• exec/make_areas_ini.jssrc/sbbs3/sbbsecho.c sbbsecho.h

    From Rob Swindell (on Windows 11)@VERT to Git commit to main/sbbs/master on Mon Nov 18 21:52:49 2024
    Added Files:
    Modified Files:
    src/sbbs3/sbbsecho.c sbbsecho.h
    Log Message:
    Add support for new experimental/optional Area File format: areas.ini

    As suggested/requested by Fernando Toledo in issue #826, you can:
    1. run 'jsexec make_areas_ini.js' to export your areas.bbs file to areas.ini
    (your old areas.bbs is left in place, in tact, unmodified)
    2. change your Area File in echocfg->Paths and Filenames->Area File to
    somepath/somefile.ini (e.g. "../data/areas.ini") and SBBSecho will use
    the .ini file format instead of the old AREAS.BBS format (NIH)

    You can always go back to your areas.bbs file by just reverting the Area File setting back to some other non-ini filename (e.g. "../data/areas.bbs").

    Incremented version number to v3.23

    Of course documentation and echocfg changes will need to follow, but this is enough to start testing (looking at your Fernando! :-).

    I tried to minimize the diff as much as possible and resisted updating (modernizing, fixing) the very old AREAS.BBS parsing and areafix code.
    The new .ini code is largely modeled after the old areas.bbs code, but oh, xpdev/ini_file makes things so much nicer and easier.

    There are no known fixes for any pre-existing area file/fix issues (including issue #826), but it's always possible I've introduced a new issue.
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Ragnarok@VERT/DOCKSUD to Rob Swindell (on Windows 11) (VERT) on Tue Nov 19 21:49:48 2024
    El 19/11/24 a las 02:52, Rob Swindell (on Windows 11) escribi¢:
    Added Files:
    Modified Files:
    src/sbbs3/sbbsecho.c sbbsecho.h
    Log Message:
    Add support for new experimental/optional Area File format: areas.ini

    As suggested/requested by Fernando Toledo in issue #826, you can:
    1. run 'jsexec make_areas_ini.js' to export your areas.bbs file to areas.ini
    (your old areas.bbs is left in place, in tact, unmodified)
    2. change your Area File in echocfg->Paths and Filenames->Area File to
    somepath/somefile.ini (e.g. "../data/areas.ini") and SBBSecho will use
    the .ini file format instead of the old AREAS.BBS format (NIH) Excelent!!!!! just build and running for testing it !

    þ Synchronet þ Dock Sud BBS TLD 24 HS - bbs.docksud.com.ar
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Ragnarok on Tue Nov 19 20:20:10 2024
    Re: Re: exec/make_areas_ini.jssrc/sbbs3/sbbsecho.c sbbsecho.h
    By: Ragnarok to Rob Swindell (on Windows 11) (VERT) on Tue Nov 19 2024 09:49 pm


    You're welcome! I'm using areas.ini myself now, but no AreaFix requests yet.
    digital man (rob)

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #21:
    DM = Digital Man (Rob Swindell) or Dungeon Master
    Norco, CA WX: 56.5øF, 40.0% humidity, 0 mph E wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net