• AfterShock IOS

    From Rudi Timmermans@2:292/140 to All on Sun Apr 19 22:13:12 2020
    Hi Guys,

    I have found a IOS Developer, his name is Alessandro Trebbi he is also a part of Fidonet in Italy, so as soon he can he would look on the code of AfterShock for IOS...

    I keep you all updated as soon i have more news !


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/13 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: AfterShock Beta Tester (2:292/140)
  • From Alexander Kruglikov@2:5053/58 to Rudi Timmermans on Mon Apr 20 13:51:04 2020
    Привет, Rudi!

    19 апр 20 22:13, Rudi Timmermans писал(а) к All:

    I have found a IOS Developer, his name is Alessandro Trebbi he is also
    a part of Fidonet in Italy, so as soon he can he would look on the
    code of AfterShock for IOS...
    I keep you all updated as soon i have more news !

    This is very, VERY good news! We will look forward to!

    С наилучшими пожеланиями, Alexander.
    --- "GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707" ---
    * Origin: Smartdrive не заметил потеpи байтца... (2:5053/58)
  • From Alessandro Trebbi@2:331/313 to Alexander Kruglikov on Sun Apr 26 14:18:18 2020
    Quota: Alexander Kruglikov (2:5053/58) ha scritto in data Lun, 20 Aprile 2020 15:51

    I have found a IOS Developer, his name is Alessandro Trebbi he is also
    a part of Fidonet in Italy, so as soon he can he would look on the
    code of AfterShock for IOS...
    I keep you all updated as soon i have more news !

    This is very, VERY good news! We will look forward to!

    --- "GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707" ---



    Which is the official repository of currently available app ?

    I will give a look asap

    --- FUDforum on https://fidonet.3bsoft.com
    * Origin: Nightmare BBS (2:331/313)
  • From Alexander Kruglikov@2:5053/58 to Alessandro Trebbi on Sun Apr 26 17:37:08 2020
    Hi, Alessandro!

    26 апр 20 14:18, Alessandro Trebbi писал(а) к Alexander Kruglikov:

    This is very, VERY good news! We will look forward to!
    Which is the official repository of currently available app ?
    I will give a look asap

    I think this question is not for me, but for Rudi Timmermans& ;-)

    WBR, Alexander.
    --- "GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707" ---
    * Origin: Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms. (2:5053/58)
  • From Rudi Timmermans@2:292/140 to Alessandro Trebbi on Sun Apr 26 15:31:58 2020
    Hi Allessandro,

    Anatoly has a repo of it on Github, he only dont have to time do deal with
    the Pr's, so i have told him i fork it as i have time for the Pr's.

    The repo you can find here:




    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/21 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: AfterShock Beta Tester (2:292/140)
  • From Rudi Timmermans@2:292/140 to Alexander Kruglikov on Sun Apr 26 16:45:12 2020
    Hi Alexander,

    I think this question is not for me, but for Rudi Timmermans& ;-)

    Yes indeed i already fix it ;)


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/21 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: AfterShock Beta Tester (2:292/140)
  • From Rudi Timmermans@2:292/140 to Alessandro Trebbi on Sun Apr 26 21:43:04 2020
    Hi Alessandro,

    I just one say thanks for the help you one offer on AfterShock for IOS !


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/21 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: AfterShock Beta Tester (2:292/140)
  • From Alexander Kruglikov@2:5053/58 to Alessandro Trebbi on Mon Apr 27 13:42:34 2020
    Good ${greeting_time}, Alessandro!

    26 Apr 20 21:43, Rudi Timmermans wrote to you:

    I just one say thanks for the help you one offer on AfterShock for IOS

    I strongly join and also say "thank you!". This is a soft, that is sorely lacking!

    With best regards, Alexander.

    --- "GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707" ---
    * Origin: 24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case, Hmmm... (2:5053/58)
  • From Rick Smith@1:340/202.1 to Rudi Timmermans on Sun Apr 26 14:30:58 2020
    Greetings Rudi!

    26 Apr 20 21:43, you wrote to Alessandro Trebbi about an urgent matter!:

    Hi Alessandro,

    I just one say thanks for the help you one offer on AfterShock for IOS

    I tried aftershock on android, I couldnt get it to work that well. I think it doesnt like that I do not have "home" buttons on my phone I had to keep force closing the app to get to other areas of the app.

    Rick Smith (Nitro)

    ... Citation for slow BBSing: Going v.32bis in a v.FC lane
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20170303
    * Origin: ----> Fidian > kuehlbox.wtf/fidian (1:340/202.1)
  • From Rudi Timmermans@2:292/140 to Rick Smith on Tue Apr 28 09:07:26 2020
    Hi Rick,

    I tried aftershock on android, I couldnt get it to work that well. I think it
    doesnt like that I do not have "home" buttons on my phone I had to keep force closing the app to get to other areas of the app.

    You can click on the richt top < if i'm not mistake next after the ehco area name then you are comming back to the home screen of AfterShock and then you can go again to your echo's.

    I know it is a pain when you dont have a back buttom on your bottom screen, but
    for now it is that way as Anatoly dont have time or can not update the app for i dont know how long this would take....


    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: X-TReMe BBS (2:292/140)
  • From Rudi Timmermans@2:292/140 to All on Fri May 1 22:12:04 2020
    Hi All,

    We have some good and bad news, Alessandro have take a more look on the code of AfterShock for IOS, as the project is verry small and a lot of work need to be done it would not possible for him.

    The other news is i have found a other developer and he had review everything before he gave give me an answher and this person told me it would be possible for him, but he have time normoly starting in the half of this month as he is working on a other project and that need to be ready first.

    I keep you all updated when i have again more news!


    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: X-TReMe BBS (2:292/140)
  • From Rudi Timmermans@2:292/140 to All on Thu Nov 11 12:22:04 2021
    Hi Everyone,

    As Anatoly told me he can not promise that AfterShock for IOS will ever come, i have take some new action, i have post into Reddit IOS Programming a post to find a new dev.

    Here is the link:

    https://www.reddit.com/r/iOSProgramming/comments/qpbjbl/fidonet_afershock_swi ft_app/

    The people that like to see AfterShock on IOS can mabey help me to share the link or like the link so the can see there are more people to have the app on IOS.



    --- DB4 - Oct 25 2021
    * Origin: AfterShock Beta Tester (2:292/140)
  • From Dale Barnes@1:106/201 to Rudi Timmermans on Mon Jan 17 08:47:28 2022
    The people that like to see AfterShock on IOS can mabey
    help me to share the link or like the link so the can see
    there are more people to have the app on IOS.

    I posted a message in the Points echo just for you Rudi.


    --- InterEcho 1.21
    * Origin: Home Of InterMail/InterEcho (1:106/201)
  • From Rudi Timmermans@2:292/140 to Dale Barnes on Mon Jan 17 17:00:52 2022
    Hi Dale,

    I posted a message in the Points echo just for you Rudi.

    Ok thanks!


    --- D'Bridge 4
    * Origin: Light Station (2:292/140)