We have any train enthusiasts? Have a collection of model trains and magazines that probably was done in the 60's through the late 70's? If interested, write to drclu@swbell.net
Re: Train collection / Magazines
By: Doctor Clu to All on Tue Dec 10 2019 12:00 am
We have any train enthusiasts? Have a collection of model trains and magazines that probably was done in the 60's through the late 70's? If interested, write to drclu@swbell.net
I enjoy trains but havn't done anything with model trains since I was a kid.
We have any train enthusiasts? Have a collection of model trains and magazine
s that probably was done in the 60's through the late 70's? If interested, wr
te to drclu@swbell.net
I have an N-gauge in a box from when I was in high School. So, 80-81.
Most N-gauge layouts I've seen are done up to resemble large open desert vista s. It's tiny enough to make long runs of cars look cool. I'm an HO fan.
Re: Train collection / Magazi
By: Nightfox to Doctor Clu on Mon Dec 09 2019 05:26 pm
Re: Train collection / Magazines
By: Doctor Clu to All on Tue Dec 10 2019 12:00 am
We have any train enthusiasts? Have a collection of model trains and magazines that probably was done in the 60's through the late 70's? If
interested, write to drclu@swbell.net
I enjoy trains but havn't done anything with model trains since I was a kid.
My model railroad experience was more late 70's, eary 80's. There was a large walk-in closet in between my room and my sister's and my uncle built a table frame that fit so we could walk around it. The layout moved down t
the basement, and I moved it to a sheet of 4x8' plywood. I had a loop within
a loop with switches so I could run two trains on different controllers by isolating the inside loop from the outside loop throughslide on plastic
track couplers. I ran HO trains, since that was popualr and I could find accessories for it at Meijers and Kay Bee Hobbies. I also had an AFX racing
set, the one with the police car and semi tractor and trailer. That also fit on the layout. I didn't find out until recently AFX built track with
railroad crossings to allow tracks to overlap.
Model Railroader was the magazine I read the most. I'm still amazed at how mu ch detail some put into their trains and layouts.
I've been chatting with modern railroading folks, and model railroading has also gone high tech. The trains are processor controlled, and the track a
as a network with each locomotive having an assigned address. You can control several trains on the same track without having to cut off or isolate them on separate circuits. LED lighting and fiber optics have also
in keeping the scale of street lights and other small light sources.
We have any train enthusiasts? Have a collection of model trains
and magazines that probably was done in the 60's through the late
70's? If interested, write to drclu@swbell.net
I enjoy trains but havn't done anything with model trains since I was a kid..
I have a small HO layout. I have not had much time to work on it in several MP>years. Real life (and BBSing) have cut into my hobby time, as has a lack MP>of funds. I really enjoyed it when I had time to work on it and run the MP>trains.
I have a small HO layout. I have not had much time to work on it in seve MP>years. Real life (and BBSing) have cut into my hobby time, as has a lack MP>of funds. I really enjoyed it when I had time to work on it and run the MP>trains.
That is true with ANY hobby. It's like the cartoon where the [insert
hobby you do here] is purchasing the very basics when shopping,
including the least expensive items.
But, when it comes to events like ham radio, square dance, computer, railroad, or other conventions, it's "open the wallet wide", and there's money everywhere. <G>
* OLX 1.53 * On the other hand, you have different fingers.
I am compelled to believe there is no such thing as a cheap hobby.
I am compelled to believe there is no such thing as a cheap hobby. Well, maybe softball or baseball, but then again some invest big money in a
good glove and bat. If you're in a travelling league there's travel expenses (fuel, lodging.)
Grease wrote to Moondog <=-
I am compelled to believe there is no such thing as a cheap hobby.
How about papier mache? Newspaper, goop, and watercolors.
I am compelled to believe there is no such thing as a cheap hobby.How about papier mache? Newspaper, goop, and watercolors.
Pretty expensive when compared to........ bird watching. :-)
Maybe he meant "Adult Hobbies". BBsing is a inexpensive hobby. Computer art. Writing, Blogging, Playing an Instrument. I have a friend that builds
Re: Train collection / Magazi
By: Moondog to Daryl Stout on Fri Dec 27 2019 04:23 pm
I am compelled to believe there is no such thing as a cheap hobby.
How about papier mache? Newspaper, goop, and watercolors.
Grease wrote to Moondog <=-
I am compelled to believe there is no such thing as a cheap hobby.
How about papier mache? Newspaper, goop, and watercolors.
Pretty expensive when compared to........ bird watching. :-)
... Side effects may include nausea, diarrhea, anxiety, and sleeplessness.
Re: Train collection / Magazi
By: Grease to Moondog on Sat Dec 28 2019 09:55 am
I am compelled to believe there is no such thing as a cheap hobby.How about papier mache? Newspaper, goop, and watercolors.
Maybe he meant "Adult Hobbies". BBsing is a inexpensive hobby. Computer ar ut expensive. If he crashes one he's in a bad mood for a week. That's not fu
H A V E N S B B S havens.synchro.net:23
Maybe he meant "Adult Hobbies". BBsing is a inexpensive hobby. Computer ar Writing, Blogging, Playing an Instrument. I have a friend that builds his ow remote control planes. I mean the big ones with the gas engines or whatever fuel is. Talk about expensive. If he crashes one he's in a bad mood for a we That's not fun to me. Some people have money to burn I guess. ;-)
Grease wrote to Gamgee <=-
Pretty expensive when compared to........ bird watching. :-)
Binoculars can get expensive. Books and checklists and such. ;)
How about papier mache? Newspaper, goop, and watercolors.
Pretty expensive when compared to........ bird watching. :-)
How about papier mache? Newspaper, goop, and watercolors.
Maybe he meant "Adult Hobbies". BBsing is a inexpensive hobby. Computer
Maybe he meant "Adult Hobbies". BBsing is a inexpensive hobby.
Computer art. Writing, Blogging, Playing an Instrument. I have a
friend that builds
Most expensive cost of all: time. :)
It's a matter of how far you want to go. Bird watching was mentioned, and I replied about the price of good binoculars. You could also get serious into it travel all over the world to spot birds.
money is meant to be spent. usually if you are spending money you will have a better experience.
Heh. Oh yeah. For a moment I was thinking you just sat on the
back porch and watched any birds that might come into view.
Actually you *could* just do that, and call it a hobby. Or maybe
"entry level bird watching". :-)
Grease wrote to Gamgee <=-
Pretty expensive when compared to........ bird watching. :-)
Binoculars can get expensive. Books and checklists and such. ;)
Heh. Oh yeah. For a moment I was thinking you just sat on the
back porch and watched any birds that might come into view.
Actually you *could* just do that, and call it a hobby. Or maybe
"entry level bird watching". :-)
... Objects may be closer than they appear.
Re: Train collection / Magazi
By: HusTler to Grease on Sat Dec 28 2019 04:09 pm
How about papier mache? Newspaper, goop, and watercolors.
Maybe he meant "Adult Hobbies". BBsing is a inexpensive hobby. Computer
Is paper mache restricted to children?
Re: Train collection / Magazi
By: MRO to HusTler on Sat Dec 28 2019 10:54 pm
money is meant to be spent. usually if you are spending money you will have a better experience.
I've often heard it's better to spend money on experiences rather than thing
I am compelled to believe there is no such thing as a cheap hobby.
How about papier mache? Newspaper, goop, and watercolors.
Air brushes and thinners are pricey
Bird watching, intersecting with a photography hobby, could combine to make a hobby of wildlife photography. Photography can also be an expensive hobby..
costly. Developing Color film was REALLY expensive in the 70's. Today you just toss your film in the mail and get them developed for 4 bucks. Do they even do that anymore now that smartphones have camera's??
How about papier mache? Newspaper, goop, and watercolors.
Pretty expensive when compared to........ bird watching. :-)
Most expensive cost of all: time. :)
Although my smartphone has a camera on it, I still prefer to use a dedicated camera when I want good results. With my cell phone camera, I've noticed Smartphones just don't have enough room inside them for a lens mechanism
Air brushes and thinners are pricey
Actually you *could* just do that, and call it a hobby. Or maybe
"entry level bird watching". :-)
When people talk about cheap hobbies, usually they mean cheap as in little money cost. Hobbies are meant to fill time, so that shouldn't be a problem. :)
Developing Color film was REALLY expensive in the 70's. Today you
just toss your film in the mail and get them developed for 4 bucks. Do they even do that anymore now that smartphones have camera's??
Another 4 letter word...like work. :P
Have you been able to check out the new iphones with 3 cameras? I'm curious what kind of quality pics they take.
So you just drop off your
memory card at walgreens/walmart? That's incredible. They do give it back right? Or are there desposable memory cards now? ;-)
Although my smartphone has a camera on it, I still prefer to use a dedicated ca
era when I want good results. With my cell phone camera, I've noticed when I z
om in on my PC, I often notice weird-looking artifacts. My smartphone is over >years old, so I know there's better stuff out now. I just haven't had a need t
o replace my phone yet (and it still seems like I just got my current phone rec
ntly). However, it seems to me smartphone cameras still can't do some things v
ry well, like zooming in far - Smartphones just don't have enough room inside t
em for a lens mechanism that can do a good optical zoom. Also, I'd want a digi
al camera where I can shoot in RAW format for editing later - I've heard some r
cent smartphones can do that.
that is good. Unless I goof, I usually don't have that problem with the camera, even though it is ~ 20 years old, only 4 MP, and would not have been "serious photographer" equipment even back then. :)
I remember seeing some digital cameras in the late 90s/early 2000s that would s
ve photos to a floppy disk. That seems silly now, since my digital cameras the
e days can easily save jpegs that are around 14 megabytes each, and the RAW for
at files are m
Another 4 letter word...like work. :P
or bills...oops.
I was thinking back to kindergarten days.
An epiphany! "Entry level napping"!
I remember seeing some digital cameras in the late 90s/early 2000s that
would s ve photos to a floppy disk. That seems silly now, since my
digital cameras the e days can easily save jpegs that are around 14
megabytes each, and the RAW for at files are m
Mine saves pictures to an XD card. I think that newer cameras use the more popular SD cards now. I do remember using one with a floppy back in the mid 1990's. It belonged to a family member. It was actually nice because, back then, evey PC had a floppy drive and it was real easy to copy the pictures off onto the PC. They were not as high-quality as you can get now, though.
or bills...oops.That's 5...because of taxes. <G>
I was thinking back to kindergarten days.Now, they "play doctor". :P
An epiphany! "Entry level napping"!I snoozed through the exams. <G>
Oh man. I Loved Photography back in my high school days. I took a photogra velope the nude pics of our girlfriends. I was very surprised to learn that
your film in the mail and get them developed for 4 bucks. Do they even do t
H A V E N S B B S havens.synchro.net:23
or bills...oops.That's 5...because of taxes. <G>
Three things are certain in life: death, taxes and Murphy's Law.
I was thinking back to kindergarten days.Now, they "play doctor". :P
All I did then was eat dirt.
An epiphany! "Entry level napping"!I snoozed through the exams. <G>
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