end quote=-

    The list of sanctuary cities as noted by the site is inaccurate,
    as New Orleans is *not* a so-called "sanctuary city" - and never
    has been, as noted by both the current Democratic governor of
    Louisiana and his Republican opponent in the 2019 gubernatorial

    There is much more to this issue. The site noted above presents
    the original list that was created in 2006 and last updated on
    August 29, 2019. Other sites have their own lists.

    Next few posts I will be uncovering (and exposing) what the Trump administration does *not* want folks to know or find out about ...


    Our Nuts, Your Mouth

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Dale Shipp on Wed Dec 18 06:42:50 2019
    On 17 Dec 2019, Dale Shipp said the following...

    On 12-15-19 21:05, Aaron Thomas <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: More stuff <=-

    No one is trying to disarm the public, but it is long past the time w for America to continue doing nothing to diminish mass shootings at malls, synagogues, and schools. That has got to stop.

    I think that was what Obama said about it. "It has to stop." Tough talk! But nobody is on board with anything that anyone else is on boa with.

    Obama could not pass gun control laws since the Republican Congress
    would not even allow anything to be debated.

    The problem is with the gun control laws. Chicago has the strictest controls anywhere in the nation, but yet people of color keep killing each with guns. I doubt that these people are going through normal controls on obtaining a gun. Stop blaming the gun blame the individual and the culture which drives lawlessness.

    _[]_³³Äij³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ³ Trump ³ ³ Another Message ³
    { NET 267 ³ ³1:267/150³ ³21:1/127³ ³ Train ³ ³ by Gregory ³

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Wed Dec 18 14:08:14 2019
    Hello Aaron,

    Obama could not pass gun control laws since the Republican Congress >DS>would not even allow anything to be debated.

    It sounds like both parties need to do some serious thinking about who they >elect in the future. Mitch can kiss it if he's the cause of all this. I
    live in his district, but if he's playing dictator like you say, then he
    be out of office soon enough.

    Why have term limits? Repeal the 22nd Amendment and let the people
    decide who or what they want to serve them as their POTUS. That
    would be the most prodemocratic thing that `we the people' could and
    should do.

    The state of Louisiana used to have a law that limited the governor
    to serve one term. Of course, he or she could sit out a while and
    then be elected to a new first term. And then sit out for a while
    and then be elected to a new first term. Et al ad infinitum. The
    state of Virginia still has such a law today. However, times have
    changed. Almost all other states allow a governor to be elected
    to two consecutive terms before they have to sit out for a while,
    after which they can run for a new first (and second consecutive)

    The state of Washington does have it right. A governor is not
    limited to serve one term. Or two terms. Or even three terms.
    The people of Washington wisely chose to allow their governor
    to serve for as many terms as he wants, without ever having to
    give up his office. Just like Moscow Mitch.


    Change Is Cumming

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Gregory Deyss on Wed Dec 18 22:54:58 2019
    Hello Greg,

    Obama could not pass gun control laws since the Republican Congress >DS>would not even allow anything to be debated.

    The problem is with the gun control laws. Chicago has the strictest controls
    anywhere in the nation, but yet people of color keep killing each with
    guns. I doubt that these people are going through normal controls on obtaining a gun. Stop blaming the gun blame the individual and the culture which drives lawlessness.

    Lawlessness? A long time ago Japan had no guns. The people chose
    swords and knives as their weapons of choice. Then came the white
    man, with his guns. So the people of Japan also got guns as their
    weapon of choice. But that did not lost long, as the emperor got
    rid of all the guns in Japan. So the people again used swords and
    knives as their weapon of choice. This freedom from guns lasted
    about a century. Then the white man returned, bringing more guns
    with him. Japan again got the urge to use guns, and we all know
    what happened next.

    Today not many people in Japan use guns. They much prefer to do
    things the old-fashioned way, with swords and knives. Thanks to
    gun control laws, very few crimes with guns take place in Japan.
    Just compare the stats between Japan and the US. It could not
    be any plainer. People kill people with guns quicker than people
    who kill people with swords and knives.


    We Make Your Wet Dreams Come True

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Lee Lofaso on Wed Dec 18 16:43:04 2019
    be out of office soon enough.

    Why have term limits? Repeal the 22nd Amendment and let the people

    I don't understand? Do you want Mitch to stick around forever?

    I'm in favor of term limits. I'm sick of my governor, but he's not going anywhere.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Gregory Deyss on Fri Dec 20 01:14:00 2019
    On 12-18-19 06:37, Gregory Deyss <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: More stuff <=-

    No one is trying to disarm the public, but it is
    long past the time w
    for America to continue doing nothing to diminish mass shootings at
    malls, synagogues, and schools. That has got to stop.

    The problem is with the gun control laws. Chicago has the strictest controls anywhere in the nation, but yet people of color keep killing
    each with guns. I doubt that these people are going through normal controls on obtaining a gun. Stop blaming the gun blame the individual
    and the culture which drives lawlessness.

    Stick to the thread which is about mass shootings at malls, synagogues
    and schools. Inner city problems are valid, but require different
    measures. The mass shooting have been single persons (mostly white
    males) using high capacity weapons. Banning such weapons would help
    curb the carnage of school children, etc.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 01:18:46, 20 Dec 2019
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Dale Shipp on Fri Dec 20 10:24:44 2019
    measures. The mass shooting have been single persons (mostly white
    males) using high capacity weapons. Banning such weapons would help

    Is it PC to say *mostly white males*? Does race even matter? Are the majority of these mass shootings racially motivated? How about all that liberal news that follows the shootings: is it racially-motivated too?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Aaron Thomas on Sat Dec 21 02:10:00 2019
    On 12-20-19 10:19, Aaron Thomas <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: More stuff <=-

    measures. The mass shooting have been single persons (mostly white
    males) using high capacity weapons. Banning such weapons would help

    Is it PC to say *mostly white males*?

    It is a fact. In fact, I do not recall that any were females.

    Does race even matter? Are the
    majority of these mass shootings racially motivated?

    Some are, some are not.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 02:13:01, 21 Dec 2019
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Dale Shipp on Sat Dec 21 07:59:38 2019

    The problem is with the gun control laws. Chicago has the strictest controls anywhere in the nation, but yet people of color keep killing each with guns. I doubt that these people are going through normal controls on obtaining a gun. Stop blaming the gun blame the individua and the culture which drives lawlessness.

    Stick to the thread which is about mass shootings at malls, synagogues
    and schools. Inner city problems are valid, but require different measures. The mass shooting have been single persons (mostly white
    males) using high capacity weapons. Banning such weapons would help
    curb the carnage of school children, etc.

    So there are no malls or synagogues or schools in Chicago?
    Of course there is, therefore my point is made perfectly, but I will indicate it again, if Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws then how the people of Chicago still killing one another with guns. Easy, they are obtaining guns outside the law. The origin of why runs even deeper where the truth hurts. Children growing up without Fathers. The music is angry, the culture is angry, they also vote Democratic, they have promises made by democrat politicians but seldom are kept.

    So I ask you again, What has the Democrats ever done for you?

    _[]_³³Äij³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ³ Trump ³ ³ Another Message ³
    { NET 267 ³ ³1:267/150³ ³21:1/127³ ³ Train ³ ³ by Gregory ³

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Tim Richardson@1:123/140 to Dale Shipp on Sat Dec 21 14:58:00 2019
    On 12-15-19, DALE SHIPP said to RON LAUZON:

    Given enough time, they could enforce the lawful subpoenas that Trump is DS>denying -- but it takes time to push that through the court system. It DS>is NOT a circus.

    That works both ways. Trump hasn't just refused and then sat back to see what developes (like Hussein Obama and his gang did). He's sought remedy in the courts. Remember them? `Courts of law'? And it may surprise you how many times the courts have backed him!

    But I'll throw this back at you:
    Why are the Dems refusing to answer questions about the
    Bidens? Why has Hunter
    Biden dropped off the face of the Earth?
    What are the Dems afraid of?

    Afraid of nothing, and the questions were answered a long time ago.
    Just not to Trump's satisfaction.

    That is such an obvious lie!

    The democrats have done everything they can possibly do to obstruct, mis- state, and outright lie about things they're trying to impeach trump for.

    Back in a sec....gotta look something up.....hmmmm lets see (clintons and the Haiti aid scam.....Joe & Hunter Biden in Ukraine money laundering....husband
    of impeachment democrat take $700k from Ukrainian oligarch......

    Ah! Here it is.....

    During Rudy Gulliani recent visit to Ukraine it was learned that six (count `em; SIX) criminal cases involving Joe and Hunter Biden, are going on there. (Did I mention money-laundering by the Bidens?)

    Further....a Ukrainian official has documents he says proves that U.S. ambassador and `impeachment' witness; Yovanovich; deliberately committed perjury during her `testimony'.

    We still haven't heard from Adam Shitt on Joe Biden's threat to Ukraine to
    hold up a billion dollars if a prosecutor investigating Joe's gravy train; Burisma; wasn't fired. Talk about `quid pro quo'!

    Oh and...BTW; There was an ongoing investigation involving Burisma Holdings
    and Hunter Biden's pay as a board member, back in spring of 2016. The investigation was underway several weeks before Joe Biden (VP at the time) stepped in and threatened withholding of a billion dollars if the procsecutor in the case wasn't fired.

    Yeah....I can understand the democrats wanting to thrust `impeachment' into
    the limelight and try to keep it there for a long time.

    Distracts from democrat wrong-doing in the Obama years; not to mention one of their star candidates for president; Joe Biden.

    Stay tuned!

    *Durango b301 #PE*
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From Tim Richardson@1:123/140 to Gregory Deyss on Sat Dec 21 13:50:00 2019
    On 12-16-19, GREGORY DEYSS said to DALE SHIPP:

    No one is trying to disarm the public, but it is long past the time when for America to continue doing nothing to diminish mass shootings at
    malls, synagogues, and schools. That has got to stop.

    Maybe in the examples that you have provided if there a a good guy with a GD>gun these events wouldn't of been a massacre.

    Democrats ignore several things (deliberately?);

    The vast majority of mass shootings take place in (supposedly) gun-free zones! In places where, if one or more citizens present had been armed, the number of victims would have either been far less, or none at all.

    There is always a great outcry from democrat politicians after one of these shooting incidents for MORE laws....MORE rules.....

    But a hard look at the majority of these incidents reveals that NONE of the rules democrats have forced into place on guns would have prevented a single one!

    The aim of all these continuous rules and laws and restrictions is to eventually disarm all American civilians, such that only the military, law enforcement, and certain special units like National Guard; Civil Defense;
    etc, are armed.

    From that point Americans are no longer free citizens, they are `subjects'. At the mercy of the `ruling' class (government).

    *Durango b301 #PE*
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From Tim Richardson@1:123/140 to Dale Shipp on Sat Dec 21 14:11:00 2019
    On 12-17-19, DALE SHIPP said to AARON THOMAS:

    On 12-15-19 21:05, Aaron Thomas <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: More stuff <=-

    No one is trying to disarm the public, but it is long past the time when for America to continue doing nothing to diminish mass shootings at
    malls, synagogues, and schools. That has got to stop.

    I think that was what Obama said about it. "It has to stop." Tough
    talk! But nobody is on board with anything that anyone else is on board with.

    Obama could not pass gun control laws since the Republican Congress
    would not even allow anything to be debated.

    Congress can step in and help us with this - but they are busy right
    now, doing stuff that is actually important to them.

    One of those things was the House passed a gun control law -- but it is DS>one of more than 400 House passed bills that McConnell stuffed into his DS>desk drawer without even allowing discussion or vote.

    If the Constitution was actually followed, and the Second amendment was viewed for what it actually is: s citizen's right to KEEP and BEAR (as in `carry at all times, any where in the US of A) mass shootings would probably not ever happen.

    There'd be so many people carrying weapons (openly or concealed) nobody'd have the nerve to `go off' and start shooting people.

    *Durango b301 #PE*
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From Tim Richardson@1:123/140 to Gregory Deyss on Sat Dec 21 14:28:00 2019
    On 12-20-19, DALE SHIPP said to GREGORY DEYSS:

    On 12-18-19 06:37, Gregory Deyss <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: More stuff <=-

    No one is trying to disarm the public, but it is
    long past the time w
    for America to continue doing nothing to diminish mass shootings at
    malls, synagogues, and schools. That has got to stop.

    The problem is with the gun control laws. Chicago has the strictest controls anywhere in the nation, but yet people of color keep killing
    each with guns. I doubt that these people are going through normal
    controls on obtaining a gun. Stop blaming the gun blame the individual
    and the culture which drives lawlessness.

    Stick to the thread which is about mass shootings at malls, synagogues DS>and schools. Inner city problems are valid, but require different DS>measures. The mass shooting have been single persons (mostly white DS>males) using high capacity weapons. Banning such weapons would help DS>curb the carnage of school children, etc.

    Yeah! Right! That way...instead of killing ...say....15 or so *unarmed* people in a few bursts... they'd be forced to kill 15 or so people one shot at a

    The democrats like to distract attention from most mass shootings occuring in *gun-free zones*!

    `*Gun-free zone*: A place or area where noone is allowed to carry, possess, or have within easy access; a firearm of any kind.

    *Gun-free zone* alternate definition: A free-fire zone for any wingnut with a firearm and a yen for getting their name on the evening left-wing news. Also;
    a place where murderous pieces of dog-dirt know they can freely open fire on a large group of innocent people, without getting themselves pumped full of
    holes by armed citizens shooting back!

    *Durango b301 #PE*
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From Tim Richardson@1:123/140 to Aaron Thomas on Sat Dec 21 15:03:00 2019
    On 12-20-19, AARON THOMAS said to DALE SHIPP:

    measures. The mass shooting have been single persons (mostly white
    males) using high capacity weapons. Banning such weapons would help

    Is it PC to say *mostly white males*? Does race even matter? Are the AT>majority of these mass shootings racially motivated? How about all that AT>liberal news that follows the shootings: is it racially-motivated too?

    Some idiot democrat went off at the mouth about `white' shooter recently, only to learn it was a *black* shooter and she should have gotten her facts before running off in the media!

    BTW....that story was quickly deep-sixed! It is no longer on the web. It only happened within the last few days and is already disappeared!

    *Durango b301 #PE*
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Dale Shipp on Sat Dec 21 23:46:54 2019
    Does race even matter? Are the
    majority of these mass shootings racially motivated?

    Some are, some are not.

    But the mass shootings that are race related - it's real important to specify that they're race-related - why is that?

    And the mass shootings that are committed by white males - it's real
    important to specify that it was committed by a white male - why is that?

    If a black male kills 20 people over the course of 20 years, is he any better or worse than the white male who kills 20 in 20 minutes?

    Stir that hatred cauldron! Stir it up and watch it explode! Best way to get votes?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Sun Dec 22 19:06:06 2019
    Hello Aaron,

    be out of office soon enough.

    Why have term limits? Repeal the 22nd Amendment and let the people

    I don't understand? Do you want Mitch to stick around forever?

    There are no term limits for US Senators. Nor should there be.
    There are no term limits for US Representatives. Nor should there be.

    Why should people be denied their own choice as to who they believe
    should be elected? That is why term limits are antidemocratic.

    It is not a question as to who I want. Or who you want.
    It is a matter of who "we the people" want. Even if that
    someone be genius or dimwit, it is their choice to make.

    I'm in favor of term limits.

    Why? If an elected public official is doing a great job, why would
    you want that elected public official be forced to quit? Competence
    should be rewarded, not punished. Term limits punish the public,
    who are then left with fewer choices, and often poorer choices.

    I'm sick of my governor, but he's not going anywhere.

    The governor of Kentucky could not have been shown the door
    quickly enough, having pardoned 428 criminals before exiting.

    I doubt he will win any future election in Kentucky.


    Big Or Small We Lay Them All

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Tim Richardson on Sun Dec 22 09:50:40 2019
    Some idiot democrat went off at the mouth about `white' shooter
    recently, only to learn it was a *black* shooter and she should have

    The liberal news stresses race too much. I don't see the logic in it; they
    want to bash whites, but what do they get out of it?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Tim Richardson on Mon Dec 23 00:51:22 2019
    Hello Tim,

    No one is trying to disarm the public, but it is long past the time
    for America to continue doing nothing to diminish mass shootings at malls, synagogues, and schools. That has got to stop.

    I think that was what Obama said about it. "It has to stop." Tough
    talk! But nobody is on board with anything that anyone else is on board with.

    Obama could not pass gun control laws since the Republican Congress DS>would not even allow anything to be debated.

    Congress can step in and help us with this - but they are busy right
    now, doing stuff that is actually important to them.

    One of those things was the House passed a gun control law -- but it is DS>one of more than 400 House passed bills that McConnell stuffed into his DS>desk drawer without even allowing discussion or vote.

    If the Constitution was actually followed, and the Second amendment was
    viewed for what it actually is: s citizen's right to KEEP and BEAR (as in a`carry at ll times, any where in the US of A) mass shootings would
    probably hnot ever appen.

    There were only a small handful of mass shootings that took place
    before 1980 or so. Why is that? Because up until that time the courts
    viewed the Second Amendment as protecting the rights of individuals.
    Today, the courts have changed their opinion, viewing the Second
    Amendment as protecting the rights of gun manufacturers, not people.

    As such, it is okay for people to kill as many other people with
    guns, with no action ever taken against gun manufacturers as being
    responsible for having manufactured such weapons of mass destruction.

    There'd be so many people carrying weapons (openly or concealed) nobody'd have
    the nerve to `go off' and start shooting people.

    The Wild, Wild, West was a fun time for a handful of people.
    Not so much fun for everybody else.


    It Ain't Payday If It Ain't Nuts In Your Mouth

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Tim Richardson on Mon Dec 23 00:51:30 2019
    on 12/21/2019, TIM RICHARDSON : GREGORY DEYSS supposed :
    On 12-20-19, DALE SHIPP said to GREGORY DEYSS:

    On 12-18-19 06:37, Gregory Deyss <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: More stuff <=-

    No one is trying to disarm the public, but it is
    long past the time w
    for America to continue doing nothing to diminish mass shootings at malls, synagogues, and schools. That has got to stop.

    The problem is with the gun control laws. Chicago has the strictest controls anywhere in the nation, but yet people of color keep killing each with guns. I doubt that these people are going through normal controls on obtaining a gun. Stop blaming the gun blame the individual and the culture which drives lawlessness.

    Stick to the thread which is about mass shootings at malls, synagogues DS>and schools. Inner city problems are valid, but require different DS>measures. The mass shooting have been single persons (mostly white DS>males) using high capacity weapons. Banning such weapons would help DS>curb the carnage of school children, etc.

    Yeah! Right! That way...instead of killing ...say....15 or so *unarmed* people
    in a few bursts... they'd be forced to kill 15 or so people one shot at a time!

    That method worked pretty darned well for a young white dude
    who went off the rails at a church in South Carolina, offing several
    black members as they prayed to their god ...

    The democrats like to distract attention from most mass shootings occuring
    *gun-free zones*!

    All places of worship should be *gun-free zones*.
    All schools (including kindergaten) should be *gun-free zones*.
    All hospitals (including insane asylums) should be *gun-free zones*.
    Hell, every place where people congregate should be *gun-free zones*.
    That is the only way we can all be safe.
    Except for our own selves, who have a right to off themselves -
    even though doing so remains illegal regardless of method.

    `*Gun-free zone*: A place or area where noone is allowed to carry, possess, or
    have within easy access; a firearm of any kind.

    *Gun-free zone* alternate definition: A free-fire zone for any wingnut with
    firearm and a yen for getting their name on the evening left-wing news.
    a place where murderous pieces of dog-dirt know they can freely open fire
    on a
    large group of innocent people, without getting themselves pumped full of holes by armed citizens shooting back!

    Children armed with guns is not a good idea.
    Religious worshippers armed with guns is not a good idea.
    Doctors armed with syringes, scalpels and poison pills is bad enough.
    People kill people with guns far more frequently than with any other
    weapon. And this is being done by choice, as accessibility to guns
    is so easy here in the USA. There are loopholes that allow certified
    nutcases to buy whatever weapon they want without a background check.
    Or get one from a friend or relative. Probably at no cost at all.


    I Take A Sheet In The Pool

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Lee Lofaso on Sun Dec 22 20:37:50 2019
    There are no term limits for US Senators. Nor should there be.
    There are no term limits for US Representatives. Nor should there be.

    Imagine if your district had a US Rep who kept fooling people repeatedly;
    "I'll fix it once elected.." then "I'll fix it once re-elected.." and they
    keep falling for it over and over - while you're irritated and taking notice
    of what's going on. Do you get me? I think you see Trump in that way.

    The governor of NY isn't in touch with reality. He gave the green light of illegals to get drivers licenses, he wants to legalize marijuana, and he
    wants to enact a bill that will require mandatory recounts in close
    elections. He's got no to-do list for legitimate NYers. Losers from the
    state's GOP tried to run against him, but the entire state government is democrat, so what are republican voters to do? Move to Montana? It shouldn't
    be that way.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Mon Dec 23 21:11:50 2019
    Hello Aaron,

    There are no term limits for US Senators. Nor should there be.
    There are no term limits for US Representatives. Nor should there be.

    Imagine if your district had a US Rep who kept fooling people repeatedly; >"I'll fix it once elected.." then "I'll fix it once re-elected.." and they >keep falling for it over and over - while you're irritated and taking notice >of what's going on. Do you get me? I think you see Trump in that way.

    We never needed to have an amendment to limit the number of terms
    a president could serve consecutively. And we still do not need such
    an amendment today. No other state needs to have such a limitation
    on its chief executive, as voters (we the people) should always have
    the final say on the matter.

    Denying people the right to choose who they want to serve is
    antidemocratic. Why limit their choices by imposing limitations
    on who they can vote for? Makes no sense.

    Louisiana used to limit governors to serve a single term.
    Virginia still limits governors to serve a single term.
    A governor can serve a term, leave, then get elected to
    another term. But not consecutively. This limitation
    is antidemocratic.

    Washington state has no such limitation. The incumbent
    govenor has just been elected to serve a third consecutive
    term. The people there really do love their governor.

    FDR was elected to serve four consecutive terms. He would
    have continued to serve for many more terms had he not died
    so suddenly and unexpectedly ...

    The governor of NY isn't in touch with reality.

    He has gone on record as saying folks in NY should not get married
    because the judge who marries them may have been appointed by Trump.
    Much better for couples to live in sin (Cuomo is Catholic).

    He gave the green light of illegals to get drivers licenses,

    With mandatory insurance, a good move.

    he wants to legalize marijuana,

    Makes sense. End the charade. Why have law enforcement
    chase down non-violent offenders? Much better to legalize
    marijuana so it can be controlled (bought and sold) like
    cigarettes on the open market. That way, the state gets
    additional revenue to spend on projects. And law enforcement
    has more funds to chase down real criminals - those who are
    violent and should be removed from society.

    and he wants to enact a bill that will require mandatory recounts in close

    And with the caveat the secretary of state recuse himself
    from counting the ballots if he is a candidate.

    Not all states have mandatory recounts. Kentucky has no such
    law, but recounts can be done if a candidate requests (under certain conditions).

    Point is, mandatory recounts should be non-partisan, with
    no candidate being favored based on party affiliation.

    He's got no to-do list for legitimate NYers.

    So does every state.

    Losers from the state's GOP tried to run against him, but the entire state
    government is democrat, so what are republican voters to do? Move to
    Montana? It shouldn't be that way.

    The composition of the legislature in NY is split pretty evenly,
    not being heavily one way or the other. As a result, the governor
    has to work with both parties in order to get things done.

    In Louisiana, the governor is a Democrat. Republicans control
    a super majority in the Senate (2/3rds), and are two votes shy of
    having a super majority in the House. As such, Republicans can
    get pretty much everything they want, even with a Democratic
    governor - who just won re-election to a second consecutive term.


    Make Sure Your Next Erection Is In Safe Hands

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to Lee Lofaso on Mon Dec 23 18:06:00 2019
    Lee Lofaso wrote to TIM RICHARDSON <=-

    There were only a small handful of mass shootings that took place
    before 1980 or so. Why is that? Because up until that time the courts viewed the Second Amendment as protecting the rights of individuals. Today, the courts have changed their opinion, viewing the Second
    Amendment as protecting the rights of gun manufacturers, not people.


    As such, it is okay for people to kill as many other people with
    guns, with no action ever taken against gun manufacturers as being responsible for having manufactured such weapons of mass destruction.

    Why take action against a manufacturer? The product worked as advertised.

    I suppose you are also for charging GM/Ford for every person hurt by a drunk driver or person texting while driving.

    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS bbs.dmine.net:24 1:275/89 (1:275/89)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to Lee Lofaso on Mon Dec 23 18:12:00 2019
    Lee Lofaso wrote to TIM RICHARDSON <=-

    All places of worship should be *gun-free zones*.
    All schools (including kindergaten) should be *gun-free zones*.
    All hospitals (including insane asylums) should be *gun-free zones*.
    Hell, every place where people congregate should be *gun-free zones*.
    That is the only way we can all be safe.
    Except for our own selves, who have a right to off themselves -
    even though doing so remains illegal regardless of method.

    Gun-free zone = Criminal safe zone.

    The idea that we have to ban guns to be safe is a line of BS the Dems have been pushing for decades and is completely false.

    Read "More Guns, Less Crime" by John R. Lott. When he started writing the book, he believed as you. By the time he dug through the facts, he changed his mind.

    Children armed with guns is not a good idea.

    And why do you think that a school administrator who has a CCW means that children will get the gun?

    Religious worshippers armed with guns is not a good idea.

    Why? Law abiding prople don't shoot up churches.

    Doctors armed with syringes, scalpels and poison pills is bad enough. People kill people with guns far more frequently than with any other weapon.

    Another lie.

    And this is being done by choice, as accessibility to guns
    is so easy here in the USA.

    And every country who disarmed their citizens didn't do anything to reduce crime, even gun crime.

    There are loopholes that allow certified
    nutcases to buy whatever weapon they want without a background check.
    Or get one from a friend or relative. Probably at no cost at all.

    And criminals don't obey laws - like any 5 year old knows. Passing a law only impacts law abiding people.

    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS bbs.dmine.net:24 1:275/89 (1:275/89)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to Lee Lofaso on Mon Dec 23 18:15:00 2019
    Lee Lofaso wrote to aaron thomas <=-

    Denying people the right to choose who they want to serve is antidemocratic. Why limit their choices by imposing limitations
    on who they can vote for? Makes no sense.

    You need to do more research into career politians.

    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS bbs.dmine.net:24 1:275/89 (1:275/89)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Lee Lofaso on Mon Dec 23 20:49:46 2019
    Denying people the right to choose who they want to serve is antidemocratic. Why limit their choices by imposing limitations
    on who they can vote for? Makes no sense.

    Term limits allow for some balance between the left & the right. With Andrew Cuomo wanting to govern NY for the rest of his life, the conservatives never have a chance at feeling safe in their homes; no prospect of ever feeling

    If there was a term limit for governor, then the liberals could elect the
    next anti-american in line once Cuomo's term-limit is up. Or, with a little luck, we'd get a good Republican governor instead. This guy is such a typical democrat that he's abusing his power by signing far-left bills into law despite the only Republican state senator's pleas to listen to residents. It seems like he's doing it to be anti-Trump; strictly for popularity points.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Ron Lauzon on Tue Dec 24 13:43:42 2019
    Hello Ron,

    Denying people the right to choose who they want to serve is >LL>antidemocratic. Why limit their choices by imposing limitations
    on who they can vote for? Makes no sense.

    You need to do more research into career politians.

    Why? If the will of the people is to vote for the same politician(s)
    over and over again, who is deny them that choice?


    Our Nuts, Your Mouth

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Ron Lauzon on Tue Dec 24 21:52:52 2019
    Hello Ron,

    Denying people the right to choose who they want to serve is >LL>antidemocratic. Why limit their choices by imposing limitations
    on who they can vote for? Makes no sense.

    You need to do more research into career politians.

    FDR was my favorite. But John Dingell comes in a close second.


    Nobody Beats Our Meat

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Tue Dec 24 21:53:04 2019
    Hello Aaron,

    Denying people the right to choose who they want to serve is >LL>antidemocratic. Why limit their choices by imposing limitations
    on who they can vote for? Makes no sense.

    Term limits allow for some balance between the left & the right.

    Term limits deny the people the opportunity to elect the candidate
    of their choice.

    With Andrew Cuomo wanting to govern NY for the rest of his life, the
    conservatives never have a chance at feeling safe in their homes; no
    prospect of ever feeling safe.

    The late Paul Wellstone, who was US Senator from Minnesota, told
    his supporters how to win elections - "Organize, organize, organize!"

    It had nothing to do with term limits, as members of Congress
    have no term limits. If people want to elect a candidate to office,
    the best way to do so is to "Organize! Organize! Organize!"

    US Senator Kamala Harris ran for the Democratic nomination.
    Her run did not last long. Why not? Because she had the most
    disorganized campaign manager who she could possibly have hired.
    Even though she had opened strong, it was all downhill from there.
    Not because Joe Biden or any other candidate was better than her.

    The people have every right to vote for the candidate of their
    choice. Term limits would deny the people their right to do so.
    An incumbent with a job approval rating of 90 percent having to
    leave office due to term limits is just plum nuts.

    I am fine by whoever the American people choose as president.
    Same by whoever the people of a state choose as governor. Or for
    any election - local, state, or national.

    If there was a term limit for governor, then the liberals could elect the
    next anti-american in line once Cuomo's term-limit is up.

    If the people like who they have now, why should they be denied
    the opportunity to re-elect that same person to the same office?

    The choice as to who to serve should always be left to "we the people"
    - not by any other group (or individual).

    Or, with a little luck, we'd get a good Republican governor instead.

    Elections are like clockwork. Happens every four years (for governor
    of NY). As such, Republicans will have their chance in the next
    scheduled election. Unless the incumbent declares martial law or
    some other kind of nonsense.

    This guy is such a typical democrat that he's abusing his power by signing
    far-left bills into law despite the only Republican state senator's pleas
    to listen to residents. It seems like he's doing it to be anti-Trump; strictly for popularity points.

    Well, if that's what the people want, their wish is his command ...


    Pork. The One You Love.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Lee Lofaso on Tue Dec 24 21:41:48 2019
    Term limits deny the people the opportunity to elect the candidate
    of their choice.

    But before we abolish term limits, let's first get some voter reform enacted. That way, we don't have dead liberal voters, illegal immigrant voters, or liberals turning registered Republicans away at the polls. I'm sure Cuomo has "voting rights for illegals" somewhere near the top of his to-do list for foreign criminals.

    Not because Joe Biden or any other candidate was better than her.

    Are you sure you're not playing the blame-game? Kamala was pretty lousy from the start through conservative eyes; we didn't want to get stuck with her.
    Not many of the others are as big of a nightmare as her. I think Joe Biden, despite all of his corruption and abuse of power, is a much better choice
    than get-drunk-and-smoke-weed-all-day-Kamala.

    to listen to residents. It seems like he's doing it to be anti-Trump; strictly for popularity points.

    Well, if that's what the people want, their wish is his command ...

    It's not fair for democrats to manipulate the votes and then say that Cuomo
    is "the will of the people."

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Tim Richardson@1:123/140 to Ron Lauzon on Fri Dec 27 09:18:00 2019
    On 12-23-19, RON LAUZON said to LEE LOFASO:

    Lee Lofaso wrote to TIM RICHARDSON <=-

    There were only a small handful of mass shootings that took place
    before 1980 or so. Why is that? Because up until that time the courts viewed the Second Amendment as protecting the rights of individuals.
    Today, the courts have changed their opinion, viewing the Second
    Amendment as protecting the rights of gun manufacturers, not people.


    As such, it is okay for people to kill as many other people with
    guns, with no action ever taken against gun manufacturers as being responsible for having manufactured such weapons of mass destruction.

    Why take action against a manufacturer? The product worked as advertised.

    I suppose you are also for charging GM/Ford for every person hurt by a RL>drunk driver or person texting while driving.

    Or take action against Schwinn or Roadmaster whenever a kid doesn't have the sense to stay in the bike lane, and gets hit by a car.

    Or sue beer companies for accidents caused by someone who was drinking `their' brand at a bar just prior to driving, and killing someone.

    Or make liquir distillers legally liable for alchoholism.

    *Durango b301 #PE*
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)