• Telnet link on a crude and simple webpage

    From Steve01354@VERT to All on Thu May 23 19:45:38 2024
    All I'm trying to do is make a webpage with the name of my site and a telnet link on that page. The answer that keeps coming up (I've been doing this most of the day is that I should add:
    <a href=TelnetServlet?cmd=connect&host=ibivm&emulation=tn3270>IBI VM</a>
    to the page. I added:
    <a href=TelnetServlet?cmd=connect&host=bbs.notdos.com&emulation=tn3270>BBS</a> I tried every variation of my domain name (and even the IP, No joy. No matter what I try I get the message "No resource at this location." I'm sure it's simple, but I'm stumped. I tried the support people at Coffee Cup HTML Editor. They wanted to know what telnet was. I'd surely appreciate any help with this.

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Denn@VERT/OUTWEST to Steve01354 on Thu May 23 22:58:05 2024
    Re: Telnet link on a crude and simple webpage
    By: Steve01354 to All on Thu May 23 2024 07:45 pm

    All I'm trying to do is make a webpage with the name of my site and a telnet link on that page. The answer that keeps coming up (I've been doing this most of the day is that I should add:
    <a href=TelnetServlet?cmd=connect&host=ibivm&emulation=tn3270>IBI VM</a>
    to the page. I added:
    <a href=TelnetServlet?cmd=connect&host=bbs.notdos.com&emulation=tn3270>BBS</a> I tried every variation of my domain name (and even the IP, No joy. No matter what I try I get the message "No resource at this location." I'm sure it's simple, but I'm stumped. I tried the support people at Coffee Cup HTML Editor. They wanted to know what telnet was. I'd surely appreciate any help with this.

    try cut paste below
    <div id="fTelnetContainer" class="fTelnetContainer"></div> <script>document.write('<script src="//embed-v2.ftelnet.ca/js/ftelnet-loader.norip.xfer.js?v=' + (new Date()).getTime() + '"><\/script>');</script>
    var Options = new fTelnetOptions();
    Options.BareLFtoCRLF = false;
    Options.BitsPerSecond = 57600;
    Options.ConnectionType = 'telnet';
    Options.Emulation = 'ansi-bbs';
    Options.Enter = '\r';
    Options.Font = 'CP437';
    Options.ForceWss = false;
    Options.Hostname = 'bbs.notdos.com';
    Options.LocalEcho = false;
    Options.NegotiateLocalEcho = true;
    Options.Port = 23;
    Options.ProxyHostname = 'p-us-west.ftelnet.ca';
    Options.ProxyPort = 80;
    Options.ProxyPortSecure = 443;
    Options.ScreenColumns = 80;
    Options.ScreenRows = 25;
    Options.SendLocation = true;
    var fTelnet = new fTelnetClient('fTelnetContainer', Options);

    Just embed the code that I put between the two lines.

    þ Synchronet þ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Steve01354 on Fri May 24 01:29:40 2024
    Re: Telnet link on a crude and simple webpage
    By: Steve01354 to All on Thu May 23 2024 19:45:38

    All I'm trying to do is make a webpage with the name of my site and a telnet link on that page. The answer that keeps coming up (I've been

    Something like <a href="telnet://host">My BBS</a>, however that will only work if the browser/OS has a handler set up for telnet links, which it probably doesn't.

    <a href=TelnetServlet?cmd=connect&host=ibivm&emulation=tn3270>IBI VM</a>

    This looks like some circa 2002 Java applet stuff; don't bother.

    You're better off putting some text on the page that says "you can telnet to my BBS at <host>:<port>". Anyone who knows what that means will figure it out from there.

    If you really want it to be easy to connect from the web, set up ftelnet. And share the address for those who want to use their own client.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From Steve01354@VERT to echicken on Fri May 24 06:53:37 2024
    Thanks much!

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net